

单词 5-achsen-high-speed-cutting







Four issues cut across all joint programmes: gender equality; human rights; civil society participation; and refugees.
税率下降则导致 所得税拨备减少,对本公司之溢利有所帮助。
The tax rate cut has resulted in a smaller income tax provision which helped the profit of the Company.
如果戴的不是 Graco 手套,请将手套的手指或手掌部位割掉,确保 手与接地的喷枪手柄接触。
If non-Graco gloves are worn, cut off fingers or palm area of gloves to ensure your hand contacts the grounded gun handle.
经询问,委员会获悉, 由于这种优先重视,秘书长削减 3%的要求未适用于信息和通信技术厅(另见下文 第32段)。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that given this priority, the Secretary-General’s requirement for a 3 per cent cut was not applied to the Office of Information and Communications Technology (see also para. 32 below).
但是,引人关注的是,在和平会议司法委员会讨论这个问题时,委员会的看法被正式 列入记录并写在会议记录中,在一般情况下,交战各方之间的多边公约――特别是具有技术特 性的公约,其存在和继续有效并不受战争爆发的影响,尽管也许不可能在战争期间适用于交 战国之间,或者甚至在交战国和中立国之间彼此被战线切断的某些情况下,也不可能适用, 但是,公约顶多是在暂停适用,一旦恢复和平即可自动恢复生效,没有必要在这方面作出任 何特殊规定。
It is, however, of interest to note that when the subject was under discussion in the Juridical Commission of the Peace Conference, the view of the Commission was formally placed on record and inscribed in the minutes that, in general, multilateral conventions between belligerents, particularly those of a technical character, are not affected by the outbreak of war as regards their existence and continued validity, although it may be impossible for the period of the war to apply them as between belligerents, or even in certain cases as between belligerents and neutrals who may be cut off from each other by the line of war; but that such conventions are at the most suspended in their operation and automatically revive upon the restoration of peace without the necessity of any special provision to that effect.
提高 能效可以减少对能源基础设施投资的需求,降低燃料费用,提高竞争力,改善消 费者福利。
Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investment in energy infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare.
大部份公众参与活动的参加者接受 在香港会议展览中心及湾仔沿岸有填海的需要,以采用明 挖回填方式建造浅层隧道,但明显倾向於选择无须在铜锣 湾避风塘填海的隧道方案(虽然有些人士提出在避风塘内 湾进行有限度填海,以作优化海滨之用)。
Most participants in the public engagement exercises accept the need for reclamation at the HKCEC and along the Wan Chai shoreline for shallow cut-andcover tunnel construction, but there is a clear preference for tunnel options that do not result in reclamation in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (although some parties have suggested limited reclamation in the corners of the typhoon shelter for waterfront enhancement).
根据工程监理服务总协议,各项工程监理服务交易之条件(包括但不限於本集团应付之 服务费金额及付款条件)应以公平的原则订立并为一般商业条款,且不逊於渖阳三全 提供予其他独立第三方客户之条件(该等条件须遵守中国订明之有关价格浮动范围的 规定而非价格惡性竞争,且服务及技术管理水平也不可低於渖阳三全向其他独立第三方 客户所提供的)。
Pursuant to the Master Project Management Agreement, the terms of each Project Management Transaction (including but not limited to the amount of service fees payable by the Group and the payment terms) shall be on a fair basis, on normal commercial terms, and on terms which are no less favourable than those offered by Shenyang Sanquan to other independent third party customers (such terms to comply with the relevant price fluctuation regulations prescribed by the PRC and not of cut-throat competition nature, and the level of service and technology management standards should not be lower than that provided by Shenyang Sanquan to other independent third party customers).
因若干成员要求将体制建设作为氟氯烃政策的更大范围问题的一部分加以讨论,执 行委员会同意将这项问题的审议送交根据议程项目 9(b):“第二阶段转产新办法的分析, 确定截止日期和其他未决氟氯烃政策问题(第 57/34 号决定)”举行会议的联络小组。
Given that some Members wanted to discuss IS as part of a larger package on HCFC policy, the Executive Committee agreed to refer consideration of IS to the contact group convened under agenda item 9(b), “Analysis of new approaches on second-stage conversions, determination of cut-off date and other outstanding HCFC policy issues (decision 57/34)”.
