单词 | 50 125μm system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
对于布氏、维氏和努氏方法,要注意 对角线的长度至少应为20μm,否则 测量误差将过大。 struers.com | For Brinell, Vickers and Knoop [...] it is important that the diagonal [...] lengths are at least20μm or larger,otherwise [...]measurement inaccuracy will be too high. struers.com |
在这些行业中,HPGR的应用范围很广,从粗研磨(如在AG循环管路中的65mm(2.5")直径的超大鹅卵石)到在团矿料制备中终磨成Blaine值高达<100μm的材料。 zs.weirminerals.com | In these industries, the application of HPGR ranges from coarse grinding, e.g. the grinding of 65mm (2.5") size excess [...] pebbles in AG circulation loops, to [...] final grinding of<100μmmaterial tohigh Blaine [...]values in the preparation of pellet feed. weirminerals.com |
测量量程是 10 毫米,分辨率可达0.01μm。 solartronmetrology.cn | Measurement range is 10mm, and [...] resolution is better than 0.01μm. solartronmetrology.com |
阿基米德是一款创新型、高性能系统,利用共振质量测量技术,对粒度范围在50nm~5μm的颗粒进行检测与计数,同时测量颗粒质量及粒度。 malvern.com.cn | Archimedes is an innovative, high-performance system which harnesses the technique of resonant [...] mass measurement in order to detect and count particles in the size [...] range 50nm - 5µm and to measure [...]particle mass and size. malvern.com |
*2:对于RoHS指令的铅适用豁免用途附录文件N [...] o.33 「电力变压器中所使用的直径100μm以下极细铜线的焊接用焊锡所含有的铅」 [...]不属于适用豁免对象。 minebea.com.cn | Lead in solders for the resoldering of thin [...] copper wiresof 100 μmdiameter and less [...]in power transformers specified in RoHS [...]exemption No. 33 is not exempt from this Standard. minebea.co.jp |
根据使用中的传感器的不同,电子装置的设计使分辨率可以在0.1μm以下。 solartronmetrology.cn | The electronics design enables [...] resolutions below 0.1 μmdependanton the [...]sensor in use. solartronmetrology.com |
放置浸油B(0.0004实验室锡达格罗夫,新泽西州,美国)上的背面侧的直径7mm的铜盘具有500μm的钻孔通过盘3-4微升液滴。 jove.com | Place a 3-4 μl droplet of immersion oil B (Cargille laboratories, [...] Cedar Grove, New Jersey, USA) on the back side of a 7 mm diameter [...] copper dischaving500 μmholes drilled through [...]the disc. jove.com |
包括不含水性油漆干扰物的密封件(PWIS-free), 符合ISO [...] 16232标准的允许最大颗粒物直径为400μm或200μm的密封件,或符合ISO 14644-1标准在5级洁净室中清洗和包装的密封件。 tss.trelleborg.com | These include seals free of paint wetting impairment [...] substances (PWIS-free), maximum allowed [...] particle sizes of400 μm or200 μm based on ISO 16232 [...]or seals washed and packed in a cleanromm class 5 acc. to ISO 14644-1. tss.trelleborg.com |
美国的一项调查表明,更换掉传统的办公室空气过滤器,采用高效空气过滤器(对于0.3μm的微粒子过滤率高达95%),则减少了气体灰尘浓度,粒度范围在PM2以上,对三种有害建筑综合症(SBS)症状有积极效果:“太闷了”、“太湿了”和“头脑混乱”。 camfil.cn | In a U.S. study replacing conventional office [...] supply-air filters with high efficiency air [...] filters (95% for 0.3 μmparticles) reduced [...]airborne dust levels in size ranges above [...]PM2 and had a positive effect on three Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms: “too stuffy”, “too humid” and “mental confusion”. camfil.com |
阿基米德是一款全新的创新型仪器,该仪器采用共振质量测量技术,可对粒度范围在50nm~5μm的颗粒进行准确地检测与计数,同时还可对其浮力质量、真实质量及粒度进行可靠测量。 malvern.com.cn | Archimedes is a new, highly innovative instrument which uses the technique of resonant mass measurement to [...] detect and accurately count particles in the size [...] range 50nm-5µm, and reliably [...]measure their buoyant mass, dry mass and size. malvern.com |
骨髓源性肥大细胞中,该化合物可抑制产生前列腺素 D2 的 [...] COX-1 和 COX-2 依赖性阶段,其 IC50 值为24μM和10.7μM。scbt.com | In bone marrow derived mast cells the [...] compound has been observed to inhibit, [...] at an IC50 24 μMand 10.7 μM, COX-1and COX-2-dependent [...]phases of prostaglandin D2 generation. scbt.com |
