

单词 行李

External sources (not reviewed)

(i) 兩個靠岸泊位及供郵輪停泊和上落乘客 行李 及 其 他郵 輪補給物資的附屬設施(停泊設施
(i) two alongside berths and ancillary facilities for berthing as well as loading and unloading passengers, baggage and other supplies for cruise vessels, etc. (Berthing Facilities)
(a) 新郵輪碼頭會由以下部分組成:約3萬平方米的郵輪碼 頭設施(包行李處理區、乘客等候或輪候區、海關、 [...]
出入境和衞生檢疫區和其他政府部門的辦公地方);在 客運大樓內提供總樓面面積不超過5 萬平方米的地 方,以作零售、辦公室、商店及食肆等商業用途;以
及提供總樓面面積不少於2萬 2 千平方米的園景平台, 供公眾使用
(a) The new cruise terminal would comprise about 30 000
square metres (m2 ) cruise terminal
[...] facilities (including baggage handling area, [...]
passenger waiting/queuing area, customs,
immigration, health quarantine area and accommodation for other Government departments), not more than 50 000 m2 Gross Floor Area (GFA) in the cruise terminal building for commercial purpose (including retail, offices, shops and eating places), and not less than 22 000 m2 GFA for a landscaped deck for public use
上述投訴個案涉及乘客攜帶體積過大 行李 進 入 鐵路範 圍、在付費區內飲食、坐於列車地上、在車站範圍內玩耍、 做出一些個人行為對其他乘客造成滋擾,以及向乘客索取 報章或進行推銷等。
The above complaint cases involve passengers bringing oversized luggage into railway premises, eating or drinking inside the paid area, sitting on train floor, playing inside stations, indulging in personal behaviour that causes nuisance to other passengers, and asking passengers for newspapers or soliciting for business, and so on.
(二 ) 為阻截旅客攜帶受管制物品進入香港,香港海關(“海關”)
[...] 會應用風險管理原則,以情報為主導及運用先進儀器,抽 查旅客及其所攜帶行李。
(b) To interdict illegal import of controlled items by travellers, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) applies the risk
management intelligence-based principle in inspecting
[...] travellers and their baggages with the assistance [...]
of advanced equipment.
根據九倉的 資料,為應付上述政府要求,計算在商業樓面面積的其中 3 000平方米將用作政府及郵輪碼頭設施(包括海關及出入 境設施、檢疫區及一行李提領 區等),這些設施將設於一 座由九倉興建的4層高大樓內。
According to the information provided by Wharf, in order to meet the abovementioned request of the Government, the 3 000 sq m included in the commercial GFA will be used for government and cruise terminal facilities (including customs and immigration facilities, a quarantine area and a baggage area, and so on).
此外,九倉將興 建的4層高大樓會提供政府辦公地方及更佳的郵輪 碼頭設施,包括出入境和海關辦事處、檢疫區行 李處理區等。
In addition, the new 4-storey building to be constructed by Wharf would provide government accommodation and better cruise terminal facilities including immigration and customs offices, quarantine areas as well as baggage hall, etc.
至於在《地鐵附例》內增 訂而性質並不涉及鐵路安 全 或 保 安 問題的 新 罪行,例如未 經 特准展示
[...] 資料以作廣告等用途、 招攬搬行 李或貨 物,地鐵公司已接 納小組委員會的建議,刪除原先建議監禁6個 [...]
月的罰則,而根據《2007年地鐵附例》,此等罪行的最高罰則為罰款 5,000元 。
In respect of new offences added to the MTR By-laws which do not have railway safety or security implications, such as unauthorized display of materials for the
purpose of advertisement, and soliciting
[...] for handling of luggage or goods, MTRCL [...]
has accepted the Subcommittee’s suggestion
to remove the penalty of 6 months imprisonment as originally proposed and the maximum penalty now proposed for these offences under the 2007 MTR Bylaw is a fine at $5,000.
此外,海關亦會與其他執法部 門,如食環署及漁農自然護理署(“漁護署”)保持緊密合作, 進行聯合行動,在各出入境管制站抽查旅客及其所攜帶行李,以打擊非法進口受管制物品。
In addition, the C&ED works closely with other law enforcement departments, such as the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) in mounting joint operations to inspect travellers and their baggages, with a view to combating illegal import of controlled items at various control points.
