

单词 5-hies



get hyped up in front of an audience
但是在科学部门和教育部 门之间今后的合作中以及(31C/5 中)生态科学处和水科学处之间的共同工作重点方面都可能会出现一些具体 的问题。
Particular challenges may arise during the future cooperation between SC and ED and the joint MLA between ECO and HYD (in document 31 C/5).
路政署的人员会继续紧密 与他们沟通,了解及回应他们的关注。
The HyD will continue to liaise closely with them to understand and address their concerns.
路政署铁路拓展处处长回 答 时表示,虽 然 与西铁有关的日常运 作 及 维 修 保 养 工 作将由九 广铁路公 司 负责,但 总工程师(西 铁 )亦 须作出监督并提供协 助,以 便 迅速解决相 关 主要基建 工 程 中 尚待处理的 维 修 保 养及 运 作 事宜。
In reply, the PGE/RD of Hy D advised that while the daily operation and maintenance works related to WR would be carried out by the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, the CE/WR would be required to oversee and help resolve expeditiously the outstanding maintenance and operation issues of the associated Essential Public Infrastructure Works.
根据路政署表示,北大屿山公路 連接路的工程计划,会配合港珠澳大桥及相关的本港过境设施工程的计划进 行。
According to Hy D, the programme of North Lantau Highway Connection will tie in with that of the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge and the related Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities.
(iv) 在经常使用高压水枪清洗的街道,例如邻近街市的街 道,路政署会使用水泥沙替代沙粒作路砖的垫层,并在 路砖之间的夹缝铺上填缝料,减少因清洗街道而引起的 路砖不平情况。
(iv) For streets frequently cleansed by high pressure water jets, such as those near markets, the HyD uses sand cement instead of sand as the bedding layer of the slabs, and fills the seams between slabs with joint sealant to reduce the unevenness caused by street washing.
路政署署长补充,虽然 港府及获委托负责这项目的香港铁路有限公司( 下称" 港 铁公司")均须遵守《世界贸易组织政府采购协定》(下称 "《世贸采购协定》")的规定,但两者会与有关的工会和 劳工组织研究如何尽可能确保本地工人可以参与这项工 程。
The Director of Highways (D of Hy) supplemented that while both the Government and MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) entrusted with the project were subject to the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA), the two would examine with relevant labour unions and worker organizations ways to ensure that local workers could participate in the project as far as possible.
她与主席团成员探讨了通过跨部门合作和联合国全系统合作提高国际水文计划的影 响力和公认度问题,并向主席团通报了自然科学部门重组的进展,着重指出水科学处在新的 组织架构内促进横向计划的职责,以及可能对高科技出版物(诸如水科学处的那些)的出版 流程进行的简化。
The ADG/SC briefed the Bureau on the progress in the restructuring of the Science Sector and highlighted the role of SC/HYD in contributing to crosscutting programmes under the new structure, and the possible streamlining of the publication process of highly technical publications such as those originating at SC/HYD.
路政署、地政总署、其他相关部门和港铁公司亦经常以个别或小 组形式与菜园村村民会面,以了解其关注事宜和解释高铁香港段方案 的细节。
The HyD, Lands Department, other concerned departments and MTRCL regularly met with CYT villagers, either individually or in small groups, to understand their concerns and explain to them details of the HKS of the XRL scheme.
Hy9 (http://www.hy9.com), the leading provider of point-of-use, high purity hydrogen generation products for fuel cells, and Sankosha Corporation, the leading provider of communications systems and enclosures for the telecommunications industry, today announced their agreement to collaborate to develop the Asian market for reformer based fuel cell power systems which operate on readily available methanol as fuel.
因此,如情况许可,路政署会先物色尚未发展的土 地作为临时工程仓库之用,此举可以更有效及有弹性地使 用空置政府土地资源。
Where circumstances permit, the HyD will opt to use lands that are yet to be developed for use as its temporary work depots, as this is a more effective and flexible way of utilizing vacant Government land resources.
因应丽晶花园及附近居民 对临时工程仓库使用时造成环境影响的关注,路政署已检 讨及要求承建商加强相关缓解措施,包括把贮存物料的地 方尽量移至远离民居、妥善覆盖贮存物料以避免尘土飞 扬、避免在清晨及晚间进行发出较高音量的工序、经常检 查排水系统以防积水,以及栽种更多树木美化环境。
To address the concerns of the residents of Richland Garden over the environmental impact of these temporary sites, the HyD has reviewed the situation and requested the contractors to strengthen the relevant mitigation measures, including relocation of the storage areas away from the residential premises as far as possible; proper covering of stored materials to prevent dust emission; avoiding the carrying out of noisy operations in the early morning or at night; regular inspection of the drainage system to prevent accumulation of stagnant water; and carrying out more planting to beautify the environment.
