

单词 5-year-anniversary



此外,根据第 186 EX/32 号决定,为更加积极地促进这些周年纪念活 动,并为各国尤其是发展中国家提出的建议提供更多的机会,总干事还向 执行局提交会员国有关 2012--2013 年教科文组织可以参加的周年纪念活动 的新建议。
Further, pursuant to 186 EX/Decision 32, in order to promote these anniversaries more actively, and to provide broader opportunities, especially to developing countries, to present proposals, the Director-General also submits to the Executive Board new Member State proposals for the celebration of anniversaries in 2012-2013.
c. 因而,教科文组织认为无法制定类似承认非物质遗产并将其列入另一有关教科文 组织可以参加的周年纪念活动之清单的程序。
(c) thus, UNESCO may not establish a parallel process for the recognition and inclusion of works of the intangible heritage on another list corresponding to anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated.
财务总监二零一二年奬励款项的一半乃递延为股份,其将分三次於 授出奬励起计三个周年每年等额归属。
Half of the CFO’s 2012 bonus payment was deferred into shares which shall vest in three equal tranches on each of the three anniversaries following grant.
根据执行局第一五九届会议通过的(第 159 EX/7.5 号决定)、并经第一六六届(第 166 EX/9.3 号决定)、第一七六届(第 176 EX/47 号决定)和第一七九届(第 179 EX/37 号 决定)会议修改的关于处理会员国提出的教科文组织可以参加的周年纪念活动的建议的程 序,执行局第一八一届会议初次向大会推荐了由会员国建议的 57 项周年纪念活动(参见第 181 EX/45 号决定)。
In accordance with the procedure adopted by the Executive Board at its 159th session (159 EX/Decision 7.5) and amended at its166th (166 EX/Decision 9.3), 176th (176 EX/Decision 47) and 179th (179 EX/Decision 37) sessions for consideration of the proposals by Member States concerning the celebration of anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated, the Executive Board initially, at its 181st session, recommended that the General Conference select for celebration 57 anniversaries proposed by Member States (ref: 181 EX/Decision 45).
在这方面,美洲人权委员会应阿根廷政府的邀请,2009 年在布宜诺斯艾利斯 举行了一次特别会议,纪念创建美洲人权委员会(1959 年)、美洲人权法院(1979 年)和委员会 1979 年对我国的历史性访问等周年纪念日。
In this context, a Special Session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights was held in Buenos Aires in 2009 at the invitation of the Argentine Government to mark the anniversaries of the establishment of the Commission (1959) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (1979) and the historic visit by the Commission to our country in 1979.
The subject of our education section today is "Focus Analysis of POP Findings", and we will discuss the analysis of public opinion at handover anniversaries.
根据第 177 EX/58 号决定,总干事向执行局提交关于修订审议会员 国提交有关教科文组织可以参加的周年纪念活动之建议的标准和程序的 建议。
In accordance with 177 EX/Decision 58, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board the proposed revised criteria and procedure for consideration of proposals by Member States concerning the celebration of anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated.
委员会建议大会注意到题为“会员国关于希望联合国教科文组织参加的 2006--2007 年周年纪念 活动的建议”的第 33 C/12 号文件。
The Commission recommended that the General Conference take note of document 33 C/12 entitled “Proposals by Member States for the celebration of anniversaries in 2006-2007 with which UNESCO could be associated”.
有关资源还将用于讨论如何加强条约 机构系统的一系列利益攸关方会议,并支持为期数日的一般性讨论、条约纪念日以及儿童权利 公约任择议定书问题政府间工作组,为专家和/或人权高专办工作人员的差旅费、其他能力建 设活动、编写研究报告(例如关于国家报告的良好做法)提供经费。
They will also provide for a number of stakeholder meetings on discussions of how the treaty body system can be strengthened, and for supporting days of general discussions and treaty anniversaries as well as the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, through providing for travel of experts and/or OHCHR staff, other capacity-building activities and the preparation of studies, for example, on good practices on State reporting.
委员会在第六次会议上审议了项目 5.1:会员国有关 2010--2011 年教科文组织可以参加的周年纪念活动 之建议和项目 5.10:庆祝拉丁美洲及加勒比国家独立进程二百周年。
At its sixth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.1 – Proposals by Member States concerning the celebration of anniversaries in 2010-2011 with which UNESCO could be associated and item 5.10 – Celebration of the bicentenary of the independence processes of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
至于即将 到来的众多周年纪念活动和会议,她认为这是巩固 全球行动计划和强化各国国内落实该计划的各项措 施的良机。
The many forthcoming anniversaries and meetings would be an occasion to strengthen the global programme of action and highlight the measures that States had taken.
(42) 委员会利用第六次会议的部分时间以及第七和第八次会议审议了项目 4.2--审议和通过 《2004--2005 年计划与预算草案》--第 III 篇 B“对外关系与合作”,以及项目 10.1--本组织与非 政府国际组织的部门和跨部门合作战略,项目 6.3--为本组织开展地区性活动所作的地区划分和项目 5.5--会员国关于 2004--2005 年希望教科文组织参加的周年纪念活动的建议。
