

单词 awnless

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It has a more densely tufted habit
than T. hookeri and can easily be distinguished by
[...] its morenumerous, awnless, usually setose racemes [...]
of smaller spikelets.
颖片狭披针形长圆形,上面的稍长于的通常下部颖片,等长的有时,龙骨状,龙骨状对具皮刺,近尖的先端粗糙; 胼胝体无毛或近无毛;
[...] 外稃3/4-9/10个小穗长度awnless端钝; 0.3-0.6毫米的内稃,(1/4-)1/3(-1/2)外稃长度。
Spikelets 1.3–1.8(–2.2) mm, olive green, occasionally violet tinged; glumes narrowly lanceolate-oblong, lower glume usually slightly longer than upper, sometimes equal, keeled, keel scabrid to aculeate, apex subacute;
callus glabrous or nearly so; lemma 3/4–9/10
[...] spikelet length, awnless, apex obtuse; palea [...]
0.3–0.6 mm, (1/4–)1/3(–1/2) lemma length.
无梗小穗约7毫米; 近尖的胼胝体,1.3-1.7毫米,具髯毛具金色毛,斜着生分枝先端; 更低的颖片狭长圆形,沿着inturned
[...] 侧面具刺具瘤,有时具短硬毛在先端,先端截形或2齿; 在龙骨状向先端awnless尖或具上具糙硬毛的上面颖片一可达10毫米; [...]
上面外稃微小的2齿,具芒; 膝曲的芒,1.2-3.5厘米,被微柔毛的柱子。
Sessile spikelet ca. 7 mm; callus subacute, 1.3–1.7 mm, bearded with golden hairs, obliquely attached to branch apex; lower glume narrowly oblong, tuberculate-spinose along inturned flanks, sometimes hispidulous at apex, apex
truncate or 2-toothed; upper glume hispid on keel
[...] toward apex, awnless, mucronate or [...]
with an awn up to 10 mm; upper lemma minutely
2-toothed, awned; awn geniculate, 1.2–3.5 cm, column puberulous.
小穗3.5-6毫米; 大约一半个小穗长度的颖片不等长,低的颖片,1脉,上面颖片一小短于小穗,3脉;
[...] 雄蕊花的下部的小花,外稃约5毫米,在背面,边缘具缘毛,先端微缺上粗糙; 首先外awnless尖; 第二外稃具近尖端的芒可达4毫米; [...]
两性的小花在背面,粗糙的近先端上类似于雄蕊花但是平滑; 内稃1(-2)脉; 花药2-3.5毫米。
Spikelets 3.5–6 mm; glumes unequal, lower glume about half spikelet length, 1-veined, upper glume a little shorter than spikelet, 3-veined; lower florets staminate, lemmas ca. 5 mm,
scabrid on back, margins ciliate, apex
[...] emarginate; firstlemma awnlessor mucronate; [...]
second lemma with subapical awn up to 4 mm;
bisexual floret similar to staminate but smooth on back, scabrid near apex; palea 1(–2)-veined; anthers 2–3.5 mm.
小穗大,具对来说很多小花,不育的上面小花通常; 小穗轴脱节高于颖片和在之间小花,粗糙或者短毛; 近等长的颖片不等长或,短于小穗,近卵形的披针形或,-)5-7-脉,先端锐尖的或更长渐尖或芒状;
无毛和两面稀疏有毛的小花结茧; 在对近革质龙骨状,5-9(-11)脉,草质的或压扁的背面或上圆形的外稃,边缘通常膜质,先端全缘或2齿;
[...] 芒末端或者生于外稃在牙齿之间稍微在顶,或者3具芒awnless少下; 狭窄的内稃,短于外稃,纤毛或者粗糙的龙骨的通常。
Spikelets large, with 3 to many florets, upper florets often sterile; rachilla disarticulating above glumes and between florets, scabrid or shortly hairy; glumes unequal or subequal, shorter than spikelet, lanceolate or nearly ovate, (1–)5–7-veined, apex acute or long acuminate or aristiform; floret callus glabrous or both sides thinly hairy; lemmas rounded on back or compressed to keel, 5–9(–11)-veined, herbaceous or nearly leathery, margins often membranous, apex entire or 2-toothed; awn terminal or
arising from lemma between teeth slightly under
[...] apex, rarelyawnless or 3-awned; palea [...]
narrow, usually shorter than lemma, keels ciliate or scabrid.
