

单词 60-minuten-rms
至於现有的铁路监察部及拟议铁路规划部的工作 如何协调,运输署会在适当时候订出详细安排。
As to how the work of the existing RMD and the proposed RPD could be co-ordinated, TD would work out the details as appropriate in due course.
他因而询问香港铁路视察组主管还是铁路监察部 的主管更高级,以及可否将该两个单位合并,以发挥 更佳的协调作用,从而对铁路事故作出适时反应。
He therefore enquired whether the head of HKRI or the head of RMD was more senior, and whether the two units could be merged to effect better co-ordination and hence timely response to rail incidents.
她认为,为确保良好 协调,更为可取的做法可能是由现有的铁路监察部吸 纳计划设立的铁路规划部的拟议职责,而非另行设立 铁路规划部,导致运输署内有两个部门分别履行铁路 方面的职责。
She opined that to ensure satisfactory co-ordination, it might be more desirable for the existing RMD to absorb the proposed duties of the planned RPD instead of separately setting up RPD, so that there would be two divisions in TD separately performing railway duties.
马币兑港币乃以马币1元兑港币2.28元的汇率进行折算,惟汇率仅供参考,并不表示该金额已经或可以按 该汇率折算。
For illustration purpose only, translation of RM to HK$ is based on the rate of RM1 to HK$2.28. No representation is made that such amount was or could be exchanged at such rate.
区域网 络协调员、政策和执行官员、制冷剂管理计划和甲基溴干事以及哈龙干事都接受了专门的 培训,目的在于改善其技能、知识和向各国提供必要支助的能力。
The Regional Network Coordinators (RNC), Policy and Enforcement Officers, RMP and MB Officers and the Halon Officer received specific training to improve their skills, knowledge, and ability to provide the countries with the necessary support.
欧洲和中亚网络建立于 2003 年,由 1 名设在巴黎的 P3 级区域网络协调 员组成,网络和政策管理员是第一考绩人,臭氧行动处主任是第二考绩人。
The ECA network was created in 2003 consisting of 1 RNC at P3-level based in Paris, with the NPM as 1st and the Head of OzonAction Branch as 2nd Reporting Officer.
汤家骅议员察悉,除了主管铁路监察部的首 席运输主任外,运输署另有4名首席运输主任,他质 疑为何该4名人员不能共同分担铁路监察部多出来的 工作,以及为何当局认为有需要开设拟议职位。
Noting that apart from the PTO heading the existing Railway Monitoring Division (RMD), there were four other PTOs in TD, Mr Ronny TONG questioned why the four together could not share out the work overflowing from RMD and why the proposed post was deemed necessary.
上海合作组织与中亚未来》,艾 文·费根鲍姆,美国南亚和中亚事务助理国务卿帮办, 尼克松中心,华盛顿特区,2007 年 9 月 6 日,详情可 登录 www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm/2007/91 858.htm;《上海 合作组织:美国在中亚利益的破坏者?
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the Future of Central Asia”, speech by Evan A. Feigenbaum, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, the Nixon Center, Washington DC, 6 September 2007, at www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm/2007/91 858.htm; and “The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: Is it Undermining U.S. Interests in Central Asia?
EAST emulates the other network elements surrounding the circuit core such as RNC, BSC, HLR, SMS-SC, GMSC server and MGW, GMLC, CAMEL Entity and PSTN nodes.
然而,本行根据交易应付代价的估计金额或须调整,惟视乎 多项因素而定,包括本行(或其一家或多家聯属公司)将认购股份的确实數目、本行 於无条件日期於 AFH 的总持股量、马币与港币的任何滙率波动以及股份於马來西 亚证券交易所的买卖价。
However, such estimated amount of consideration payable by the Bank under the Transaction may be subject to adjustment depending on factors including the exact number of Shares to be subscribed by the Bank (or one or more of its Affiliates), the aggregate shareholding of the Bank in AFH as at the Unconditional Date, any exchange rate fluctuation between RM and Hong Kong dollars and the trading price of the Shares on the stock exchange of Malaysia.
