单词 | 降解性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 降解性 noun —degradability nSee also:降解 n—degradability n
如產品的特性、原料及/或生產工序有任何 改變,以致可能影響產品在食物安全 或 降解性 方 面 的表現,便須重新辦理登記。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Re-registration is required if [...] there is any change in product [...] properties, raw materials and/or production process which may affect its performance with respect to either food safety or degradability. wastereduction.gov.hk |
5.6 如屬新產品,申請人須委聘化驗所(詳情見下文第 8 段 ),進行有關食物安全、降解 性及物理表現所規定的測試。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 5.6 For new products, the applicant should appoint a [...] laboratory (detailed in Section 8 below) to conduct the required tests on [...] food safety, degradability and physical [...]performance. wastereduction.gov.hk |
供應商(申請人)如欲核實其產品的 降解性 , 應自費委聘化 驗所,就產品進行《測試指引》所訂明的測試(詳情見下文第 [...] 8 段 )。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Suppliers (the applicants) who wish [...] to verify the degradability of their products [...]should appoint a laboratory to conduct [...]the tests as stipulated in the Testing Guideline (detailed in Section 8 below) for their products at their own cost. wastereduction.gov.hk |
備註: 有關測試的詳情及準則,請參閱《可降解容器及 袋 降解性 及 食 物安全測試指 引》。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Remarks: For details and criteria of [...] the tests, please refer to the “Testing [...] Guideline on the Degradability and Food Safety of Degradable Containers [...]& Bags”. wastereduction.gov.hk |
6.3 按照集體登記安排,有關產品系列辦理登記時,只須提交一套食物安全(只限食物/飲 料容器/袋)及降解性測試結果。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 6.3 Under the group registration arrangement, the concerned series of products [...] would be registered with one set of food safety (for food/drink [...] containers/bags only) and degradability testing results. wastereduction.gov.hk |
7.1 如新產品型號與已登記產品/系列的實質成分(原料及物理結構)相同,可獲豁免進 行新產品的降解性評估。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 7.1 For new models having the same physical composition (raw materials and physical [...] configuration) of an already registered product/series, the [...] evaluation of degradability of the new product [...]could be exempted. wastereduction.gov.hk |
任 何與已 登記產品的降解性有關 的宣傳信息(如印於產品上的信息)須包括下列內容 wastereduction.gov.hk | Any promotional messages [...] relating to the degradability of the registered [...]products (e.g. messages printed on the products) should include the following wastereduction.gov.hk |
1.1 本文件闡述符合《容器及袋的降解性 及 食 物安全測試指引》(簡稱《測試指引》)準 [...] 則的可降解容器及袋(簡稱「產品」)的登記程序。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 1.1 This paper sets out the registration [...] procedures for degradable containers and [...]bags (the “products”) that meet the criteria [...]of the “Testing Guideline on the Degradability and Food Safety of Containers & Bags” (the “Testing Guideline”). wastereduction.gov.hk |
2.1 這項登記計劃適用於具備可降解特性 及 符 合《 測試指引》所訂準則的所有容器及袋。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 2.1 This registration scheme applies to all containers [...] and bags with degradable property and meeting [...]the criteria set under the Testing Guideline. wastereduction.gov.hk |
9.2 在首次登記後,申請人須定期提交已登記產品的最新食物安全(每隔 2 年)及降解 性(每隔 3 年)測試報告;為便重新核實,環保署有權要求申請人不時提交有關已 [...] 登記產 品表現的最新資料,並把資料載入登記冊。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 9.2 The applicants are required to provide updated test [...] reports for the registered products on [...] food safety and degradability every 2 and 3 [...]years after registration, respectively. [...]For re-verification purpose, EPD has the right to request the applicants to submit the most up-to-date information on the performance of the registered products from time to time and put such information in the register. wastereduction.gov.hk |
其他經濟體系的經驗顯示,引入更多電力 [...] 市場參與者以提供顧客選擇權,也不是完全沒有風險,因 為供電可靠性下降和電 價波動,都可能會出現。 forum.gov.hk | Lessons from other economies have indicated that introducing more players into the electricity market to [...] provide customer choice is not without risks, and [...] lower supply reliability and price fluctuations [...]could be the outcome. forum.gov.hk |
