

单词 4-sparten




be spared worry


尽管在 一系列领域面临障碍,政府将尽一切努力建立一个人民可以自由生活、思想、表 明看法、迁移和行动的社会。
Despite the obstacles faced in a number of areas, the Government would spare no effort to bring about a society in the Congo where people can live, think, express their views, move and act freely.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此减少了空中飞行时间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as well as for new contingents deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
科特迪瓦空军显然有能够维修直升机的技 术人员,但表示禁运使其无法进口备件(见 S/2009/188,第 30 段)。
The Ivorian Air Force clearly has competent technicians capable of servicing the helicopter, but has stated that the embargo prevents the import of spare parts (see S/2009/188, para. 30).
据科特迪瓦空军称,这是由于禁运措施禁止进口维修该飞机所需的 备件(见 S/2009/188,第 30 段)。
According to the Ivorian Air Force, this is because the embargo has prevented the import of spare parts necessary for its repair (see S/2009/188, para. 30).
然而,如果发现任何人在执行国家征兵计划中实施不人道和有 辱人格的待遇、酷刑,或实行强迫、无报酬劳动,政府绝不宽恕。
Nevertheless, the Government spared no effort in prosecuting anyone found guilty of subjecting people to inhuman and degrading treatment, torture or exacting forced and/or free labour of youth in the national service programme.
(f) 设施和基础设施(991 500 美元,即 0.8%),主要原因是:由于从一个清 理结束特派团(联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团(中乍特派团))调入 163 套预制设 施和 343 个海运集装箱,购置设施和居住设备的所需经费降低;减少购置冷藏设 备;由于采购工作出现拖延,减少购置配件和实地防卫用品;自我维持的补偿费 用降低。
(f) Facilities and infrastructure ($991,500, or 0.8 per cent), attributable primarily to the reduced requirement for the acquisition of facilities and accommodation equipment, resulting from the transfer of 163 prefabricated facilities and 343 sea containers from a liquidating mission (the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)); reduced acquisitions of refrigeration equipment; reduced acquisitions of spares and field defence supplies, owing to delays in the procurement process; and reduced requirements for reimbursement for self-sustainment.
ARC 还提供 RAID 类别转换 (能够很容易地转换RAID类别), 在线扩容 (扩展 容量无需使服务器断电) 和回写热备功能 (当一 个故障硬盘被替换,数据自动从热备复制到恢 复的硬盘)。
ARC also offers RAID Level Migration (the ability to easily migrate RAID levels), Online Capacity Expansion (expand capacity without powering down the server), and Copyback Hot Spare (when a failed drive has been replaced, data is automatically copied from the hot spare back to the restored drive).
该研究社表 示,希望布基纳法索不遗余力地执行在对话期间提出的各项结论和建议。
It expressed the hope that Burkina Faso would spare no effort in implementing the conclusions and recommendations formulated during the course of the dialogue.
制裁制度规定,所有国家应阻止从本国境内、或由境外的本国国民向乌萨 马·本·拉丹、“基地”组织和塔利班成员和与其有联系的其他个人和实体直接 间接供应、出售和转让任何种类的军火和有关军用物资,包括供应与军事活动有 关的备件和技术咨询、援助或培训(第 1390(2002)号决议第 2(c)段;第 1455(2003) 号决议第 1 段)。
Under the sanctions regime, all States are requested to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer, to Osama bin Laden, members of Al-Qaida organization, and the Taliban and other individuals and entities associated with them, from their territories or by their nationals outside their territories of arms and related materiel of all types, including the provision of spare parts and technical advice, assistance, or training related to military activities (paragraph 2 (c) of resolution 1390 (2002) and paragraph 1 of resolution 1455 (2003).
如果 您拥有备用硬碟,最好尝试将系统磁碟复原至备用硬碟。
It is even better to try system disc recovery to a spare hard drive, if you have one.
由於 贵集团拥有其自身生产设 施,且可能不时拥有後备产能, 贵董事认为加工协议将令 贵集团得以尽 量运用其产能及人力资源。
Since the Group has its own production facilities and may have spare production capacity from time to time, the Directors considered that the Subcontracting Agreement would enable the Group to maximize the use of its production capacity and manpower.
文莱政府不遗余力地向该国公民提供了全面保健的优秀体制, 向所有人提供基本的免费服务,预防性和治疗性服务,医疗康复的护理。
The Government had spared no effort to provide citizens with an excellent system of total health care, offering basic and free services to all, preventive and curative services, and medical attention for rehabilitation.
每种控制系统需要不同的软件、语言类 型、备件和培训,而经实践证明,整合这些不同的控制系统需要耗费大量的时间和金钱。
Each control system required different software, language types, spare parts and training and integrating these disparate control systems proved time-consuming and costly.
该解决方案既基于对国际标准的严格实施,也节省了大量 的工作和财政资源,使将军们免于被媒体进一步曝光,并使有关当局不必考虑复 杂的海外移送带来的问题。
That solution — based on the strict application of international standards — also yielded great savings in terms of work and financial resources, spared the generals from being further subjected to media exposure and spared the authorities from having to consider issues arising from a complex transfer abroad.
