当天招募的 150 人全都立刻发了武器,还向他们演示了如何射击,并强迫他 们参加 Mushaki 的战斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | All 150 men recruited on that day had immediately been handed a weapon, shown how to shoot and forced to fight in the combat at Mushaki. daccess-ods.un.org |
请务必确保在进行任何调整之前选择拍摄模式。 panasonic.net | Be absolutely sure to select the shooting mode before making any adjustments. panasonic.net |
(d) 在厄立特里亚边界采用格杀勿论的做法,以阻止厄立特里亚公民逃离 厄立特里亚 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The shoot-to-kill practice employed on the borders of Eritrea to stop Eritrean citizens seeking to flee their country daccess-ods.un.org |
Tishinsky资源主要存在於主富矿体,该矿体在东西方向上延伸超过1,250米,几乎所有的垂直倾 斜层均在北面。 glencore.com | Tishinsky resources mainly occur in the Main ore shoot, which extends in EW direction over a strike length of 1,250m with almost vertical dip to the north. glencore.com |
在其他国家,问题可能出在机构独立性方 面――如果法庭办公室与可能卷入非法枪击事件的警察有关联,那么警察若想藏 匿或操纵证据简直易如反掌。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other countries, the problem may be one of institutional independence – if the forensics office is not independent from police who may have been involved in an unlawful shooting, it can be all too easy for police to hide or manipulate evidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种危险的官方言论取代了使用致死武力 的清晰法律标准,标准规定,警察只有在嫌犯企图杀人(此时达到采用致死武力 的程度)并且没有其他可用方法逮捕嫌疑人(此时有必要使用致死暴力)的情况下才 能射杀嫌疑人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such dangerous official rhetoric displaces the clear legal standards on the use of lethal force which stipulate that the police may shoot to kill only when it is clear that an individual is about to kill someone (making lethal force proportionate) and there is no other available means of detaining the suspect (making lethal force necessary). daccess-ods.un.org |
福伊特自动化服务专家通过评估数据及时排除故障。 voith.com | Voith Hydro automation service experts are able to run prompt trouble shootings by evaluating your machine data. voith.com |
亦为欧洲 电视新闻交换网提供了支助,以加强东南欧国家的和平与民主,强化地区网络, 令公共电视台能够根据地区特殊需要查找、播放和就接收新闻素材。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Support was also given to the Eurovision Regional News Exchange to strengthen peace and democracy in South-East European countries, reinforcing the regional network that enables public television stations to shoot, send and receive news material according to specific regional needs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在利比亚,一些城市发生了射杀参加群众抗议集会的和平示威者事件,有人 以使人联想到卢旺达胡图种族灭绝极端分子的语言威胁要除掉政治反对派,在此 之后,安理会一致表决把在利比亚发生的局势转交国际刑事法院审理,以阻止该 国可能发生的大规模屠杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Libya, after the shooting of peaceful demonstrators attending mass protest rallies in several cities, and threats to eliminate political opponents reminiscent of language used by Rwanda’s genocidal Hutu extremists, the Council unanimously voted to refer the unfolding situation in Libya to ICC to deter the potential for widespread slaughter there. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为,这说明了,不能简单地认为,中央 后备警察只是一支警察部队,其任务是保护平民或自卫防御,从而将其排除在达 尔富尔交战方团体的行为体之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is because it illustrates that the CRP cannot be simply excluded from actors considered as a belligerent group in Darfur on the grounds that it is a police force mandated to shoot only in the defence of civilians or in self-defence. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用以 USB 介面充电的锂离子电池,让您可以 1.5 小时连续拍摄超过 200 张 CIPA 照片。 geniusnetusa.com | It uses a Li-ion battery charged by the USB interface so you can capture over 200 CIPA photos in 1.5 hours of continuous photo shooting. geniusnetusa.com |
在地区层面,教科文组织目前全面、系统地从事区域主任小组(RDTs)的工作,其任 务是确保联合国发展援助框架/“一个计划”的质量,向驻地协调员/联合国国家工作队 (RCs/UNCTs)提供一贯的技术援助,对驻地协调员进行评估,解决复杂国家局势中的难 题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the regional level, UNESCO is now fully and systematically engaged in the Regional Directors Teams (RDTs), mandated with quality assurance of UNDAFs/One Plans, the provision of coherent technical support to RCs/UNCTs, performance assessment of RCs, and with trouble shooting in difficult country situations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了在这种矿物环境中生长和繁殖,阿尔卑斯柳草发展出来不少特殊的性质:强大的地下根茎,可以吸收深藏在岩石中的水分;通过长出嫩芽自我繁殖的能力——就像自我克隆——这种能力使其得以在荒凉的地区开疆拓土。 clarinsusa.com | In order to grow and multiply in this mineral environment, Alpine Willow Herb has developed some very special features: powerful underground roots capable of capturing water hidden deep in the rocks, and the ability to reproduce itself by growing shoots – like clones of itself – which allow it to colonize such an inhospitable region. clarinsusa.com |
16岁的穆罕默德.马蒙.博考尔(Mohammad Mamun Bokaul)介绍了如何制作新闻:“主题选定之后,我们就开始准备新闻脚本,与办公室同事一起协商,然后我们拍摄并编辑新闻 —— 在新闻最终播出前,由编辑人员在我们面前完成编辑工作。 unicef.org | Mohammad Mamun Bokaul, 16, explains how news is then made: “After an idea has been selected, we prepare the news script, re-check with our office, then we shoot and edit – which is done by an editor but in our presence – before the news is finally on air. unicef.org |
