但有一些昆虫在受到威胁时会咬人或蛰人,因此如果您不想被咬伤或蛰伤,最好避免同它们直接接触。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Some insects bite and sting if they are threatened so it is best to avoid touching them if you want to avoid being stung or bitten. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
泡沫被蜇在喉咙里的蜜蜂,她在她的脖子上戴圆锥形领看过医生后,和她是唯一一个谁可以弄清楚是怎么回事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bubbles gets stung in the throat by a bee and that made her wear a conical collar around her neck after visiting the doctor, and she is the only one who can figure out what is going on. seekcartoon.com |
索马里国家安全局展开了 一次盯梢行动,从此人手中购买了 6 000 多美元的武器和弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Somali National Security Agency conducted a sting operation in which they purchased more than $6,000 worth of arms and ammunition from the individual concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
为敏感的眼部区域特别设计,不会灼痛刺激眼睛。 clarinsusa.com | Designed specifically for the delicate eye area, it won't sting or irritate your eyes. clarinsusa.com |
香甜可口的莓果均含有与阿斯匹灵消炎功效类似的天然化学物质,帮助缓和晒伤时所产生的刺痛感。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Sweet, delicious berries naturally contain compounds related to aspirin that can reduce inflammation, and may help take the sting out of sunburn. health.herbalife.com |
如果孩子已被咬伤或虫蜇,您可在小片的昆虫叮咬处涂上低效消炎霜,用以防止皮肤骚痒和起肿。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If your child has already been bitten or stung, you can apply a low potency anti-inflammatory cream on small insect bites to prevent itchiness and further swelling. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
海洋也赋予他源自海洋生物(如黄貂鱼和 蝠鲼)和碧水蓝天美景的艺术灵感。 glenraven.com | The ocean also provides artistic inspirations from sea life, such as sting rays and mantas, and the beauty of the water and sky. glenraven.com |
某些武装的恐怖主义团体也发表了一些言论,声 称较早时期在将武器包括美国“毒刺”防空火箭偷运 进叙利亚方面获得成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | Statements have also been issued by certain armed terrorist groups, noting earlier successes in smuggling shipments of weapons, including American Stinger anti-aircraft rockets, into Syria. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 磅湛省、马德望省、贡布省和上丁省的地区中等医学专科学校; (c) 私营部门的教育机构,包括国际大学和生命大学。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Regional Health Secondary School in Kampong Cham province, Battambang province, Kampot province and Stung Treng province daccess-ods.un.org |
天然萃取的Glucam™ P-20保湿剂可提升香味持久效果,并减少配方中的酒精可能带来的刺痛感。 cn.lubrizol.com | Naturally derived Glucam™ P-20 Humectant is known to increase fragrance retention, and reduces potential sting caused by alcohol in the formulation. lubrizol.com |
没有哪一个国家 能幸免于经济危机的痛楚。 daccess-ods.un.org | No country was spared from the bitter sting of economic crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
的的刺痛作品在高容量和良好的流动性最好的资产。 zh-tw.iniciantenabolsa.com | The sting works best assets in high volume and good liquidity. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
高博金律师事务所的华盛顿特区和迈阿密团队代表英国居民 Pankesh Patel 在哥伦比亚特区美国联邦地方法院针对广受关注的对军工产品经纪展开的海外反腐败法 (FCPA) “触网”案件的指控进行辩护,为该委托人洗脱了海外反腐败法 (FCPA) 和洗钱的罪名,使其余指控的审判无效并通过动议成功说服法院排除重要证据,最终导致美国司法部放弃所有检控。 kobrekim.co.uk | Kobre & Kim’s Washington DC and Miami teams obtain acquittal on FCPA and money laundering charges, secure mistrial as to remaining charges and prevail on motions excluding important evidence on behalf of U.K. resident Pankesh Patel in highly-publicized "FCPA sting" prosecution of military products brokers in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, leading to abandonment of all prosecutions by U.S. Department of Justice. kobrekim.co.uk |
这款喷洒型香水轻盈、精致,不会刺痛皮肤。 cn.lubrizol.com | This sprayable product is light, elegant, and will not sting the skin. lubrizol.com |