无梗小穗3.8-5毫米; 胼胝体金色具髯毛; 更低的颖片宽长圆形, 革质,暗褐色具一浅淡黄干膜质条纹状在周围先端和上面边缘,,2 最外脉在每边在先端下面连结, 近相等的小花颖片;
[...] 披针形的下部的外稃,先端钝到截形; 上面外稃先端截形,或awnless2尖对短。
Sessile spikelet 3.8–5 mm; callus golden bearded; lower glume broadly oblong, leathery, dark brown with a pale yellowish scarious band around apex and upper margins, glabrous, 2 outermost veins on each side connected below apex, connected vein minutely exserted, apex truncate, erose-denticulate, ciliolate; florets subequaling glumes; lower
lemma lanceolate, apex obtuse to truncate; upper lemma
[...] apex truncate, awnless, or 2-denticulate, [...]
mucronate to shortly awned.
小穗2-2.5毫米,紫色; 长圆状披针形,近等长,下部的颖片稍长,龙骨状几乎平滑的或关于上面,先端渐尖; 约的胼胝体毛0.2毫米;
[...] 外稃2/3的小穗长度,从稍微降低1/3的中间以下具芒,或awnless端钝; 膝曲的芒,3-3.5毫米; [...]
Spikelets 2–2.5 mm, purple; glumes oblong-lanceolate, subequal, lower slightly longer, keel scabrid or almost smooth on upper glume, apex acuminate; callus hairs ca. 0.2 mm; lemma 2/3 spikelet
length, awned from slightly below middle to
[...] lower 1/3, orawnless,apexobtuse; [...]
awn geniculate, 3–3.5 mm; palea very small.
小穗1.8-2.3毫米,深紫色; 披针形的颖片,等长,低颖片粗糙的在中部以上,先端渐尖龙骨状; 胼胝体无毛或近无毛;
[...] 有awnlet可达的或者有时的外稃2/3-3/4个小穗长度awnless1,先端钝; 内稃1/2-2/3段外稃。
Spikelets 1.8–2.3 mm, dark purple; glumes lanceolate, equal, keel of lower glume scabrid above middle, apex acuminate;
callus glabrous or nearly so; lemma 2/3–3/4
[...] spikelet length, awnlessorsometimes with [...]
awnlet up to 1 mm, apex obtuse; palea 1/2–2/3 length of lemma.
颖片椭圆状披针形,近等长或更下部的颖片稍长,粗糙的更下部的颖片沿着龙骨状上部,平滑,先端锐尖的上面颖片通常; 胼胝体微小的有毛;
[...] 外稃2/3-3/4个小穗长度,无毛,中脉稍突出,通常awnless端截形; 内稃1/2-3/4段外稃。
Spikelets 1.5–2.5 mm, purplish brown; glumes elliptic-lanceolate, subequal or lower glume slightly longer, lower glume scabrid along keel distally, upper glume often smooth, apex acute; callus minutely hairy; lemma
2/3–3/4 spikelet length, glabrous, midrib slightly
[...] prominent,usually awnless, apex truncate; [...]
palea 1/2–3/4 length of lemma.
[...] 雄蕊花的下部小花,密被短柔毛的外稃; 2浅裂片的外稃awnless先; 2忠于的第二外稃大约中间,短从那里凹缺,直,2-3毫米; [...]
约的两性的小花2.5毫米,短柔毛在中部以上; 内稃2脉; 花药1.2-1.5毫米
Spikelets obovate, 5–6 mm, purplish; glumes subequal, as long as spikelet, broadly ovate-oblong, 3-veined, apex hyaline, otherwise purple, back glabrous or a few scattered hairs; lower florets
staminate, lemmas densely pubescent; first
[...] lemma bilobed, awnless; second lemma [...]
2-cleft to about middle, short-awned from
sinus, awn straight, 2–3 mm; bisexual floret ca. 2.5 mm, pubescent above middle; palea 2-veined; anthers 1.2–1.5 mm.
卵形的无梗小穗,3.8-4.5毫米; 胼胝体钝,青春期的具浅的毛;
[...] 近革质,浅或紫色微染,稀疏具柔毛的下部的颖片,9-13脉,脉离生的在上半部分,对具细尖的或tridenticulate来说先端锐尖; 上面外稃锐尖的或微缺awnless少具短芒。
Sessile spikelet ovate, 3.8–4.5 mm; callus obtuse, pubescent with pale hairs; lower glume subleathery, pale or purple-tinged, thinly pilose, 9–13-veined, veins distinct in
upper part, apex acute to apiculate or tridenticulate; upper lemma acute
[...] or emarginate, awnless, rarelywith [...]
short awn.
