外露式控制器:要增加或降低柱塞板的下行速度,应调 节导向阀 (BC)。 graco.com | Exposed Controls: To increase or decrease the speed of downward travel on the ram plate, adjust the director valve (BC). graco.com |
在升起或降低柱塞时,应使手和手指远离柱塞 板、泵流体入口和流体容器边缘,以降低因运动 零部件而导致的严重伤害的危险。 graco.com | Keep hands and fingers away from the ram plate, pump fluid inlet, and lip of the fluid container when raising or lowering the ram to reduce risk of serious injury from moving parts. graco.com |
盒子里有一个小信封,内有一块连接板和一个小螺钉。 jabra.cn | In the box there is a small envelope with an attachment plate and a small screw. jabra.com |
虽然澳大利亚并不接近大地震发生的板块构造边界处,但偶尔也有可能并确实会发生地震。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Although Australia does not lie in close proximity to a tectonic plate boundary where large earthquakes can occur, occasionally it can and does experience earthquakes. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
二零一一年的溢利虽低於二零一零年,但依然 保持强劲势头。溢利由二零一零年因亚洲的实货购买及补充存货强劲所导致的高位回落。 glencore.com | Other ferroalloy consuming industries such as aerospace, automotive, oil and gas and plating remained strong throughout the second half. glencore.com |
在红色标志区域 ( 16),即开关头上未被切 换开关芯子支撑板覆盖的部分作记号。 highvolt.de | Take note of the red-marked area which is in the region of the on-load tap-changer head and not covered by the supporting plate of the diverter switch unit (Figure 16). highvolt.de |
带去的食物可以是任何类型 的,而不仅仅是以盘子盛装的,并且通常是做好了的,可以即食。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Take the food to the party in any type of dish, not just a plate, and it is usually ready to serve. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
货柜的拥有人、受托保管人或承租人必 须确保所处理的货柜获认可当局批准、货柜上固定装设有安全合格牌 照、得到妥善保养、按获准的程序予以检验,同时货柜上的标记与安 全合格牌照上的资料相符。 legco.gov.hk | The owner, bailee or lessee of a container has to ensure that the container being handled is approved by recognized authorities, fixed with a safety approval plate, properly maintained, examined according to the approved procedures and that markings on a container are consistent with the information on the safety approval plate. legco.gov.hk |
(p) 草案第36条修订第374B章第12K条,规定任何种类汽车的 暂准驾驶执照持有人须在该车辆上展示“P”字牌,并就尺 寸较小的字牌以及较灵活的展示方式订定条文(建议的第 12K(1)条)。 legco.gov.hk | (p) Clause 36 amends regulation 12K of Cap. 374B to require the holder of a PDL for any class of motor vehicle to display a “P” plate on the vehicle, and to provide a smaller-sized plate and more flexible means of display (proposed regulation 12K(1)). legco.gov.hk |
注意 现在用螺杆从切换开关油室底的耦合装置上拆下锁定板,图 9。 highvolt.de | Now remove the blocking plate with stud bolt from the coupling of the diverter switch oil compartment bottom, Figure 9. highvolt.de |
采用新技术(数码 摄影流程和电脑直接输出制版系统设 备)与按需印刷相结合,使减少制作 时间、印数和各类文件的纸张消耗有 了可能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Introduction of new technologies (digital workflow and computer-to-plate equipment) combined with printing on demand, made it possible to reduce production times, print runs and paper consumption for various types of documents. unesdoc.unesco.org |
用螺钉固定连接板并将设备放在它上面。 jabra.cn | Use the screw to fixate the attachment plate and place the unit over it. jabra.com |
订购使用镀银前卡套和无涂层后卡套的接头 时 、请 在 接 头 订 购 号 后 面 加 上 -BM。 swagelok.com | To order fittings with silver-plated front ferrules and uncoated back ferrules, add -BM to the fitting ordering number. swagelok.com |
中国着名品牌柔性版制版机 ●液体制版机的世界加工工厂 ●中国最早、规模最大研发、生产柔版机的企业 ●中国最早研发、生产PS版生产线的企业之一 ...●中国着名品牌柔性版制版机 ●液体制版机的世界加工工厂 ●中国最早、规模最大研发、生产柔版机的企业 ●中国最早研发、生产PS版生产线的企业之一 PS版、CTP版是印刷行业适应范围最广泛的胶印版材,中国已发展成为胶印版材的世界加工工厂。 sino-corrugated.com | China famous brand flexo plate making machine The world manufacture plant of liquid plate making machine A pioneer in the research and the most scope of manufacturing flexo plate making machine One of...China famous brand flexo plate making machine The world manufacture plant of liquid plate making machine A pioneer in the research and the most scope of manufacturing flexo plate making machine One of the pioneers in the research and manufacturing PS plate production line PS and CTP Plate is the most comprehensive applied offset plate in the printing industry; China has been developed into a world manufacture plant of offset plate. sino-corrugated.com |
用 于表面光滑的工件及同等的黑钢板。 eclipse-magnetics.co.uk | Use for smooth surfaced workpiece through to the equivalent of black plate. eclipse-magnetics.co.uk |
记录爆炸物质的残留物、碎片、爆炸情况、抛射物、炸坑、验证板损坏情况 和推力,作为物品反应水平的证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Explosive substance remains, fragmentation, blast, projections, cratering, witness plate damage, and thrust are documented as an indication of the article’s response level. daccess-ods.un.org |
