(1) 凡根据或就本附例或其任何条文而直接或间接引致(不论如何引致),并涉 及任何根据本附例而引致或发生的任何性质的事情、作为、事件或事物的纠纷,不论该事 情、作为、事件或事物於何处发生,亦不论与该纠纷有关的任何人或任何一方的国籍、居 籍或本籍或惯常居住地为何,均须受香港法例管限并按照香港法例解释;因该纠纷而直接 或间接引致的由港铁公司或针对港铁公司提出的每宗诉讼或申索,须受并在此接受在香港 具司法管辖权的法院的专有审判权所限。 legco.gov.hk | (1) Any dispute howsoever arising directly or indirectly under or in respect of these by-laws or any of them in regard to any matter, act, event, or thing of whatsoever nature arising or occurring hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong wherever the matter, act, event or thing shall take place and whatever the nationality, domicile or usual place of residence of any person or party to such dispute and every action or claim arising directly or indirectly therefrom brought by or against the Corporation shall be and the same is hereby submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of a competent court of jurisdiction in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
关于第 I.3 段(使用权),委员会希望指出,对教科文组织理事机构、秘书处和各全国委员会 承认的教科文组织名称、简称、标识和因特网域名的使用权的普遍借用必须依照载于指示草案的特 别规定加以解释。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to paragraph I.3 (Rights of use), the Committee wished to state that the general reference to the right to use the name, acronym, logo and the domain names of UNESCO granted to the governing bodies, the Secretariat and the National Commissions for UNESCO must necessarily be interpreted in the light of the specific rules that appear in the draft directives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而在现实中,由于对法律的解释和适用,妇女受到公开 鞭刑的可能性比男子高几倍。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in reality, because of the way the law is interpreted and applied, women are several times more likely to suffer from public flogging than men. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,教科文组织工作人员养恤金委员会的权限扩展至下列事务:(i) 根据《养恤基金 条例》向教科文组织的参加者和受益者发放津贴;(ii) 根据教科文组织的实际情况解释和实 施养恤基金条例和管理细则;(iii) 提出修改养恤基金条例及其细则的建议,供工作人员养恤 金联合委员会审议,然后提交作为养恤金事务立法机构的联合国大会;(iv) 通过其指定的代 表参加工作人员养恤金联合委员会及其附属机构的例会及特别会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Thus, the authority of the UNESCO Staff Pension Committee extends to the following matters: (i) granting of benefits under the Pension Fund Regulations to UNESCO participants and beneficiaries; (ii) interpreting and applying the Pension Fund Regulations and Administrative Rules in respect of UNESCO cases; (iii) proposing amendments to Regulations and Rules of the fund for consideration by the Joint Staff Pension Board and subsequent submission to the General Assembly of the United Nations, which is the legislating body on pension matters; (iv) participating, through its designated representatives in the regular and special sessions of the Joint Staff Pension Board and its subsidiary organs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因为根据解释它所参与缔 结的条约的主权,任何国家有权作出解释性声明,其他缔约方也有权对这些解释 性声明作出反应似乎毫无疑问,而且,在适当情形下,这些反应取决于与他们对 之作出反应的那些声明同样的允许性条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since any State, on the basis of its sovereign right to interpret the treaties to which it is a party, has the right to make interpretative declarations, there seems little doubt that the other contracting parties also have the right to react to these interpretative declarations and that, where appropriate, these reactions are subject to the same conditions for permissibility as those for the declaration to which they are a reaction. daccess-ods.un.org |
出于同 样的原因,也没有多少人支持这样的提议:委员会“在诠释补救办法的适用性 时,应当注意拖延对儿童的健康和成长可能造成的影响”。 daccess-ods.un.org | For similar reasons, a proposal to provide that the Committee “shall interpret the application of the remedies in a manner sensitive to the impact that delays may cause to a child’s well-being and development” did not find sufficient support. daccess-ods.un.org |
它被赋予一些权力,在受理的每一个案件 中解释《宪法》本身的条文、控管“国民议会采取的法律和其他行为”以及“共 和国总统的行为”的合宪性,宣布“保加利亚共和国签署的任何国际条约”在批 准之前与《宪法》的一致性,以及“任何国内法”与“公认的国际法准则”的一 致性。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is vested with the powers, in each case it is seized of, to interpret the Constitution itself, to control the constitutionality of the laws and other acts taken by the National Assembly, as well as the acts by the President of the Republic, to pronounce itself on the consistency of any international treaties signed by the Republic of Bulgaria with the Constitution prior to their ratification, as well as on the consistency of any domestic laws with the universally recognized standards of international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
透过此研习与实验标准,学生 可学习到形成假设,利用适当工具和技术,运用资料,沟通研习步骤,评估证据,按时 间顺序解释图表与事件以及指明自然现象的变化。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn to develop hypotheses, use appropriate tools and technology, manipulate data, communicate the steps of an investigation, evaluate evidence, interpret maps and events by sequence and time, and identify changes in natural phenomena. sfusd.edu |