(42) At part of its sixth meeting and at its seventh and eighth meetings, the Commission examined item 4.2 – Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005 – Part III.B: External relations and cooperation, item 10.1 – Sectoral and intersectoral strategies for the Organization’s cooperation with international nongovernmental organizations, item 6.3 – Definition of regions with a view to the execution by the Organization of regional activities, and item 5.5 – Proposals by Member States for the celebration of anniversaries with which UNESCO could be associated in 2004-2005.
We organize business meeting, weddings, anniversaries, business lunches, Slovene culinary workshops.
在这方面,小组委员会注意到外层空间事务厅提供的关于其计 划同成员国共同组织一些活动庆祝这些重要周年的资料。
In that connection, the Subcommittee noted the information provided by the Office for Outer Space Affairs on its plans to organize, jointly with member States, a number of events to celebrate those important anniversaries.
回顾其关于研究所成立十周年、二十周年和二十五周年的 1990 年 12 月 4 日 第 45/62 G、2000 年 11 月 20 日第 55/35 A 和 2005 年 12 月 8 日第 60/89 号决议
Recalling its resolutions 45/62 G of 4 December 1990, 55/35 A of 20 November 2000 and 60/89 of 8 December 2005 on the tenth, twentieth and twenty-fifth anniversaries of the Institute
妇女地位委员会重申《北京宣言和行动纲领》、大会第二十三届特别会 议成果文件和委员会在第四次妇女问题世界会议十周年和十五周年之际通 过的宣言。
The Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome documents of the twentythird special session of the General Assembly and the declarations adopted by the Commission on the occasion of the tenth and fifteenth anniversaries of the Fourth World Conference on Women.
在日历上做标记:你应特别关注各个周年纪念日,不是仅仅了解那一天与某一事件的直 接联系,还要知道它与其他事件的联系。
Mark your calendar: You need to take account of anniversaries, not just as a direct link to a story, but also equally as a hook for other stories.
The authorities frequently warned dissidents and activists, underground religious figures, former political prisoners, and others whom the government considered to be troublemakers not to meet with foreign journalists or diplomats, especially before sensitive anniversaries, at the time of important government or party meetings, and during the visits of high-level foreign officials.
国际社会也抓住多个人权法律文书周年纪念的机会反思人权和司法之间的联 系。
The international community has also taken the opportunity of the anniversaries of a number of human rights instruments to reflect on the links between human rights and the administration of justice.
今天会议的举行,正值科索沃历史上一些不幸事 件的周年纪念。
Today’s meeting coincides with a number of tragic anniversaries in Kosovo’s history.
委员会商定,其第五十四届会议的头一天应当专门用于这两个周年的庆祝活 动,以便能够有最高级别的代表参加(A/65/20,第 329 段)。
The Committee agreed that the first day of its fifty-fourth session should be dedicated to the commemoration of the two anniversaries to enable representation at the highest level (A/65/20, para. 329).
不论是特别纪念日或浪漫约会,都可两人共享香槟、草莓以及名厨餐厅 Bistro 或 Guy Savoy 的双人份晚餐,为您与心爱的人创造全新的回忆。
For anniversaries or just because, complete your stay with champagne, strawberries and dinner for two at celebrity chef restaurant Guy Savoy, and create new memories for you and your loved one.
她向委员会成员挑战, 尽职尽责准备在部长级会议上作出承诺,以纪念无国 籍状态和难民地位公约生效五十周年和六十周年。
She challenged Committee members to do their part in preparing pledges for the ministerial-level meeting to commemorate the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversaries of the statelessness and refugee conventions.
c. 在不同层面(如:教区、总铎区和堂区)举办有关婚姻及家庭生活的特别活动,如:庆祝结婚纪念、圣家节、情人节、父、母亲节等;并透过成功婚姻的经验分享、重宣婚姻盟誓的礼仪、良好亲子关系的见证等活动,提升教友对幸福婚姻及美满家庭的确认。
c. Special activities relating to marriage and family life can be organized at various levels (e.g. diocesan, deanery and parish levels), such as celebrating marriage anniversaries, the Feast of the Holy Family, Valentine's Day, Fathers'/Mothers' Day, etc.; enhancing the esteem of the faithful for a successful marriage and a happy family through experience - sharing on exemplary marriages, a liturgy for renewing the marriage commitment and the witnessing to sound parent-child relationships, etc.
联合国环境与发展会议和 可持续发展问题世界首脑会议周年纪念日临近,需要特别关注实施《21 世纪议程》 和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》的广泛范围的成本效益和先后次序。
The approaching anniversaries of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the World Summit on Sustainable Development suggest a particular focus on the costeffectiveness of implementation and priorities across the broad range of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.




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