我们预计 未来数年的增长机会将受到局限,但由於我们的资产负债表强劲,而且毫无负债,使本公司得以稳踞有利 位置,待市场环境改善时尽享先机。 asiasat.com | Growth opportunities are likely to be limited in the coming year, but our strong, debt-free balance sheet puts us in a strong position to take advantage of those that do appear. asiasat.com |
此外,近东救济工程处正计划执行在线跟踪单,以方便各办事处使用,并 每周更新,以确保定购单交付时间表得到遵守。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, UNRWA was planning to implement an online tracking sheet for ease of use by offices and would be updated weekly to ensure compliance with purchase order delivery schedules. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 根据公司条例之条文,本公司每份资产负债表须经签署,及每份资产负债表 之副本(包括根据法律规定须与之随附之每份文件)及於股东大会上向本公司提呈的损益账连 同董事会报告副本及核数师报告副本,须於不迟於大会举行日期前(二十一)日,向本公司每 名股东及每名债权证持有人及根据细则第 46 条登记之每位人士以及每名有权收取本公司股东 大会通告之其他人士寄发,惟本细则并无规定须向本公司并不知悉其地址之任何人士或超过一 名任何股份或债权证联名持有人寄发有关文件。 bdhk.com.hk | (b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report and a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall not less than (twenty-one) days before the date of the meeting, be sent to every member of, and every holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures. bdhk.com.hk |
本基金采用 方法(ii),因此所汇报的单位价格、资产净值或基金表现(载於基金概览的基金表现数据除外)并未反 映收费及费用在内。 bank.hangseng.com | This fund uses method (ii) and, therefore, its unit prices, net asset value (NAV) or fund performance quoted (except for the fund performance figures quoted in a Fund Fact Sheet) do not reflect the impact of fees and charges. bank.hangseng.com |
董 事 认 为,估 价 技 术 产 生 的 估 计 公 允 价 值 及 相 关 变 动,并 已 分 别 计 入 合 并 资 产 负 债 表 和 综 合 权 益 变 动 表,是 合 理 的 且 它 们 是 资 产 负 债 表 日 最 恰 当 的 价 值。 zte.com.cn | The directors believe that the estimated fair values resulting from the valuation technique, which are recorded in the consolidated balance sheet, and the related changes in fair values, which are recorded in the consolidated equity, are reasonable, and that they are the most appropriate values at the balance sheet date. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
一成员通知委员会说,用于载列多边基金气候影响 指标范围之外有用信息的概况介绍模块的讨论文件已经上载到在线论坛。 multilateralfund.org | One member informed the Committee that a discussion paper on the template for a fact sheet covering useful information beyond the scope of the MCII had been uploaded onto the online forum. multilateralfund.org |
以下表格显示在资产负债表日其他变量保持固定的情况下,美元滙率的合理可能变化导致本集团税前利润(由 於 货 币 型 资 产 ╱ 负 债 公 允 价 值 的 变 动 )和 权 益 变 化 的 敏 感 性。 zte.com.cn | The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the balance sheet date to a reasonably possible change in the US$ exchange rate, with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(A) 在股东特别大会处理的所有事项,均须视为特别事项, 而在股东周年大会处理的所有事项,除批准股息、省览 及采纳账目、资产负债表、董事会报告、核数师报告及 必须随附於资产负债表的其他文件、选举董事、委任核 数师及其他高级职员填补退任空缺、厘定或授权董事厘 定核数师酬金及就董事的一般酬金或额外酬金或特别酬 金进行投票(或授权董事厘定该等酬金)、向董事授出 一般授权以配发、发行或处理股份及就此订立协议以及 向董事授出一般授权以行使本公司权力购回其自身证券 外,亦须视为特别事项。 xingfa.com | (A) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting with the exception of sanctioning dividends, the reading, considering and adopting of the accounts and balance sheet and the reports of the Directors and Auditors and other documents required to be annexed to the balance sheet, the election of Directors and appointment of Auditors and other officers in the place of those retiring, the fixing of or delegation of power to the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors, and the voting of or delegation of power to the Directors to fix the ordinary or extra or special remuneration to the Directors, the grant of a general mandate to the Directors to allot, issue or deal with shares and to enter into agreements for such purposes, and the grant of a general mandate authorising Directors to exercise the power of the Company to repurchase its own securities. xingfa.com |