安全理事会还决定,第 1540(2004)号决议所定任何义务均不得解释为与《不 扩散核武器条约》(《核不扩散条约》)、《禁止发展、生产、储备和使用化学武 器及销毁此种武器的公约》(《化学武器公约》)以及《关于禁止发展、生产和储 存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》(《生物武器公约》)缔约国的 权利和义务相抵触或对其加以改变,或改变国际原子能机构(原子能机构)或禁止 化学武器组织的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council also decided that none of the obligations set forth in resolution 1540 (2004) should be interpreted so as to conflict with or alter the rights and obligations of States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (Chemical Weapons Convention) and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (Biological Weapons Convention), or alter the responsibilities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,这样编制更符合逻 辑,它所要说明的问题也更一目了然。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This presentation is, however, more logical and easier to interpret visually. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外, 生命权也在一些案例中被解释为有尊严的生活的权利,包括食品权、清洁用水权 以及防止沦入绝对贫困。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore the right to life has also been interpreted in some cases as a right to live in dignity which would encompass the right to food, the right to clean water and protection from absolute poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
其次是第 9 条,我们的解释是,只用于收集或同意提供该信息的初始目的,不能为了其 它目的而使用或披露的信息,应指的是保密的个人信息。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Second, Article 9, we interpret that information not to be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected or consented to, relates to confidential personal information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但是食典委注意到,该句也可以用另一种方法理解,就不一定意 味着食典计划只能由正常预算供资,粮农组织和世卫组织的法律办公室应就此进行进一 步的法律研究。 codexalimentarius.org | It had been noted however that the sentence might also be interpreted in a manner that would not necessarily restrict the funding of the Codex programme to regular budgets only and that further legal studies were necessary by the Legal Offices of FAO and WHO. codexalimentarius.org |
法庭的判决带有约束力,可以了解国家的规定是如何解释和 适应的,以及如何保护和加强母语和多语教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judgements by courts have a binding effect and provide insight into how the national normative setting is interpreted and applied, as well as how education in mother tongue and multicultural education are protected and enforced. daccess-ods.un.org |
跟 去年一样,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国根据其立法保留对 草案某些段落的解释权。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in the previous year, the Syrian Arab Republic reserved the right to interpret certain paragraphs in accordance with its own legislation. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,不应误解第 3(a)段的内容去抑制言论 自由或表达政策见解以及甚至是憎恨态度或人生观, 但必须根据对言论自由有力的国际法律保护对该段 内容进行诠释。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, paragraph 3(a) should not be misinterpreted to inhibit freedom of expression or to express policy views or even hateful attitudes or philosophies, but must be interpreted in the light of robust international legal protections for freedom of expression. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件内的任何陈述均非溢利预测或溢利估计,而本文件内的任何陈述都不应被解释为表示本财政年度或未来财政年度的Glencore股份每股盈利必定会 与以往公布的每股Glencore股份盈利相符或超过该等盈利。 glencore.com | No statement in this document is intended as a profit forecast or a profit estimate and no statement in this document should be interpreted to mean that earnings per Glencore share for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earnings per Glencore share. glencore.com |
法院的判决重申了其以 往的立场,即只能对 1962 年柏威夏一案的事实作 出解释。 crisisgroup.org | The judgment reiterated the court’s position that it can only interpret the facts of the 1962 Preah Vihear case. crisisgroup.org |
第 38/64 号 决定请该国实行一项许可证制度,并为淘汰氟氯化碳的消费颁布或改进法律,虽然该决定 并没有得到不折不扣的忠实执行,但鉴于受许可证制度管辖的数量以及海关在一个法定制 度下发挥的同样作用,可以说该决定的意图已经得到贯彻。 multilateralfund.org | While decision 38/64, requesting the country to have a licensing system in operation and to have enacted or improved legislation to phase out ODS consumption, had not been fulfilled to the letter, the amounts to be licensed and the involvement of customs in the same role as under a legally-established system might be interpreted as fulfilling the intent of the decision. multilateralfund.org |
故 此 , 虽 然 法 律 可 能 有 给 予 某 人 权 利 在 调 查 及 检 控 过 程 中 的 各 个 阶 段 说 ‘ 别 问 我 问 题 , 我 一 条 也 不 会 答 ’ , 但 此 人 在 依 赖 这 权 利 时 , 先 思 量 一 下 旁 人 会 如 何 理 解 他 的 行 为 方 是 明 智 之 举 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Accordingly, although the law may give a person the right to say at all stages of the process 'Ask me no questions, I shall answer none', in relying upon this right, he would be wise to have regard to how people are likely to interpret his conduct. hkreform.gov.hk |
