条纹可以是文档的 污染 (例如,污垢、灰尘或磨损的边缘) ,或不遵循您扫描仪的建议清 洁程序所导致。 graphics.kodak.com | Streaks may be caused by contaminants on your documents (e.g., dirt, dust or frayed edges) or by not following the recommended cleaning procedures for your scanner. graphics.kodak.com |
在几乎所有的情况下,修正伪影比实际的条纹可取。 graphics.kodak.com | In almost all cases, this correction artifact is preferable to the actual streak. graphics.kodak.com |
在 “扫描影像”屏幕上选择影像清洁工具选项以消除或减少条纹。 graphics.kodak.com | Select the Image Cleaner tool option on the Scan Images screen to eliminate or minimize streaks. graphics.kodak.com |
但是, 根据条纹的尺寸和存在条纹处的图像内容,可能会遗留一些可观察的修正 伪影。 graphics.kodak.com | However, based on the size of the streak and the image content where the streak exists, there may be a slightly observable correction artifact remaining. graphics.kodak.com |
如上图所示,这可以创建尾灯的光线在车尾 的更富有“逻辑性”的图像。 us.leica-camera.com | This can be utilized to create the illustrated, seemingly more “logical” image, in which the taillight streaks trail the car. us.leica-camera.com |
精神是一个勇敢的领导者,但有一个严重的调皮条纹和极大的好奇心。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Spirit is a courageous leader, but has a serious mischievous streak and great curiosity. seekcartoon.com |
广受赞誉的美黑凝胶是美容编辑的首选和您的必备,无需坐在阳光下,使用它可以快速形成自然金黄肤色,不留色痕。 clarinsusa.com | This must-have award winning self tanner and beauty editor favorite, delivers a quick, streak-free, natural golden colour without sitting in the sun. clarinsusa.com |
最近成功举行了六个派对,现在他们想在往後的派对上把以前的澳门作为主题。 yp.mo | After a successful run, a half a dozen parties under the belt, and a reminiscent streak, they decided to take Macau back to its roots. yp.mo |
扫 描仪在除去影像上的条纹时使用此字段确定如何重新构建该条纹 下的数据。 graphics.kodak.com | The scanner uses this field to determine how the data under the streak is rebuilt when removing a streak from an image. graphics.kodak.com |
连胜势头让他们已经越来越接近意甲头名,本周末与宿敌AC米兰的对决将是他们最后的障碍。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | This streak has brought them closer and closer to the top of the Serie A, and this weekend’s faceoff with archrivals AC Milan is their last hurdle. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
连胜势头让他们已经越来越接近意甲头名,本周末与宿敌AC米兰的对决将是他们最後的障碍。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | This streak has brought them closer and closer to the top of the Serie A, and this weekend’s faceoff with archrivals AC Milan is their last hurdle. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这款手表堪称精美绝伦的艺术杰作,柔和的曲线和有趣的细节完美突出其时尚、现代而醒目的设计。 hk.ashford.com | s individualistic streak like the Arena Perpetual Calendar. This watch is a masterpiece whose characteristic soft curves and playful details give way to a modern and striking design. ashford.com |
一款获得美容大奖殊荣的多功能身体乳液。它能逐渐抚平肤质,带来自然的金黄色调,呈现完整、健康的美黑效果。 clarinsusa.com | This beauty-award winning multi-purpose body lotion moisturizes as it provides your skin with a gradual, streak-free and natural-looking golden tone and an overall healthy, tanned appearance. clarinsusa.com |
曜越Tt eSPORTS这次非常有荣幸地能与重量级星际选手『White-Ra』并肩共同推出光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫,成功的吸取电竞比赛中硬件配备的环节并置入产品中。 ttesports.com.cn | Tt eSPORTS is honored to have White-Ra as a member of design team. His experience of winning SCII titles is saying a lot; the unbelievable 10-match win streak in the lower bracket of the Major League Gaming Anaheim 2011, and the glorious triumph of IGN Pro League’s 2nd Season to HomeStory Cup 2. ttesports.fr |
使用简单,干燥快,不留色痕,色调浅,真正不出差错。 clarinsusa.com | Easy-to-apply, quick drying and streak-free, its slightly tinted tone makes it virtually mistake proof. clarinsusa.com |
但他们有足够好的机会打破曼城的连胜势头。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I’m not saying Wigan can beat City, and they probably won’t. But the chances of them breaking City’s winning streak are pretty decent. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
条纹过滤可纠正您无法控制的实际情况, 例如灰尘。 graphics.kodak.com | Streak Filtering corrects for real-world conditions you can’t control, such as dust. graphics.kodak.com |
