

单词 6-bone


surname Bo

forecast or estimate
surname Bu
(of a place live etc) to choose


who knows what the future holds?
上述分派须提报董事会及九十九年股东会核议通过 後方得以执行。
The above-mentioned proposals are subject to BOD and 2010 AGM approval.
应会议主席荷兰的阿德里安·博斯博士的 邀请,会议特设工作组本着妥协精神商讨了争 议最大的条款。
The Conference, at the invitation of the Chairman, Dr Adriaan Bos of the Netherlands, negotiated the provisions of the most controversial chapters in a spirit of compromise in ad hoc working groups.
管理规例由发展局局长根据该条例第38条 订 立,以 修 订 《建筑物(管理)规例》(第 123章,附属法例A), (a)将有关人士须 於任何适任技术人员的委任出现更改时通知建筑事务监督的限 期,由14天缩减至7天,上述有关人士,是指认可人士、注册结 构工程师、注册岩土工程师、注册一般建筑承建商、注册专门 承建商或注册小型工程承建商;以及(b)规定注册小型工程承建 商须於经营业务的地址有更改时,通知建筑事务监督。
The Administration Regulation, which is made by the Secretary for Development under section 38 of BO, amends the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. A) to (a) reduce the period within which an authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered minor work contractor is required to notify the Building Authority of a change in the appointment of any technically competent person from 14 days to 7 days; and (b) require a registered minor works contractor to notify the Building Authority of a change of business address.
(d) 关於发牌安排,为促进流动电视服务的发展,又需要维护公 众道德和保护青少年,当局参考了国际间的做法,建议就流 动电视内容采用较宽松的发牌及规管方式,方案有两个:透 过修订《广播条例》(第 562章 ),把流动电视纳入该条例下的 发牌及规管制度,成为一项新的电视节目服务;或藉 一般 法例和业界公布的自我规管业务守则来规管流动电视。
(d) On licensing arrangements, to foster the growth of mobile TV having regard to international practices and the need to protect public morals and children, a light-handed approach was proposed for licensing and regulating mobile TV content by way of two options: either to license and regulate mobile TV as a new category of TV programme service through amendment to the Broadcasting Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 562), or to regulate mobile TV by general laws and self-regulatory codes of practice promulgated by the industry.
根据《建筑物条例》第 17(1)条第 6 项,在批准图则时 会施加条件,要求注册结构工程师和注册承建商呈交品质监督 计划,为经批准图则所示工程所使用的钢化玻璃,对生产商的 热浸程序进行品质监督。
Under item 6 in Section 17(1) of the BO, a condition will be imposed, when giving approval of plans, to require the submission of a quality supervision plan by the RSE and the RC for the quality supervision of manufacturer’s heat soak process of the tempered glass to be used in the works shown in the approved plans.
值得一提的是,全面评估(连同教科文组织气候变 化合作伙伴框架向黄河管理机构介绍的各种模型)已经促进了黄河向渤海海域的流量恢复。
It is worth noting that the holistic assessment, along with various models and scenarios introduced by UNESCO-CCPF to the river management authority, has facilitated the restoration of the flow of the Yellow River to the Bo Hai sea.
所载的作业备考(新编号字首“APP”)说明建筑事务监 督如何应用和执行《建筑物条例》及其附属规例和其他由 建筑事务监督或屋宇署署长施行的条例,以及并非由建筑 事务监督或屋宇署署长施行但关乎屋宇署批准图则和楼宇 监管权限范围的条例。
It consists of PNAPs (new serial numbers prefixed “APP”) explaining how the BA applies and enforces the provisions of the BO and its regulations and other Ordinances administered by the BA/Director of Buildings (DB), as well as those Ordinances not administered by the BA/DB but relating to plan approval and building control under the jurisdiction of the BD.
虽然在拟订 30 C/5 期间,计划部门与研究、计划编制 和评估局(BPE)(战略规划编制局(SP)的前身)进行过密切合作,在制定 C/3 和核证过程中接受问询的工 作人员认为,他们提出的要点在文件的定稿中没有得到恰当的反映。
Although there was considerable interaction between the programme sectors and BPE (the predecessor of BSP) in the preparation of document 30 C/5, some staff members, interviewed during the elaboration of the C/3 document and during the validation process, expressed the view that their priorities had not been adequately reflected in the final document.
排污计划第 I 阶 段 的 昂船洲 污水处理厂把 污水作化学 处 理,这 项 工作 ㆒ 直运作 良好, 可 除去 83%悬浮固 体和 74%按 生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染物( 按 过去的预 测 , 可 除去的悬浮固 体和按 生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染物分别是 70% 和 55%),相等 於㆓级 生 物处理厂 90%的成效。
The first stage of the Stonecutters Island Treatment works provides chemical treatment to the sewage. The process has been operating very well, removing 83% of suspended solids and 74% of BOD, which is equivalent to 90% of the efficiency of a biological secondary treatment plant (it was predicted that it would remove 70% of suspended solids and 55% of BOD).
