反复监禁拒服兵役者可 能违反“一罪不二审”的原则,并因此应当停止。 daccess-ods.un.org | Repeated imprisonment for refusal to serve in the armed forces may constitute a violation of the principle of ne bis in idem, and should therefore be ceased. daccess-ods.un.org |
在常绿的森林,灌丛,灌丛丛林,河岸,耕地的路旁,边缘的石灰的土地,空旷地上的通常; 300-1800米四川,云南 [印度东北部,? flora.ac.cn | Often on calcareous soils, clearings of evergreen forests, thickets, scrub jungle, river banks, roadsides, margins of cultivated land; 300-1800 m. Sichuan, Yunnan [NE India, ? flora.ac.cn |
在混交林的岩石和在水,在高山的区域的岩石裂缝附近的山谷; 约1700米西北部的贵州,四川西南部,云南东北。 flora.ac.cn | Rocks in mixed forests and valleys near water, rock crevices in alpine zone; ca. 1700 m. NW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, NE Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
它将 于 6 月 6 日在特拉维夫大学举行,主办方为尤瓦拉尼 曼科学、技术和安全研讨会。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will take place on 6 June at Tel Aviv University, under the auspices of the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security. daccess-ods.un.org |
低值模压型高精密金属膜电阻 NE 系列适合MIL-PRF-55182和GJB244A-2001标准,具有高稳定、高可靠,高精度、低温度系数等特点。 4-direct.com | NE Moulding ultra precision Series meets MIL-PRF-55182 and GJB244A-2001 quality standards with low temperature coefficient PPM and ultra low resistance range. 4-direct.com |
我常歌唱,是为了不喊”—— 科尔内耶《独自在世界上》 (Seul au monde)的歌词。 wipo.int | D’ailleurs je chante souvent pour ne pas crier ( I often sing not to shout) – Lyrics from Corneille’s song Seul au monde (Alone in the world). wipo.int |
在上一次(1983 年)人口普查中,尽管分类标准模糊,但 约有几十万人登记,当时华裔缅甸人口众多,虽然人数不明, 但影响力不可小视(证人,如,奈温将军,Brigadier Aung Gyi)。 crisisgroup.org | In the last census of 1983, there were several hundred thousand listed, although the criteria for such a categorisation was obscure, and there is an extensive Sino-Burman population of unknown size but considerable influence (witness, for example, General Ne Win, Brigadier Aung Gyi). crisisgroup.org |
圣米格尔地区位于安东尼奥地区东北5公里处,位于圣安东尼奥地区、圣米格尔地区、Yarati-y地区和Typychaty地区含铀矿化的还原氧化(redox)前锋线上。 tipschina.gov.cn | San Miguel is located 5 km NE of San Antonio along the reduction-oxidation (redox) front which hosts the uranium mineralization at San Antonio, San Miguel, Yarati-y, and Typychaty. tipschina.gov.cn |
答覆:北环 线 提供连 接 新 界 西 北部和东 北部的铁路, 改善与过境 车 站 的 连 系 , 并 为新发展 区开辟 一条新走廊。 legco.gov.hk | The Northern Link provides rail connections between North West (NW) and North East (NE) New Territories, improves connections to boundary crossing stations, and opens up a new corridor for New Development Areas (NDAs). legco.gov.hk |
虽然上诉人没有向上诉委员会提述申请编号为 A/NE-TK/359 的 获批个案或臨时准则中可从宽/从优考虑的情况,但为完整起 見,上诉委员会希望在下文概述有关情况。 devb.gov.hk | Although the Appellant did not refer the Appeal Board to the approval case of A/NE-TK/359 or the scenarios for sympathetic/favourable consideration suggested by the Interim Criteria, the Appeal Board would like to briefly raise them below for the sake of completeness. devb.gov.hk |
NE系列板链式提升机是本公司引进国外同类产品先进技术开发的产品。 mayastar.com.cn | NE series chain elevator is a product introduced abroad, new and advanced product introduced advanced technology. mayastar.com.cn |
D12F200 和 ND/NE 产品系列属于第二代、非隔离式 POL DC/DC 电源模块的一部分,与网络和数据通信应用中的第一代 NC 系列 POL 模块相比,大多数模块尺寸缩减了近 50%。 digikey.cn | The D12F200 and ND/NE product families are part of the second generation, non-isolated POL DC/DC power modules that cut the module size by almost 50% in most of the cases compared to the first generation NC series POL modules for networking and data communication applications. digikey.ca |
这样做符合“一罪不二审” 的原则,该原则规定不能对同一行为提起两次法律诉讼,《公民权利和政治权利 国际公约》第十四(7)条对此也做出规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is in line with the principle of “ne bis in idem” which states that no legal action can be instituted twice for the same cause of action which is also provided in Article 14 (7) of the ICCPR. daccess-ods.un.org |
免疫反应结果显示:DA和NE免疫阳性神经细胞广泛分布在文昌鱼端脑后部、中脑前部和中部以及脊髓。 actazool.org | Medium and small types of DA and NE immunopositive nerve cells were found in the posterior part of telencephalon, anterior and middle part of midbrain, and the positive substance occurred in the cytoplasm of nerve cells. actazool.org |
每个网络企业的团队都对其所选的 行业进行了深入研究,确定中小型企业面临的主要外部风险。 avantageventures.com | Each NE team conducts extensive research in its selected industry and identifies key external risks that the SMEs are exposed to. avantageventures.com |
