倾斜空气阀 (40),使拆卸更 为容易。 graco.com | Tilt the air valve (40) to make disassembly easier. graco.com |
注意: 要在倾斜功能上得到完美的波形运动,必须按照递增的 DMX 地址顺序安装扫描仪。 dmx512.ch | Note: To get for example a perfect wave movement on the tilt function, it’s necessary to mount the scanners with ascending DMX addresses order. dmx512.ch |
旋转或俯仰操作期间,自动聚焦无效。 panasonic.net | (Auto focusing does not work during panning or tilting operations. panasonic.net |
如果需要承受更大载荷或更大倾斜角,请联系我们。 schaeffler.com | For higher loads or tilting angles, please contact us. schaeffler.com |
重新安装倾斜底座时,请使用相同的螺丝并进行紧固。 eizo.com.au | When reattaching the tilt stand, please use the same screws and tighten them securely. eizo.com.au |
以开发这种大型机械的经验和技术诀窍为基础,借助 CAE 进行的结构分析和热位移分析,并且倾斜式的旋转轴采用无齿隙、高精度的 DD(直接驱动) 式电机等,增添了最新的技术。 moriseiki.com | Based on the experience and know-how we gained from the development of this large machine, we have incorporated the latest technologies, such as structural analysis using CAE, thermal displacement analysis, no backlash on the tilting-type rotary axis and high-precision DD (Direct Drive) motors, into our new Series. moriseiki.com |
朝阀杯方向倾斜阀座,完全啮合部件,小心操 作,确保 O 形圈保持原位。 graco.com | Tilt the base toward the cup and fully engage the parts, using care so that the o-ring remains in place. graco.com |
本装置为带有旋转云台的全高清专业云台摄像机, 配有 1/3 型全高清 MOS 传感器和数字信号处理器 (DSP)。 panasonic.net | . 31 w p This unit is a full HD camera integrated with a pan‑tilt head and featuring a 1/3‑type full HD MOS sensor and digital signal processor (DSP). panasonic.net |
HL Planar 专注于薄膜金属化工艺,其生产的传感器可分为四个主要类别:(1) 用于家电、汽车、医疗及其它非接触式温度测量应用的红外热电堆,(2) 测量磁场变化以确定位置、角度、旋转或电流的磁阻传感器,(3) 在汽车、医疗和工业应用中用来测量气流及其它气体变化的空气流量 (MAF) 传感器,(4) 在建筑设备、汽车和航空航天应用中用来精确测量液位、角度或倾斜度的 MEMS 型倾斜传感器。 digikey.cn | HL Planar specializes in thin-film metallization processes, producing sensors in four main categories: (1) infrared thermopiles used in appliance, automobile, medical and other applications for non-contacting temperature measurement; (2) magneto-resistive sensors that measure changes in magnetic fields to determine position, angle, rotation or current; (3) mass air flow (MAF) sensors to measure the changes in air flow and other gases for use in automotive, medical and industrial applications; (4) MEMS-based inclination sensors for the precise measurement of level, angle or tilt in construction equipment, automobile and aerospace applications. digikey.ca |
每次当您在水平/倾斜区域内移动鼠标时按下右 键,将对该位置给出一个场景编号。 dmx512.ch | Every time you press the right button while moving the mouse within the Pan/Tilt field, this position is given a Scene number. dmx512.ch |
他们提醒说,如果加大对国家利益的倾斜,委员会的声誉会 遭受风险;委员会就不能在老的法律(基于绝对主权观)与国际社会对问责的新的 期待之间找到必要的平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was cautioned that there was a risk to the reputation of the Commission if there was a greater tilt towards State interests; the Commission would not be in a position to find the necessary balance between the old law — based on an absolute conception of sovereignty — and the new expectation of the international community in favour of accountability. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们使用带有最先进的倾斜/移轴镜头的数码成像设备,后期制作时工作室还使用最好的数字成像软件。 chinese-architects.com | We use the the latest digitial imaging equipment with tilt/shift lenses, combined with our post production studio utilizing the best digital imaging software. chinese-architects.com |
(二) 消费不足(under-consumption): 资本帐面利润上升,分配不利中下阶 层;社会整体购买力增长放缓,结果造成利润实现危机。 sktsang.com | (2) Under-consumption: Income and wealth distribution tilts towards the capitalist class and against the middle and lower strata of the society. sktsang.com |
相机置于处于全景旋转轴上的滑板上,另外一块滑板可沿俯仰轴前后旋转。 manfrotto.cn | It has sliding plates to locate the camera over the panoramic axis of rotation, plus a sliding plate which rotates around the front/back tilt axis. manfrotto.us |
数据表中显示了所有数据信息:测量环的序号,测量点的序号,测量值,法兰倾斜 度,测量点的名称,测量点在测量环上的角度坐标,测量环的名称,测量质量,日 期,时间,传感器的温度和数据出处。 statuspro.cn | The table delivers the following information for each measured point: Z or measurement value, Taper, Tilt, Point Name, Angular position, Ring Diameter, Ring name, Measurement reliability or quality, Date and time, Sensor temperature and Data Origin. statuspro.com |
