

单词 60-tage-geld-zurück-garantie





a golden couple


lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold (idiom); fig. sentimental value
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水、水力发电和一些矿物,包括金、银、宝石和铀。
The country is rich in natural resources, significantly water, hydropower, and some minerals including gold, silver, precious stones and uranium.
其 他的矿产资源包括金、银、铂、铁、煤、镍、大理石和砂岩。
Other substantial and prospective mineral and mining resource deposits include gold, silver, platinum, iron, coal, nickel, marble, and sandstone.
根据贸易统计数据,专家组在 2011 年的最后报告中估计,2010 年,仅通 过乌干达就可能有近 3 吨以违规方式交易的刚果民主共和国产黄金进入阿拉伯联 合酋长国的合法供应链(见 S/2011/738,第 553 段)。
On the basis of trade statistics, the Group in its final report of 2011 estimated that in 2010 almost 3 tons of fraudulently traded gold from the Democratic Republic of the Congo may have entered the legal supply chain of the United Arab Emirates through Uganda alone (see S/2011/738, para. 553).
安全理事会第 2021(2011)号决议第 7 段鼓励所有国家,特别是该区域各 国,继续提高对联合国专家组尽职调查准则的认识,尤其是在黄金业,以此作为 更广泛努力的一部分,减轻进一步资助刚果(金)武装力量内的武装团体和犯罪网 络的风险。
By paragraph 7 of resolution 2021 (2011), the Security Council encouraged all States, particularly those in the region, to continue to raise awareness of the United Nations Group of Experts due diligence guidelines, in particular in the gold sector as part of broader efforts to mitigate the risk of further financing armed groups and criminal networks within FARDC.
开放 存取有两种不同形式:金色和绿色。
There are two distinct forms of open access: gold and green.
4.4 经营商品、商品期货及远期合约交易商之业务,以及为此订立现货、 期货或远期合约以购买及出售任何商品,包括(但在不影响前述之一 般性原则下)现时或将来可用於商业买卖之任何原材料、加工材料、 农产品、农畜产品、金条及银条、硬币、宝石或次宝石、商品、物 件、服务、货币、权利及权益,而不论有关交易是否对有组织商品交 易或其他交易有所影响及不论是否根据在任何有关商品交换时可予订 立之任何合约提货、销售或交换任何有关商品)。
4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any raw materials, processed materials, agricultural products, produce or livestock, gold and silver bullion, specie and precious or semi-precious stones, goods, articles, services, currencies, rights and interests which may now or in the future be bought and sold in commerce and whether such trading is effected on an organised commodity exchange or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange.
为联合国系统的支助附加条件的企图也许是促进联合国系统实现真正一体化 过程中的主要障碍,因此,尊重国家优先事项与“需求”应该成为联合国系统支助 受援国的指导原则。
Attempts to impose conditionality on United Nations system support is probably the main obstacle to fostering genuine integration of the United Nations system and, therefore, respect for national priorities and “wants” should become the golden rule of United Nations system support to recipient countries.
现在已经拟订多种改良的干预战略,以克服 以往几代项目所指出的挑战;其中包括:没有修订技术性解决方法以配合当地的 价值观和材料,而且建议采用的各种技术的成本很高;采用技术设施(例如把水 银制造厂集中一地以供进行汞齐化)但未适当考虑地方的要求和矿业社区的当地 动态;矿业人口迅速变动,因而冲淡提高意识运动的效果。
Improved intervention strategies have now been developed to overcome the challenges identified by previous generations of projects, which included: lack of adaptation of technical solutions to local values or materials, as well as high costs of proposed techniques; implementation of technical facilities (such as centralized mercury mills for gold amalgamation) without proper consideration of local demand and local dynamics of the mining communities; and dilution of the effect of awareness-raising campaigns due to rapid changes in mining populations.
