

单词 5-gan


classifier for turns in a game, discussion, or competition


top gun


Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game company)
冲洗或释放压力时要保持接地的连续性: 将喷枪 / 分配 阀的金属部分紧紧靠在接地的金属桶的边上,然后扣动 喷枪的扳机。
To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or relieving pressure: hold metal part of the spray gun/dispense valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail, then trigger the gun/valve.
按下配料阀 B 电磁阀上的手动 超控按钮并朝接地金属桶内扣动喷枪扳机,直至 喷枪中流出清洁的溶剂。
Press the manual override on the Dose Valve B solenoid valve and trigger the gun into a grounded metal pail until clean solvent flows from the gun.
政治动荡加之松懈的枪支管制在泰 国可能成为致命的组合。
Volatile politics and loose gun control can be a deadly mix in Thailand.
再者,西式蒸馏烈酒(如 拔 蘭 地、威 士 忌、蘭 酒、伏 特 加、琴 酒 )和其他酒精饮品(如日本清酒、苹果酒和强化酒), 亦没有个别消费量數据。
Lastly, individual consumption data for Western distilled spirits, such as brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, gin, and other alcoholic beverages, such as sake, cider, fortified wine, were not available.
禁令涵盖的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶类、奶类饮品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷冻或冷藏野味、肉类和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷冻或冷藏水产品,除 非附有日本主管当局所签发的证明书证明有关食物的辐射水平并没有超出食 品法典委员会的标准。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
项目简介: 这是一个为传统角色扮演游戏提供相关工具的开源项目。
Project Information: This is a traditional role-playing game for the tools provided by the open-source project .
And usually play the game is different: Participants must be programmed to use the robot to robot design intelligence to automatically direct it , rather than by keyboard , mouse, simply direct control .
Political unrest is limited in Australia, crime rates are low and strict gun control laws provide a safe environment.
这些可能性包括那些能够使我们从地球极限后退 的技术;那些足以改变游戏规则的产品和服务所带来的新的市场、新的增长和新 的就业机会;那些能够真正使人们摆脱贫困的新的公共和私人筹资办法。
These possibilities include technologies capable of pulling us back from the planetary brink; new markets, new growth and new jobs emanating from game-changing products and services; and new approaches to public and private finance that can truly lift people out of the poverty trap.
该外交官补充道, 中国愿意参与进来,制定规则,因此它需要在国际市场 上有所作为(即,让本国石油公司在海外投资)。
The diplomat added that China would like to be part of the game, making rules, and so needs to be a player internationally [ie, have its oil companies investing abroad].
10 时 45 分 以色列敌军的一辆波克兰挖掘机在其阵地周边地区进行清理工 作时,一支敌对巡逻队的一名成员把 12.7 毫米口径机枪对着法 蒂玛门的黎巴嫩军队检查站人员。
1045 While an Israeli enemy Poclain machine was carrying out cleaning operations around the Israeli position, one member of a hostile patrol pointed a 12.7 mm machine gun towards soldiers at the Lebanese Army observation post at the Fatimah Gate.
鱼類和海产及其制品” 是市 民从膳食摄入多溴联苯醚的主要来源,占总摄入量的 27.3%,其次是“ 肉 类、家禽和野味及其制品” 、 “ 谷物及谷物制品” 和 “ 油脂类” ,分别占总摄 入量的 20.7%、 15.9% 和 15.9%。
The main dietary source of PBDE was “fish and seafood and their products” which contributed to 27.3% of the total exposure, followed by “meat, poultry and game and their products” (20.7%), “cereals and their products” (15.9%), and “fats and oils” (15.9%).
清晰而可预见的 规则能让他们获得商业利益。
Their business can benefit from the rules of the game being clear and predictable.
总之,我国代表团不能接受中途改变游戏规则 的做法,即便有人说这样做会对谈判有利。
In short, my delegation cannot accept that the rules of the game be changed mid-game, even if it is argued that this would benefit the negotiations.
1991年5月,在Shamkir 火车站,执法机构官员在一辆巴库至第比利斯的火 车上逮捕了亚美尼亚 Noyemberyan 区居民 S. Aznaryan,并从他身上缴获了两个地 雷、一挺冲锋枪以及阿塞拜疆铁路网和公路网地图。
In May 1991, officials of the law enforcement agencies arrested S. Aznaryan, an inhabitant of the Noyemberyan district of Armenia, on a Baku-Tbilisi train at Shamkir station and removed from his possession two mines, a sub-machine gun and maps of the Azerbaijan rail and road network.
(5) 初期分析根据对残存壳体和内部的目测检查,并运用多个来源的各种模 拟和科学方法,迅速设定了 15 种可能造成天安舰沉没的原因(弹药库爆炸;油箱 爆炸;柴油机灾难性故障/失火;燃气轮机灾难性故障/失火;海底水雷;感应锚 雷;触发雷;龙骨下方鱼雷;触发鱼雷;表面爆炸;弹道击中;简易爆炸装置/ 非触发式水雷;中拱/塌陷/焊接故障/材料疲劳破裂;触礁;与潜水艇或其他物 体碰撞);但是,其中 13 种可能性被排除,焦点转移到外部水下爆炸(感应锚雷 和龙骨下方鱼雷)。
