一个令人满意的发展是,伊拉克和美国之间达成的2009 年《部队地位协 定》载有一项条款取消了对在伊拉克的一些私营外国保安承包商享有的豁免权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a welcome development, the 2009 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States contains a provision removing the immunity of some private foreign security contractors in Iraq. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果套面是可拆卸的,您可以在座垫下面的卷标上找到相关的数据,如果套面是固定的,则标签位于沙发下面。 natuzzi.com | A. You will also be able to find the latter information on the label under the seat cushions if the covering is removable or under the sofa, if the covering is fixed. natuzzi.com |
其次,必须开放和持续开放加沙的所有过境点, 包括卡尔尼、Sofa、纳哈勒奥兹、凯雷姆沙格姆、埃 雷兹和拉法过境点,以便人员、货物和现金双向自由 流通。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, all of Gaza’s borders — including those at Karni, Sofa, Nahal Oz, Kerem Shalom, Erez and Rafah — must be opened and kept open continuously to allow two-way freedom of movement for people, goods and cash. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您购买一张新的沙发,该沙发的套面和您原有沙发 的质料或颜色相同,您可能会注意到两者之间颜色上有 轻微的差异,这是因为每一张皮革具有唯一的特性。 natuzzi.com | If you purchase a new sofa, with a covering that is an identical article and/or is of the same colour as the sofa that you already own, it is possible that you may note slight differences in shades of colour between the two, because of the unique personality of each hide. natuzzi.com |
Bang & Olufsen 遥控器让沙发成为充满禅意的空间,指尖轻动即可控制苹果电视、PlayStation、机顶盒、DVD、蓝光播放器、扬声器、灯光等等。 bang-olufsen.com | Your Bang & Olufsen remote can turn a sofa into a den of Zen, controlling things like your Apple TV, PlayStation, set-top box, DVD, Blu-ray players, loudspeakers, the lighting and much more. bang-olufsen.com |
公寓Bohinj 2-4人(42平方米),2个房间:客厅与厨房角落洗衣机(4电板,欧文微波炉,冰箱,铁,洗碗机...),壁炉/加热器法国涡轮(26平方米)和中央hiting,液晶卫星电视,互联网接入,沙发床,马桶,浴盆,蒸汽桑拿,淋浴和卫生间和双人床的卧室。 instantworldbooking.com | Apartment Bohinj for 2-4 persons (42 m2), 2 rooms: living room (26 m2) with kitchen corner (washing machine, 4 electric plates, microwave owen, fridge,iron,dishwasher...), fireplace/heater France Turbo and central hiting, LCD SAT TV, internet access, sofa bed, bathroom with toilet seat, bidet, steam sauna with shower and a bedroom with double bed. instantworldbooking.com |
在 SWIFT 欧洲运行论坛和 Sibos 年会等最近的 SWIFT 活动中,蒙特利尔银行、国际 货币基金和巴黎银行都报告了 SWIFT 如何协助他们解决特定的难题。 swift.com | At recent SWIFT events like SOFA, and Sibos, the Bank of Montreal, the International Monetary Fund and BNP Paribas have all presented how SWIFT assisted them with their particular challenges. swift.com |
所有材料均来自二手衣服,因此每个手制Suit Tote的物料不尽相同 — 有时结合西装外套(羊毛)及恤衫(棉质),甚至出现意想不到的丝质;手柄皮革则来自旧沙发。 think-silly.com | Made from second hand clothes, each Suit tote is one of a kind ─ mixture of wool suiting material and cotton shirt, even throwing in some silk occasionally; the handles are made from old leather sofa. think-silly.com |
除了有个石头沙发,这里也有一些艺术装饰品。 4tern.com | Besides the stone sofa, there are some other art stuffs around Hokitika. 4tern.com |