2008 年以来,布基纳法索作为人权理事会成员,不遗余力地在本国、区域和 国际范围促进和加强人权,包括批准相关条约、公约和议定书并与理事会及其附 属机构充分开展合作。
A member of the Human Rights Council since 2008, Burkina Faso has spared no effort to promote and strengthen human rights at the national, regional and international levels, particularly by ratifying the relevant treaties, conventions and protocols and by developing full cooperation with the Council and its subsidiary organs.
禁止直接或间接向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国提供、销售或转让下列物 项,不论它们是否源于圣马力诺:《联合国常规武器登记册》所界定的 任何作战坦克、装甲战斗车、作战飞机、攻击直升机、军舰、导弹或导 弹系统,以及包括零部件在内的相关材料,或安全理事会或第 1718 (2006)号决议第 12 段所设委员会(委员会)认定的物项。
Prohibition of the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, whether or not originating from San Marino’s territory, of any battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile systems as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register on Conventional Arms, and related materiel, including spare parts, or items as determined by the Security Council or by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 12 of resolution 1718 (2006).
容量选项允许用户把空余的容量创建其它磁盘阵 列或者设置成备用盘。
The Capacity option allows you to set aside disk space that can be used to create another array, set as a spare disk, or partitioned to act as a single disk (by the operating system).
关于因此造成的严重的人道主义危机,特别是在 加沙,我们欢迎国际社会动员起来,从爆发对抗的一 开始就不遗余力地不仅努力制止敌对行动,而且还援 助平民人口。
In the context of the intensified humanitarian crisis that resulted, particularly in Gaza, we welcome the mobilization of the international community, which, from the outbreak of the confrontation, spared no effort not only to achieve the cessation of hostilities, but also to come to the aid of the civilian population.
Always carry a spare tyre, tools and water.
Guide the industry's wide range of duct components, gas pipes, water heater, gas stove, range hood, mandatory exhaust pipe spare parts or another, and all walks of life, but also the first in the country to take the lead in the use of economic special rubber gas the BSMI inspection CNS9620 gas fuel pipe, CNS test qualified gas regulator broad field.
最后,我要重申,通过裁军实现和平符合人类的 共同利益,因而我们必须不遗余力地帮助建立一个无 核武器和不再热衷于军备竞赛,转而注重消除贫困、 防治流行病以及遏制环境明显退化的世界。
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that peace through disarmament is a common good of humankind and we must spare no effort in order to help build a nuclear-weapon-free world to help break away from the arms race and to focus instead on the fight against poverty, pandemics and the obvious environmental deterioration.
Because we have gradually developed over time many rating surveys which covered the ratings of CE and Principal Officials under the accountability system, the top 10 Legislative Councillors, people's most familiar non-official members of the Executive Council, the top 10 members of the HKSARG Preparatory Committee, and so on, in order to avoid duplications and to spare more resources and manpower for other survey topics, in October 2005, we decided to concentrate only on recording and analyzing the "naming" results.
有鉴于平民伤亡人数不断增加,我们重申,我们 呼吁各方严格遵守国际人道主义法的规定,尽一切可 能来保护无辜人民不受暴力影响,并且保护近几个月 来没有幸免于难的清真寺和医院。
In the light of the increasing number of civilian losses and injuries, we reiterate our call on all parties to abide scrupulously with the provisions of international humanitarian law and to do everything possible to protect innocent persons from violence, as well as mosques and hospitals, which have not been spared from attack in recent months.
2008 年《特遣队所属装备手册》(A/C.5/63/18,第 3 章附件 B 第 13(c)段) 规定,要得到“高频”通信分类自我维持补偿,特遣队必须有能力:㈠ 同在战 术或移动环境中行动的特遣队分队和小队进行通信;㈡ 利用非车载高频通信装 备提供一个指挥控制网;㈢ 提供足够备件和消耗品,以支持运作并维修或更换 失灵的装备。
In accordance with the 2008 COE Manual (A/C.5/63/18, chap. 3, annex B, para. 13 (c)), to receive the self-sustainment reimbursement rate under the communications sub-category “HF”, a contingent must be able to: (a) communicate with sub-units and sub-elements of the contingent that are in a tactical or mobile environment; (b) provide a command-and-control net using non-vehicular-mounted HF communication equipment; and (c) provide a sufficient stock of spare parts and consumables to support operations and the repair or replacement of malfunctioning equipment.
他发誓将不遗留力地帮助以色列和巴 勒斯坦实现新的更加美好的未来,他仍然希望,启 动约旦国王阿卜杜拉促成的、中东问题四方外交框 架下的直接接触,将为两国解决方案协议的严肃谈 判铺平道路。
Having vowed to spare no effort to help Israelis and Palestinians arrive at a new and better future, he remained hopeful that the start of direct contacts, facilitated by King Abdullah of Jordan, within the framework of the Diplomatic Quartet on the Middle East, could pave the way for serious negotiations towards an agreement on a twoState solution.




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