路政署总工程师5/主要工 程 借助电脑投影片 [立法会CB(1)184/12-13(02)号文 件 ]向委员简介政府当局提出的建议,即把76TI号工 程计划(屯门公路巴士转乘站)(下称"转乘站工程计 划 ")的核准工程预算费调高4,300万元,即由1 亿 6,230 万元增至2 亿 530 万元( 按付款当日价格计 算 ),以 (i)扩大转乘站工程计划的范围,在转乘站增 设永久洗手间;(ii)为应付事前不可预見的惡劣土质 狀况及配合实际的地盘环境而进行的额外工程;以 及 (iii)增加工程的价格调整准备。
Chief Engineer 5, Major Works of HyD ("CE5/MW") briefed members with the aid of a powerpoint presentation [LC Paper No. CB(1)184/12-13(02)] on the Administration's proposal to increase the approved project estimate ("APE") for 76TI (bus-bus interchanges ("BBIs") on Tuen Mun Road ("TMR")) ("the BBI Project"), by $43.0 million from $162.3 million to $205.3 million in money-of-the-day ("MOD") prices in order to: (i) expand the scope of the BBI Project for additional permanent toilet facilities at the BBIs; (ii) carry out additional works to overcome unforeseen difficult ground conditions and suit the actual site conditions; and (iii) increase provision for price adjustment.
路政署署长建议把 3QR 号工程计划的一部分提升为甲级;按付款 当日价格计算,估计所需费用为 2 亿 3,350 万元,用以支付香港特别行 政区(下称「香港特区」)政府为港珠澳大桥主桥委聘顾问进行初步设计 及工地勘测工作所需承担的费用。
The Director of Highways (D of Hy), with the support of the Secretary for Transport and Housing, proposes to upgrade part of 3QR to Category A at an estimated cost of $ 233.5 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to fund the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)’s share for the engagement of consultants to undertake the preliminary design and site investigation for the HZMB Main Bridge.
2003 年 1 月,路政署署长在分目 6100TX「为工务计划丁级工程项 目进行公路工程、研究及勘测工作」项目开立了一个项目,以拨款支 付委托综合运输研究所进行「香港与珠江西岸交通联系研究」的费用 中香港特区须承担的部分,所需费用为 80 万元。
In January 2003, D of Hy included an item under Subhead 6100TX “Highway works, studies and investigations for items in Category D of the Public Works Programme” to fund HKSAR’s share of the cost for the Institute of Comprehensive Transportation (ICT) to conduct a study entitled “Transport Linkage between Hong Kong and Pearl River West” at a cost of $800,000.
运输及房屋局、路政署和运输署的代表与区内居民曾一同出席多个 由区议会议员和政党举办的公众论坛。
Representatives of Transport and Housing Bureau, HyD and TD have attended a series of public forums with the locals that were organized by the DC members and various political parties.
路政署有需要设立港珠澳大桥 香港工程管理处( 下称「香港工程管理处」),并开设两个首长级编外职 位 ( 包括一个首席政府工程师职位和一个总工程师职位),以及从主要工 程管理处调配一名总工程师到香港工程管理处工作,并调配所需的支 援人手,以 手执行与规划和实施上述工程有关的职务。
In order to take up the duties associated with the planning and implementation of the above, HyD needs to establish a HZMB Hong Kong Project Management Office with the creation of two supernumerary directorate posts of one PGE and one CE and temporary redeployment of one CE from MWPMO, together with the necessary supporting staff.
上述地政总署发出的集体牌照有条款规定,固网电讯商在公共道路 或未来道路专用范围内安装固网设施时,该设施或其任何部分的详细走 线和布局,例如高度、外形、占用空间资料等,均须达到路政署满意的 程度。
The aforementioned Block Licence issued by the LandsD stipulates that when installing fixed telecommunications network facilities on public roads or in future road reserves, FTNS providers must ensure that the detailed alignment and disposition of the facilities or any part thereof (such as the height, appearance and space to be occupied), shall be to the satisfaction of the HyD.
路政署需要上述首长级人员继续就规划和实施新铁路工程计划提供支 援,并管理主要道路工程计划,以配合香港的经济发展和人口增长, 以及与内地日益紧密的联系。
The HyD would require the continued support of the above directorate posts for planning and implementing new railway projects, and managing major highway projects to support the economic development and population growth in Hong Kong and our growing links with the Mainland.
此 外 , 该 署亦已由 1994 年12 月 起 , 委 聘顾问 公司进行工 程 师 检 查 , 以 检 查这些路旁斜坡或 挡 土 墙 的 维 修 工 作是否 妥 善 , 并评估 斜坡和 挡 土 墙 的 状 况 , 从 而确定 是 否 需 要进行详细勘测、 即 时 的 稳 定 性 评 估 和改善 工程。
In addition, the HyD has also employed consultants since December 1994 to carry out Engineer Inspections (EIs) for slopes along these roads to assess the state of maintenance and condition of the slopes or retaining walls, and to ascertain the need for detailed investigation, immediate stability assessment and improvement works.
