释义 |
Examples:prostitution of children—(of children) play up in front of guests—full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery)—percentage of children who enter school—in rapid succession (of children, close in age)—hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children—Chronos, Greek God and cannibalistic child abuser, father of Zeus—tufts of hair on children—Pu Yi, personal name of the last Qing emperor (reigned as child 1909-1911), the subject of Bertolucci's biopic The Last Emperor—children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s—(of parents) bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age—a crocodile (of school children)—be afraid of strangers (of small children)—practice of allowing only one child per family—woman of similar age one's parents (term of address used by child)—infantile convulsion (illness affecting children esp. under the age of five, marked by muscular spasms)—qualities that delight children (e.g. bold colors in a picture, anthropomorphized characters in a TV show, the physical challenge of playground equipment)—prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity—(Taiwan usage) child in need of help (orphaned, abandoned, abused etc)—pedophile (slang, referring the case of a Hong Kong child abductor)—woman hired take care of a newborn child and its mother in the month after childbirth—egg rolling (rolling of decorated, hard-boiled eggs down hillsides by children at Easter)— |