此外,我們會設立有機廢物處理設施,處理已在源頭分類可生物 降解的廚餘。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, we will set up an Organic Waste Treatment Facility [...] (OWTF) to treat biodegradable source-separated [...]food waste. legco.gov.hk |
a. 可降解的食物/飲料容器; b. 可降解的非食物/飲料容器; c. 可降解的食物袋;及 d. 可降解的非食物袋。 wastereduction.gov.hk | a. Degradable food/drink containers; b. Degradable non-food/drink containers; c. Degradable food bags; and d. Degradable non-food bags. wastereduction.gov.hk |
3.2 工作小組的目標,是制訂《測試指引》及就本港的 可 降解 產 品 確立準則。 wastereduction.gov.hk | 3.2 The objectives of the working group were to develop the Testing Guideline and [...] establish criteria of degradable products for Hong Kong. wastereduction.gov.hk |
以下是一些可行的探究題目: y 漂白水的有效成分在貯存時的量變 y 分析柑橘類水果或蔬菜中的丙種維生素含量 y 萃取天然的化學物質並測試其用途(如源自柑橘類果皮的天然驅蟲藥) y 合成光降解的皂性清潔 劑,並探究其特性 y 製作並測試化學電池 y 製作並測試自製的酒精呼氣測試器 為促進學習,教師和學生應商討及同意以下的評核準則,並因應個別學校 環境,考慮有利或妨礙實行探究研習的因素。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Listed below are some possible topics for investigation. y Variation in the amount of active ingredient in a bleach solution upon storage. y Analysis of the vitamin C content in citrus fruits or vegetables. y Extraction of naturally occurring chemicals and testing their uses, e.g. natural pest repellent from citrus fruit peelings. y Synthesis of a photodegradable soapy detergent and investigating its characteristics. y Construction and testing of a chemical cell. y Construction and testing of a home-made alcohol breathalyser. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
(b) 車站的客務設備 [...] (增值機、自動售票機、扶手電梯及乘客 升 降 機) 及磁性車票的可靠程度 — 這些準則是用作衡量這些設備是否正 [...]常運作。 legco.gov.hk | (b) reliability of passenger service related equipment at stations (add value machines, ticket [...] issuing machines, escalators, passenger lifts) and of the magnetic [...] tickets – this measures the availability of machines. legco.gov.hk |
持久性有機污染物是一組人類合成的化學物質,具有 毒 性 、 難 以 降解 、生物累積性,藉由空氣、水和遷徙物種作跨越國際邊界的遷移,並沈積在遠 離其排放地點的地區,隨後在當地的陸域或水域生態系統中蓄積。 legco.gov.hk | Persistent organic pollutants are a group of compounds that possess toxic properties, resist degradation, bioaccumulate and are transported through air, water and migratory species, across international boundaries and deposited far from their place of release, where they accumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. legco.gov.hk |
學生需要研習一 些重要物料,如聚合物、合金、液晶、陶瓷和納米物料等,亦同時需要對 各種塑膠,包括熱塑性塑膠、熱固性 塑 膠 、生物聚合物料及生物 可 降解塑 膠等,有更深入的認識。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Studies of some important materials such as polymers, alloys, liquid crystals, ceramics and nanomaterials are required. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
學生應明白如何生成加成聚合 物;此外,他們應懂得塑膠較其他物料優勝的地方是其耐 用 性 , 但 這一特 性同樣 也是塑膠的缺點,因它們在自然界中難 以 降解。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Moreover, they should appreciate that durability is one of the great advantages of using plastics over other materials, but that this advantage is also a drawback, as most plastics do not readily degrade in a natural environment. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
把該等可生物降解的廢 物直接棄 置於堆填區並非持續可行的做法,因為這種做法令堆填區的有 [...] 限空間迅速耗盡,而且所產生的堆填氣體和滲濾污水對環境構 成長遠負擔。 legco.gov.hk | The disposal of such biodegradable waste direct to [...] landfills is not sustainable as it leads to rapid depletion of the limited [...]landfill void space, and the formation of landfill gas and leachate that impose long-term environmental burden on the environment. legco.gov.hk |
若干代表团还忆及,尽管信托基金取得了非常积极的结果,但几年后该基金行将结 束,需要获得替代性解决方案。 codexalimentarius.org | Some delegations also recalled that, although the Trust Fund [...] had given very positive results, it would come to an end in a few years and there was a [...] need for alternative solutions. codexalimentarius.org |
固瑞克公司在流体 [...] 处理和控制方面的不断投资继续为多样化的全球市场提供创 新性 解决方案。 graco.com | Graco’s ongoing investment in fluid management and control will continue to [...] provide innovative solutions to a diverse [...]global market. graco.com |
