

单词 50-hz-wechselspannung



Tung Chee-hwa (1937-), Hong Kong entrepreneur and politician, chief executive 1997-2005
有关郭序先生、张志华先生、张敬山先生、王明先生、庞红涛先生及谭泽之先生之履 历载於本通函附录三。
Particulars relating to Mr. Guo Xu, Mr. Cheung Chi Hwa, Justin, Mr. Cheung King Shan, Mr. Wong Ming, Kerry, Mr. Pang Hong Tao, Peter and Mr. Tam Chak Chi are set out in Appendix III to this circular.
在紧接句号之前加上“,使在香港设立公司的台商到内地经商时可 免於同时缴交台、港两地的税项;(八 ) 尽快於台湾设立特区政府 办事处;(九 ) 更积极发挥其中介人的特殊角色,将香港打造成两 岸三地的交流平台,共同推动中、港、台在法治、廉政、文化艺 术、环保等方面的发展,藉此丰富三地的民间及官方交流;(十 ) 加 强与中华旅行社的合作,并强化其在贸易、投资、旅游等方面的 功能;及(十一) 推动两岸三地的邮轮旅游”。
To add ", so that Taiwan businessmen who set up companies in Hong Kong and operate businesses on the Mainland can avoid paying taxes in Taiwan and Hong Kong at the same time; (h) expeditiously setting up an office of the Special Administrative Region Government in Taiwan; (i) performing Hong Kong's special role as an intermediary in a more proactive manner, turning Hong Kong into a platform for exchanges among the three places across the Taiwan Strait, jointly promoting development in areas of rule of law, corruption prevention, culture and arts, environmental protection, etc on the Mainland and in Hong Kong and Taiwan, thereby enriching non-government and official exchanges among the three places; (j) strengthening cooperation with the Chung Hwa Travel Service, and enhancing its functions in areas of trade, investment and tourism, etc; and (k) promoting cruise tourism among the three places across the Taiwan Strait" immediately before the full stop.
12 年前仅在咖啡店拥有一个小摊位的 Kok Kuan Hwa 先生现在已声名鹊起。
Starting out with just one stall in a coffee shop 12 years ago, Mr Kok Kuan Hwa has steadily established a name for himself.
由於当局没有就 首届行政长官选举订定选举开支限额,加上据一则新闻报道所 述,行政长官当选人董建华先生就该次选举只使用了约270万元 的选举开支,他们认为当局应考虑首届行政长官选举中3名候选 人所招致的选举开支,来订定选举开支限额。
As no election expenses limit was imposed on the election of the first-term CE and according to a press report, Mr TUNG Chee-hwa, the CE-elect, had only spent about $2.7 million on election expenses for that election, they were of the view that the election expenses limit should be set having regard to the election expenses incurred by the three candidates at the election of the first-term CE.
According to this schedule, the date and time of our next release will be June 11, 2002, at 2 pm; the latest ratings of CE Tung Chee-hwa and the most well-known political groups will be released. Then, on June 18, 2002, at 2 pm, we will release the latest results of people's appraisal of the HKSAR Government, their most concerned problems and their satisfaction with the current political, economic and social conditions.
在过去 12 年中,从咖啡摊起家的 Mr Kok Kuan Hwa 已逐渐建立了名声。
Starting out with just one stall in a coffee shop 12 years ago, Mr Kok Kuan Hwa has steadily established a name for himself.
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉先生在今天举行的奖学金茶聚上, 颁发今年的海外留学奖学金予三位香港得奖学生,分别为意大利联合世 界书院的江晨欣小姐、新加坡华中初级学院的李小宝小姐及香港李宝椿 联合世界书院的陆嘉殷小姐。
At a reception held today, Mr Raymond Or, the Bank's Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, presented this year's overseas scholarships under the Hong Kong programme to Miss Jiang Chenxin, United World College, Italy; Miss Lee Siu Po, Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore; and Miss Phyllis Luk, Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong.
According to the latest opinion survey published last week by the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong, people's dissatisfaction with the current political environment has declined from 60% to 47%, and according to a new survey to be published soon, the popularity rating of Tung Chee-hwa has gone back to 50, first time in two years.
