

单词 4-pag
委任第一市场交易商时,金管 局 将根据 客 观、量 化 及公开 的准则作考虑,当中包括市场參与者在外汇基金 票据及债券市场的活跃程度。
The appointment of PDs will be based on objective, quantitative and open criteria which include the activity of the market player in the EFBN market.
因此,当局一贯的做法是设定 上限,使那些在上限以下的项目纳入小型工程项目类别 下推行,而在上限以上的项目则循涉及拟备工程界定书 及技术可行性说明书的基本工程计划机制进行。
As such, it had been the practice to set a financial ceiling under which projects below the ceiling would go through the minor works route while those above the ceiling would go through the CWP mechanism involving the conduct of PDS and TFS.
至於其余的实 务指示( 有关在 2009 年 1 月 1 日生效,把“建筑物管理案 件试验计划”由 2009 年 1 月 1 日延长至 2009 年 6 月 30 日 的“土地审裁处庭长根据《土地审裁处条例》(第 17 章) 第 10(5)(a) 条发出的指示建筑物管理案件试验计划”除 外),将公布在 2009 年 4 月 2 日生效,以配合民事司法制 度改革的实施。
As for the remaining PDs (except the “Direction Issued by the President of the Tribunal Pursuant to Section 10(5)(a) of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 17) Pilot Scheme for Building Management Cases” regarding the extension of the Pilot Scheme from 1 January to 30 June 2009 which came into effect on 1 January 2009), they would be promulgated for implementation on 2 April 2009 to tie in with CJR coming into effect.
由于这些家庭的购买力较低,粮食不足不太可能由其他食物完全补足。14 过去数年来,公共分配系统未能证明十分有效,特别报告员呼吁朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国政府考虑到诸项挑战,重新考虑这一政策,以确保朝鲜民主主义人民共 和国人民不被剥夺食物权。
The deficit was unlikely to have been fully covered by other foods, owing to low purchasing power of these households.14 The PDS system has not proven to be effective over the last several years and the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to rethink the policy in light of the challenges, with the view to ensuring that the population of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not deprived of its right to food.
但当设备連接至 工业环境时,却是刚好相反,对电器设备的抗杂讯能力要求较高,而杂讯发射能力则要求较低。
A PDS in an industrial environment is allowed to have higher emission levels but must have more severe immunity levels.
结 果 在 1990年,民主社 会主义党(东德的前德国社 会主义统一党继承者 )虽 在 德国西部地区 的选举中几乎全部 败北, 却 成 功 取得议 院 议 席 。
As a result, the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), the successor to the former Socialist Unity Party of Germany in East Germany, managed to gain parliamentary seats even though it had almost no success in the western territories in 1990.
事实上,今后几个月内将编制一份项目设计文件,向 自愿市场寻求信贷,并努力实行一种黄金标准,验证将要制订的办法。
In fact, a PDD will be prepared over the coming months to look for credits in the Voluntary Market, and efforts will be made to apply for a gold standard, to validate the methodology that will be developed.
在 24 份实务指示中, 13 份修订现行的实务指示,而其余 11 份则是新订立的。
Of the 24 PDs, 13 amend existing PDs and the remaining 11 are new PDs.
民主同盟联合会包括共和国发展联盟、吉布提发展党、民主复兴和发展运动 以及民主和正义联盟。
The Union pour l’Alliance Démocratique (The Union for a Democratic Alliance) (UAD) includes the Alliance Républicaine pour le Développement (Republican Alliance for Development) (ARD), the Parti Djiboutien pour le Développement (Djibouti Party for Development) (PDD), the Mouvement pour le Renouveau Démocratique et le Développement (Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development) (MRDD) and the Union pour la Démocratie et la Justice (Union for Democracy and Justice) (UDJ).
公共分配制度是世界上最大的粮食方案,也是政府管理粮食经济的政策中 至关重要的一部分。
The Public Distribution System (PDS) is the world’s largest food programme and a crucial part of Government’s policy for management of food economy.
粮农组织/ 粮食计划署在朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的考察结论是,在2009/10 年,大量低收入非农业家庭面临严重的粮食消费短缺,因为从公共分配系统获得 的粮食平均仅提供了大约一半的卡路里日需要量。
The FAO/WFP mission to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea concluded that, in 2009/10, a large number of low-income non-farming households faced a significant food consumption gap, as the cereals received from the public distribution system (PDS) provided on average only about half the daily calorific requirement.
此外,金管 局会邀 请第一市场交易商在金管 局的 “ CMU(债务工具中 央结算系 统 )债券报价网站"公 布买卖政府债 券的參 考 价 格 ,以提高 透 明 度。
In addition, the HKMA will invite PDs to broadcast bid/offer indicative prices for government bonds on the CMU (Central Moneymarkets Unit) Bond Price Bulletin of the HKMA for better transparency.
确认具良好教学实践经验及分享文化的学校为专业发展 学校,各就不同的教学主题与兩至三所学校结成夥伴网 络,透过不同形式的交流活动促进參与学校的学与教效 能,并为学校建构互动互助的协作文化。
Each PDS will form a network with two or three partner schools focusing on specific pedagogical themes to foster an interactive collaborative culture and enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching through various exchange activities.
为了 宣传专业发展学校计划,我们在二零零六年三 月 出版 了一本题 为 《 分 享 学 习 学 习 分 享》的 册子, 介绍 12 所专业发展学校的成功 故 事和可供学习 的 示例。
To publicize the PDS Scheme, a booklet entitled “Sharing on Learning - Learning to Share ” has been published in March 2006. This booklet aims to depict the successful stories and exemplar practices of the 12 PDSs.
若非參加了专业发展学校计划,兩所学校 很难这样有系统,以及有时间、空间去进行 交流,和共同撰文分享媒体教学经验了。
If we have not participated in the PDS Scheme, the two schools could hardly have any structured interactions or the time and space for sharing and write together to exchange experiences in media teaching.
讲者:  贾桂林米勒, 律师, DIsability Rights California, 将为我们讲说新的健保条例 946 ─ 要求健保提供自闭儿的行为治疗;特别是 ABA  (应用行为分析疗法)。
Speaker:  Jacqueline Miller, Attorney, Disability Rights California, She will provide information and discussion on Senate Bill 946, which requires health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies to provide coverage for behavioral health treatment for individuals with autism or other pervasive development disorders (PDD); specifically ABA (applied behavioral analysis services).
由高等法院首席法官担任主席的民事司法制度改 革督导委员会(“督导委员会”)已拟备了 24 份实务指示 草稿,以实施终审法院首席法官辖下民事司法制度改革工作 小组在《最後报告书》所作的提议。
The Steering Committee on CJR (“Steering Committee”) chaired by the CJHC has prepared 24 draft PDs to implement the recommendations in the Final Report prepared by the Chief Justice’s Working Party on CJR.




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