小穗3-4毫米,棕色; 胼胝体毛一小短于小穗,棕色;
狭的更低的颖片长圆状披针形,纸质的变得的草质的向先端,背面棕色具粗毛,先端截形; 更低的外稃3/4段颖片;
[...] 上面外稃长圆形,短尖的钝awnless小的,变化随着短2齿和从那里凹缺; [...]
Spikelets 3–4 mm, brown; callus hairs a little shorter than spikelet, brown; lower glume oblong-lanceolate, papery becoming herbaceous toward apex, back brown-hirsute, apex narrowly truncate; lower
lemma 3/4 length of glumes; upper lemma
[...] oblong, obtuse and awnlessor minutely mucronate, [...]
varying to shortly 2-toothed and
awned from sinus; awn twisted, bent, up to 6 mm.
小穗淡绿,3.5-5毫米awnless芒; 颖片5脉; 更低的颖片1/3-1/2倍于小穗,锐尖; [...]
上面颖片等于小穗,粗糙的不明显对短沿脉,对芒来说骤尖端部; 革质,硬的两外稃和发亮,特别沿着中心,对具芒骤尖的下部。
Spikelets light
[...] green, 3.5–5mm, awnless or awned;glumes 5-veined; [...]
lower glume 1/3–1/2 as long as spikelet, acute; upper
glume equal to spikelet, inconspicuously scabrous to shortly hispid along veins, cuspidate to awn-tipped; both lemmas coriaceous, hard and shining, especially down the center, the lower cuspidate to awned.
小穗1.5-2毫米,略带紫色的绿色; 颖片披针形长圆形,等长,龙骨状的微糙的向先端,先端锐尖;
[...] 胼胝体毛0.2-0.3毫米; 外稃超过3/4的小穗长度awnless脉的终止的后面,顶宽钝的近中部; [...]
Spikelets 1.5–2 mm, purplish green; glumes lanceolate-oblong, equal, keel scaberulous toward apex, apex acute; callus
hairs 0.2–0.3 mm; lemma more than 3/4
[...] spikeletlength,awnless,midveinterminating [...]
near middle of back, apex broadly obtuse;
palea 0.6–0.8 mm, slightly less to slightly more than 1/2 lemma length.
无毛的小穗轴,成熟时不脱节,缺乏的小花基本公然反对的结茧,节间拉长,弯曲,上面有时强烈弯曲; 宽披针形,近等长的颖片,短于小穗,1.5-2.5厘米,7-11脉的显着; 清楚,2-2.5厘米的外稃,纸质脉全部,从上面1/4无毛,具芒的外稃,2-4 小钝齿的先端具;
[...] 芒1-2厘米,直或者被弯曲,很awnless
Spikelets 2.5–3.5(–4.5) cm, florets 3–7; rachilla glabrous, not disarticulating at maturity, florets lacking a basal bearded callus, internodes elongate, sinuous, upper sometimes strongly curled; glumes broadly lanceolate, subequal, conspicuously shorter than spikelet, 1.5–2.5 cm, 7–11-veined; lemmas 2–2.5 cm, papery, distinctly veined throughout,
glabrous, awned from upper 1/4 of lemma, apex with 2–4 small obtuse teeth; awn 1–2 cm, straight
[...] or bent,rarely awnless.
小穗1.5-3毫米,通常,紫色微染; 颖片披针形的椭圆形,等长,龙骨状粗糙,先端锐尖; 胼胝体毛约0.5毫米;
[...] 外稃3/4-4/5小穗长度,具长柔毛的背面awnless一好的直的芒可达3毫米等于或低于中间,先端截形具小齿出现; [...]
Spikelets 1.5–3 mm, usually purple tinged; glumes lanceolate-elliptic, equal, keel scabrid, apex acute; callus hairs
ca. 0.5 mm; lemma 3/4–4/5 spikelet length,
[...] back villous,awnless or afine straight [...]
awn up to 3 mm arising at or below middle,
apex truncate-denticulate; palea almost as long as lemma.
小穗带绿色,缓慢落叶,肥厚,对圆形,2.5-3.5毫米,对具糙硬毛awnless柔毛卵状椭圆形; 更低的颖片1/3-2/5倍于小穗; [...]
上面颖片稍短于小穗; 更低的外稃草质,不育; 上面外稃颖果2-3毫米长时间宿存,最终下降。
Spikelets greenish, tardily deciduous, plump,
ovate-elliptic to rotund, 2.5–3.5 mm,
[...] pubescent to hispid, awnless; lower glume 1/3–2/5 [...]
as long as spikelet; upper glume slightly
shorter than spikelet; lower lemma herbaceous, sterile; upper lemma 2–3 mm.




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