在工作状态下,高速电机通过传动装置带动立式传动轴转动,物料通过设在选粉机室上部的进料口进入选粉室内,再通过设置在中粗粉收集锥的上下两锥体之间和通粉管道落在撒料盘上,撒料盘随立式传动轴转动,物料在惯性离心力的作用下,向四周均匀撒出,分散的物料在外接风机通过进风口进入选粉室的高速气流作用下,物料中的粗重颗粒受到惯性离心力的作用被甩向选粉室的内壁面。 mayastar.com.cn | In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under the action of high speed airflow through air intake, the coarse particles in material is thrown to the powder selecting chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force. mayastar.com.cn |
地球表面,包括我们的生存环境,都是地球内部运动的结果,受地球内部运动的控 制,利用地球物理和地球动力学技术对这一环境(从地球磁场到板块构造)进行研究,可加 强我们对地球系运动原理的理解。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The earth’s surface, including our habitable environment, is a product of, and controlled by, deep earth processes. The study of this environment (ranging from changes in the earth’s magnetic field to plate tectonics) using for example, geophysical and geodynamical techniques, enhances our understanding of the working of the earth system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 Hirista,两名武装人员抢走了两辆政府公车,其中一辆属于军方,另外 一辆属于财产登记局,车牌号为 538936(大马士革)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Hirista, two armed persons stole two government vehicles, one of which was assigned to the army and the other to the Property Registry, licence plate No. 538936 (Damascus). daccess-ods.un.org |
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显示车牌号码及顾客服务专线的点字板。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services. daccess-ods.un.org |
该装置被安放在一辆马自达 ZOOM 3 汽车里,车牌号码:881093,为该中心 雇员阿里·海达尔工程师所有。 daccess-ods.un.org | The device had been planted in a Mazda Zoom 3 vehicle, licence plate No. 881093, belonging to engineer Ali Haydar, an employee of the centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是我们 意识到世界正在经历经济困难,因此我们达成和接受 了关于附带条件的妥协,即将维持 0.7%承诺,以及发达 世界将竭尽全力帮助发展中国家实现千年发展目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | But we were conscious of the economic difficulties that the world is witnessing and therefore we settled and went along with the compromise on the proviso that the 0.7 per cent commitment would be upheld and that the developed world would step up to the plate and help developing countries in their realization of the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着,可以使用任何行业标准型一次性或可重复使用的孔板,而无需担心透明度或出现会对结果产生影响的划痕。 malvern.com.cn | This means that any industry standard disposable or reusable plate can be used without concern for transparency or scratches on the plate that would affect the result. malvern.com |
实现了低噪音,特别是通 过半圆柱斜盘,稳定了动作特性,运 行时噪音低。 nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp | In particular, a semi-circular barrel swash plate stabilizes operation characteristics to ensure silent operation. nachi-fujikoshi.co.jp |
新型陶瓷热板搅拌器和热板AREC系列搅拌器21/11/2012 如果图像显示不正确,点击信息栏顶部的提示,然后点击下载图片 VELP 更新的系列陶瓷加热搅拌器,先进可靠,应用广泛。 velp.com | NEW Ceramic Hot Plate Stirrers and Hot Plate AREC Series21/11/2012VELP Scientifica is proud to announce the renewed series of ceramic hot plate stirrers, advanced... velp.com |
电解铜箔由於两面粗糙度不同,较粗糙的一面再经处理後,与预浸基材热压时,可和树脂产生很大接着力,较适合做为FR-4等硬质铜箔基板之原料。 npc.com.tw | Upon the rough difference of EDCF two sides, the rougher side is warm-pressed with laminated fiber plate, due to adhesive property with resin, and good for FR-4 type hand copper clad. npc.com.tw |
该系统使用设计用於可靠的高引脚数讯号应用的经过现场验证的终端介面,该终端提供1.5A连续电流能力,低接触插入力 (每电路0.5N),并且能够承受多达5,000次插配循环,具有标准的镀金外观。 ipress.com.hk | The system uses a field-proven terminal interface designed for reliable, high pin-count signaling applications. Providing a continuous current capacity of 1.5Amps the terminal delivers low contact insertion force (0.5N per circuit) and can withstand up to 5,000 mating cycles with a standard gold plating finish. ipress.com.hk |
我们也 能生产镀镍的非标准性综丝,通过与织机厂家和最终用户 的密切配合,我们能够确保我们的产品紧跟时代需求。 groz-beckert.pl | Non-standard nickel plated versions are also produced. Through close cooperation with weaving machine manufacturers and users, we ensure that our products remain abreast of the latest weaving requirements. groz-beckert.pl |
此外,莫桑比克正在实施一个区域综 合渔业信息和统计系统,并正致力于推进这一系统,从渔获量到上岸体系到从“海 洋到餐桌”的完全价值链追踪体系。158 挪威报告称它促进制订了各项区域措施, 包括制订区域渔业管理组织的违规渔船清单(南极海生委、东北大西洋渔委和西 北大西洋渔业组织),由区域渔业管理组织彼此承认此类清单,落实港口国机制, 强制使用渔船监测系统,更严格地要求报告和管制转运情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, Mozambique was implementing a regional integrated fisheries information and statistical system and was seeking to advance the system from a catch-to-landing system to a full value chain tracking system, from “sea to plate”.158 Norway reported that it had contributed to the development of regional measures, including negative vessel lists of regional fisheries management organizations (CCAMLR, NEAFC and NAFO), mutual recognition by regional fisheries management organizations of such lists, port State schemes, mandatory use of vessel monitoring systems, stricter reporting requirements and regulation of trans-shipment. daccess-ods.un.org |