联合委员会至少每两年一次向联大和成员组织提交一份附有其资产负债表的基金业 务活动报告,并把联大就该报告采取的任何行动通知各成员组织”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Board shall present to the General Assembly and to the member organizations, at least once every two years, a report, including a balance sheet, on the operation of the Fund, and shall inform each member organization of any action taken by the General Assembly upon the report”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
於 附 属 公 司 的 投 资 於 收 取 股 息 时 若 出 现 以 下 情 况 则 须 进 行 减 值 测 试,即 股 息 超 过 附 属 公 司 於 宣 派 股 息 期 间 的 全 面 收 入 总 额,或 附 属 公 司 於 本 公 司 资 产 负 债 表 的 账 面 值 超 过 被 投 资 方 的 净 资 产(包 括 商 誉)於 综 合 财 务 报 表 的 账 面 值。 cre8ir.com | Impairment testing of an investment in a subsidiary is required upon receiving a dividends if the dividend exceeds the total comprehensive income of the subsidiary in the period the dividend is declared or if the carrying amount of the subsidiary in the Company’s balance sheet exceeds the carrying amount in the consolidated financial statements of the investee’s net assets including goodwill. cre8ir.com |
香港联合交易所有限公司对本资料报表的内容概不负责,对其准确性或完整性亦不发表任何声 明,并明确表示概不对因本资料报表全部或任何部分内容而产生或因倚赖该等内容而引致的任何 损失承担任何责任。 equitynet.com.hk | The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this information sheet, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this information sheet. equitynet.com.hk |
在资产负债表上确认之金额指界定权益责任之现值,经已按未确认精算损益及未确认以往服务费用调整, 并扣除计划资产之公平价值。 wingtaiproperties.com | The amount recognised in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation as adjusted for unrecognised actuarial gains and losses and unrecognised past service cost, and as reduced by the fair value of plan assets. wingtaiproperties.com |
递 延 所 得 税 乃 以 於 结 算 日 已 颁 布 或 实 质 颁 布 的 税 率(及 法 律),并 预 期 於变 现 相关 递 延所 得税资 产 或偿 还递 延 所得 税 负债 时 的适 用 税率 厘定。 vindapaper.com | Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled. vindapaper.com |
(2) 凡属未完成的主要建筑工程计划的固定资产, 在有关资产负债表内另外列为“ 兴建中的资 产 ”。 hkelectric.com | (2) Fixed Assets representing major construction projects not completed will be separately shown in the balance sheet concerned as “assets under construction”. hkelectric.com |
(c) 就管制计划而言,上述资本物料合计,将 成为固定资产的一部分,在有关资产负债 表上列为“等候安装的设备”。 hkelectric.com | (c) The aggregate of the said capital stores will form part of the Fixed Assets for Scheme Of Control purposes and will be shown separately as “equipment awaiting installation” in the balance sheet concerned. hkelectric.com |
上市(柜)证券之公平价值系以资产负债表日之 收盘价为评价基础。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The fair value of listed stocks is based on the closing price on the balance sheet date. english.taiwanmobile.com |
审计委员会进一步注意到,未提供概括了总分类账,把详细的试算表与财务 报表、尤其是资产负债表项目相联系且有助于适当制表的详细做法和附表。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board further noted that detailed workings and schedules that summarize the general ledger, and link the detailed trial balance to the financial statements, especially for balance sheet items, that would facilitate adequate mapping, were not available. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司於本声明日期的在任董事(「董事」)谨表示共同及个别对资料报表所载资料(「该 等资料」)的准确性承担全部责任,并在作出一切合理查询後,确认就其所知及所信, 该等资料在所有重大方面乃属真确、完整、及并无误导,亦概无遗漏其他事实,致使 该等资料有失实或误导成份。 cigyangtzeports.com | The directors of the Company (the “Directors”) as at the date hereof hereby collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this information sheet (“the Information”) and confirm, having made all reasonable inquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief the Information is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading and that there are no other matters the omission of which would make any Information inaccurate or misleading. cigyangtzeports.com |