(三 ) 現時旅客每次在港離境時的私人物件隨 行李 中 , 可容許攜 帶出境的嬰兒配方奶粉數量的上限為何;及
(c) of the maximum quantity of baby formula allowed for travellers in each export clearance for personal effects in Hong Kong at present; and
(a) 方案 1 :維持現有雙跑道系統 — 這個方案建議維持 現有的雙跑道系統,但須進一步投資擴建客運大樓和 停機坪設施( 例如客運廊、旅客捷運系統行李處理 系統、貨機位、區內道路基本設施等) 。
(a) Option 1 : maintaining the existing two-runway system – this option maintains the existing two-runway system but requires further investment in terminal and apron facilities (for example, passenger concourses, automated people mover, baggage handling system, freighter stands, internal road infrastructure, etc.).
然 而,政府當局已考慮旅遊事務專員的意見,即在海 運碼頭地段換地後,應提升海運大廈的郵輪碼頭設 施,包括改善出入境和海關辦事處、檢疫區 行李 處理區。
Nonetheless, the Administration had taken into account the views of the Commissioner for Tourism that the cruise terminal facilities at the Ocean Terminal should be enhanced including improvements to the immigration and customs offices, quarantine areas as well as baggage halls after the land exchange of the OT Lot.
(四 ) 會否考慮對以私人物件隨行李方式 攜帶離境的嬰兒配方 奶粉的數量施加更多限制;若會,詳細的實施時間表為何; 若否,原因為何?
(d) whether it will consider imposing additional restriction on the quantity of baby formula to be exported from Hong Kong as personal effects; if it will, of the details of the implementation schedule; if not, the reasons for that?
Retractable luggage compartment cover and retaining net
上訴法庭駁回被告人就殘疾騷擾裁決而提出的上 訴,但裁定被告人就殘疾歧視裁決而提出的上訴得直,原 因是區域法院沒有找到一個合適的比較對象(即一名沒有 殘疾但又攜帶大行李,並 要求被告人將之放進的士車尾 箱的人。) 原告人在政府任職政務官時患上經常焦慮症。
According to the Court of Appeal, the District Court had failed to find a suitable comparator (i.e. a person without disabilities who carried a heavy suitcase and asked the Defendant to put it into the boot of the taxi).
Floor net for luggage compartment
(a) 約 3萬平方米行李處理區、乘客等候或輪候區、海 關、出入境和衛生檢疫區和其他政府部門的辦公地 方; (b) 在郵輪碼頭大樓內不超過5萬平方米,可能會被用作 酒店、零售、會議廰、辦公室、商店及食肆等用途; 及
(a) about 30 000 square metres for baggage handling area, passenger waiting/queuing area, customs, immigration and health quarantine area and accommodation for other Government departments
(a) 新郵輪碼頭會由以下部分組成:約3萬平方米的郵輪碼頭 設施(包行李處理區、乘客等候或輪候區、海關、出入 [...]
境和生檢疫區和其他政府部門的辦公地方);在客運大 樓內提供不超過5萬平方米,以作零售、辦公室、商店及 食肆等商業用途;及不少於2萬
2千平方米的園景平台, 供公眾使用
(m2 ) cruise terminal
[...] facilities (including baggage handling area, [...]
passenger waiting/queuing area, customs, immigration,
health quarantine area and accommodation for other Government departments), not more than 50 000 m2 in the cruise terminal building for commercial purpose (including retail, offices, shops and eating places), and not less than 22 000 m2 for a landscaped deck for public use
(b) 方案 2 :擴建成為三跑道系統 — 這個方案包括興建 第三條跑道及相關的客運廊和停機坪設施( 例如客運 廊、旅客捷運系統行李處理系統、貨運停機坪、區 內道路基本設施等) ,並須於現有機場島北面填海拓 地約 650 公頃。
(b) Option 2 : expanding into a three-runway system – this option involves the construction of a third runway and its associated concourses and apron facilities (for example, passenger concourses, automated people mover, baggage handling system, freighter apron, internal road infrastructure, etc.) and requires a reclamation of about 650 hectares to the north of the existing airport island.