国家保护区包括国家公园、野生动物保护 区、多功能区和 23 处景观保护区,其中 7 处为国家公园,总面积为 742 250 公 顷,位于戈公省、西哈努克市、暹粒省、上丁省和拉达那基里省。 daccess-ods.un.org | The national protected areas comprise national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, multiple use areas, and 23 landscape protected areas among which seven locations are national parks with the total area of 742,250 hectares, located in Koh Kong, Sihanuok Ville, Siem Reap, Stung Treng and Ratanak Kiri. daccess-ods.un.org |
Aquatica 占地面积 42,000 平方英尺,有沙滩、水上乐园游乐设施、各种动物展区以及一个独特的 Sting Ray 魔鬼鱼 互动和饲养展区。 china.blackstone.com | Aquatica will house over 42,000 Square feet of sand beaches, waterpark rides, various animal exhibits and a unique Sting Ray interaction and feeding exhibit. blackstone.com |
为了在振动测试中评估防松安全措施,首先需要进行一次设置实验来确定参考标准,以消除试验台刚度对 测试结果产生的影响:根据 DIN 65151标准 /5/,在振动测试台上,经过特定的振动周期(300次),令处 于夹紧状态的未电镀螺栓的预紧力降至0,得出所需要的横向位移值。 heico-fasteners.cn | In the vibration test to assess the safety measures against unwinding, a reference standard must first b e established by implementing an expe rimental setting to eliminate the inf luence of te sting stand stiffness on the test results: on the vibration testing stand according to DIN 65151 /5/, t he transverse displacem ent in the clamped state is determined as when the pre-load force for an uncoated bolt has fallen to zero after a specified number of cycles (300 LW) . heico-fasteners.cn |
磅湛、 桔井、上丁 、 拉 达 那 基 里 和 盟 多基里省的 东部和 东北部高地为红土地 区 , 树木稀疏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The east and northeast high land in Kampong Cham, Kratie, Stung Treng, Rattanakiri, and Mondulkiri provinces are covered with sparse forest and red land. daccess-ods.un.org |
最 大的河 是 湄 公 河 ,在境 内长 500 公 里 ,由北向南流经五个省份(上 丁 、 桔 井、磅湛、 干丹和 波罗勉)。 daccess-ods.un.org | flows 500 kilometres from the north to the south through five provinces (Stung Treng, Kratie, Kampong Cham, Kandal, and Prey Veng). daccess-ods.un.org |
刷牙面食从她的嘴和舌头烧伤的痛苦刺痛,刷牙后,他的嘴唇开始烤。 cn.badgood.info | Brush your teeth this pasta was agony from her burns of the mouth and tongue sting, and after brushing his lips begin to bake. en.badgood.info |
为探讨魟类螫伤机理,用光镜和电镜观察了光魟的毒棘腹外侧纵沟内的毒腺的组织结构。 actazool.org | In order to study the mechanism of Stingrays Dasyatis laevigalus Chu sting, the structure of the venomous gland of the Stingray was observed under light microscope and electromicroscope. actazool.org |
另一种激振杆设计是一种细长的杆,比如The Modal Shop 2150G12,也使用通孔衔铁设计。 modalshop.cn | Another alternative is a thin rod stinger design, such as The Modal Shop 2150G12, which also utilizes the through-hole armature design. modalshop.com |
通孔衔铁设计以及弹性夹头支持传统模态激振杆,比如TMS2150G12 1/16’’直径激振杆,也支持钢琴线,比如TMSK2160G钢琴线激振杆配件。 modalshop.cn | The through-hole armature design with chuck and collet attachment is ideal for use with either traditional modal stinger rods, like the TMS 2150G12 1/16” diameter stingers, or piano wire stingers, like the TMS K2160G Piano Wire Stinger Kit with force sensor quick disconnect. modalshop.com |
世界末日正向我们大步迈进,如果您没有设备齐全的避难所来抵挡自然灾害、核爆炸、细菌或化学侵蚀,那就应当采取备选方案,或者至少采取措施暂时应对各种紧急恐慌的情景。 wthejournal.com | The end of the world is fast striding towards us and if you are not the lucky owner of a bunker equipped to handle a natural, nuclear, bacteriological or chemical apocalypse, now is the time to opt for plan B. Or at least take some of the sting out of all sorts of apocalyptic situations. wthejournal.com |
激振器配件盒: 包括2100E14 弹性夹头组合, 2100EA07 10-32 适配器,2150G12 模态激振杆 (1/16直径带有10-32 螺纹, 3件套), 2155G12模态激振杆 (3/32直径带有10-32 螺纹, 3件套), K2160G钢琴线激振杆配件盒 (包括快速卸载适配器),备用保险丝、挠性片等。 modalshop.cn | Shaker Accessory Kit: includes 2100E14 chuck with collets, 2100EA07 10-32 adapter, 2150G12 modal stingers (1/16” diameter rod with 10-32 threaded end, pack of three), 2155G12 modal stingers (3/32” diameter rod with 10-32 threaded end, pack of three), K2160G Piano Wire Stinger Kit (includes quick disconnect load cell adapter), and spare fuses & flexures. modalshop.com |