This network hard disk system supports file upload , download , rename , delete, copy, cut , search , create directories , files and so on.
至于预算外资源,这个比率是以年度拨款为基础(这纯属指示性说明, 因为这些项目的开支率不能反映实施的真实水平,两年期截止日期未到,也得不到在这一年 中按项目的实际进度所拨款项的调整数额)。
As for extrabudgetary resources, this rate is calculated on the basis of annual allocations (it is purely indicative due to the fact that the expenditure rates of such projects do not reflect the true level of implementation due to the absence of biennial cut-off date and adjustments in the allocations made during the course of the year to align with actual progress of projects).
工业化国家必须承诺通过国内政策立即、大幅和无条件地削减碳排放和温室 气体排放,并在气候公约框架内具有法律约束力、而且载有基于科学和公平的具 体目标的国际协定中作出表述。
Industrialized countries must commit to deep, drastic, and unconditional cuts in carbon and greenhouse gas emissions through domestic measures, to be expressed in international, legally binding agreements within the Climate Convention that contain targets based on science and equity.
秘书处向会员国深入介绍了毒品和犯罪问题办公室所面临的财务状况, 以及为削减费用而采取的详细措施(见 E/CN.15/2009/22)。
The Secretariat provided in-depth briefings to Member States on the financial situation facing UNODC and the details of the measures being taken to cut costs (see E/CN.15/2009/22).
这一次,我们正在寻求执行工作计划或任何其他提议,使裁谈会能够按照香 农授权开始谈判一项裂变材料禁产条约。
This time, we are seeking the implementation of the programme of work or of any other proposal that would allow the Conference to begin negotiations on a fissile material cut-off treaty in accordance with the Shannon mandate.
关于未来国际条约的谈判,克罗地亚赞同欧洲伙伴的意见,即在日内瓦裁军 谈判会议上必须尽快就《裂变材料禁产条约》展开谈判。
With regard to the future international treaty negotiations, Croatia shares the opinion of its European partners on the need to convene as soon as possible negotiations on a fissile material cut-off treaty in the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.
鉴于 2011 年灾难 性的水灾导致 400 亿美元的破坏和损失并使国内生产总值(GDP)的增长率降 低至接近于零,减少灾害风险成为泰国的一项主要的优先目标。
In the light of the devastating floods in 2011, which had resulted in damage and losses of $40 billion and cut the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to close to zero, disaster risk reduction had become a key priority for Thailand.
中国的平均约束税率和适用关税是 15.2%,而世界平均约束 税率为 60%,日本的平均农业关税为 42%,美国和欧洲则达 22%,中国的关税将进 一步削减到 12%。
China’s average bound and applied tariff was 15.2 per cent, compared with the 60 per cent world average bound rate and the average agricultural tariff rates of 42 per cent in Japan and 22 per cent in the United States of America and Europe, and China’s tariff would be cut further to 12 per cent.
上部传感器和和下部传感器一同用于检测在白色或透明衬垫上具有黑色或暗色 背景的模切标签之间的衬垫间隙。
The upper sensor and lower sensor are used together to detect liner gaps between die cut labels that have a black or dark background on white or clear liner.
虽然可以通过对市场的不确定性作出反应,来解释价格的波动,但其他因素,例 如中国的需求格局,投资的大幅度削减以及投资者的投机活动,都被认为是矿产 品和金属市场最近价格波动的基本原因。
While price movements could be explained by a response to market uncertainty, other factors, such as the demand pattern from China, severe cuts in investments and, not least, investor speculation, have been identified as the underlying causes of recent price movements in the minerals and metals market.