该系统包括RESOLUTE读数头和30μm栅距RSLA不锈钢栅尺;它采用独特的单通道绝对式刻度,将绝对位置数据和相位信息整合为单个代码。 renishaw.com.cn | The system comprises the [...] RESOLUTE readhead and30μm pitch RSLA stainless [...]steel scale, which features the unique single-track [...]absolute graduations that combine absolute position data and phase information in one code. renishaw.com |
然而,出于保护健康的目的,越来越多人认为应将重点放在直径远小于10μm的微粒上。 camfil.cn | However, for the purpose of health protection, there is growing acceptance that emphasis should be placed on [...] particles far smaller than 10μm. camfil.no |
至於制造业另一主要业务-记忆体,由於国际大厂也都突破之前转向0.11μm的瓶颈,使得市场供应量大增,而Intel新晶片组延缓推出导致DDR2转换在2005Q1尚未发挥效果,加上淡季效应,使得Q1的DRAM价格快速滑落,相关厂商营收反逐月滑落。 tsia.org.tw | The breakthrough of [...] multinationalsinto 0.11μmhas boosted memory [...]supply. Intel’s delay on launching its new chipsets, deferred [...]DDR2 transition effect, plus the low season effect, have deteriorated DRAM price and Memory revenue in Q1. tsia.org.tw |
其它公司高精度机的定位精度是5.00μm。 moriseiki.com | The linear positioning accuracy of high-precision machines built by other [...] companies is saidto be 5.00 μm. moriseiki.com |
我公司拥有三台超微纳米粉碎设备,用常温纯物理超微纳米粉碎技术,精选清洁干燥新鲜的段木灵芝孢子粉为原料,把灵芝孢子粉原料制成中心粒径为0.3μm甚至更小的超微粒子,细胞破壁率或破膜率达99%以上,该技术不仅保存了灵芝孢子粉的全部有效成分,而且超微粒子极易吸附在人体小肠壁上,这样可使灵芝孢子细胞中的有效成分得以充分释放及被人体充分吸收。 dbslz.com | Our company owns three micro nanometer broken equipments, uses the micro nanometer smashing technology with normal temperature and pure physics, selects the clean、 dry and fresh basewood ganoderma lucidum spore powder as raw material, makes the ganoderma lucidum spore powder [...] into micro granule which the central particle [...] size is 0.3um oreven smaller, [...]the cell shell-broken rate or the broken membrane [...]rate above 99%, this technology has not only preserved the effective component completely of ganoderma lucidum spore powder ,moreover the micro granule is extremely easy to adsorb on the human intestinal wall. dbslz.com |
采用严格的VDI/DGQ 3441标准,西普SPC 7140的定位 精度为4μm,重复定位精度为2μm。 cn.industrysourcing.com | According to VDI/DGQ 3441, the position accuracy of SIP [...] SPC 7140is 4 μm, and repeated position accuracyis 2μm. us.industrysourcing.com |
采用微板流路控制技术(Deans Switch)和常见的商品毛细管柱HP-5 (30 m×0.32 mm×0.25μm)和Rtx-TCEP (30 m×0.25 mm×0.4μm),建立了一种全新的分析车用汽油中苯和甲苯含量的二维气相色谱方法。 chrom-china.com | A novel two-dimensional gas chromatographic method, used for the determination of benzene and toluene in gasoline, was established by the capillary flow technology (Deans Switch) and universal capillary columns HP-5 (30 m×0.32mm×0.25 μm) and Rtx-TCEP (30 m×0.25 mm×0.4 μm). chrom-china.com |
粗糙度结果:在使用上述介质和可调节工作压力的条件下,0.6 至4μm,这些结果均视喷丸处理前轮组初始状态和t喷漆或锈蚀厚度而定。 wheelabratorgroup.com | Roughness [...] results:0.6 to 4 μm withthe above mentioned [...]media and adjustable working pressure, these results being dependent [...]on the wheelset’s initial status and paint or rust thickness prior to the blasting process. wheelabratorgroup.com |
采用三氯乙酸-乙腈溶液提取鸡组织中的金刚烷胺、金刚乙胺、美金刚、咪喹莫特和吗啉胍,离心过滤后经强阳离子交换柱(SCX)净化,色谱柱Xamide(100 mm×2.1 mm,5μm)分离,多反应监测(MRM)正离子扫描方式进行质谱检测。 chrom-china.com | The compounds were extracted from the samples with trichloroacetic acid solution and acetonitrile, and then cleaned-up by strong cation exchange (SCX) solid phase extraction cartridges. The [...] analytes were separated on a Xamide column [...] (100 mm×2.1mm,5 μm) and determined [...]qualitatively and quantitatively with tandem [...]mass spectrometry using positive polarity mode under multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) scan type. chrom-china.com |
