失去的十年部落奇迹般带过,应在河幼发拉底河(二公共服务电子化大水中背十三39-47;。 mb-soft.com | The Lost Ten Tribes shall be miraculously brought back across the mighty waters of the River Euphrates (II Esd. xiii. 39-47; Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
不再有纷争和疾病,瘟疫或麻烦,但和平,健康和欢乐(伊诺克,十16-22; sibyllines,三,371。 mb-soft.com | ); there will no longer be strife and illness, plague or trouble, but peace, health, and joy (Enoch, x. 16-22; Sibyllines, iii. 371; Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
对地球的青春的岁月将被更新,人们将再次达到1000年的年龄(书jubilees了XXX,27;。 mb-soft.com | The days of the youth of the earth will be renewed; people will again reach the age of 1,000 years (Book of Jubilees, xxx. 27; comp. Isa. lxv. 20); the birth of children will be free from pain (Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
Philoxenian叙利亚版本的新约已经下降到我们只能在不包括在原Peshitto四个未成年的天主教教会,和一个单一的载脂蛋白C手稿,现在在都柏林三一学院。 mb-soft.com | The Philoxenian Syriac version of the New Testament has come down to us only in the four minor Catholic Epistles, not included in the original Peshitto, and a single manuscript of the Apoc. mb-soft.com |
不再将时间给予悔过书,或为祈祷和圣徒与先知的调解,但只有一个会给予他的一个决定,根据法律,无论是对永恒的生命或毁灭”(叙利亚文载脂蛋白C。 mb-soft.com | No longer will time be granted for repentance, or for prayer and intercession by saints and prophets, but the Only One will give decision according to His One Law, whether for life or for everlasting destruction" (Syriac Apoc. Baruch, lxxxv. 9-12). mb-soft.com |
牡蛎(十三世纪,在斯德哥尔摩),一个完整的圣经;行为和APOC。 mb-soft.com | Gigas (thirteenth century; at Stockholm), a complete Bible; Acts and Apoc. mb-soft.com |
在这些高峰,他们享受的天堂“活物”的执行上帝的宝座视线正义住(叙利亚文载脂蛋白C。 mb-soft.com | The righteous dwell in those heights where they enjoy the sight of the heavenly "ḥayyot" that carry God's throne (Syriac Apoc. Baruch, li. 11). mb-soft.com |
遂后,它作为住在synagogal礼仪和歌曲神奇的行为(Shemoneh'Esreh;梅格17A条。 mb-soft.com | It was accordingly dwelt upon as a miraculous act in the synagogal liturgy and song (Shemoneh 'Esreh; Meg. 17a; Cant. xi. 1, xvii. 31), as well as in apocalyptic visions (Apoc. mb-soft.com |
作为一个理所当然的事,圣经年表总是如此解释,使之符合时代的救世主的期望,给予6个千年,只有通过特别赞成将已知的只有上帝最后,神秘,被发现向他的圣徒(丹十二9;。 mb-soft.com | As a matter of course, Biblical chronology was always so construed as to bring the six millenniums into accord with the Messianic expectations of the time; only by special favor would the mystery of the end, known only to God, be revealed to His saints (Dan. xii. 9; II Esd. iv. 37, xi. 44; Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
| According to Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
13,“疾病和痛苦,霜冻和发烧,饥荒和死亡,剑和圈养”,但比恐怖和元素引起的将是道德corruptionand颠倒,邪恶和不贞洁预计在先知异象破坏,权力更大对(叙利亚文载脂蛋白C巴鲁克,立法会和RSD 2-8。 mb-soft.com | 13, "illness and pain, frost and fever, famine and death, sword and captivity"; but greater than the terror and havoc caused by the elements will be the moral corruptionand perversion, the wickedness and unchastity anticipated in prophetic visions, and the power of evil spirits (Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |
在盘尾丝虫与罗阿丝虫(一种喀麦隆、中非共和国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、尼日利亚和南苏丹常见的寄生丝虫)共存的地方,建议根据Mectizan专家委员会/非洲盘尾丝虫病控制规划的建议管理可能发生的严重不良事件。 who.int | Where O. volvulus co-exists with Loa loa, another parasitic filarial worm that is endemic in Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and South Sudan, it is recommended to follow the Mectizan Expert Committee (MEC)/APOC recommendations for the management of severe adverse events that may occur. who.int |
犹太法典reproachingly呼吁这些人,谁经常带来失望和对人民的窝,“mahshebeḳeẓim”(第 [弥赛亚 ]计算器结束:。 mb-soft.com | The Talmud reproachingly calls these men, who frequently brought disappointment and wo upon the people, "mahshebe ḳeẓim" (calculators of the [Messianic] ends: Sanh. 97b; comp. 92b, 99a; Ket. 111a; Shab. 138b; 'Eduy. ii. 9-10; for the expression , see Dan. xii. 4, 13; Assumptio Mosis, i. 18, xii. 4; II Esd. iii. 14; Syriac Apoc. mb-soft.com |