以 色列当局以一再受到攻击为由,在 2010 年全年对所有集装箱运输车关闭卡尔尼 过境点,并关闭索法过境点,工程处的全部集装箱运输不得不从凯雷姆沙格姆这 个二级过境点进入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Throughout 2010, citing repeated attacks, the Israeli authorities continued the closure of the Karni crossing for all containers and of the Sofa crossing, and all UNRWA container shipments were required to enter through one secondary crossing, Kerem Shalom. daccess-ods.un.org |
Bang & Olufsen 遥控器让沙发成为充满禅意的空间,指尖轻动即可控制苹果电视、PlayStation、机顶盒、DVD 等等。 bang-olufsen.com | Your Bang & Olufsen remote can turn a sofa into a den of Zen, controlling things like your Apple TV, PlayStation, set-top box, DVD and much more. bang-olufsen.com |
我们的手提吸尘机使用简单、轻巧,且符合人体工学设计,并且随附有各种清洁需求适用的配件:从细致的表面(例如梳化),到难以触及的角落,就连地毯和和硬地板都可轻松处理。 philips.com.hk | Our handheld are easy to use, lightweight and ergonomic, and come with accessories for all cleaning needs: from delicate surfaces such as a sofa to hard-to-reach areas and corners, even carpets and hard floors. philips.com.hk |
附件: 热带空调、 音响、 电视/DVD、 2 小木屋、 厨房、 沙发、 茶几、 制冰机 ;太阳床垫上该船只,aft 淋浴、 折叠 tentnad 区议席的弓。 prokat-yaht.g-sochi.ru | Accessories: tropical air conditioning, stereo, TV/DVD, 2 cabins, kitchen, sofa, coffee table, ice maker; Sun mattress on the bow of the vessel, aft shower, folding tentnad zone seats. g-sochi.ru |
1963年生於韩国,2001年毕业自克兰布鲁克艺术学院陶艺系,在2002年担任密西根州立大学驻校艺术家,2003年担任美国约翰麦可柯勒艺术中心常驻艺术家,现任教於韩国艺术大学,并曾获得「第17届首尔当代陶艺竞赛」特别奖(1997)、以及SOFA美国手工艺博物馆的「Horizon Award」佳作(2005)。 ravenelart.com | Born in 1963, Shi Dongwon graduated from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, USA, in 2001, majoring in Ceramics. He became Artist-in-Residence in Michigan State University in 2002 and the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Wisconsin, USA in 2003, and teaches now at the Korean National University of Arts. ravenelart.com |
F. 为国际军事和民防资源建立区域和次区域安排、经常作业程序和部队地 位示范协定,以增进邻国之间的协调和反应(邻国帮邻国)。 daccess-ods.un.org | F. Establishment of regional and subregional agreements, standing operational procedures (SOP), and model status-of-forces agreements (SOFA) for international MCDA to enhance coordination and response between neighbours (neighbours helping neighbours). daccess-ods.un.org |
梳化仓成立於1999年,以创立「梳化超级市场」起家。 tipschina.gov.cn | Sofamark was founded in 1999; the combination of "Sofa" and "Supermarket" implies the variety of choices and comprehensive services to our valuable customers. tipschina.gov.cn |
苏州富士胶片映像机器有限公司总经理田中弘志在苏州的工厂 努力推进企业社会责任的建立,从改善工人工作环境开始做起的,比如给工人休 息室多加一个沙发;与普通员工、中层管理职工的对话等。 switch-china-sme.eu | Ltd. in Suzhou promoted the establishment of CSR, which started by improving the working environment, for example by equiping the workers’ lounge with a sofa and starting by a dialogue with ordinary employees and managers in the middle management level. switch-china-sme.eu |
闭 路 电 视 没 有 拍 摄 到 上 述 沙 发 ( 即 交 还 物 品 的 地 方 ) 的 位 置 。 admwing.gov.hk | The CCTV recording did not cover the location of the said sofa where the return of the properties took place. admwing.gov.hk |
临街落地玻璃前置了印有「Alden for Obscura」字句的灯箱,在木屋里铺上红色地毯,摆放专为顾客试鞋而设的单人沙发,让大家舒适地试穿鞋款;过程有着指定的步骤和学问,带出选购鞋子的新体验。 think-silly.com | Street view window is adorned with ‘Alden for Obscura’ light box, the hut is added with red carpet and solo sofa especially placed for customers to try on the handmade leather shoes. think-silly.com |