美援署妇女法律权利倡议(2002-2008 年)与政府各部委、民间社 会组织和非政府组织密切合作,通过下列措施增进妇女的法律权利、公民权利、 财产权和人权:修改保护妇女法律权利的立法,提高司法部门解释和实施妇女 法律权利的能力,加强民间社会组织倡导对妇女进行法律保护的能力,提高民 众对妇女法律权利的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The USAID Women’s Legal Rights Initiative (2002-2008) worked in close cooperation with government ministries, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations to advance women’s legal, civil, property and human rights by improving legislation to protect women’s legal rights, enhancing the capacity of the justice sector to interpret and enforce women’s legal rights, strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to advocate for legal protection for women, and increasing public awareness of women’s legal rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于儿童固有的脆弱性,参照这一国 际原则促使在吉布提的司法现实中能够更好地落实保护儿童的法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has made it possible in judicial practice to interpret laws in a manner favourable to children in view of their inherent vulnerability. daccess-ods.un.org |
问8:如果民意调查显示不同阶层的市民,对院校排名有显着分别,我们应该怎样解读结果? hkupop.hku.hk | Q8: If the survey results revealed that the ranking of universities had remarkable variations among people from different levels, how should we interpret the results? hkupop.hku.hk |
虽然这些选举的结果应留待伊拉克人来解释,但 是,令人鼓舞的是,所有这一切都进行得非常顺利, 尤其是,在被提名的 440 名新议会成员中,妇女占了 大约 110 人,我必须再次提到这一点,因为它的确值 得一提。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it remains up to Iraqis to interpret the results of these elections, it is heartening how all this moved along smoothly, including the fact — which I must mention again, because it is something noteworthy — that there were about 110 women among the 440 new council members nominated. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有传感器都需要训 练有素的人员来操作它们和解释结果,尤其是 在油类或自然现象以外的排放物可能会得出相似 结果时更应如此。 itopf.com | All sensors require highly trained personnel to operate them and interpret the results, particularly as discharges other than oil or natural phenomena may give similar results. itopf.com |
为了解读该 决定和确定哪些例外可能适用,有必要考虑该决定的 起草历史、通过该决定后的实践以及观察员地位的实 际目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to interpret that decision and determine which exceptions might apply, it was necessary to consider its drafting history, along with subsequent practice and the actual purpose of observer status. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然缔约方可以对《议定书》做出解释,但缔约方会议的决定似乎意味着将继续以 年度为基础确定生产或消费水平,并且如果相关缔约方报告称超过《议定书》规定当年限 额的消费量或生产量属于第 XVIII/17 号决定所述类别之一,则无需遵循《议定书》的不遵 守情事程序,除非缔约方第二十一次会议在对该问题进行审查后做出指示。 multilateralfund.org | While it is for the Parties to interpret the Protocol, the decision of the Meeting of the Parties might imply that the level of production or consumption will continue to be defined on an annual basis, and that any consumption or production in excess of the Protocol's prescribed levels for that year, that is 6 reported by the Party concerned to be in one of the categories described in decision XVIII/17, would not be subject to the non-compliance procedure of the Protocol unless so directed by the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties following its review of the issue. multilateralfund.org |
如果条约设有条约监督机构,该机构拥有的权力不影响缔约国或缔约组织就 对条约提出的保留的允许性作出评估的权力,也不影响有权解释或适用条约的争 端解决机构的这种权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | When a treaty establishes a treaty monitoring body, the competence of that body is without prejudice to the competence of the contracting States or contracting international organizations to assess the permissibility of reservations to that treaty, or to that of dispute settlement bodies competent to interpret or apply the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
最终决定投票或不投票的选民,如何自我演绎他们的政治行为,及後又如何改变香港的政治文化,应该是下一阶段研究的方向。 hkupop.hku.hk | When voters finally decide to vote, or not to vote, exactly how they would interpret their political action, and how that would change the political culture of Hong Kong, should lay the direction of our future research. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们根据美国在包括水和食物有关权利在内的经济、社会和文化权利方面的 立场,以及在发展权议题上的立场,解读联合国可持续发展大会的成果文件,美 国的立场见美国国际法惯例摘要第 6 章,可查询:www.state.gov/s/l/ c8183.htm。 daccess-ods.un.org | We interpret the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in the light of United States positions on economic, social and cultural rights, including those related to water and food, and on the topic of the right to development, which are stated in chapter 6 of the annual Digest of United States Practice in International Law, available at www.state.gov/s/l/c8183.htm. daccess-ods.un.org |