


External sources (not reviewed)

是次谘询旨在收集公众对於规管「樓上酒吧」及 进一步简化签发酒牌程序的
The purpose of the consultation was to gauge the
[...] publics views onthe regulation [...]
of “upstairs bars” and further streamlining of licensing procedures.
The trade representatives had no specific viewson the proposed definition.
(B) 按本条细则出售股份之方式、时间及条款(包括但不限於有关之价 格)须由董事会决定,该决定须基於银行、经纪或董事会认为合适之其他人士应 董事会为此谘询所提供之出,并在考虑过所有情况(包括将出售之股份 數目、不可延迟出售股份之规定)後认为合理可行;而董事会无须因依赖该等致之後果向任何人士负责。
(B) The manner, timing and terms of any sale of shares pursuant to this Bye-law (including but not limited to the price or prices at which the same is made) shall be such as the Board determines, based upon advice from such bankers, brokers or other persons as the Board considers appropriate consulted by it for the purposes, to be reasonably practicable having regard to all the circumstances including the number of shares to be disposed of and the requirement that the disposal be made without delay; and the Board shall not be liable to any person for any of the consequences of reliance on such advice.
(3) 不論第119(1)条所述任何内容,第131A条应适用於有关考虑行使中国糧油食品 (集团)有限公司(「中糧」)、中糧集团(香港)有限公司(「中糧(香港)」) 与本公司之间已存在之任何现有不竞争契据(经不时修订或补充)项下之任何 选择权或优先购买权,或考虑本公司及/或其任何附属公司(作为一方)与中 糧及/或其任何聯系人士(定规则)(作为另一方)订立任何可能构 成上市规则项下之关連交易之交易(「关連交易」)。
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in article 119(1), article 131A shall apply in respect of the consideration of the exercise of any option or right of first refusal under any current non-competition deed between China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation (“COFCO”), COFCO (Hong Kong) Limited (“COFCO (HK)”) and the Company, as amended or supplemented from time to time, or to consider the entering into of any transaction between the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries, on the one part, and COFCO and/or any of its associates (as defined in the Listing Rules) on the other, that would constitute a connected transaction under the Listing Rules (“Related Transaction”).
如你未能向资料使用者提供 他为找出你所要求查阅的个人资料而合理地要求的资讯,资料使用者可拒绝依从你的要 求第20(3)(b)条)。
The data user may refuse to comply with your request if you have not supplied him with such information as he may reasonably require to locate the requested data (see section 20(3)(b) of the Ordinance).
如你的要求不是以中文或英文作出,资料使用者可拒绝依 从你的要求第20(3)(a)条)。
The data user may refuse to comply with your request if your request is not made in writing in either language (see section 20(3)(a) of the Ordinance).
议,以进行通讯中所预期的交易;阁下明白由本行提供的结构性产品的资 料、數字及解释,不应视为阁下进行的交易的投资议。
Further, any information, data and explanations relating to any of the Structured Product provided by us to you shall not be construed as an investment advice or a recommendation for you to enter into the relevant transaction.
附注: 为释疑此說明:如获准买卖证券之後出现股价敏感资料,本守则A.1项的限 制适用。
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the restriction under A.1 of this code applies in the event that price sensitive information develops following the grant of clearance.
12.1.1 申请机构须遵守《防止贿賂条例》 (第 201 章)的规定,并须告知其雇 员、次承办商、代理和其他以任何形 式參与项目的人员,不得在进行项目 时或因项目的关系向任何人士提供或 索取金钱、馈赠或利益,或接受任何 人士的金钱、馈赠或利益(定止贿賂条例》)。
12.1.1 The project applicant shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (PBO) and shall advise their employees, subcontractors, agents and other personnel who are in any way involved in the project that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any money, gifts or advantage as defined in the PBO in the conduct of or in relation to the project.
(ee) 较早前已就有关分销迷你债券的申索与分销银行达成和解的客户5 的答案)。
(ee) customers who have previously settled their claims in relation to the distribution of Minibonds with the Distributing Bank (see the answer to Question 5 below).
有关规定将於二零零七年七月十日生效,要求预先包装食物须 标示八种最物质(如有的话),以及所使用食物添加剂的作用類别和其 本身名称或在食物添加剂国际编码系统中的識别编号,并在标示日期的格式 方面容许更大弹性。
The new labelling requirements in prepackaged food products included declaring the presence of the eight most common allergy causing substances, labelling the functional class of food additive and its specific name or its identification number under the International Numbering System for Food Additives, and labelling of date format in a more flexible manner.