此外,每间半私家单人房设有梳化床供产妇家人使用。 hksh.com | Besides, each room has a sofa bar for family member. hksh.com |
对于年幼的人与教会的关系,会有邀请外面的讲演来分享与见证或沙发的采 访。 lcgchurch.org.uk | For the youths to feel connected with the wider church of LCGC by inviting guests to share testimony/sofa interview. lcgchurch.org.uk |
随着电脑宽萤幕化,使用红外线遥控器,常受限於角度问题,3009URF III VISTA MCE遥控器采用 2.4GHz RF无线技术,提供最佳的抗干扰能力,同时接收距离长达 10米,让您享受坐在客厅沙发里点选电脑Windows Media Center所带来的影音乐趣,真正体验到无线应用的自由度与移动性。 btc.com.tw | The 3009URF III VISTA MCE remote control uses 2.4GHz RF wireless technology to provide the best anti-interference ability, and it also works form a distance of 10 meters to allow you to enjoy sitting on the living room sofa while selecting the music in the computer's Windows Media Center. btc.com.tw |
4.请苏丹政府全面遵守 2005 年 12 月 28 日部队地位协定的所有规定,特 别是:保证联合国不受阻碍地进入联合国房地,并且该房地应完全由联合国控制 和管辖;确保联苏特派团、其成员和承包商的行动自由及其车辆和飞机的自由通 行,授权联合国在苏丹境内重新调配并不受阻碍地运出其设备、用品和其他资产; 按照协定及其修正案的规定免除一切税收、费用、收费和其他税费,直到特派团 所有军事和文职人员最后离开苏丹 daccess-ods.un.org | the Government of Sudan to fully respect all provisions of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) of 28 December 2005, and in particular to guarantee unimpeded access by the United Nations to United Nations premises, which shall remain under the exclusive control and authority of the United Nations, ensure full freedom of movement of UNMIS, its members and its contractors as well as of their vehicles and aircraft, authorising the redeployment within Sudan and the unimpeded export by the United Nations of its equipment, supplies and other assets, and to grant exemptions from all taxes, fees, charges and other duties as provided under the Agreement and its Amendment, until the final departure of all its military and civilian personnel from Sudan daccess-ods.un.org |
客厅与厨房角落洗衣机(4电板,欧文微波炉,冰箱,...),加热器/壁炉,液晶电视,互联网接入,2张沙发床(200x140),与坐便器,桑拿蒸汽浴室和淋浴房,空气条件。 instantworldbooking.com | Living room with kitchen corner (washing machine, 4 electric plates, microwave owen, fridge,...), heater/fireplace, LCD TV, internet access, 2 sofa beds (200x140), bathroom with toilet seat, steam sauna and shower, air conditional. instantworldbooking.com |
是专为6岁以上而设的掌上电脑,共有7种语言选择、日历、响闹及日记功能等,实有助训练孩童组织能力;另一特别推介为精美别致「Autosofa」,设计别具一格的套子共附有三款不同的徽号,令家中的梳化座椅可以成为计程车、救护车或消防车。 hkupop.hku.hk | It comes with alarm, calendar, dairy, etc., which help building organization skills. Another is "Autosofa" - a fantastic cover that transforms sofa into a taxi, ambulance or a fire machine with the 3 interchangeable signs. hkupop.hku.hk |
从一块手织地毯到一个 沙发;从一只陶罐到一件刻花玻璃饮水 瓶;从我们日常生活所使用的物品和器 具,诸如开罐头的起子、冰箱、电话机到 音乐、图书、绘画和使我们开怀一笑的家 庭照;我们生活中使用的每件东西无不是 人类创造力的成果。 wipo.int | From a hand-woven carpet to a sofa, from a clay pitcher to a cut-glass carafe, from the objects and appliances we use for everyday life – the canopener, the refrigerator, the telephone – to the music, the books, the paintings and family photographs that make us smile; everything with which we live is the product of human creativity. wipo.int |