

单词 45°-lasting



grass that has grown on a grave since last year


make a last-ditch stand before the city wall (idiom); to fight to the last ditch


quaternary (geological period covering the recent ice ages over the last 180,000 years)
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组起草了关于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指南草本,将在这一轮全国委员会磋商会议结束时最后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general and directors of field offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National Commission consultations.
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
自关于《公约》执行情况的最 新定期报告(1995 年)公布以来,以下 28 个 国家已成为《公约》缔约国:巴巴多斯、玻利 维亚、博茨瓦纳、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、 哥斯达黎加、丹麦、萨尔瓦多、赤道几内亚、 厄立特里亚、洪都拉斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉 斯斯坦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、巴拉圭、葡萄 牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、卢旺达、塞尔维亚和黑 山、塞舌尔、南非、斯里兰卡、前南斯拉夫的 马其顿共和国、乌拉圭、乌兹别克斯坦和津巴 布韦;在这 28 个国家中,以下 16 个国家加入 了《议定书》:中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎 加、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、洪都 拉斯、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、巴拿 马、巴拉圭、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚和黑 山、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国和乌拉圭。
Since the last periodic report (1995) on the implementation of the Convention, the following 28 States have become party to the Convention: Barbados, Bolivia, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Paraguay, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Serbia and Montenegro, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe; of those 28 States the following 16 States have joined the Protocol: China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Panama, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Uruguay.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土着人民合作,记录他们的生活和文 化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏族公社”项目,与玻利维亚的农村氏族公社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土着运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发 展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪录片;(v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
因此,这些缔约国必须做出具体努 力,确保所提供的每一内有或被怀疑内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设的杀伤人员地雷 数量估计、清除过的地带、使雷区不再构成危险而采取的措施、销毁的杀伤人员 地雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on each area that contains mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible, i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
(c) 在下列情况下「「生」有权决定是否提供「信用卡结单」,若(i)在有关期间内并无任何进支及自上一份「信用卡结单」後「信用卡 户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」(视乎何种情况而定)亦未有任何未偿还结欠,或(ii)「「生」或「会员」因任何理由 已取消或终止之「信用卡」或「赛马团体」或「合股人」经已解散,但「信用卡户口」或「赛马团体户口」或「合股人户口」(视 乎何种情况而定)出现逾期未付借方余额而「「生」认为逾期日子不能接受。
(c) Hang Seng will have the discretion whether to supply a Card Account Statement if (i) there are no entries covering the relevant statement period and no outstanding balance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) since the last Card Account Statement or (ii) where the Card has been cancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmember for whatever reason or where the Syndicate or the Partnership has been dissolved and there is a debit balance in the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) overdue for such period considered by Hang Seng to be unacceptable.
最后,美国赞扬哥斯达黎加始终不断地从事增进人权和普遍 定期审议的工作。
Lastly, it commended Costa Rica’s constant engagement with the promotion of human rights and the universal periodic review.
计算机软件业本身也是创新 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去的十年左右时间内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。
The computer software industry is also a highly important source of innovation in its own right and its members argue that they have produced dramatic gains in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen.
秘书处代表表示,世界银行提出申请,请求发放 1,767,000 美元的第四次、也是最后 一次付款,外加机构支助费用,以便在中国执行 2009 年方案,在聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业淘汰 CFC-11 的使用。
The representative of the Secretariat said that the World Bank had submitted a request for the release of the fourth and last funding tranche of US $1,767,000 plus agency support costs for the 2009 implementation programme for phasing out use of CFC-11 in the polyurethane foam sector in China.
他强调指出,目前高粮价及长期 饥饿人口数量居高不下的现实主要是过去三十年里对农业重视不足造成的,因此必 须提高官方发展援助量及各国对农业的预算投入。
He emphasized that the present situation of high food prices and continuing high number of chronic hungry was largely a result of the low priority given to agriculture in the last three decades, and therefore stressed the importance of increasing official development assistance and the proportions of national budgets allocated to agriculture.
它强调了科学工作 人员的下述权利:“对某些项目的人文、社会或生物学价值自由表示意见,如果 他们的良心要求他们退出项目,作为最后办法,他们可自由退出”;它还建议提 供有力的揭发内幕保护。
It stressed the right of scientific researchers to “express themselves freely on the human, social or ecological value of certain projects and, in the last resort, withdraw from those projects if their conscience so dictates”; it also recommended strong whistle-blower protections.