4.29 阁下及授权使用者(如适用)承认有责任自行透过其惯常之买卖渠道,独立决定买卖之市 价、利率及兑换率;并有责任在依赖任何市场资料及/或报告或据此行事前,自行予以核证。 同时,阁下及授权使用者(如适用)亦有责任就使用网路/电话银行服务、市场资料及报告、 本第 4 条条款及进行之任何买卖交易在所有适用法律下对阁下可能产生之影响,寻求法 律、财务、税务及其他方面的独立专业
4.29 You and, where applicable, the Authorized User acknowledge that it is your responsibility to determine independently market prices, interest rates, exchange rates for trading purposes through your usual trading channels, to verify any of the Market Information and/or the Reports before relying or acting on it and to seek independent professional advice on legal, financial, tax and other issues in connection with the use of the Internet/Phone Banking Services, the Market Information and the Reports, the provisions of this Clause 4 and any transactions and dealings whichmay affect you under all applicable laws.
尽管 该等交易乃根据上市规则第 14A.25 及 14A.26 条予以合并计算适用百分比率(定规则第 14.07 条),董事会预期,常州中科來方购买协议、成都茵地樂购买协议及现有购 买协议项下拟进行之交易之年度上限的适用百分比率(定规则第 14.07 条)合共 将超过 0.1%但低於 5%,以及常州中科來方购买协议及成都茵地樂购买协议须遵守上市 规则第 14A.45 至 14A.47 条的申报及公布规定,以及上市规则第 14A.37 至 14A.40 条的 年度审阅规定,惟可豁免遵守上市规则第 14A 章的独立股东批准规定。
When such transactions are aggregated for the purpose of deriving at the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules pursuant to Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, the Board anticipates that the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual caps for the transactions contemplated under the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement, Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement and Existing Purchase Agreements, in aggregate, will exceed 0.1% but will be less than 5% and the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement and Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47, annual review requirements set out in Rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 but exempt from the Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
c) 「本会要求就中区警署古蹟群的竹棚设计方案谘询区内居民政府需降低新建筑物的高度至附近居民可接受水平。
c) "The DC requests that residents in the vicinity should be consulted on the scaffolding design of the CPS Compound and that the Government should reduce the height of the new structure to a level acceptable to the residents.
(L) 倘董事会须裁定本公司与控股股东(定规则)之间出现的任 何冲突事宜,身兼上述控股股东的雇员或高级职员的任何董事不可於相关董事会 会议上投票或被计入法定人數,亦不可出席相关董事会会议。
(L) In case of any issues of conflict concerning the Company and the controlling shareholder(s) (as defined in the Listing Rules) being decided by the Board, any Director who is also an employee or officer of such controlling shareholder(s) may not vote or be counted in the quorum and may not be present at the relevant Board meeting.
要的关注事宜是有关区内的車辆及行人交通、对天星小輪的业务可能带 來负面影响、忧虑从尖沙咀天星码头到新的巴士总站距離远而带來不便。
The key concerns raised are about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area, possible adverse impact on Star Ferry’s business, and worries about the inconvenience of the long distance of the new bus terminal from the TST Star Ferry Pier.
在此刊物上/活动内(或项目小组成员)表达的任何究成果、结論或建议,并不代表香港特别行政区政府、工业 贸易署或中小企业发展支援基金及发展品牌、升级转型及拓展 内销市场的专项基金(机构支援计划)评审委员会的观点。
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the Project team) do not reflect theviews ofthe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Trade and Industry Department or the Vetting Committee for the SME Development Fund and the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme).
(ix) 在截止认购日及期权终止日(如有)或之前,已按牵头经办人表示满意的格式及内容向其交付注 明日期为截止认购日或期权终止日(视属何情况而定)的若干法律以及已交付牵头经办 人可合理要求与发行可换股债券相关的该等其他决议案、同意书、授权书及文件。
(ix) on or before the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date (if any), there having been delivered to the Lead Manager certain legal opinions, in form and substance satisfactory to the Lead Manager, dated the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date, as the case may be and such other resolutions, consents, authorities anddocuments relating to the issue of the Convertible Bonds, as the Lead Manager may reasonably require.
7.2 当获邀请就某同业的专业执业提出诚实地表达是可 接受的,只要有关过审慎考虑、有理由、出於善意,并且为 了促进病人的最佳利益。
7.2 When called upon to express a view about a colleague’s professional practice, honest comment is entirely acceptable in such circumstances, provided that it is carefully considered and can be justified, that it is offered in good faith and that it is intended to promote the best interests of patients.
