在藏匿的宝藏,吉姆遇到弗林特本人的遗骸 ,BEN的认知计算机缺少的部分。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In the stash of treasure, Jim comes across the skeletal remains of Flint himself, holding a missing part of B.E.N’s cognitive computer. seekcartoon.com |
2009 年,一位名叫 OrBen-David Katz 的 19 岁 以色列女孩曾说,她打算藐视以色列的法律,拒服兵 役。 daccess-ods.un.org | I n 2009,Or Ben-David Katz,a19-year-old [...]Israeli girl, stated that she fully intended to flout Israeli law by refusing to perform military service. daccess-ods.un.org |
BenQHolding, BV 在阿姆斯特丹 [...]也有雇员,主要为集团其他成员公司工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | BenQ Holding,BV also had [...]employees in Amsterdam primarily doing work for other group member companies. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果想要品尝华盛顿的地道文化,可以去位于14街和U街 的Ben’s Chili Bowl,店里的原味辣烟熏热狗从1958年开始就一直是本地美食的精髓。 capitalregionusa.org | For an authentic taste of Washingtonian [...] cultur e,stopbyBen’sChili Bowl at [...]14th and U Streets, whose Original Chili Half-Smoke [...]has been the soul of local cuisine since 1958. capitalregionusa.org |
出席当天下午颁奖仪式的有耀中的行政人员和部门主管,以及CIE代表,包括行政总裁Ann [...] Puntis女士、传讯及客户关系总监Janet Morris女士、亚太区总 裁BenSchmidt博士、中国高等学校发展经理Stella [...]Jiang女士,及中国学校发展经理Lina Li女士。 ycis-bj.com | Attending the afternoon ceremony were YCIS administrators and division heads, and CIE representatives, including Ms. Ann Puntis, CIE CEO, Ms. Janet Morris, CIE [...] Director of Communications and Customer [...] Relat ionships, Dr.Ben Schmidt, CIE Regional [...]Director Asia Pacific, Ms. Stella Jiang, [...]CIE Senior Schools Development Manager for China, and Ms. Lina Li, CIE Schools Development Manager for China. ycis-bj.com |
因为你 是Ben10风扇游戏,我们做了我准备了一个很有趣,你将不得不考虑如 何Ben的驱动亚视。 jocurios.ro | Because you are withBen 10 fangames,we did I prepared one very interesting in that you will have to look howBen's drive atv. jocurios.ro |
我们若不限定经济变化对个人的负面影响,」联准会主席 柏南 克(BenBernanke)在2007年的一场演讲中表示,「大众可 [...]能会比较不愿意接受经济发展所必要的动态机制」。 americancorner.org.tw | individuals affected by economic change,” Federal [...] Reserve Chairman BenBernanke said in [...]a 2007 speech, “the public at large might [...]become less willing to accept the dynamism that is so essential to economic progress. americancorner.org.tw |
Ben的项目“断层线上的生活——不稳定地域的策略”聚焦位于日本的立鲔小镇,这座小镇在2011年的海啸中遭受重创。 hassellstudio.com | Ben's project'FaultLine [...]Living – Strategies for fluid territories' focused on the town of Shibitachi in Japan, which was [...]dramatically affected by the 2011 tsunami, to explore the question 'How can a landscape architecture approach contribute to the resilience of townships that exist within volatile environmental conditions? hassellstudio.com |
在探索宝藏星球的森林,逃犯满 足BEN(马丁·肖特),一个被遗弃的,异想天开的机器人声称已经失去了大部分记忆,并邀请他们到他家里照顾受伤的阿梅利亚。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While exploring Treasure Planet’s forests, the fugitives meet B.E.N. (Martin Short), an abandoned, whimsical robot who claims to have lost most of his memory and invites them to his house to care for the wounded Amelia. seekcartoon.com |
包含貂锦皮 、BEN-皮、丽锦皮、翠玉胶皮、安琪皮等Casting PVC鞋用制品。 npc.com.tw | Kam contains mink skin,BEN-skin, Lai Kam-skin [...]jade Rubber, Casting PVC shoes, etc. npc.com.tw |
上海团队将与位于伦敦的摩科瑞新的金属交易业务紧密合作,伦敦的新金属交易业务由Liam Bro wn和BenGreen领导,两位此前均任职于高盛,最近刚加入摩科瑞。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Shanghai team will work in close collaboration with Mercuria's [...] new metal trading business based in London, headed up [...] by Li amBrown and BenGreenwho recently [...]joined from Goldman Sachs. tipschina.gov.cn |
与所有COOLTRON脚踏一样, BigBen的true bypass让你的指示无损地流动。 tomleemusic.com.hk | As with all [...] COOLTRON ped als, the Big Ben'strue bypass allows [...]you to let your signal flow through untouched. tomleemusic.com.hk |
市场时机把握者们仍可继续在流动资金的大潮中迎风弄潮,希望他们有足够的智慧,能够及时优雅退出, 但Ben正指望着能创造出一系列能在其任期内持续的利好经济状况,是否确实有采取行动,目前还太早以至无法判断。 china.blackstone.com | Market timers can continue to ride the liquidity [...] wave hoping they are smart enough to get [...] out grac efully,but Ben is countingon creating [...]a positive set of economic conditions [...]that lasts beyond his tenure, and it is still too soon to know whether he has done that. blackstone.com |
在加入意法•爱立信之前 ,Ben-Hamou先生曾在英飞凌(Infineon)任职10年。他在离开英飞凌(Infineon)时所担任的职位是副总裁以及入门手机事业部的总经理和SDR移动平台副总裁及总经理,该事业部是由他在2007年成立的。 stericsson.com | Prior to joining [...] ST-Eric sson, Mr. Ben-Hamou worked 10 [...]years at Infineon Technologies where in his last role he was Vice [...]President & General Manager of the Entry Phones Business Unit and Vice President & General Manager of SDR Mobile Platforms – business that he founded himself in 2007. stericsson.com |