单词 | 行車 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 行車 noun —train service n
建議推行的一套措施,旨在阻遏某些公共小 巴司機的不當駕駛和超速行為,以及更有效控制和規管公共小 巴的行車速度。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed package of measures aims to deter driving malpractices [...] and speeding behaviour of some PLB drivers, and to achieve better control and [...] regulation of the travelling speed of PLBs. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 雖然有關的附加費只限 於 繁忙時 間,它卻屬於《 行車隧道(政 府 ) 條例》中所界定 的「隧道費」範圍之內,並且需要修訂 關法例。 forum.gov.hk | (e) Even though it only applies during peak hours, the surcharge falls within the “tolls” defined in the Road Tunnels (Government) Ordinance, and legislative amendments would be required. forum.gov.hk |
(g) 在所有安排下,承 建商均 [...] 須要在廣東道,車站月台的南端 位置,以明挖隨填的方法,建造連接 行車隧 道的通風系統 和機房,以及位於新港中 心 地底的通風 通道,此舉 [...]會對行 人及路面交通造成嚴重影響。 legco.gov.hk | (g) All the three variants would require a cut and cover section at Canton Road at [...] the southern end of the station [...] platforms for tunnel ventilation connections and plant together [...]with a ventilation adit [...]under Silvercord Building, which would impose serious impacts on both pedestrians and road traffic during construction. legco.gov.hk |
記錄儀包括一個感應器(用作感應行車 數 據 ),車載記錄器(用 作傳送數據至記錄媒介),記錄媒介(用作儲存數據),以及由分 析軟件和閱讀器組成的分析系統。 legco.gov.hk | It includes a sensor which senses the running data of a motor vehicle, an on-board device which transmits the data to a recording medium, a recording medium that stores the data, and an analysis system consisting of analysis software and reader. legco.gov.hk |
營運和維修保養 DAB [...] 無線電轉播系統的經常 開支,會包括在 11 條政府行車隧道的管理、營辦和維 修保養合約內。 legco.gov.hk | The recurrent cost relating to the operation and maintenance of the re-broadcasting system for DAB [...] service will be absorbed in the respective management, operation and maintenance contracts [...] of the 11 government road tunnels. legco.gov.hk |
列車供應商又同時保證九鐵採用的措施,可確 保安全,因此,現時的東鐵車隊可以繼 續 行車。 legco.gov.hk | The manufacturer has also reaffirmed that the measures adopted by KCRC can guarantee safe operation and the East Rail fleet can continue to operate. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 第一階段:為 4 條交通流量最高的政府收費行 車隧道 (即香港仔隧道、海底隧道、獅子山隧 道和將軍澳隧道) 安裝 DAB 無線電轉播系 統,工程預計在二零一二年年底或之前完成; 以及 legco.gov.hk | (a) Phase 1: installation of re-broadcasting system for DAB service of the four tolled government road tunnels with the highest traffic volume, namely the Aberdeen Tunnel, Cross Harbour Tunnel, Lion Rock Tunnel and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel, the works of which is expected to be completed by end-2012; and legco.gov.hk |
(g) 在海底隧道徵收附加費需要修訂《 行車 隧 道 (政府) 條例》。 forum.gov.hk | (g) Imposing the surcharge at CHT would require amendments to the Road Tunnels (Government) Ordinance. forum.gov.hk |
支 持 這個構思的 人士相信,政府既 全 權擁有這三條過海行車隧道 ,而又無須如 私 人公司 那 樣 尋 求一個高回 報 水平,則會有調整收費的空 間 以更好地分布交通流 量。 forum.gov.hk | Supporters of this idea believe that since the Government will take full control of all the three road harbour crossings, and it may not need to seek as high a return as that for private companies, there will be more room for toll adjustment to facilitate better traffic distribution. forum.gov.hk |
(c) 在 繁忙時 間 以外時段 的 擠塞問題有可能惡化,因 而 加 長 [...] 了在 繁忙時 間 以外慣常使用海底隧道的駕駛者的 行車 時間 。 forum.gov.hk | (c) The traffic situation outside the [...] peak hours may worsen, thus lengthening the journey time for those motorists who habitually [...] use CHT outside the peak hours. forum.gov.hk |
(ii) 在所有預設的側面撞擊情況下,若入撞角度不大 於 20∘,防撞欄應把車輛反彈回原來 行車 方 向而 角度不得超過入撞角度的 60%,以免與相鄰行車 線上的車輛再生意外。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) It shall redirect vehicle in all designed side impacts on the unit at angles not exceeding 20° back to the originally travelled direction at no greater than 60% of the impact angle to avoid the potential for secondary accidents with vehicle travelling in adjacent travel lane. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 把新清水灣道近順利邨道一段之九龍方向車道,由單線 行車擴闊至雙線行車,以解決現時該路段瓶頸時出現車 龍的情況。 legco.gov.hk | (d) to widen the portion of New Clear Water Bay Road near Shun Lee Tsuen Road by increasing Kowloon-bound lane from one to two to eliminate the existing traffic queue at this bottleneck location. legco.gov.hk |
