

单词 4-shape







高级别互动专题辩论的目的是召集国家元首和政府首脑、主要部长和高级官 员、联合国机构和布雷顿森林机构负责人、知名发展人士、私营部门和民间社会 伞式组织的首席执行官和负责人,针对对形成最不发达国家下一个十年发展战略 至关重要的上述专题,开展多方利益攸关方讨论。
The aim of the high-level interactive thematic debates was to bring together Heads of States and Governments, key ministers and senior officials, heads of United Nations agencies and the Bretton Woods institutions, eminent development personalities, chief executive officers and heads of private sector and civil society umbrella organizations in a multi-stakeholder discussion on the above-mentioned themes, which are crucial in shaping the least developed countries’ development strategy in the next decade.
在淘汰消耗臭氧层物质方面处于高级阶段的国 家提供了援助和建议,如前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国参与了阿尔巴尼亚及波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维那制定淘汰战略的工作,或者,毛里求斯向一些非洲国家提供了援助。
Assistance and advice is extended by countries in advanced stages of ODS phase-out as in the case of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s involvement in shaping the phase-out strategy in Albania and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the role of Mauritius in providing assistance to some African countries.
最后,与相关公众和民间社会利益攸关方的多次磋商帮助确定了对非洲新 成立的两个第 2 类中心的支持以及与之合作开展的综合行动,并且推动了该部门对教科文组 织《性别平等行动计划》的贡献。
Finally, several consultations with concerned public and civil society stakeholders helped shaping consolidated action with and support to the two newly established category 2 centres in Africa and advancing the Sector’s contribution to UNESCO’s Gender equality action plan.
然而,让市场自行运作,不一定能为消费者及商界提 供最佳成果,因而政府负有当然责任引导他们矫正失误或达致特 定政策目标。
Nevertheless, left to themselves, markets do not always deliver the best outcomes for consumers and businesses, and thus the government has a legitimate role in shaping them to correct failures or achieve specific policy objectives.
标准的网格视图模拟了微软® Outlook®网格的观感和特性——它以表格的形式显示数据,并支持大量数据构形和分析功能,包括:对无限数量的列进行数据分组和排序、行预览部分、总统计和分组统计、数据过滤、单元格合并等。
This standard Grid View emulates the look feel and behavior of the Microsoft® Outlook® grid - it displays data as a table and supports numerous data shaping and analysis features including: data grouping and sorting against an unlimited number of columns, row preview sections, totals and group summaries, data filtering, cell merging, etc.
以妇女为中心的赔偿过程有以下要求:妇女参与赔偿方案的制订、实施、 监测和评估过程;设计便于所有妇女和女孩利用的赔偿程序;对事实进行调查, 以确定是否发生某些侵权事项,并确保纳入针对妇女和女童的侵权事项;确定伤 害状况,包括具有性别针对性或对妇女和女童有不同影响的伤害状况;明确侵犯 行为的责任,包括失职导致的责任以及以妇女和女童为对象的肇事者应承担的责 任;确定补救措施,使受害者回到侵犯行为发生之前的状态,本身具有歧视性或 无法解决暴力的结构性根源问题的措施除外。
Women-centred processes of reparations require participation of women in the process of shaping, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reparations programmes; design of a reparations procedure that renders it accessible to all women and girls; investigation of facts to determine whether certain violations of rights have taken place and making sure that those violations that target women and girls have been duly included; determination of harms, including those which are gender-specific or have a differential impact on women and girls; identification of responsibility for the violation, including by omission, and by those perpetrators that target women and girls; and determination of measures of redress aimed at returning the victim to where she was before the violation took place, except for when those measures may in themselves be discriminatory or fail to address the structural roots underlying the violence.
会议尤其注意到,这类设施有可能在形成无纸贸易方面发挥重要作用, 从而直接影响到电子商务的程序。
In particular, it was noted that such facilities were likely to play a significant role in shaping paperless trade, thus directly impacting electronic commerce procedures.
能源生产也是一个主要优先事 项;联合国需要迅速采取行动,制定一项全面的能 源议程,其中包括建立有效的行进能源技术转让机 制,特别是在新能源和可再生能源领域。
Energy production was also a great priority; the United Nations needed to move urgently towards shaping a comprehensive energy agenda that included the creation of an effective mechanism for the transfer of advanced energy technologies, particularly in the field of new and renewable energy.
组织政党的目的是要集结社会的力量,以推动公共政策,最终 的目的,不但是要影响执政者的政策,而是要从争取执政来推动政党认为对 改善社会有帮助的公共政策。
The objective of forming a political party is to gather the forces of society for the purposes of shaping public policies with the ultimate aim of not just exerting influence on policies formulated by the ruler, but also the gaining of rulership for the implementation of public policies which the party believes could prefect society.
其中的有机硅活性物质不仅可以改善填充料的分散能力, 而且因其具备减少摩擦的性能, 所以还能让塑料加工厂家更容易配制成型加工使用的混合物。
The silicone active ingredient improves filler dispersion and its friction-lowering properties make compounding and shaping of the thermoplastics easier for the plastics converter.