有效的基層醫療系統,有助改善市民整體健康 、 降低 對治療性醫療 服務的需求、減少對醫院服務的依賴,以及改善整體醫 療系統的效率;然而,現行文化卻窒礙建立這種有效的基層醫療系 統。 legco.gov.hk | The current culture has impeded the development of an effective primary care system that can help to improve the overall health of the population, [...] contain its curative [...]healthcare needs, reduce reliance on hospital care, and improve the efficiency of the healthcare system as a whole. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 生物處理-包括堆肥和厭氧分解兩種方法,用以處理已在源頭 分類的可生物降解廢料,例如廚餘 legco.gov.hk | (a) Biological Treatment - including composting and anaerobic digestion which would treat [...] source-separated biodegradable materials [...]such as food waste legco.gov.hk |
再者,如果議員辭職引發補選又參與 該補選的情況經常發生(事實上有人曾聲言會再 度辭職引發補選),則不單對立法會的運作帶來 很大影響,議會的完整性會有 減損,而對選舉程 序的尊重亦會降低。 cmab.gov.hk | Moreover, if the phenomenon of a Member resigning in order to trigger a by-election in which he or she seeks to stand becomes a common occurrence (and there have in fact been threats by some to repeat the resignation and by-election exercise), not only will the operation of the LegCo be [...] adversely affected, the [...] integrity of the Legislature will also be undermined and respect for the electoral process lowered. cmab.gov.hk |
法案委員會所商 議的主要事項,包括從事升降機及自動梯工程的人士的註冊規定 和相關的過渡性安排、升降機及自動梯負責人的涵蓋範圍和法律 責任、條例草案所訂罪行的罰則水平、對分包升降機及自動梯工 程的管制、確保升降機緊急裝置運作妥善的措施、根據條例草 案成立的紀律審裁委員會和上訴委員會的組成,以及升降機和 自動梯工程的人手供應。 legco.gov.hk | The main issues deliberated by the Bills Committee include the registration requirements on the persons involved in lift and escalator works and the related transitional arrangements, the coverage and liabilities of responsible persons for lifts and escalators, the penalty levels of the offences under the Bill, control over the subcontracting of lift and escalator works, measures to ensure proper functioning of the emergency devices of lifts, composition of the disciplinary boards and appeal boards formed under the Bill, and the manpower supply for lift and escalator works. legco.gov.hk |
在 2005年 12月,政府當局發表《都市固體廢物管理政策 大綱(2005-2014)》 [...] (下稱"《政策大綱》"),當中闡述從源頭分類 收集工商機構的可生物降解的物 料(例如廚餘),作生物處理(例 如堆肥及厭氧分解)。 legco.gov.hk | In December 2005, the Administration published “A Policy Framework for the Management of Municipal Solid Waste (2005-2014)” (Policy Framework) [...] which set out, among others, the separate [...] collection of biodegradable materials (such [...]as food waste) at source from the commercial [...]and industrial (C&I) establishments for biological treatment (such as composting and anaerobic digestion). legco.gov.hk |
定額年金、保證投資合約及其他業務投資和其他變動主要反映年內記入保單持有人賬戶的利息(已扣除就 變額年金業務發行的保證而持有的技 術 性 撥 備 的 降 幅 )。 prudential.co.uk | Fixed annuity, GIC and other business investment and other movements primarily reflects the interest credited to policyholder account in the year, net of falls in the technical provisions held for the guarantees issued with variable annuity business. prudential.co.uk |
(a) 堆肥技術 — [...] 是將廢物中的有機 部 分 ,主要是可生物 降解的 庭 園 及 廚餘等廢物,經 細菌作用在含氧狀態下 [...]分 解 的一個生物過程, 剩餘物可用作土壤改良劑 legco.gov.hk | (a) Composting – a biological process where the [...] organic fraction of the waste [...] stream, mainly biodegradable yard waste [...]and food wastes, are decomposed to a residue (that can be [...]used as soil conditioner) in the presence of oxygen through bacterial activity legco.gov.hk |
现在已经拟订多种改良的干预战略,以克服 [...] 以往几代项目所指出的挑战;其中包括:没有修订技 术 性解 决 方 法以配合当地的 价值观和材料,而且建议采用的各种技术的成本很高;采用技术设施(例如把水 [...] 银制造厂集中一地以供进行汞齐化)但未适当考虑地方的要求和矿业社区的当地 [...] 动态;矿业人口迅速变动,因而冲淡提高意识运动的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Improved intervention strategies have now been developed to overcome the challenges identified by previous generations of [...] projects, which included: lack of [...] adaptation of technical solutions to local values [...]or materials, as well as high costs of [...]proposed techniques; implementation of technical facilities (such as centralized mercury mills for gold amalgamation) without proper consideration of local demand and local dynamics of the mining communities; and dilution of the effect of awareness-raising campaigns due to rapid changes in mining populations. daccess-ods.un.org |