仔细地观察奇石的细节,似乎呈现和一笔画中留拖丝或留白的现象,大概是磨破了竹签的外皮或尖头,竹笔还可以模拟毛笔的效果。 e-yaji.com | It is also evident in the painting of the rock, where close examination reveals lines with ‘flying white’ and places where a single movement of the pen quite obviously divides into more than one streak of ink. e-yaji.com |
是否这一趋势会延续,维根目前尴尬的形式(因为最近4场客战连败)并不是什么大问题。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | And should this trend continue, Wigan’s embarrassing form (which includes a recent 4-loss away streak) will not be as big of an issue. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
只要他们保持实力挑战狼队-过去多次他们已经做得很好-维根将破除英超7连败的厄运(共8场失利),赢得他们8月以来的首场胜利,并且逃离降级区。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | As long as they keep their strength against the Wolves – something they have done many times in the past – Wigan would break their 7-loss streak in the Premier League (8 losses overall), claim their first win since August, and climb out of the red zone. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
二,他们的下一个对手是最近骄傲地取得5连胜的墨西哥队。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Two, their next opponents are Mexico, proudly carrying a recent 5-win streak. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
贴标, 鹿皮, 俘虏精神, 骑兵后, 勇敢的领导人, 丹尼尔STUDI, 詹姆斯克伦威尔, kiger野马, 宏伟的标本, 调皮连胜, 山狮, 旁白, 第二风, 精神小马王, 小马王, 奇怪的光。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | brander, buckskin, captive spirit, cavalry post, courageous leader, daniel studi, james cromwell, kiger mustang, magnificent specimen, mischievous streak, mountain lion, narrations, second wind, spirit stallion of the cimarron, stallion of the cimarron, strange light, two legs, us cavalry, us national parks, wild horse seekcartoon.com |
目前排名20位,主场作战的维冈可能很难逃离垫底的噩运,至少需要两连胜才可能让他们暂时脱离危险。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | At 20th place, match hosts Wigan sit dangerously unmoved at the bottom of the pile, needing at least a two-win streak to pull themselves to safety. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我们正在把我们产品的差异化方面新的创意生活,是笼罩在电视,因为在这里看到传统知识)本(网址为连胜5点 ,并在网络上,看这里(网址十五分),在这两人的Inspiron新病毒视频 ,这已经获得了第一万次在72小时以上的四分之一,说:“PH值Ferrand的首席营销官戴尔CSMB业务。 technologeeko.com | We are bringing the differentiated aspects of our products to life in new creative that is blanketing the television, as seen here (URL TK) in this spot for the Streak 5, and on the web, as seen here (URL TK), in this viral video for the new Inspiron duo, which has garnered more than a quarter-million views in its first 72 hours,” said PH Ferrand, Chief Marketing Officer for Dell’s CSMB business. technologeeko.com |
目前排名20位,主场作战的维冈可能很难逃离垫底的噩运,至少需要两连胜才可能让他们暂时脱离危险。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | At 20th place, match hosts Wigan sit dangerously unmoved at the bottom of the pile, needing at least a two-win streak to pull themselves to safety. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
只要他们保持实力挑战狼队-过去多次他们已经做得很好-维根将破除英超7连败的厄运(共8场失利),赢得他们8月以来的首场胜利,并且逃离降级区。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | As long as they keep their strength against the Wolves – something they have done many times in the past – Wigan would break their 7-loss streak in the Premier League (8 losses overall), claim their first win since August, and climb out of the red zone. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
在这里,荒漠化的症状呈现在一条绵长连续的沙河上,这条沙河在Dariganga省的绿色草原肆无忌惮地吃掉经过的一切。 zh.nomadgreen.org | The main symptom of desertification here, long continuous sand streak through the Dariganga province is eating the green stripe in their route. en.nomadgreen.org |
罗杰•费德勒在2008年奥运会上与单打冠军失之交臂。 swissworld.org | At the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, it seemed that his losing streak was set to continue when he was knocked out of the singles tournament. swissworld.org |
长期以来,伊斯兰组织在勿加泗相当活跃,比如印度尼西亚伊斯兰传播委员会(Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia, DDII)和伊斯兰学生运动(Gerakan Pemuda Islam, GPI),两者都带有强烈的反基督教倾向。 crisisgroup.org | Islamist organisations like the Indonesian Islamic Propagation Council (Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia, DDII) and Islamic Student Movement (Gerakan Pemuda Islam, GPI) have long been active there, both with a strongly anti-Christian streak. crisisgroup.org |