由于人口的均衡迅速向城 市地区倾斜,可持续发展日益等同于可持续城市化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that the population balance is tilting fast towards urban areas, sustainable development is increasingly becoming synonymous with sustainable urbanization. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您以垂直角度送进数张照片,传输将不会启动,可能需要铺开底部照 片,使进纸滚筒可以抓住第一张照片然后开始进纸处理,或使用倾斜按钮 将扫描仪旋转至向下位置。 graphics.kodak.com | If you are feeding several photos in the upright position, and the transport will not start, it may be necessary to fan the bottom photos so the feed rollers can grasp the first photo and start the feeding process, or use the tilt button to rotate the scanner in the downward position. graphics.kodak.com |
许多政府表示, 这些追加资源不得使本组织的 工作偏离方向,误入歧途,并与所追求的战略目标背道而驰。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many governments expressed the view that these additional resources should not be allowed to tilt the work of the Organization in unwanted directions, running counter to the pursuit of the strategic objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过在其颇具特色的翻转台式的 A 轴和 B 轴(图 3)上使用直接驱动式马达(以下称“DD 方式 马达”),消除了间隙,实现了高精度的定位。 moriseiki.com | One feature is the use of Direct Drive motors (DD motors) on the A and B axes (Fig. 3) of the tilting table, which allow zero backlash and high-precision positioning. moriseiki.com |
它的显着特点是:世界上第一个带中央鸡蛋传送带与掀斜式地板的鸡笼,大大提高鸡蛋生产与收集率。 bigdutchman.de | A special characteristic is that it is the first combination worldwide of a central egg belt and a divided tilting poultry nest floor for improved egg production and collection. bigdutchman.de |
云台融合了诸多重要的摄像用功能,例如出色的平衡系统、单独的摇摄锁和俯仰锁、针对摇摄和俯仰的可调液压阻尼控制,以实现流畅的操作。 gitzo.cn | This head incorporates key video features such as perfect balancing system, variable fluid drag control on pan and tilt movements for smooth repeatable actions, separate pan and tilt locks. gitzo.ca |
一个复合的坡度传感器为自动变速器的电控系统提供了选择平顺过渡的换档点所需的必要信息。 voith.com | A tilt sensor delivers to the transmission control the necessary information for the stepless adjustment of shifting points. voith.com |
硬碟机的 SATA 6 GB/秒介面能让系统建置商使用 SATA 6 GB/秒硬碟机控制器建置高效能桌上型电脑、高速游戏装置,以及家庭和中小企业伺服器,其 64 MB 快取能最佳化瞬间效能以及资料传输速率。 seagate.com | The hard drive’s SATA 6Gb/s interface enables system builders using SATA 6Gb/s drive controllers to build high-performance desktop PCs, full-tilt gaming rigs, and home and small business servers, and its 64MB cache optimizes burst performance and data transfer speeds. seagate.com |
项目简介: Instant.js-实现图片的边框、阴影、倾斜效果。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Instant.js- to achieve the picture frame , shadow , tilt effect. javakaiyuan.com |
商会、出口商团体、制造 商协会等私营部门团体和工会都对立法者施加不同程度的影响,以使预算朝某一方向倾斜。 daccess-ods.un.org | Private sector groups, such as chambers of commerce, exporters’ groups, manufacturers’ associations, and trade unions, exert varying degrees of influence on the lawmakers to tilt the budget in one direction or the other. daccess-ods.un.org |
该管头架设有两段伸缩式支腿、一个手轮驱动的可变高度调节装置,还有一个齿轮箱,能对管头倾斜度和水平旋转提供可锁定的手轮控制。 spellmanhv.cn | The stand incorporates two segment telescoping legs, a hand wheel-driven variable height adjustment and a gear head which provides lockable hand wheel control of tube head tilt and horizontal rotation. spellmanhv.kr |
由于滚动元件的X形配置,这些轴承可以支持来自两个方向上的轴向力,两个方向上的径向力,倾斜扭矩负荷以及单个轴承位的负荷的合并。 schaeffler.cn | Due to the X arrangement of the rolling elements, these bearings can support axial forces from both directions as well as radial forces, tilting moment loads and any combination of loads with a single bearing position. schaeffler.us |
使用球形云台时,可锁定和解锁全景运动,无需影响前后俯仰或侧向翻滚,这一特点特别适合于全景摄影和需要精确控制的场合。 gitzo.cn | When using a ball head, the ability to lock and unlock the panoramic movement independent of front-back or lateral tilt movements is convenient for panoramic photography and when a high level of control is required. gitzo.ca |