本公司将於股东周年大会上提呈普通决议案,重选郭序先生、张志华先生及张敬山 先生为执行董事,及重选王明先生、庞红涛先生及谭泽之先生为独立非执行董事。
At the AGM, an ordinary resolution will be proposed to re-elect each of Mr. Guo Xu, Mr. Cheung Chi Hwa, Justin and Mr. Cheung King Shan as an executive Director; and each of Mr. Wong Ming, Kerry, Mr. Pang Hong Tao, Peter and Mr. Tam Chak Chi as an independent non-executive Director.
In early 2004, at the Yeouido Twin Towers, the headquarters of the LG group, LG Electronics Mobile Communication Company President (then Vice President) An Seung-gwon received a surprise from Kim Ssang-su, CEO of LG Electronics, and Park Moon-hwa, CEO of the Mobile Communication Company.
2011 年 1 月 3 日,香 港 讯 ── 本 地 着 名 上 市 资 讯 科 技 公 司 科 联 系 统 集 团 有 限 公 司 (“科 联 集 团”,SEHK 00046) 旗 下 附 属 公 司 之 一 ,商 贸 易 服 务 有 限 公 司 (“商 贸 易”) 宣 布 与 联 合 出 版 (集 团) 有 限 公司 之 成 员 机 构 - 三 联 书 店 及 中 华 书 局 合 作 , 为 商 界 提 供 纸 张 电 子 转 换 报 关 服 务。
Hong Kong, 3 January 2011 – Leading locally listed information technology services company, Computer And Technologies Holdings Limited (“C&T Holdings”, SEHK 00046), through its subsidiary Global e-Trading Services Limited (“Ge-TS”) today announces the new collaboration with Joint Publishing (H.K.) Company Limited (“Joint Publishing”) and Chung Hwa Book (H.K.) Company Limited (“Chung Hwa Book Co.”) of Sino United Publishing Group to provide the paper-to-electronic conversion services for trade declaration to the trading community.
Kuang Hwa BaoÔ contains Bacillus thuringiensis of type HD-1 and has a potency of 16,000 IU/mg. 2.
作品包括MYFM台庆主题曲《十载更精彩》、南洋十大义演主题曲“十个新梦想”、Hwa Tai饼乾电视广告配乐、鸿福堂凉茶广告主题曲《我们的默契》、Gintell 广告配乐、余仁生广告配乐、八度空间《翻滚Go好玩》等。
Besides pop Music Production, he also take part in commercial production such as MYFM Theme Song《Decade of More Excitin》,Nan Yang Xiang Bao Ten Charity Theme Song“10 New Dreams”, Hwa Tai Biscuits Jingles, Hong Fok Tong Herbal Tea jingles Theme Song《Our understanding》,Gintell jingles, Eu Yan Shang Jingles, 8 TV 《Go Roll Fun》etc.
计划更得到前香港特别行政区行政长官董建华和柏林市市长Mr. Eberhard DIEPGEN作荣誉赞助人。
The events were honoured to have Mr. TUNG Chee Hwa, the former Chief Executive of the HKSAR, and Mr. Eberhard DIEPGEN, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, as their honorary patrons.
Mr. Ko Kheng Hwa has held senior appointments in several statutory boards, government-associated and private companies, including Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Development and Living Business Division, Keppel Corporation Ltd, Singapore, Chief Executive Officer of JTC Corporation (Singapore government agency responsible for industrial infrastructure development), and Chief Executive of National Computer Board.
Henry Y.T. Fok, Vice Chairman of the People's Political Consultative Committee of the People's Republic of China, the Honorable Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr. Gao Siren, Director of Liaison Office of the Central People¡¦s Government in the HKSAR, Mr. Yang Wenchang, Commissioner of the Office of Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Honorable Elsie Leung Oi Sie, Secretary for Justice of the Department of Justice of the HKSAR were invited as Guests of Honour to officiate the ceremony.
With The History of Whoo Hwa Hyun Essence you are treated with the ultimate in moisture retention skin care products, keeping your skin youthful looking.
At today's presentation ceremony of The Shaw Prize at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mr Chee-Hwa Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, accompanied by Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of the Prize, presented the awards to the six laureates of the three prizes.