它还必须考虑这些协定的多年度特点以及可能出现的中止或 逐次记载的情况,在资产负债表是否记载、是全部记载还是部分记载未实现的收入。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It also means that the multi-year nature of these agreements will have to be taken into account, along with any suspensive or sequential conditions, by the recognition, or not, in full or in part, in the balance sheet of revenue recorded in advance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
属於本细分類的传统食品例子有 羅望子果浓缩物(无杂质的羅望子果提取物,总可溶性固体不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果酱混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固体、抗氧化剂、调味料(flavours)、稳定剂及防腐剂的混合物),以及乾果 棒(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)与糖、调味料(flavours)及防腐剂混合并脱水 制成的薄片)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet). cfs.gov.hk |
该准则的一般原则是所有衍生金融资产及金融 负债应以公平值在资产负债表内确认。 swirepacific.com | The general principle of the standard is that all derivative financial assets and financial liabilities should be recognised on the balance sheet at fair value. swirepacific.com |
为判断估值师作出的该等估值及假设是否合理,本集团考虑活跃市场中类似物业之 当时价格的资料,并使用主要基於根据结算日之市况作出之假设。 wingtaiproperties.com | In making the judgement on whether such valuations and assumptions made by the valuers are reasonable, the Group considers information from current prices in an active market for similar properties and uses assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date. wingtaiproperties.com |
过 往在储备冲销的商誉於二零零五年一月一日结算总计港币三十二亿七千四百万元,并不会在资产负债表中 重列或包括在出售附属公司、共同控制公司及联属公司的盈亏计算中。 swirepacific.com | Goodwill previously eliminated against reserves, totalling HK$3,274 million as at 1st January 2005, is not reinstated on the balance sheet or included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal of subsidiary, jointly controlled and associated company. swirepacific.com |
1.4.3 另外,小量豁免产品、获豁免遵守营养标签规定和不被营养资料标签制度涵盖的预先 包装食物的名称以及货品条码编号,均会记录在记录表上。 cfs.gov.hk | 1.4.3 In addition, Small Volume Exemption (SVE) products, other exempted products and products not covered by the NL scheme were enumerated on-site simultaneously by marking down the name and barcode of products in the log sheet. cfs.gov.hk |
下表呈列於结算日根据《香港财务报告准则》第 7 号,「金融工具:披露」 所界定之公平值三个级别中,以公平值列帐之金融工具之帐面值,而各 金融工具之公平值则按其公平值计量所需输入的重要数据之级别,按最 低级别而整体作出分类。 ctc.internad.hk | The following table presents the carrying value of financial instruments measured at fair value at the balance sheet date according to the fair value hierarchy defined in HKFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, with the fair value of each financial instrument categorised in its entirety based on the lowest level of input that is significant to that fair value measurement. ctc.internad.hk |
由粮农组织计算 的食品平衡表数据是指“用于消费的普通食物”,有许多原因(例如家庭的废 弃物)其不等于平均食物摄入量或平均食物消费量。 fao.org | Food Balance Sheet data calculated by FAO refer to “average food available for consumption”, which, for a number of reasons (for example, waste at the household level), is not equal to average food intake or average food consumption. fao.org |
资产负债表的流动资金非常稳健,已动用流动资本加上上市联营公司(按账面 值计)的流通性股本涵盖Glencore截至二零一二年十二月三十一日的债务总额达115%。 glencore.com | Balance sheet liquidity remains very healthy such that current capital employed plus investments in listed associates (at book carrying value) covers 115% of Glencore’s total gross debt as at 31 December 2012. glencore.com |
只要是使用粘合剂,就必须考虑到日常安全守则,以及参考粘合剂生产商(索要材料安全数据表)提供的安 全使用详细说明。 quadrantplastics.com | Where adhesives are used, the usual safety regulations must be taken in consideration, together with the specific directions for safe use given by the adhesive manufacturer (ask for the material safety data sheet). quadrantplastics.com |