由於油库旧址的地盘於 1974 年与现时已落成的美 孚新邨第八期是作为同一个地盘(当时未分割的 NKML25)进行发展,并涵盖於同一份批准建筑图则, 因此屋宇署在考虑该项目本身的发展參數是否符合《建 筑物条例》及《建筑物(规划)规例》时,亦要确保美 孚新邨第八期的现有樓宇在项目落成後仍能符合当年批 准整个 NKML25 的图则的情况。
As the former LPG storage site and the now completed Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen were developed as a single site (NKML25 which was not yet divided into four subsections) in 1974 and were included in the same set of approved building plans, the BD, when considering whether the development parameters of the development project per se is in compliance with the BO and B(P)R, will also have to ensure that, upon the completion of the development project, the existing buildings of Phase 8 of Mei Foo Sun Chuen will still be able to comply with the conditions shown on the then approved plans of the whole NKML25.
三个地区行政部门为:黄渤海区渔政局、东海区渔政 局和南海区渔政局。
The three regional administrations are Yellow Sea and Bo Sea Region Fisheries Administration, East Sea Region Fisheries Administration and South Sea Region Fisheries Administration.
当局多次强调,如果上 述项目完全符合地契、分区计划大纲图和《建筑物条例》及 其附属法例的相关规定,屋宇署必须按既定程序批准图则及 同意工程的展开。
The Administration has reiterated that if the abovementioned development project completely satisfies the relevant requirements of the land lease, the Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) as well as the Buildings Ordinance (BO) and its subsidiary legislation, the Buildings Department (BD) has to approve the plans and grant its consent to the commencement of works in accordance with the established procedures.
2011 年全球对低于 40 奈米生产线需求越来越高,对于当前工具订单已确认的 10 大 IDM 采用我们的技术而言,是关键的一年。
A number of companies, including this new US based customer, are finding that conventional Rs and optical metrology tools are not capable of measuring the sheet resistance of the very thin conductive films needed for production processes beyond the 40nm node. 2011 with ramp up of below 40nm process lines around the world will be a key year for adoption of our technology by top 10 IDM confirmed by our current tool backlog," said Bo Svarer Hansen, CEO of CAPRES A/S.
在第 5 次会议上,根据会议开始时作出的决定,特别委员会同意听取萨基 亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线(波利萨里奥阵线)的 Ahmed Bo 联合王国 hari 发言的请求。
At its 5th meeting, in accordance with a decision taken at the outset of the meeting, the Special Committee granted a request for hearing to Ahmed Boukhari of the Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra y de Río de Oro (Frente Polisario), who made a statement (see A/AC.109/2012/SR.5).
The body falls  and   explodes; bo dy  parts  are flung everywhere and a portrait of the King seated on his throne is  set aside  as a symbol of the royal family  is not needed by the new leaders .
通过和平谈判,我们成功地就北部湾同中国 的海上边界的划定、就我们同印度尼西亚重叠的大陆 架,并且就最后划定界限前共同开发同马来西亚和泰 国的重叠大陆架,达成协议。
Through peaceful negotiations, we have successfully concluded agreements on the delineation of maritime boundaries in the Gulf of Bac Bo with China and in the overlapped continental shelf with Indonesia, and on the joint development of the overlapped continental shelf with Malaysia and Thailand pending final boundary delimitation.
Color coated aluminum magnesium alloy Al-Mn alloy is used for the 3004 state of the Al-Mn-Mg aluminum alloy substrate, after de-ester, cleaning, passivation layer processing, and then painting on this basis, the international most advanced level of KANAR500 and HYLAR5000 Series Fluorocarbon (PVDF) resin coating, the wall card Huang color coated aluminum manganese alloy known international companies use the U.S. PPG, Sweden and the United States Weishi Bo Beca companies paint company, its products by the natural light exposure, Florida testing, with more than 20 years of weathering quality assurance.
委员会成员由本集团的高级管理层成员组成,包括本集团的生产及质保部总监萧 炜女士、行政部总监李伯涛先生、本集团的中国区域销售总监郑国良先生、人力资源 及资讯技术部总监锺煊锋先生、本集团於东南亚地区的区域销售总监刘锋先生以及来 自各生产工厂的技术、生产及行政部门的管理人员。
The members of the committees comprise the senior management of the Group including Ms. Xiao Wei, the director of production and quality assurance department, Mr. Li Bo Tao, the director of administration department, Mr. Zheng Guo Liang, the regional sales director of the Group in the PRC, Mr. Zhong Xuan Feng, the director of human resources and information technology departments, Mr. Liu Feng, the regional sales director of the Group in Southeast Asia region, and the management of the technical, production and administration from respective production plants.