第三:金融和经济危机在每个国家的范围、深度和后果,大体上将取决于其 金融和货币系统的健全程度、国家贷款机构的累积资本和资金流动状况以及它们 对外国和企业银行系统的依赖程度,同时也取决于其黄金和外汇储备量以及偿还 外国贷款的能力,而最终则取决于其经济的稳定性、多样性和竞争力。
Third: the scope, depth and consequences of the financial and economic crisis within each individual country will largely depend on the soundness of its financial and monetary system, the capitalization and liquidity of its national lending institutions and the extent of their reliance on foreign and corporate banking institutions, and also on the volume of its gold and currency reserves, its ability to pay back foreign loans and ultimately the stability, diversity and competitiveness of its economy.
其 AC-DC 电源可帮助通信、计算和存储厂商超越最新的“能源之星”标签规范,以及 80 PLUS® 金牌和白金能效标准。
Their AC-DC power supplies help communications, computing, and storage vendors exceed the latest ENERGY STAR label specifications with 80 PLUS® Gold and Platinum energy efficiency.
缅甸黄金、宝石、铜和其他丰富矿产资源的 开采牵扯到没收土地、强迫劳动以及侵犯良好环境权和水权。
In Myanmar the mining of gold, gemstones, copper and other plentiful mineral resources has been linked to land confiscation, forced labour, and violations of the right to a healthy environment and the right to water.
从一 望无垠的乡镇到那海洋交汇和云积山巅的城市,到那 些为了掠夺国家的金子而开采的深矿,以及到那魂牵 梦绕的草原,民主的理想统统受到压制。
And from the sprawling townships to the city where the oceans meet and the clouds nestle on a mountain top, to the mines dug deep to plunder the nation’s gold and to the haunting veldt of the beloved country, the dream of democracy was denied.
4.1 从事投资公司业务,以及就此目的,收购及持有(不论以本公司名义或以任何代 名人的名义)土地及房地产、黄金及白银、由任何公司(不论其注册成立或营业 地点)所发行或担保的股份(包括本公司股份)、股额、债权证、债权股证、债 券、 票据、责任及证券,以及由任何最高、附属、市级、地方或全球任何地方的政 府、君主、统治者、长官、公共团体或机关所发行或担保的债权证、债权股证、 债券、票据、责任及证券。
4.1 To carry on the business of an investment company and for that purpose to acquire and hold, either in the name of the Company or in that of any nominee, land and real estate, gold and silver bullion, shares (including shares in the Company), stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company wherever incorporated or carrying on business and debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign, ruler, commissioners, public body or authority, supreme, dependent, municipal, local or otherwise in any part of the world.
三个项目荣获了 2006 年优秀奖、蒙特卡罗国际电视节金奖、半 岛电视台纪录片电影节金奖、鹿特丹阿拉伯电影节金奖、埃及国家电影节金奖及其他奖项。
Three programmes received in 2006 Grand prix, Golden awards at the Monte Carlo International Television Festival, Aljezeera Documentary Festival, Rotterdam Arab Film Festival, National Festival Egyptian Cinema and others.
The low-carbon management in enterprise is based on the international standard ISO14064 and the management of the greenhouse gas emissions is included into the routine work, ushering in the low-carbon development pattern of Chinese lamp companies;Approved by the State Trademark Bureau, the trademark of “LVD” for the series of induction lamp in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd passed the trademark registration,and received access to the registered trademark certification approved by the State Trademark Bureau; The LVD induction lamp city energy-saving illumination control system invented by Li Weide in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd won first prize in the third Shanghai excellent workers’ technological innovation and the 23rd Shanghai excellent innovation gold award.
(NASDAQ: PLCM), the market leader in unified collaborative communications solutions, today announced it is working in cooperation with The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and similar agencies worldwide regarding a voluntary recall of the battery packs for SoundStation2W wireless conference phones due to faulty Lithium Ion battery packs supplied by Gold Peak Industries Ltd.
各公司也有为发展中国家捐献适当的技术(例如通过使用费全免的 许可),包括那些关于富含维生素 A 的营养米(金米)和木薯的种植技术。
Companies have also donated technologies of relevance to developing countries (for example, through royalty free licences), including those related to vitamin A enriched rice (Golden Rice) and cassava.