非洲和亚洲的履约协助方案小组的区域网络协调员:非洲法语国家,一名;非洲英 语国家,一名;东南亚及太平洋地区,一名,由瑞典在多边基金秘书处之外供资;以及南 亚,一名。
For the CAP teams in Africa and Asia there is one RNC for the francophone and one for the anglophone group of countries in Africa, one for SEAP, with funding provided by Sweden outside the MFL, and one for SA, one of them acting as administrative head of the African and one of the Asian team.
随着一高度只有0,9毫米的超薄苯类的电容器PAS2126FR2R5504的 太阳诱电,卖RM元件,有一个能力的0,5 F尺寸的2,5 26 x毫米x 20这个苯类电容器是理想的快速放电,带有LED闪光灯,为每个摄像机的操作,同时也为移动0,9五打印机,扫描仪或其他的快餐电源。
With a height of only 0,9 mm has the ultra-slim polyacenes capacitor PAS2126FR2R5504 of Taiyo Yuden, Sold by RM Components, has a capacity of 0,5 F to 2,5 V. With dimensions of 26 20 x mm x 0,9 this polyacenes capacitor is ideal for fast discharges as with LED flash, for each camera operation, but also for mobile printers, scanners or other fast power supplies.
董事会欣然宣布,本公司建议透过削减其资本并建议以特别股息的名义派发给股东大 约 219.78 百万美元(相等於大约 700.00 百万马币或 1,704.41 百万港元)或每股 0.13 美元 (相等於 0.41 马币或 1.01 港元)的股息。
The Board is pleased to announce that the Company is proposing to undertake a distribution via a proposed special dividend to the Shareholders of approximately USD219.78 million (equivalent to approximately RM700.00 million or HKD1,704.41 million) or USD0.13 (equivalent to RM0.41 or HKD1.01) per Share.
CableSHARK RM具有精确的单端线路测试(SELT)功能,如DSL数据速率预测、VF波段鉴定以及时域反射仪(TDR)与频域反射仪(FDR)的独特集成。
The CableSHARK RM features precision, SELT capabilities such as DSL data-rate prediction, VF band qualification, as well as the unique combination of a TDR and FDR.
Samson Paper JV 」﹚於 二 零 零 六 年 一 月 二 十 四 日 订 立 股 东 协 议,内 容 有 关 成 立 合 营 企 业Samson Paper JV於 马 来 西 亚 瓜 拉 雪 兰 莪 经 营 一 家 纸 张 及 纸 板 切 割 及 裱 胶 厂,以 及 制 造、分 销 及 销 售 纸 张 及 纸 板,该 企 业 的 已 发 行 及 缴 足 资 本 为 马 来 西 亚 币2,250,000。
(“Samson Paper JV”) for the establishment of Samson Paper JV as a joint venture with an issued and paid up capital of RM2,250,000 to operate a manufacturing plant in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia for the cutting and laminating paper and paper board and to manufacture, distribute and sell paper and paper board.
陈唱汽車销售与TCEAS之间有关是项合作之目标數额约为300,000马币 (675,210港元)。
The targeted volume between TCMS and TCEAS for this cooperation is around RM300,000 (HK$675,210).
其中有一名是非洲小组的行政长官,一名是亚洲小组的长官。区域网络协调员 的第一考绩人是区域主任,第二考绩人均是设在巴黎的高级环境事务干事(网络和政策管 理员,NPM)。
The RNC’s 1st Reporting Officers are the Regional Directors and 2nd Reporting Officer for all is the Senior Environmental Affairs Officer (Network and Policy Manager, NPM) in Paris.
对整RNC系统而言,如果设备处理能力过剩,可选择某些单板处理器休眠或下电来实现节能降耗;若RNC系 统处理能力不足,则对节能中单板的处理器激活或者重新上电,增加系统的处理能力。
For the RNC system, if the device has excessive processing capacity, energy saving and consumption reduction can be realized by setting certain single-board processors to sleep mode or off. If the RNC system has inadequate processing capacity, the single board processors in the energy saving mode are activated or powered on again to increase the processing capacity of the system.