美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀(2009年7月7日) — Emerson(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)所属业务艾默生过程管理今天宣布,该公司通过向“蓬勃号”海上浮式生产储油装置(也称“海洋石油117号”)、以及六个作业平台提供 PlantWeb® 数字架构工程与调试服务,帮助中国为启动渤海湾二期石油生产做好了准备工作。
AUSTIN, TEXAS, July 7, 2009 — Emerson Process Management announced today that it has helped China prepare for startup of Bohai Bay Phase II oil production by engineering and commissioning PlantWeb® digital architecture across six platforms and the Peng Bo floating production storage and off-loading vessel (FPSO), also called Hai Yang Shi You 117.
The idiom is from "Recnet Events In Southern Tang Dynasty", a book of Zheng Wen Bo, a writer of Song Dynasty.
在“有限质量保证”和“有限 最高功率保证”下,维修或更换组件的退货及重新发货的海运费用,且为合理的、符合规则 的、有证明文件的,只有在我司客服部的书面认定下,浚鑫太阳能会将这个费用偿还客户。
In connection with both the “Limited Product Warranty” and “Limited Peak Power W arranty”, J etion Solar sh all r eimburse Cu stomer for reaso nable, c ustomary and documented t ransportation char ges by sea freig ht f or bo th the return of th e modules a nd reshipment of any rep aired or rep laced modules, only if th is c ost is aut horized by Jeti on S olar Customer service department.
於年度终了後,董事会决议之发放金额有重大变动时,该变动调整原提列年度费用,至股东会决议日时,若金额仍 有变动,则依会计估计变动处理,於股东会决议年度调整入帐。
But should there be another change in the amount approved at the annual shareholders’ meeting, the adjustment should be treated as a “change in accounting estimation” i.e. the difference from the BOD resolution should be booked in the year the AGM was held.
年总统选举时宣告477 个投票站的投票无效,然后是通过分配内阁职位免 除在前人民党政府任职的某些政府官员的职务,暂时关闭人民党广播电台,以及 对人民党驻博城和弗里敦办事处的袭击事件。
votes from 477 polling stations in the 2007 presidential elections, through the allocation of cabinet posts, the removal from office of certain public officials who had served in the previous SLPP Government, the temporary closure of the SLPP radio, and the attacks on the offices of the SLPP in Bo and Freetown.
政府就塞拉利昂南 部省份博城区发生的政治暴力采取了行动,就清楚地 表明了这一点。暴力事件涉及到主要反对党的总统候 选人,我 2011 年 9 月在向安理会发言时(S/PV.6609) 曾提到过该事件。
That was clearly demonstrated when the Government took action in respect of the political violence in Bo, in the Southern province of Sierra Leone, involving the presidential candidate of the main opposition party, which I referred to in my statement to the Council in September 2011 (S/PV.6609).
7 月 6 日,反腐败委员会代理主席莫尔莱·布亚-卡马拉向科罗马总统提交委员 会 2009 年年度报告,其中重点介绍委员会取得的成绩,包括追回 28 亿利昂资金, 为 11 宗刑事案件定罪,建设博和马克尼区域办事处,为监督执行全国反腐败战 略与民间社会发展伙伴关系等。
On 6 July, the Acting Commissioner, Morlai Buya-Kamara, presented President Koroma with the Commission’s 2009 annual report, which highlighted the Commission’s achievements, which included the recovery of 2.8 billion leones; 11 criminal convictions; the construction of regional offices in Bo and Makeni; and the development of a partnership with civil society to monitor the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.
於本公告日期,董事会成员包括李云鹏先生2 (主席)、王兴如博士1 (副主席兼董事总经理)、万敏先生2、 丰金华先生1 、冯波先生1 、王海民先生2 、王威先生2 、唐润江先生1 、黄天佑博士1 、尹为宇先生1、 周光晖先生3 、范华达先生3 、范徐麗泰博士3 、李民桥先生3 及叶承智先生3。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. LI Yunpeng2 (Chairman), Dr. WANG Xingru1 (Vice Chairman and Managing Director), Mr. WAN Min2 , Mr. FENG Jinhua1 , Mr. FENG Bo1 , Mr. WANG Haimin2 , Mr. WANG Wei2 , Mr. TANG Runjiang1 , Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Kelvin1 , Mr. YIN Weiyu1 , Mr. CHOW Kwong Fai, Edward3 , Mr. Timothy George FRESHWATER3, Dr. FAN HSU Lai Tai, Rita3 , Mr. Adrian David LI Man Kiu3 and Mr. IP Sing Chi3.
The meeting also hosted by the China Surface Engineering Association, Chinese Painting Exhibition in Beijing International Exhibition Company Limited, in Tu Bo CICE2012 progress of the preparations made a report on the work of the declaration of the 2012 China Machinery Industry Technology Award deployment.
9.6 《建筑物条例》下的《建筑物(规划) 规例》载述关于建筑物设计的规定,确 保私人建筑物可让残疾人士进出,以及在建筑物内装有适当设施以配合残疾人士 的需要。
9.6 B(P)R under BO prescribe design requirements so as to ensure that privately-owned buildings are accessible to persons with disabilities, and that suitable facilities within the buildings are provided to meet their needs.




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