5) Early analysis based on results of visual inspection of the salvage hull and interior as well as various modelling and scientific methodologies from various sources quickly identified 15 possible causes that could have resulted in the sinking of theCheonan (gun magazine(s) explosion; fuel tank explosion; catastrophic diesel engine failure/conflagration; catastrophic gas turbine engine failure/conflagration; bottom mine; moored influence mine; contact mine; under keel torpedo; contact torpedo; surface explosion; ballistic contact; improvised explosive device (IED)/non-contact mine; hogging/sagging/welding failure/material fatigue failure; grounding; and collision with submarine or other object); however, 13 were ruled out and focus shifted to an external underwater explosion (moored influence mine and under keel torpedo).
提高意识:用 6 种语文制作一个教科文组织及其合作伙伴开展行动的短片;用英文出 版《归还文化财产概要》(正在翻译成其他语文);完成对旅游者和当地民众宣传遗产保护 的录像短片;对伊拉克儿童宣传遗产保护的游戏项目;与国际刑警组织一起编写保护宗教建 筑及崇拜对象的宣传手册。
Production of a short film in six languages on the activities of UNESCO and its partners; publication of the Compendium on the Return of Cultural Property in English (translation into other languages under way); finalization of awareness-raising video clips on the protection of the heritage, for tourists and local populations; plans for the development of an awareness-raising game on the protection of the heritage, for Iraqi children; compilation of a handbook on the security of religious buildings and objects of worship, in cooperation with INTERPOL.
然后,负责行动协调的陶 菲克在他经营的鱼塘和当地一个棕榈树种植园里给这 两组人进行武器使用培训;他甚至用一艘小渔船带一 个从来没用过枪的成员出去,让他开一次枪练习一 下。
Taufik Hidayat, who was the designated field coordinator, then gave the teams firearms training at his fishpond and in a local palm oil plantation; he even took one man who had never used a gun before out on a small fishing boat and allowed him to fire once, for practice.
使用长刀具,可对大型工件进行高精度的同轴度 深孔镗削和深钻孔,而不需要在 B 轴上进行 180 度车加工,从而减少切削时间,实现高精度加工。
The use of long tools enables deep hole boring and gun drilling of large workpieces that require highly accurate coaxiality without a 180-degree turn on the B-axis, achieving reduced cutting time and high-precision machining.
发 言人总结说贩毒、贩运武器、洗钱以及贩卖人口等 严重问题严重损害了地区的和平和安全。
Lastly, he stressed that the grave problems of drug and gun trafficking, moneylaundering and trafficking in persons had serious consequences for the peace and safety of the region.
如果你是《实况足球2009》(PES 2009)的忠实粉丝,并且购买了这款游戏,你可能会发现这款游戏存在着运行速度减慢等一系列小问题,又或者你只是单纯的想要获得更多功能。
If you are a fan of PES 2009, you've bought it and you feel that sometimes it fails, the game gets slower or you simply want to enjoy more options, don't worry, people at Konami also know it and they have released a patch that once installed solves the problems you could have with PES 2009 on your PC.
在这方面,委员会关切的是,儿童看电视的时间和 上电脑俱乐部与游戏厅的次数增加,由于缺乏有效的监测系统,儿童也就没有遵 守对于访问这些场地的限制。
In this context, the Committee is concerned at the increase in television watching and attendance of computer clubs and game halls among children and at a corresponding lack of compliance of restrictions regarding visits by children to such venues due to the lack of an effective monitoring system.
Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag.
Mordecai and Rigby are fed up with the disrespect they receive, from Benson giving them their payment in sandwich bags to two rude kids making fun of them and knocking them over with their skateboards, so Mordecai tries to beat the two rude kids’ high scores at an arcade game (Broken Bonez) in Margaret’s coffee shop, but loses badly.
但应当注意游钓捕鱼积极推动了捕捞-放生活动, 钓鱼比赛捕的鱼一般被放生,除非所捕的鱼创了记录。
However, it should be noted that most game fishing associations actively promote catch-and-release practices and that the fish caught in game fishing tournaments are generally released unless the fish caught is a record fish.
This class’ curricula include the profuse contents of digital and derivatively art, software art, game, theoretical research on the history of experimental media art; communication media, linguistics, micro-information; sculpture, space art and bio-technology; sound art and tele-information technology; interactive art, human consciousness, tele-communication technology, and etc.  International masters of new media art and young artists will discuss the benign interaction between science and art together.




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