最后,非洲集团感到高兴的是,已有一名高级审 校派任至非洲经济委员会,交换一名 P-3 翻译,并希 望将来还将采取类似的措施。
Lastly, the African Group was pleased that a senior reviser had been assigned to the Commission in exchange for a P-3 translator and hoped that similar measures would be taken in the future.
该法案还 载有一项最后的法律修正,要求新西兰批准《儿童权利公约第二任择议定书》。
The bill also contained the last legislative amendment required for New Zealand to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新与诱惑的味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味道结尾,让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA SUI摇滚天后的摇滚魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
除上文及下文「购回股份」一节所披露者外及於最後实际可行日期,朱小坤先生、朱志 和先生、吴锁军先生及李卓然先生各自於过往三年内概无在任何其他上市公司担当任何董 事职位,彼等各自亦无於本集团任何成员公司担当任何职务,与本公司任何其他董事、高级 管理人员、主要股东或控股股东概无任何关系,亦无拥有本公司股份的任何权益(定义见证 券及期货条例(香港法例第571章)第XV部)。
ZHU Xiaokun, ZHU Zhihe, WU Suojun and LEE Cheuk Yin, Dannis did not hold any directorship in any other listed public companies in the last three years and does not hold any position in any member of the Group, nor does each of them have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company or any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
新增开支主要与我们於去年下半年所发射新卫星引致之在轨保险有 关。
This increase was related substantially to in-orbit insurance incurred for our new satellite, launched in the second half of last year.
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言, 为数百万的人们重新点燃了希望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞 争优势的部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的 地理境遇给他们带来的贫困。
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to exploit fully those sectors where they had a competitive advantage; to benefit from the opportunities offered by their full participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知[假救世主]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
(i) 於下文第(ii)分段所述公布刊发日期前12年期间(或倘刊发於不同日期, 则以较早日期为准),本公司透过邮递方式以抬头人为该股东或因转让 而有权收取之人士之预付邮资信封,寄往股东名册中所载由应收取有关 股份所涉及支票、汇票或股息单之股东或人士所提供之地址或其他最後 已知地址之支票、汇票或股息单均未被兑现,且本公司未就有关股份收 到该股东或人士之通讯,惟於该12年期间内本公司须已派发至少三次股 息(不论中期或末期),且该有权收取之人士未有认领有关该股份之股 息
(i) during the period of 12 years prior to the date of the publication of the advertisements referred to in sub-paragraph (ii) below (or, if published on different dates, the earlier thereof) no cheque, order or warrant in respect of such share sent by the Company through the post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member or to the person entitled by transmission to the share, at his address on the register or other last known address given by the member or person to which cheques, orders or warrants in respect of such share are to be sent has been cashed and the Company has received no communications in respect of such share from such member or person, provided that during such period of 12 years the Company has paid at least three dividends (whether interim or final) and no dividend in respect of such share has been claimed by the person entitled to it
关于复员遣返方案,技术评估团建议联刚特派团加 强联合国的多层面战略,以处理我在上次的报告(S/2009/623)中概述的卢民主力 量问题,包括考虑实行一项指挥官奖励方案,奖励那些与刚果民主共和国境内种 族灭绝行为没有牵连或未被控犯有针对平民的暴行的卢民主力量中高级指挥官。
With regard to disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration, the mission recommended that MONUC enhance the United Nations multidimensional strategy to address FDLR outlined in my last report (S/2009/623), including by considering a commander incentive programme targeting mid- to high-level FDLR commanders who are not implicated in the genocide or accused of having committed atrocities against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
委员会相信,需要这些措施以保障对这类原则的尊重,比如这类 未成年人有权获得促进其融入社会的待遇、拘留和监禁仅作为最后手段使用、未 成年人在关于他们的刑事诉讼中有权陈述自己的意见、以及有权获得适当法律援 助。
The Committee believes that measures are needed to guarantee respect for such principles as the right of such minors to receive treatment that promotes their reintegration into society, the use of detention and imprisonment only as a last resort, the right of minors to be heard in criminal proceedings relating to them and the right to receive appropriate legal assistance.
此外,宣言中必须具体提到国际社会面临的威胁 与挑战,其中包括:第一,核武器的加快改进和现代 化;第二,恐怖集团有可能获取这些武器,尽管只有 核武器国家本身拥有这些武器,并对防止其落入恐怖 集团手中承担着首要和绝对的责任;第三,核武器国 家可能对保证不发展这种技术的国家使用这种武器 系统;最后,有一种想法认为,结束这种危险的唯一 真正的保障就是按全人类的要求,全面和彻底销毁这 类武器。
Moreover, the declaration must include specific references to the threats and challenges facing the international community, including, first, the accelerated improvement and modernization of nuclear weapons; secondly, the possible acquisition of these weapons by terrorist groups, even when these weapons are held only by the nuclear-weapon States themselves, which have the prime and absolute responsibility for preventing such diversion; thirdly, the potential use of these systems by nuclear-weapon States against those that have pledged not to develop such technology; and lastly, the concept according to which the only genuine guarantee that these threats will end is the total and complete destruction of such weapons demanded by all humankind.




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