然而,为了提供这项服务, 自来水公司需要有适当经验的员工,能够评估现有用水设备的安装条件和运行情 况。 wrdmap.org | However, to provide this service the WSC needs suitably experienced staff who are knowledgeable about assessing the condition of existing installations and waterusing equipment and practices. wrdmap.org |
起始报告》中所确定的风险已成“真”,也就是说,自来水公司管理层对项目活动不太感兴 趣,尤其是在对其运营的惯常做法进行任何改变上,而本项目的任务却正是要致力于实现这些 改变。 wrdmap.org | The risks identified in the Inception Report became ‘real’, that is the lack of interest of the management of the WSC in the project activities and in particular any changes in operational practices that the project was tasked with achieving. wrdmap.org |
23 L3 对北票的社会经济情况进行基线调查,尤其 侧重于水资源的可用量、供水的可靠性与可 负担性、与之相关的健康问题,以及整个社 区与水务局和自来水公司的关系。 wrdmap.org | 23 L3 Baseline survey of socio-economic conditions in Beipiao with particular focus on water availability, water supply reliability and affordability, associated health issues and overall community relationships with regard to water, WAB and WSC. wrdmap.org |
自来水公司的客户可能会进入自来水公司的网站,再通过该 网站链接到其他一些国家标准机构以及一些出售高效用水设备的公司,或者链接到水 资源部门网站来查看干旱情况报告等内容。 wrdmap.org | A WSC customer may access the WSC’s web site and from there be directed to the national standards organisation or to firms selling water efficient appliances or to the water resources agency for drought status reports etc. wrdmap.org |
自来水公司同样可以利用此类机制来促进更多的家庭安装 水表,为帮助客户检漏或开展用水审计的服务做广告,同时就如何报告漏水和其他问 题给出具体指导。 wrdmap.org | The WSC can also use this mechanism to promote meter use, to advertise services that it offers to assist customers with leaks or water audits, and to provide details on how to report leaks and other problems. wrdmap.org |
但自来水公司拥有鼓 励用水户采取需求管理行动的动力,因为自来水公司需要满足取水许可条件,而这又 在一定程度上取决于用水户的行为。 wrdmap.org | However, the WSC has an incentive to encourage WDM activities by the users since the WSC and is obliged to meet the WAP conditions which depend partly on user behaviour. wrdmap.org |
进 而,供水公司的供水总量就可能会有所下降,能够与许可取水量相匹配(同时还应确 保所有用户在获取水资源的问题上是公平的),同时自来水公司还可以对污水的水质 进行改善(需要改善运行、翻新或新建污水处理厂)。 wrdmap.org | It will then be possible for the WSC to provide smaller total volumes of water to meet the WAP volume (whilst ensuring that all users can access this fairly) and improve the quality of waste water (which may require better operation, upgrading or construction of treatment works). wrdmap.org |
公众教育项目可以采取多种交流与沟 通渠道,比如在水费账单上夹带一些宣传页、通过自来水公司或其他网站、电视、广 播、大字报、海报或报纸上公告等等。 wrdmap.org | A public education programme can use various communication channels, such as leaflets distributed with water bills, WSC and other web sites, TV and radio messages, posters or public notices in newspapers. wrdmap.org |
案例研究 L3 的倒数第二个里程碑是里程碑 25:“自来水公司执行节水计划。 wrdmap.org | The penultimate Milestone for Case Study L3 is Milestone 25: “Implementation of water saving plan by WSC. wrdmap.org |
根据案例研究 L3(北票市自来水公司)对检查团 的汇报,水价改革方案已呈交地方政府。 wrdmap.org | The mission was informed by CS 3 (Beipiao WSC) that the recommendation for tariff reform has been submitted to the local government. wrdmap.org |
然而, 在一些意外情况下,自来水公司不能达到这一目标,供水将受到限制,如在短期紧急 情况下(例如:污染事件,主管道破裂)或与资源短缺有关的更长期的问题(例如: 干旱,供水网络水量不足)。 wrdmap.org | However, there will be exceptional circumstances where the WSC is unable to meet this target and the supply will be restricted – for example during short term emergencies (eg pollution incident, burst main) or longer term problems associated with a shortage of resources (eg drought, under capacity of delivery systems). wrdmap.org |
可以通过适当的渐进式水价结构来减缓自来水公司受到的 影响,这一水价会反映出期望用户减少的耗水量,并确保自来水公司能够获得足够的 收入。 wrdmap.org | This can be mitigated by an appropriate progressive tariff structure that reflects the expected reduction in customer consumption and ensures adequate revenue (and incentives to the WSC). wrdmap.org |
这样做有可能减少自来水公司的收入,因此,自来水 公司可能会抵制这些做法。 wrdmap.org | This will potentially reduce revenue and hence the WSC may resist their introduction. wrdmap.org |
这很公平,因为用户为用水付费,使自来水公司 可以引入一系列水价结构。 wrdmap.org | It is fair in that customers pay for what they use and it can allow the WSC to introduce a range of tariff structures. wrdmap.org |
建立同步辐射促进中东实验科学和应用科学的发展的国际 中心的建议受到出席 1999 年 6--7 月在匈牙利布达佩斯举行的世界科学大会(WSC)的代表 们的欢迎。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Delegates at the World Conference on Science (WCS) held in Budapest, Hungary, in June-July 1999 welcomed the proposal to establish the SESAME Centre. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但 是,与自来水公司收取的供水服务费相比,这些费用通常很少。 wrdmap.org | However, these are often very small compared to the delivery service charges received by the WSC. wrdmap.org |
14 L3 对北票自来水公司的管理、运营及绩效方面 的情况进行基线调查,编写调查报告并附上 有关地理信息系统方面的信息。 wrdmap.org | 14 L3 Baseline survey of Beipiao WSC management, operation and performance. wrdmap.org |
同地表水灌溉相似,许可授权机 构只能通过自来水公司(许可证持有人)的行为来影响用水户。 wrdmap.org | In similar way to surface irrigation, the permitting authority can only influence customer water use through the activities of the WSC (the permit holder). wrdmap.org |
除个别的用水大户之外,许可条件中的需求管理目标同各个用水户之间并 不存在直接的联系,因为中间还有一个自来水公司。 wrdmap.org | Except in the case of some large individual users, the link between the demand management targets in the permit conditions and the individual customers is therefore indirect, since the WSC stands between them. wrdmap.org |