(a) 客運大樓毗連的停泊設施:包括兩個靠岸泊位的碼頭前沿
[...] 區、護舷系統和乘客通道,可讓巨型郵輪停泊和上落乘客行李及郵輪補給物資等(見附件 B 圖解
B (a) Berthing Facilities adjacent to the cruise terminal building : these include an apron area, a fender system, and passenger gangways which allow for the berthing of mega
cruise vessels and the loading and unloading
[...] of passengers, baggage, supplies etc. [...]
for cruise vessels, for two alongside berths (see diagram at Annex B)
(2) 有關個案主要涉及乘客於東鐵線月台及車廂上因攜帶大 行李 、 處 理貨物或 阻塞通道而阻礙其他乘客。
(2) The cases concerned mainly involve passengers creating obstructions to others by bringing large luggage items, handling goods or blocking passages in train compartments and on platforms along the East Rail Line.
在馬碧容 訴 高泉 [1999] 2 HKLRD 263, [2000 ] 1 HKLRD 514 一案中(附件 2E),由於患下身麻 痺的乘客未能證明接載她的的士司機會否給予拿 行李的 健 全人士不同的待遇,該乘客對的士司機對她作出直接歧 視行為的有關指控未能成立。
In Ma Bik Yung v Ko Chuen [2000] 1 HKLRD 514 (Annex 2E), direct discrimination by a taxi driver against a paraplegic passenger was not established where it was not shown whether the driver would have acted differently towards an able-bodied person with heavy luggage.
李教授與一家收費電視 節目服務持牌人的相聯法團的獨立非 行 董 事有家族關係,應 不會對聲音廣播業的發展造成不良影響。
Professor Li’s relationship with a non-executive director of an associated corporation of a pay TV [...]
programme service licensee
is not likely to adversely impact on the development of the sound broadcasting industry.
委員會明白,採用衡量相對可能 性的民事舉證標準,在信納要求方面須達到某一水平,而這水平會因 所須確定的事實的重要性而有所不同。[ 見 香港特行政區 訴 李明治 及證券及期貨事務監察委員會( 介入人) 一案(2003) 6 HKCFAR 336 第 361 至 362 頁 ] 。
The Commission accepts that the civil standard of proof on a balance of probabilities calls for a degree of satisfaction, which varies according to the gravity of the facts to be established [See HKSAR v Lee Ming Tee & Securities and Futures Commission (Intervener) (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336 at p 361-362].
蘇錦樑先生並聯同香港電腦學會會長劉嘉敏太平紳士、香港國際電腦會議 2011
[...] 籌備委員會主席暨香港賽馬會資訊科技事務 行 總 監 李 惠 光 太平紳士,以及香港國際電 腦會議 [...]
2011 程序委員會主席暨香港理工大學行政副校長楊偉雄先生共同主持開幕儀式。
Mr. Gregory So, together with Mr. Stephan Lau, JP, President, Hong Kong Computer Society, Mr. Sunny Lee, JP, Chairperson of HKICC2011 Organising Committee and Executive
Director, Information Technology, The Hong
[...] Kong Jockey Club, and Mr. Nicholas Yang, Chairperson [...]
of HKICC2011 Programme Committee
and Executive Vice President, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University will jointly host the ceremony.
於本公告日期,董事會由行董事李 峰 先 生、邢戰武先生、趙清潔先生、楊棟林先生及 傅天忠先生;非行董事李宏先生及曾慶東先生;及獨立非執行董事陳維端先生、黃世 霖先生及朱彤先生組成。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Li Feng, Mr. Xing Zhanwu, Mr.
[...] Zhao Qingjie, Mr. Yang Donglin, Mr. Foo Tin Chung, Victor who are executive Directors, Mr. Li Hong and Mr. Zeng Qingdong who are non-executive [...]
Directors and Mr. Chan Wai Dune, Mr. Huang Shilin and Mr. Zhu Tong who are independent non-executive Directors.