在远北的 Gulf Country 和约克角半岛,广阔的无人区被数不清的干涸河床划成无数小块,而到了雨季,这些河床会变成溢水的河流。
In the far northern Gulf Country and Cape York Peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds, which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
食典委感谢粮农组织和世卫组织保护食典预算以及按实际值计算将食典计划的 预算削减保持在最低水平,请粮农组织和世卫组织管理机构确保为食典提供充足资金,因 为食典计划有其特殊性,即其财务和管理方面的灵活性比其它技术计划有限。
The Commission thanked the FAO and WHO for protecting the Codex budget and for having kept to a minimum budget cuts in real terms for the Codex programme and invited the governing bodies of FAO and WHO to ensure adequate funding for Codex in view of the particular nature of the Codex programme whose financial and managerial flexibility was limited compared to other technical programmes.
在强迫失踪的问题上,不论受害者是活着还是死了,单独监禁,切断了有关 个人与整个社会的联系,不允许彼此之间接触,即使是暂时的,也会引起生命的 风险,国家对此负有责任。
In the matter of enforced disappearance, whether the victim is alive or dead, the mere fact of incommunicado detention which cuts the individual concerned off from the human community by severing contact between them, even temporarily, entails a risk to life for which the State is accountable.
欧洲联盟已经采取了 这些措施,其中包括立即停止生产用于核武器的裂 变材料;拆除核设施和试验场地,而且拆除退役的 核弹头;秉持美国和俄罗斯联邦缔结新条约的精神, 削减所有核武库;针对极端自卫情况,限制核武器 在防御理论中的作用;以法国和美国为榜样,提高 各国持有核武器数量的透明度;所有国家,特别是 附件二列示的尚未加入该文书的国家迅速批准《禁 试条约》;立即开展关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判。
Those measures, which had been taken up by the European Union, included an immediate halt to the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons; the dismantlement of nuclear installations and test sites, but also of decommissioned nuclear warheads; a reduction of all nuclear arsenals, in the spirit of the new treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation; a limiting of the role of nuclear weapons in defence doctrines to extreme cases of self-defence; greater transparency as to the number of nuclear weapons held by each State, following the example of France and the United States; prompt ratification of the Test-Ban Treaty by all States, particularly annex II States, that were not yet parties to that instrument; and immediate negotiation of a fissile material cut-off treaty.
该报告由南非MSA集团(以下称“MSA”)和有资格人士Swinden Geoscience Consultants Ltd的Scott Swinden博士独立完成,目前双方共同确定将1.0% TREO作为该矿产资源量评估的适度基本边际品位。
The Report was independently prepared by The MSA Group of South Africa ("MSA") and Dr. Scott Swinden of Swinden Geoscience Consultants Ltd, the "Qualified Person" (QP), who together have currently identifed 1.0% TREO as an appropriate base case cut-off grade for the mineral resource estimate.
不同银行在研究其他可行方案时亦有咨询视障人士的 意见,其中包括设立“快捷键”以提供另一途径让视障人士透过数字键盘来操作 轻触式屏幕自动柜员机。
Different banks have been consulting the visually impaired community in studying other potential solutions including the provision of “short-cut keys” to offer an alternative for visually impaired customers to operate touch-screen ATMs using keypad input.
为了减少武器的非法流动,我敦促各国借助《管 制火器议定书》来填补国家立法中的漏洞;加强对武 器运输的管制;建立关于收缴非法武器的区域数据 库;促进各政府管理部门内的机构间合作;建立关于 可疑货物的档案;同其他国家分享信息以便核查遵守 国际协定的情况。
To cut the illicit flow of weapons, I urge States to use the Firearms Protocol to close loopholes in national legislation, tighten up regulations on weapons transport, develop regional databases on seizures, promote inter-agency cooperation within national administrations, profile suspicious shipments and share information with other countries to verify compliance with international agreements.
核裁军是一个错综复杂的过程,包括若干要素, 即《全面禁止核试验条约》生效;缔结一项可核查 的裂变材料禁产条约;给予消极安全保证;创建无 核武器区;以及就防止外层空间的军备竞赛达成共 识。
Nuclear disarmament was a complicated process that would entail several elements, namely, the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the conclusion of a verifiable fissile material cut-off treaty, the granting of negative security assurances, the creation of nuclear-weapon-free zones, and a consensus on the prevention of an arms race in outer space.




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