第二支柱(OFE)——也是社会保障体系 中带有强制性的一项,资本基金。 paiz.gov.pl | Pillar (OFE) – is also an obligatory element of the social security system, the capital fund. paiz.gov.pl |
投保人可以选择保险 公司,当达到领取养老金的年龄后 (女性60岁,男性65岁),便可以通 过代理公司从社会保障部和公共养老 基金领取养老金,最终这笔钱还是从 第三个支柱中支付的。 paiz.gov.pl | After reaching a pensionable age the pensioners (women at 60, man at 65) get pensions from the Social Security Institution (ZUS) and the Open Pensionable Fund (OFE) through an Agent Company, and the eventually payment from the free 3rdpillar. paiz.gov.pl |
左起: 上海幼狮高级轿车修理有限公司 陶巍总经理, 美国前驻上海总领事腠袒龙教授, Cal-West公司总裁Mr Ed, 以及Cal-West公司副总裁王超邦及太太上海聚餐, 并同上海汽车修理涂料行业同仁会面。 cal-west.com.hk | Left hand side: Mr Tao Wei, General Manager of Shanghai Youth Limousine Service Corporation, Professor Jerome C. Ogden, ex-US Consulate General Shanghai, Mr Ed, president of Cal-West Specialty Coatings, Inc. cal-west.com.hk |
费尔蒙几十年来长期致力于酒店的环保事业,重视为客人提供绿色食物,这不仅对客人,而且对整个地球也是有益的,因此这项措施势在必行。 tipschina.gov.cn | It's a logical step for Fairmont, given our decades long work in greening our hotels and our focus on providing guests with meals that are not only good for them, but also good for the planet," said Jean Michel Offe, Fairmont's vice-president, food & beverage. tipschina.gov.cn |