委员会注意到缔约国的意见,即该国高等法院已审查了提交人关于“一罪 不二审”的申诉,并认为根据《性罪犯法》的所作的拘禁令并非以提交人的犯罪 历史为依据,而且并不涉及提交人的最初犯罪行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7.2 The Committee notes the State party’s observations that its High Court had examined the author’s claim of ne bis in idem and found that the detention order under the DPSOA was not based on the author’s criminal history and did not relate to the author’s initial offence. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於九十 年 代 中 期 的预测显 示 人 口 会 迅速增长, 当 局在 1999-2000 年度委聘顾问 进行研究, 在新界 西 北部和东 北部寻 找 合 适 地 点 建设新发展 区 , 而这些新发展 区 在 2016 年 时须容 纳约 40 万人口 。 legco.gov.hk | In the light of rapid population growth estimated in the mid-nineties, consultancy studies were commissioned in 1999-2000 to identify NDAs in NW and NE New Territories to accommodate about 400,000 population by 2016. legco.gov.hk |
使用代谢能和消化能和使用 EvaPig®净能体系的用户,NE 的需要量可以定为:0.71*DE 或是 0.75*ME。 evapig.com | For people who use DE or ME values and want to implement the NE system of EvaPig®, NE requirements can be estimated as 0.71 x DE or 0.75 x ME. evapig.com |
基于微卫星变异的FCA分析不能区分华南、华北、东北三个种群。 actazool.org | Even considering the two main factors, which reflect the biggest genetic differentiation among the populations, it is impossible to distinguish SC,NC and NE from each other by FCA (Factor Correspondence Analysis). actazool.org |
标注上它们是成就(A)、挑战(C)或是负面情绪、不喜欢(NE)。 avatarepc.com | Note whether they are accomplishments (A), challenges (C), or negative emotions, dislikes (NE). avatarepc.com |
),其中每一家公 司都采用从供应链的角度出发来解决某一具体行业中小型企业所面临的问题。 avantageventures.com | Called Network Enterprises (NE), each company has adopted a supply chain perspective to address the problems faced by SMEs in a particular sector. avantageventures.com |
16世纪Sheik al Ne Fzawi在他着名的Perfumed Garden中 提到有这一简单蔬菜的几个菜谱所具有的惊人功效,但也劝告人们要适度利用,因为它的功效持续时间太长,会给人们带来几分尴尬。 knowfood.cn | In the his famous Perfumed Garden written in the XVI century, Sheik al Nefzawi writes of the portentious virtues of this simple vegetable giving a few recipes but counselling moderation as its effects could be too lasting, bringing embarassement. knowfood.cn |
饲料(原料和日粮)的能值可以用消化能、代谢能和净能(Noblet 等,2006)表示。 evapig.com | The energy value of a feed (ingredient or diet) can be expressed as digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) (Noblet et al., 2006). evapig.com |
1NE - 层压式印度黑檀木作侧及背板,红雪松木为面板。 tomleemusic.com.hk | 1NE - Laminated Indian rosewood sides and back, red cedar top. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在内布拉斯加州Kearney有一位专职销售经理负责管理中东地区以及印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和埃及的销售活动并选择和开发分销业务。 baldwinfilters.com | A dedicated sales manager, located in Kearney, NE, is responsible for managing sales activities and selecting and developing distribution in the Middle East region, as well as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt. baldwinfilters.com |
F在 urnal 表头是杂志索契,新推出的写操作,关於苏 - - - - 物质方案 NE - 和新商业 NES Pro EC Tah Rd-ro-达索契。 journal.g-sochi.ru | F at TABLE HEAD urnal is Magazine Sochi, to the newly introduced writes about Su substance sche NE and new biz-NES-Pro-EC-Tah Rd-ro-da Sochi. journal.g-sochi.ru |
上诉人在提交申请时,上诉地点坐落於《汀角分区计划大纲草图 编号 S/NE-TK/16》划为「乡村式发展」地带(约 53%)及「农业」 地带(约 47%)的地区内,而在现行的《汀角分区计划大纲核准图 编号 S/NE-TK/17》(下称「大纲图」)上,上诉地点的用途地带维 持不变。 devb.gov.hk | The Site falls within an area zoned “Village Type Development” (“V”) (around 53%) and “Agriculture” (“AGR”) (around 47%) on the draft Ting Kok Outline Zoning Plan No. S/NE-TK/16 at the time of submission of the application. devb.gov.hk |
它对市场上绝大多数移动设备提供开箱即用支持,包括 Windows Mobile、诺基亚、摩托罗拉、LG、三星、IOS(iPhone、iPad)以及 安卓 2.0 以上的 安卓系统设备。 icewarp.cn | It delivers out-of-the-box support for most mobile devices on the market including Windows Mobile, Nokia, Motorola, LG, Samsung, iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android-powered devices since Android 2.0. icewarp.eu |
位于东北二街和第106东北大道的SOMA塔是贝尔维尤市自二OO七年房地产泡沫破灭以后第一个破土动工的高层建筑.它的建成, 将为城区提供新的公寓,零售和办公室空间,以及停车场。 seattlerealestateplus.com | SOMA towers on NE 2nd St and 106th Ave NE was the first development to break ground since the real estate bubble burst and will bring new apartments, retail/office space, and parking. seattlerealestateplus.com |