但是,无论是事前分层还是事 后分层,多个树种(竹种)可合并为一层,不同时间营造的林分也可合并为一层,关键是看其是否 具有近似的碳储量和相同的计量参数(如生物量扩展因子、根冠比、含碳率和生物量异速生长方程 等),其目的是降低层内变异性,增加层间变异性,从而降低一定精度要求下所需监测的样地数量。 pandastandard.org | However, for both ex ante and ex post stratification, two or more species and/or bamboo plantation planted in two or more years can be merged if they have similar carbon stock and same values of carbon accounting parameters (e.g., biomass expansion factor, root-shoot ratio, carbon fraction and allometric equation), aiming to reduce internal-stratum variability and enlarge cross-stratum variability as a result to reduce number of sampling plots at required precision level. pandastandard.org |
他还补充道:“他们用八个月的时间,接受了有关新闻制作、如何挖掘故事主题、起草脚本、如何拍摄、如何采访、如何用正确的发音播报新闻的大量培训与辅导。 unicef.org | Then, he says, they were “… trained and tutored extensively for eight months on news production, how to research story ideas, write scripts, how to shoot, how to interview, how to present the news and even on correct pronunciation. unicef.org |
如果 因为迫在眉睫的威胁,警方别无选择只能射杀拒捕嫌 疑人,则此种行为可被视为有正当理由的自卫行为, 因为其目的是拯救生命,而且无辜当事人的生命高于 攻击者。 daccess-ods.un.org | When because of the imminence of the threat the police had no choice but to shoot a resisting suspect, such action could be considered justified as an act of private defence, because the purpose was to save life, and the life of an innocent party took priority over that of the aggressor. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告还认为执法中的“击毙”政策,因为其预谋、企图和对具体目标的 认定,可以被看作是定点清除的例子。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report also considers law enforcement “shoot-to-kill” policies that, in their premeditation, intent and identification of specific targets, may be considered examples of targeted killings. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包括曜越纪念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可以让所有玩家及粉丝疯狂享受最刺激的战斗模式。 ttesports.com.cn | Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also going to give you the Tt eSPORTS collector’s edition cards and paints, all can be found in Cross Fire (CF) shooting game. ttesports.fr |
出于嫉妒,小叮当(Ludivine萨尼埃)技巧失落的男孩到投篮命中率的温迪,为她接近岛屿,但温迪的生存和男孩问她是他们的母亲,并告诉他们的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Out of jealousy, Tinker Bell (Ludivine Sagnier) tricks the Lost Boys into shooting Wendy as she approaches the island, but Wendy survives and the boys ask her to be their mother and tell them stories. seekcartoon.com |
补充获奖EOS反叛T2i单反,佳能EOS反叛T3i,佳能的新旗舰反叛者,提供了有趣和易于使用的开始摄影功能,佳能EOS反叛T3的提供了一个寻找经验者更有吸引力的选项乐趣与数码单反相机拍摄。 technologeeko.com | Complementing the award-winning EOS Rebel T2i DSLR, the EOS Rebel T3i, Canon’s new flagship Rebel, offers fun and easy-to-use features for beginning photographers, and the EOS Rebel T3 provides a more attractively priced option for those looking to experience the pleasure of shooting with a DSLR camera. technologeeko.com |
阿尔及利亚不支持把下列物品的转让列入条约的应用范围:武器、娱乐用途 的体育运动武器和狩猎武器以及供收藏的武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria does not support the inclusion in the scope of application of the treaty of internal transfers of arms, hunting or sport shooting arms used for recreational purposes, and collectors’ weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年9月15日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官:近藤史郎)今日宣布了GR DIGITAL IV数码相机的开发与发布事宜,这款相机为GR DIGITAL III的后续型号,具有增强的快速拍摄功能和优异画质。 ricoh.com | (President and CEO: Shiro Kondo) today announces the development and release of the GR DIGITAL IV digital camera, the successor model to the GR DIGITAL III, which offers enhanced Quick Shooting capability and image quality. ricoh.com |
二代灰卡还可以用在照明色温与胶片色 温不平衡的情况(如,没有采用校正滤色片 的情况下,在荧光灯或者高色温的家用白炽 灯照明下拍摄)。 motion.kodak.com | The Gray Card Plus is also used when the lighting doesn’t match the color balance of the film (when shooting under fluorescent lighting or warm, household incandescent lights without correction filters). motion.kodak.com |
1960年7月苏联被迫击落一架据称入侵苏联海上边界的美国RB-47飞机后,苏联向安全理事会报告了美国空军对苏联的这一侵略行为。 un.org | The USSR reported to the Security Council aggressive acts by the United States Air Force against the Soviet Union, following the July 1960 incident when the USSR had to shoot down an American RB-47 airplane which allegedly had violated the Soviet Sea frontier. un.org |
迄今为止, 过去一年的暴动造成的经济后果,表现为实体经济受到多种沉重打击,官方没有 及时认识到存在极大的民怨,以及对以往教训乃至失败进行认真检讨已初显萌 芽。 daccess-ods.un.org | So far, the economic outcomes of the past year’s uprisings represent a mixed bag of sharp blows to the real economy, belated official recognition of profound social grievances and the first green shoots of a critical stock-taking of the lessons, and failures, of the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
在定期维护的情况下 (如章节“维护和故障排除”中所述),废气排放水平在整个发动机使用寿命期间都能够符合规定 的限制。 steyr-motors.com | Under regular maintenance, as described in the chapter “Maintenance and Trouble Shooting”, the exhaust gas emission levels adhere to the limits stipulated, for pleasure boat operation, throughout the life time of the engine. steyr-motors.com |