澳门银河」Double R Racing车队将会继续沿用协助他们在今季赢得两项大赛,及过去四年胜出25场赛事的梅赛德斯-HWA引擎。
The Galaxy Double R Racing Team will continue to utilize the Mercedes engines tuned by HWA, that have powered them to two victories this season and 25 over the past four years.
美国加州圣地牙哥大学物理系华泰立教授、马尔堡大学物理系Peter Lenz教授、浸会大学物理系汤雷翰教授和香港大学化学系陈冠华教授率領理論模型分析。
Professor Terence HWA of UCSD, Professor Peter LENZ of the University of Marbury, Professor TANG Lei-han of HKBU, and Professor CHEN Guang-hua of HKU Department of Chemistry led the modelling analysis.
周日的讲员来自各地,印象深刻的有宾州使者的周主培 牧师、文字事工的苏文峰、纽约的林三纲、大嗓门的徐华、 幽默的李大飞、更有来自澳洲的刘东崑牧师,现在 Boston 服事的庄祖锟….等等。
Sunday sermon speakers came from all over, I still remember well Rev. Moses Chow of Ambassadors for Christ, Wen-Feng Su of literature ministry, Bellman Lin from New York, Hwa Hsu with his booming voice, Da-Fei Lee with a great sense of humor, Rev Dong-Kun Liu from Australia, and Ju -Kun Chuang who now serves in Boston.
如该书第 33 页倒数 第二行“美国学者收到中国 1948 年 1 月 5 日寄去的水杉种子后”;同一件事在该书第 99 页第 7-8 行又写道“1948 年元月 5 日收到种子”;实际上 1948 年 1 月 5 日是哈佛大学阿诺德树木 园收到第一批种子的日期,而中国寄出第一批种子的日期是 1947 年 12 月 24 日。
On “16 January,” H. H. Hu sent a letter from Beijing to Thomas Harper Goodspeed (1887–1966), then Director of the University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley, along with two small bags of seeds, some fragments of leafy branchlets, a male inflorescence and two cones, and a lithographic plate of Metasequoia glyptostroboides (this set of specimens is in UC, including fragments of C. J. Hsueh 5 and 51, and C. T. Hwa 2).
彰化银行保留面额 375,056 仟元之 D 级受益证券帐列备供出 售金融资产,对前三顺位投资人支付约定利息後之剩余利息保有 权利,当债务人无法支付到期款项时,投资人及德商德意志银行 股份有限公司台北分行对於彰化银行之其他资产并无追索权。
Chang Hwa Bank holds D securities of $375,056 thousand as available-for-sale financial assets with the right to claim residual interests after paying fixed interest of Class A1, A2, B and C securities.
彰 化银行所持有之衍生性金融商品除具有杠杆倍數效果之利率交 换合约外,无法於市场上以合理价格出售之可能性极小,故变 现流动风险甚低。
Chang Hwa Bank’s derivatives, except for interest rate swaps with leveraging effects, have very little probabilities of failing to be sold with reasonable prices in the market, and thus have low liquidity risks.
经验分享会上,张小康大使、嘉宾新华利食品工业私人有限公司董事经理庄莉娟、惠普新加坡 (销售) 私人有限公司个人系统事业群总经理杨美力,以及事业女性组主席张齐娥畅谈女性如何兼顾工作与家庭这个课题,并分享各自的经验与心得。
During the session that followed, HE Zhang Xiaokang, Sin Hwa Dee Foodstuff’s Managing Director Jocelyn Chng, HP Singapore’s Personal Systems Group General Manager Serena Yong, and CWG Chairperson Claire Chiang, took turns to share their respective experiences and views on achieving work-life balance.
由日本游戏业龙头SEGA跨足运动休闲领域所开发高尔夫动作确认机-「Rec Check Golf」,于十月十七日在台北市美丽华百货华漾饭店举办产品发表会。
SEGA held a product launch conference on October 17, 2011 at Hwa-Young Miramar in Miramar Mall, Taipei for Rec Check Golf, a golf swing check machine developed by SEGA for entering the sport and leisure industry.




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