港华燃气将於实际可行的情况下尽快按《上市规则》和《收购守则》的规定向股东寄发通函,其中将包 括收购事项、发行对价股份与清洗豁免的详细资料;独立董事委员会的推荐建议;独立财务顾问就收购 事项、发行对价股份和清洗豁免的《上市规则》第 14.58(6)及(7)条规定的目标集团财务资料; 以及召开港华燃气股东特别大会的通告。
A circular containing, inter alia, further information on the Acquisition, the Consideration Share Issue, the Whitewash Waiver, the recommendation of the Independent Board Committee, a letter of advice from the Independent Financial Adviser in respect of the Acquisition, the Consideration Share Issue and the Whitewash Waiver, the financial information on the Target Group as required under Rules 14.58(6) and (7) of the Listing Rules and a notice convening the TCC EGM will be despatched to the TCC Shareholders as soon as practicable and in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Takeovers Code.
在 进行检讨工作的过程中,顾问曾与各院校代表进行多次讨論,又考虑院校书面提出的议,此 外,顾问不但仔细研究调查院校现时在使用校舍空间方面的情况,还參考海外地区的经验,并考虑 「3+3+4」学制改革、全人发展、院校国际化等议题。
In the process of the review, the consultants met with representatives of the institutions, considered the institutions’ written submissions, performed a study on the space utilization situation at the institutions, studied experience in other overseas jurisdictions, and considered issues such as “3+3+4”, whole person development, internationalization, etc.
研习与实验可帮助小孩学会依据观察 的结果、先前得到的知識和邏辑來进行预测;重复观察來提高正确性;区分证据与主观同;并依据他们已经收集到的资料來验证预测结果。
Investigation and experimentation help children learn to make predictions on the basis of observations, prior knowledge, and logic; make repeated observations to improve accuracy; differentiate evidence from opinion; and verify their predictions according to the data they have collected.
,如认 可人士/注册结构工程师提出热浸程序以外的品质控制方 法,便应就其建议方法呈交所有详情,包括有关的原理、方法 說明和限制,以证明建议方法的适用程度。
In this respect, if any quality control method other than heat soak process is proposed by the AP/RSE, full details of the proposed method including the principle, method statement and limitations should be submitted to demonstrate suitability of the proposed method.
3.4 透过公司秘书获得适当的外部专业关费用由本集团承担,如有必要,可邀请具有相关经 验的外部顾问出席委员会会议。
3.4 obtain at the Group’s expense appropriate external professional advice, through the Company Secretary, and if necessary invite external advisers with relevant experience to attend meetings of the Committee.
永泰地产投资及永泰之董事愿对本公告所载资料(有关私人公司集团、其各自聯系人或与其一致 行动人士之资料除外)之准确性共同及个别承担全部责任,并於作出一切合理查询後确认,就彼 等所深知,於本公告表达之人公司集团表达之意见除外)乃经仔细周详考虑後始行作 出,本公告概无遗漏其他事实而致使本公告之任何声明有所误导。
The directors of WTPIL and Wing Tai jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement (other than information relating to the Privateco Group, its respective associates and parties acting in concert with it) and confirm, having made all reasonable inquiries, that to the best of their knowledge, opinions expressed in this announcement (other than opinions expressed bythe Privateco Group) have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts not contained in this announcement, the omission of which would make any statement in this announcement misleading.
本课程要求学 生在生活情境运用所学的知識、概念和技能,了解科学、科技、社会和环 境的連系,并分析可能际问题。
In addition, students are expected to apply the knowledge, concepts and skills to real-life contexts, to develop an understanding of how science, technology, society and environment are interrelated, and to analyse authentic problems theymay encounter.
股东应就该等交收安排详情,以及 该等安排如何影响彼等的权利及利益谘询其持牌证券交易商或其他专业顾问的
Shareholders should seek advice from their licensed securities dealer or other professional adviser for details of those settlement arrangements and how such arrangements will affect their rights and interests.
对於 數学科來說,校本评核的主要理念是要提高整体评核的效度,并将评核延 伸至涵盖学生在批判性思考、创意、构思、探究及數学推理的能力及与人 沟通和清晰及邏辑地表达力。
The primary rationale for SBA in Mathematics is to enhance the validity of the overall assessment and extend it to include testing candidates’ ability to think critically and creatively, conceptualise, investigate and reason mathematically, communicate with others and express their views clearly and logically in mathematical language.




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