我真诚希望本期《世界渔业和水产养殖状况》能成为有关该部门的一 个有效参考工具,帮助各方了解其现状、趋势、问题和展望,以更全面了 解该部门在当今世界中所起的关键作用。
It is my sincere hope that this issue of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture will serve as a useful reference work on the sector – its status, trends, issues and outlook – and that it will contribute to a more complete understanding of the sector’s key role in shaping our world.
委员会呼吁其成员国探讨能否扩大缴费型社会保障体系将其覆盖到所有社 会群体;鼓励青年、妇女和所有社会群体进入并参与所有负责制定地方和国家两 级公共政策的机构;加强参与式对话和社会伙伴关系,确保自由和公正的选举, 实施和监测国际人权文书和社会发展倡议并评估其执行情况;加紧努力把社会正 义和所有社会群体的关注纳入可持续发展战略的主流;加强提供社会服务的透明 度和问责制。
It called upon member countries of the Commission to explore the possibility of expanding contributory social security systems to cover all social groups; encourage the representation and participation of youth, women and all social groups in all bodies responsible for shaping public policy at the local and national levels; strengthen participatory dialogue and social partnerships, ensure free and fair elections and implement, monitor and assess the implementation of the international human rights instruments and social development initiatives; intensify their efforts to mainstream social justice and the concerns of all social groups into sustainable development strategies; and enhance transparency and accountability in the provision of social services.
各位部长赞赏 地注意到辩论中提出的建议,除其他外,制定重点关注消除贫穷和实现千年发 展目标的联合国综合能源议程,大会拟订并通过建议,包括与全球知识产权体 系有关的建议,以促进先进能源技术传播、部署和转让至发展中国家和经济转 型国家,并建立一个转让先进能源技术的国际中心、关于先进能源技术的数据 库以及一个获得完全支持的多边基金,以资助开发、转让和适用先进能源技术 和能力建设。
The Ministers took note with appreciation of the proposals made at the debate, inter alia, on shaping the comprehensive United Nations energy agenda with a focus on eradicating poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, elaboration and adoption by the General Assembly of recommendations, including those related to the global intellectual property rights system, that facilitate dissemination, deployment and transfer of advanced energy technologies to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as well as the establishment of an international centre for the transfer of advanced energy technologies, a database of advanced energy technologies and a fully supported multilateral fund to finance development, transfer and application of advanced energy technologies as well as capacity building.
在教育领域,国家主要保证执行以下原则:教育的人道主义性质;民族和 普世价值、人的生命和健康的优先地位;人的自由和全面发展;文明觉悟的重要 性;尊重个人及其权利和自由;尊严;爱国;努力工作;责任心;容忍;培养环 境观念。
In the field of education the state guarantees, inter alia, the following principles: the humanitarian nature of education; priority of national and universal values, human life and health; free and comprehensive development of an individual; importance of civic consciousness; respect to an individual and for his or her rights and freedoms; dignity; patriotism; hard work; responsibility; tolerance; shaping an environmental outlook.
( 第七条) 委员会建议缔约国采取更多措施,通过提高认识的运动消除对非洲裔和土着 人的成见;继续宣传他们的文化特点,特别是要将其对塑造缔约国的特点和文化 的贡献纳入学校课程;分配资金用以保护和宣传其特点和文化,包括在媒体上进 行宣传。
The Committee recommends that the State party take additional measures to eliminate stereotypes on Afro-descendent and indigenous people through awarenessraising campaigns; pursue the promotion of their cultural identity, in particular by including in the school curricula the contribution of those people in the shaping of the identity and culture of the State party; and allocate funds to preserve and promote their identity and culture, including in the media.
在拟定关于国家管制制度的运作情况和贸易流的报告要求时,应认真考虑公 众透明度和国家问责制的问题,将保密限制在必不可少的最低限度内。
In the shaping of reporting requirements on the operation of national control systems and trade flows, careful account should be taken of the importance of public transparency and national accountability, limiting secrecy to a necessary minimum.
在这方面,由环境署牵头的绿色经济 举措协助各国政府拟定政策及确定投资和支出方向,将其重点放在一系列绿色部 门上,例如清洁技术和产业、可再生能源、供水服务、运输、废物管理、绿色建 筑物以及可持续农业和森林。
In this regard, the UNEP-led Green Economy Initiative assists Governments in shaping and focusing policies, investments and spending towards a range of green sectors, such as clean technology, industry, renewable forms of energy, water services, transport, waste management, green buildings, and sustainable agriculture and forests.
确保公平的法律环境的首要任务就是能取得“中间力量” 的 有 效 配 合 ,这 包 括 像 广 告 商 、网 络 服 务 提 供 商 、搜 索 引 擎 及 支 付 提 供 商 等 公 司 和 行 业 ,它 们 对 合 法 的 数 字 音 乐 市 场 的 形 成 举足轻重。
the top priority in securing a fair legal environment is to have the effective cooperation of “intermediaries” – companies and industries such as advertisers, internet service providers, search engines and payment providers whose activities have a decisive influence in shaping a legitimate digital music business.




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