判断音是可选的,因此在使用多台RM3544的产线 上,作业员也不会混淆判断结果。
The ability to choose from various tones ensures operators won’t confuse judgment results on lines where multiple RM3544 units are in use.
The En-Performance solution offers capabilities for signaling storm suppression, CP/UP resource sharing, bearer pre-configuration, and concurrent handover function, improving RNC performance by 30% to 100%, and enhancing the control plane processing performance of base stations by 60%.
With V12 engine, FF is complete with the exclusive four-wheel 4RM for the first time. Its weight is half of a conventional four-wheel drive system, maintaining perfect weight distribution.
United Paper及Top Pegasus已 同 意 分 别(1) 就Samson Paper JV的 银 行 融 资 提 供 总 额 上 限 分 别 为 马 来 西 亚 币5,430,000及 马 来 西 亚 币 12,670,000的 公 司 担 保;及(2)向Samson Paper JV提 供 马 来 西 亚 币1,750,772及 马 来 西 亚 币 4,085,135的股东贷款。
United Paper and Top Pegasus have agreed to provide (1) corporate guarantees in respect of Samson Paper JV’s banking facilities up to the aggregate amount of RM5,430,000 and RM12,670,000 respectively; and (2) shareholder’s loan to Samson Paper JV in the amounts of RM1,750,772 and RM4,085,135 respectively.
I said to myself, If I am rich, I will definitely go for the RM 50 express lane ticket.
根据(i)先前年度之交易额;(ii)二零零七年前六个月之交易额;及(iii)因应汽車及设备之 市场需求而作出之订单预测;及(iv)上述新合作及商机,举例說根据TCSM Co的经销商协 议,估计该区的年销售额为4,000,000马币(9,002,800港元)至7,000,000马币(15,754,900 港元),本公司预计於截至二零零八年十二月三十一日、二零零九年十二月三十一日及 二零一零年十二月三十一日止三个财政年度各年,所有该等交易之建议年度上限分别为 每年最高25,000,000港元、29,000,000港元及33,000,000港元。
Basing on (i) the amount of the Transactions in the previous years; (ii) the amount of the Transactions in the first six months of year 2007; (iii) projections in anticipation of orders due to market demand for motor vehicles and equipments; and (iv) new collaborations and business opportunities described above where, for instance, under the dealership arrangement for TCSM Co, the estimated quantum is in the region of RM4,000,000 (HK$9,002,800) to RM7,000,000 (HK$15,754,900) annually, the Company estimated that the proposed annual caps for all such Transactions to be annually capped at HK$25,000,000, HK$29,000,000 and HK$33,000,000 for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2010 respectively.
NETira RM是一款远程管理工具,适合办公地点分散在不同地方的企业,企业管理人员可以通过同一个控制台管理和监控所有的打印机。
NETira RM is a remote management tool ideal for companies with distributed environments that allows management and monitoring of printers from a single console.
1932 年,澳大利亚传奇人物Reginald Murray (“RM”)Williams A.O. , C.M.G. 创立R.M.Williams 品牌。随着时间的流逝,RM 及其“Longhorn”品牌已和澳大利亚国家形象、内陆传承和开创精神紧密联系在一起。
The R.M.Williams brand was established in 1932 by Australian legend, Reginald Murray (“RM”) Williams A.O. , C.M.G. Over time, RM and the signature “Longhorn” brand have become strongly associated with Australia’s national identity, outback heritage and pioneering spirit.
For the FY2011, gross revenue reached RM94.9 million, up approximately 4 percent from the previous year, while Net Property Income (NPI) reached RM58.3 million, also up 5 percent from the preceding financial year ended 31 December 2010 (FY2010).
建议股息将会透过金额大约为 62.795 百万美元内部资金 (相等於约 200.00 百万马币或 486.98 百万港元)及金额大约为 156.985 百万美元的新银行借款支付(相等於约 500.00 百 万马币或 1,217.43 百万港元)。
The Proposed Dividend will be financed via internal funds amounting to approximately USD62.795 million (equivalent to RM200.00 million or HKD486.98 million) and new bank borrowings of approximately USD156.985 million (equivalent to approximately RM500.00 million or HKD1,217.43 million).




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