由於 陶瓷卤化物灯与传统高压纳灯的成本较为接近,路政署也正在进 行陶瓷卤化物路灯试验计划,其表现及回本期将与 LED 灯作比 较。
For street lighting application, HyD has also implemented trial schemes on CDMT lights which current cost is in the order of that of the conventional SON light, so as to compare their performance and payback period with LED lights.
梁家杰议员: 主席,最近有报道指,九龙湾丽晶花园附近,位於 宏光道及宏照道(分别在丽晶花园西面、北面和东北面)的 3幅 “休憩用 地 ”,被长期占用作路政署的临时工程仓库,造成空气及噪音污染。
MR ALAN LEONG (in Chinese): President, recently, it has been reported that three "open spaces" sites at Wang Kwong Road and Wang Chiu Road near Richland Gardens (respectively located at its western, northern and north-eastern sides) in Kowloon Bay, have been occupied by the Highways Department (HyD) as temporary work depots for a long time, causing air and noise pollution.
(四 ) 至於街道名牌的安装问题,路政署的现行措施是在公用街道的两 端安装街道名牌,以及在可行和没有阻障的情况下,在各街道口 的街角也安装街道名牌。
(d) As regards the installation of street name plates, the current practice of the Highways Department (HyD) is to install these name plates at the beginning and end of a public road, and also at the corner of road junctions where feasible and where there are no obstructions.
Their knowledge of telecommunication customer requirements and their product and service offerings are an excellent complement to Hy9's HGS-M(TM) series hydrogen generator in providing a solution to carriers' need for backup power systems other than a diesel generator.
该署在接获有关道路或设施损毁的报告後,亦会 即时作出调查,并在接获报告後的 48 小时内完成行车道和行人 路坑洞,以及交通标志的所需修葺工程。
Upon receipt of reports on damaged roads or facilities, the HyD will carry out investigations immediately and complete the repair works of potholes in carriageways and footpaths, as well as traffic signs within 48 hours.
山光社总裁Masayoshi Ito表示:“我们和Hy9的合作将在亚洲打造一支强大的团队,在亚洲,制氢系统正迅速成为就地用氢的首选方案。
Masayoshi Ito, President of Sankosha Corporation, stated, "Our partnership with Hy9 Corporation creates a strong team in Asia where hydrogen generation systems are quickly becoming the preferred option to on-site hydrogen storage tanks.
有关装设隔音屏障 的招标事宜,路政署署长表示政府当局已研究有关建造 物料及设计的规格及标准,并会在招标文件中订明有关 资料,方便有兴趣的投标者参与。
Regarding the tendering of the provision of noise barriers, D of Hy said that the Administration had examined the specifications and the standards in relation to the construction materials and design and would specify such information in the tender documents to facilitate participation of interested tenderers.
路政署署长建议把 1QR 号工程计划提升为甲级,估计所需费用 为 122 亿 5,200 万元( 按 2009 年 6 月净现值计算,相等於付款当日价格 122 亿 5,200 万元),用以向香港铁路有限公司( 下称「港铁公司」) 提供 第二阶段财务资助,支付西港岛线工程计划在根据《铁路条例》( 第 519 章 ) (下称「条例」) 获授权实施後的设计阶段开支,以及填补资金差额2, 令西港岛线工程计划在财务上可行。
The Director of Highways (D of Hy), with the support of the Secretary for Transport and Housing, proposes to upgrade 1QR to Category A at an estimated cost of $12,252 million (in June 2009 Net Present Value (NPV) which is equivalent to $12,252 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices) to provide the second stage funding support to the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) to cover the design phase expenditure after authorisation of the West Island Line (WIL) project under the Railways Ordinance (Cap. 519) (the Ordinance) and to bridge the funding gap2 to make WIL project financially viable.
路政署如发现欠妥之处而表示反对接纳工程,可作为当 局根据《建筑物条例》第21(6)(a)条拒绝发给占用许可证的理据。
In the event that the HyD raises objection to accept the works on the grounds of defects identified, this may constitute a ground for refusal of the application for an occupation permit under section 21(6)(a) of the Buildings Ordinance.
一直以来,路政署与经常在公共道路进行掘路工程的公用事业机构 及固网电讯商,在不同层次是设有联络机制,让有关机构明白上述安排 的目的及运作,并在个别工程的安排上亦有充分沟通。
All along, the HyD has established liaison mechanisms at different levels to communicate with utility undertakings and FTNS providers that need to conduct excavation works on public roads frequently, so that these institutions can understand the purpose and operation of the above arrangements, and sufficient communication for individual projects can be ensured.
至於 间接费用的比率,路政署署长解释,采用一个初步数字 的原因,已於提供给工务小组委员会2008年 6月 4日会议 的补充资料文件(PWSCI(2008-09)6)第 5段加以解释。
As regards the on-cost rate, D of Hy explained that the reasons for adopting a provisional figure had been given in paragraph 5 of the supplementary information paper (PWSCI(2008-09)6) provided for the Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) meeting on 4 June 2008.




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