此外,委员会还关切地注意到,辍学儿童人数和特别是在非正规开采社区、 马戏团和从事农业工作的儿童获得社会服务有限,受到最恶劣的童工形式、金加 工中使用的化学品中毒以及职业或其他事故的影响。
Moreover, the Committee notes with concern the number of children dropping out of school and working in, inter alia, informal mining communities, circuses, and agriculture and, their limited access to social services and their exposure to the worst forms of child labour, poisoning from chemicals used for gold processing, and occupational or customary other accidents.
在我们目前任期内,我们确立了一项实现千年发 展目标各项指标的五年计划,把这作为朝着使孟加拉 国到 2021 年我国独立五十年黄金年时成为一个中等 收入国家和数字化国家方向迈出的一步。
During our present tenure, we have set a five-year plan to achieve the MDG targets as a step towards making Bangladesh a middle-income country and establishing a digital Bangladesh by 2021, the golden jubilee year of our independence.
如 果 你 已 持 有 本 行 之 综 合 户 口 并 已 开 立 附 设 之 证 券 户 口 ( 用 於 证 券 交 易 ) 或 外 汇 及 黄 金 孖 展 户 口 ( 用 於 外 汇 及 黄 金 孖 展 交 易 ) ,你 便 可 以 用 相 同 的 恒 生 个 人 e-Banking 用 户 姓 名 及 密 码 进 入 恒 生 Mobile Trading。
No. If you have already set up a securities account (for Securities Trading) or a Forex & Gold Margin Trading account (for Forex & Gold Margin Trading) under your Integrated Account, you can use the same Hang Seng e-Banking User Name and Password to access Hang Seng Mobile Trading.
相比之下,若干国家的经常账户赤字则有所减少, 这是多种因素造成的,其中包括突尼斯汇款和旅游业收入反弹;肯尼亚和南非进 口急剧收缩;加纳、马里和坦桑尼亚联合共和国黄金出口收入剧增。
In contrast, current account deficits declined in a few countries owing to a varied set of factors, which included the resilience of remittances and tourism earnings in Tunisia, the severe contraction in imports in Kenya and South Africa and buoyant gold export earnings in Ghana, Mali and the United Republic of Tanzania.
前,高 层倡导项⽬、政策指导⽅针,以及包括“减灾教 育资料黄金图书馆”在内的具体⼯具和⽅法,已经陆续 开发、实施,指导教育政策的制定者将减灾纳入国家教 育议程、学校课程设置和高等教育,同时融入学校安全 项⽬的实施过程。
High level advocacy initiatives, policy guidelines as well as specific tools and methodologies including a Golden Library on Disaster Risk Education Materials have been developed to guide education policy-makers in integrating disaster risk reduction into the national education agenda, school curricula and higher education, and in implementing school safety initiatives.
因此,最近出现了一系列有新意的气候融资来源提议,包括全球碳税和国际 运输排放税、国际金融或货币交易税、改善或拓宽市场机制,以及设立由国际货 币基金组织特别提款权、黄金销售或在全球资本市场出售“绿色公债”供资的“绿 色基金”。
Consequently, there has been a series of recent proposals for innovative sources of climate financing, including global carbon taxes, taxes on international transport emissions, taxes on international financial or currency transactions, improved or wider market mechanisms and the establishment of “green funds” funded by IMF special drawing rights, gold sales or the sale of “green bonds” in global capital markets.
Then, the combination of titanium arcap, carbon fiber or glass, steel and gold Rose machined by removing material in these cars will time without common action, true craftsmanship and optimization condensed technology, which make the success of Bernard Richards today.
赛诺龙公司首席执行官Louis P. Scafuri表示:“这是第一篇由业内专家评审的关于elure的论文,论文证实了使用该产品的患者达到了良好的早期临床和商用效果,并进一步凸显了该产品成为皮肤美白和减轻色素沉着的黄金标准的潜力。
Louis P. Scafuri, Chief Executive Officer of Syneron Medical, said, "This first peer reviewed publication on elure confirms the strong early clinical and commercial results that patients have achieved with the product and further highlights its potential to become the gold standard for skin lightening and pigmentation treatments.
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President JeffreyHeller chief design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent comfort, low energy consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent system, double VAV central air conditioning and independent new wind system to warm the lobby, access control and visitor identification system, health direct drinking water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling system, the electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.




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