這項研究於香港大學肝病研究國家重點實驗室 行 , 並 由香港大 李 嘉 誠 醫學院病理學系吳呂愛蓮教授、李建華博士及Antonia CASTILHO 所領導。
This study was performed at State Key Laboratory for Liver Research (HKU) and was led by Professor Irene NG Oi-Lin, Dr. Terence LEE Kin-Wah and Ms. Antonia CASTILHO of the Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.
於本公佈日期,本公司之董事(附註)包括: 行 董 事 李 嘉 誠 先生(主席)、李澤鉅先生(董事總經理兼副 主席)、甘慶林先生(副董事總經理)、葉德銓先生(副董事總經理)、鍾慎強先生、鮑綺雲小姐、吳佳慶小 [...]
非執行董事郭敦禮先生、葉元章先生、馬世民先生、周年茂先生、洪小蓮女士、王䓪 鳴博士(亦為馬世民先 生之替任董事)、張英潮先生及關超然先生。
The Directors (Note) of the Company as at the
date of this
[...] announcement are Mr. LI Ka-shing (Chairman), Mr. LI Tzar Kuoi, Victor (Managing Director and [...]
Deputy Chairman), Mr.
KAM Hing Lam (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. IP Tak Chuen, Edmond (Deputy Managing Director), Mr. CHUNG Sun Keung, Davy, Ms. PAU Yee Wan, Ezra, Ms. WOO Chia Ching, Grace and Mr. CHIU Kwok Hung, Justin as Executive Directors; Mr. LEUNG Siu Hon, Mr. FOK Kin-ning, Canning, Mr. Frank John SIXT, Mr. CHOW Kun Chee, Roland and Mr. George Colin MAGNUS as Non-executive Directors; and Mr. KWOK Tun-li, Stanley, Mr. YEH Yuan Chang, Anthony, Mr. Simon MURRAY, Mr. CHOW Nin Mow, Albert, Ms. HUNG Siu-lin, Katherine, Dr. WONG Yick-ming, Rosanna (also Alternate Director to Mr. Simon Murray), Mr. CHEONG Ying Chew, Henry and Mr. KWAN Chiu Yin, Robert as Independent Non-executive Directors.
李國麟 議員: 主席,現時,法例規定矯視性隱形眼鏡屬醫療儀器 的一種,須由合資格的註冊專業人員(例如視光師或眼科醫生等)配處 和按處方供應,但非矯視性隱形眼鏡的售賣(例如大部分市面上行 的裝飾性隱形眼鏡),則不在此列。
DR JOSEPH LEE (in Chinese): President, at present, contact lenses for vision correction are classified under the law as a medical device and must be prescribed and supplied on prescription by qualified registered professionals, for example, optometrists or ophthalmologists, and [...]
so on, whereas the
sale of non-vision-correction contact lenses (for example, most of the popular cosmetic contact lenses available on the market) is not covered by the legislation.
由於香港數碼與電盈媒體在兩個不同的廣播市場經營,加李 國寶博士作為電訊盈科的獨立非行 董 事 ,對電訊盈科或電盈 媒體的日常運作並無操控權或影響力,委 李 國 章 教授為香港 數碼董事和主席的安排,應不會對聲音廣播服務的競爭環境或 對本地收費電視節目服務市場造成負面影響。
Since DBC and PCCW Media are operating in two
separate broadcasting
[...] markets, and Dr David Li as an independent non-executive director of PCCW does not have control or influence over the daily operation of PCCW or PCCW Media, the proposed appointment of Professor Arthur Li as a director [...]
and Chairman of DBC
is unlikely to bring negative impact on the competition landscape in the sound broadcasting service or the markets for domestic pay television programme services or subscription television services.
李國寶 議員(譯文):主席,根據政府統計處(“統計處”)發表的消 費物價指數月報,“以 2004-2005 年度為基期的消費物價指數所採用的開支 權數是以政府統計處在 2004 年 10 月至 2005 年 9 月間行的住戶開支統計 調查所得的住戶開支模式為根據”。
DR DAVID LI: President, according to the Monthly Report on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Census and Statistics Department, "the expenditure weights for compiling the 2004-2005-based CPI series are based on the household expenditure patterns obtained from the [...]
Household Expenditure
Survey conducted during October 2004 to September 2005".




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