True2D 狭缝蓝宝石衬底上的0.4μm厚的金属多层膜可避免空气狭缝的隧道效应。 gentec-eo.com | True2DSlits0.4 μm thick metallic multilayer [...] films on a sapphire substrate avoid the tunnel effect of air slits. gentec-eo.com |
该款产品的特点在于:利用6mm快速接头与压缩气体轻松连接;可固定安装亦可当做便携式仪表使用;颗粒尺寸:0.2, 0.3, 0.5和1μm;在线显示;内部集成数据记录器。 csinstrument.com | The feather including Easy connection to compressed air through 6 mm; Can be used as [...] portable as well as stationary instrument; Particle sizes: [...] 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and1.0 μm; Online display; Integrated [...]data recorder. csinstrument.com |
日轮间距0.94~1.14μm,最大间距在190~220日轮处, 最小间距出现在280日轮之后。 actazool.org | The width of daily growth increments [...] was from0.94 μm~1.14 μm, thelargest width [...]at 190~220 days increments and the smallest [...]width appeared after 280 increments. actazool.org |
产 品 规 格】 ● 外 观: 水白或微黄液体 ● 光 泽: 不小于98%(60度角) ● 粘 度: 11±1秒(岩田2号杯,25℃) ● 硬 度: 不小于H(三菱铅笔) ● 耐磨次数: 不小于220次(RCA,175克力) 【建议使用方法】 ▲ 底材处理:建议用白电油清洁工件表面,以除去工件表面的油污、灰尘和脱模剂等; ▲ 配套开油水:W314; ▲ 开油比例:DSM606L:W314=1:0.5(重量比) ▲ 喷 涂: [...] 喷枪喷嘴直径在1.1-1.3mm,工作压力在0.35-0.55MPa,与底材间距在10-25cm; ▲ 流 平:红外或烘道干燥流平50℃X6分钟或55℃X5分钟; ▲ 固 [...] 化:80W/cm,高压汞灯2支,灯距工件15cm,固化车速10m/min ▲ 干膜厚度:10-15μm【注意 事 项】 1. mcdduohua.com | Product specification】 ● Appearance: Water white or yellowish liquid ● Luster: not less than 98% (60-degree angle) ● Viscosity: 11 ± 1 sec (Iwata 2 cup, 25 ℃) ● Hardness: not less than H (Mitsubishi Pencil) ● Wear Views: no less than 220 (RCA, 175 gram) 【Method】 recommended ▲ substrate processing: It is recommended to use white oil cleaning the surface to remove the workpiece surface oil, dirt and release agent, etc.; ▲ supporting open oil and water: W314; ▲ Open Oil ratio: DSM606L: W314 = 1:0.5 (weight ratio) ▲ spray: spray gun nozzle diameter 1.1-1.3mm, working pressure of 0.35-0.55MPa, and the substrate distance in the 10-25cm; ▲ Leveling: infrared, or dry bake Road, leveling 50 ℃ X6 minutes or 55 ℃ X5 minutes; ▲ curing: 80W/cm, [...] high-pressure mercury lamp 2, light from the workpiece 15cm, curing speed [...] of 10m/min▲:10-15μm dryfilm thickness 【Note】 1. mcdduohua.com |
通常,激光划片的生产目标是缩短激光谱线间的距离,从通常的100μm左右降至20μm。 israsolarvision.com | A typical production objective in laser scribing is to reduce the distance between the laser lines [...] from actually around100μm downto 20μm. israsolarvision.com |
正如预计的 那样,0.45μm过滤器的最初流速(曲线的直线部分)大约比0.22μm过滤器快两倍,尽管在堵 塞以前其容量(或称通量)只大20%。 corning.com | As expected, the initial flow rate (steep part of the curve) of the .45 µm filter was approximately twice that of the .22 µm filter, although its capacity or throughput prior to clogging (the area at the plateau) was only about 20% greater. catalog2.corning.com |
通过适当的工艺,可以有效地控制磁性能,比如超过105的初始磁导率、超过106的最大磁导率、低到2‰奥斯特的矫顽力、接近1或接近0的矩形系数,具有面心立方晶体结构的坡莫合金具有很好的塑性,可以加工成1μm的超薄带及各种使用形态。 chinawestmag.com | Through the appropriate process, can effectively control the magnetic can, for example, more than 105 initial magnetic conductance, more than 106 of the biggest magnetic conductance, low to 2 and permil; The ostrosky coercive force, close to one or close to 0 of the rectangular coefficient, has the heart of crystal structure cubic surface slope mo alloy has the very good plasticity, can be processed into 1 & mu; M ultra-thin belt and all sorts of use form. chinawestmag.com |
以矽土为基础的宽频FBPI光纤在明显增大的光谱范围具有改进的传输特性,提供一系列密度选择,能够制造50-600μm内芯直径光纤。 ipress.com.hk | Featuring improved transmission properties over a much wider spectral range, the silica-based, broadband FBPI fiber is available in a range of densities and can be produced in core diameters from 50-600 μm. ipress.com.hk |