九鐵董事局於一月十一日的特別會議,聽取管理層的匯報,並 同時接受獨立專家小組及列車供應商提出的評估,認為現時的東鐵車 隊是安全的,可以繼續行車。 legco.gov.hk | The Management Board accepted the assessment results submitted by the Independent Review Panel and the train manufacturer, and concluded that the East Rail fleet was safe for operation. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 協 定 專營權延長的年期未 必容易,因 為 這 涉 及不同的行車量 及 財 政 預 測,以 及 需要協 調 專營商、隧道使用者及政府的不 同 利益。 forum.gov.hk | (c) It may not be easy to agree on the duration of the franchise extension, as this involves different traffic and financial projections, and also the need to reconcile the different interests of the franchisees, the tunnel users and the Government. forum.gov.hk |
(d) 提高海底隧道的收 費 需要修訂《行車隧道(政府)規例》。 forum.gov.hk | (d) Raising tolls at CHT will require amendments to the Road Tunnels (Government) Regulations. forum.gov.hk |
有關的指引載列各種 宜推行重組措施(例如調整服務班次和時間表、取消/合併路線、 縮短行車路線等)的情況。 legco.gov.hk | These guidelines set out the situations whereby rationalisation measures such as adjustment to service frequency and timetable, route cancellation / amalgamation, route truncation, etc. would be pursued. legco.gov.hk |
然而,有部分人士卻未有依法事先向警方作出通知,集體 強行霸佔了干諾道中的東西行車線,以及皇后大道中近中國銀行大廈 的西行行車線, 這些行為嚴重堵塞了港島中區的主要幹道。 legco.gov.hk | However, without giving prior notice to the police according to the law, some people forced their way to and occupied the eastbound and westbound carriageways of Connaught Road Central and the westbound carriageway of Queen's Road Central near the Bank of China Tower, seriously blocking up the main carriageway of the Central District on Hong Kong Island. legco.gov.hk |
換言之,當日該車務控制員即使誤將機場快線的路段派予該 列東涌線列車,但由於列車自動保護系統 (ATP) 發揮了作 [...] 用,該路段的前及後方是沒有其他列車同樣地使用,保障了 列車的安全,因此,事故並沒有對 行車 安 全 構成影響。 legco.gov.hk | In other words, although the Traffic Controller concerned had assigned an AEL track to the TCL train by mistake, the [...] tracks ahead and behind were not used by other trains because the ATP had discharged its [...] function to safeguard train safety. legco.gov.hk |
該項工程包括為清水灣道與西貢市中心之間的 現有走廊進行分隔行車道工 程、改善不合標準的彎路,以及提供足夠的行 人過路設施。 legco.gov.hk | The improvement works involve dualling of the existing corridor between Clear Water Bay Road and Sai Kung Town, improving the substandard road bends and providing adequate pedestrian facilities. legco.gov.hk |
因此,每段行車隧道的兩端均需 設有獨立的通風口。 mtr-westislandline.hk | As such, each tunnel section between two stations requires dedicated ventilation openings at each end. mtr-westislandline.hk |
(b) 我們需要就新收 費實施後 的行車量及收入作出 假 設和預 測。 forum.gov.hk | (b) It would be necessary to make assumptions and projections on the resulting traffic throughput and toll revenue after the new tolls have been implemented. forum.gov.hk |
有建議指政府應考慮以隧道或橋樑的 形 式建造第四條過海 行車隧道。 forum.gov.hk | There are suggestions that the Government should consider constructing a fourth crossing, which could [...] take the form of a tunnel or a bridge. forum.gov.hk |
以下各段 列出了多個可能有助 改善三條過海行車隧道 流量 分布的方案,以及其各自可能產生的影響、主要的 考慮和 局限性。 forum.gov.hk | The following paragraphs set out the various options that may help to improve the distribution of traffic among the three road harbour crossings, the likely impact of each measure, as well as the major considerations and constraints involved. forum.gov.hk |
倡 議這個方案的人士相信 將海底隧道出售 給東隧和西隧的 主要股 東,能令三條過海行車隧道同屬 一個擁有權。 forum.gov.hk | Advocates of this idea believe that selling CHT to the major shareholder of WHC and EHC might allow all three road harbour crossings to be under one single ownership. forum.gov.hk |
由於三條過海行車隧道 的位置和隧道費水平有所不同,因此 行車量的分布亦一直不平均。 forum.gov.hk | Due to the differences in their locations and toll levels, the distribution of traffic among the three road harbour crossings has not been even. forum.gov.hk |
為了盡量不阻礙隧道的正常運作和維修保養,安裝 工程只會在午夜過後交通流量較低及實施單管雙 程行 車時進行。 legco.gov.hk | In order to minimise disruption of the normal tunnel operations and maintenance work, the installation work would only be carried out after midnight when the traffic volume is lower and the one-tube-two-way operation is implemented. legco.gov.hk |
運輸署亦聘請獨立顧問 公司定期進行調查,監察乘客對巴士服務的意見,過去三年的調 [...] 查結果顯示,受訪的乘客普遍最滿意的服務範圍包括車長遵守交 通規則、駕駛技術、及行車速度。 legco.gov.hk | According to the survey results in the past three years, the service areas in which respondents [...] generally rated satisfactory or above include compliance with traffic regulations, [...] driving skills and travelling speed. legco.gov.hk |
鑑於上述的時 間安排,我們有急切需要盡早開始在政 府 行車 隧 道 安裝 DAB 無線電轉播系統,讓隧道使用者在隧 道 行車 期 間可 以享用 DAB 服務。 legco.gov.hk | With such a time frame, there is an urgency to kick-start the process of installation of DAB re-broadcasting system in government road tunnels as soon as possible to facilitate tunnel users to enjoy DAB while travelling in the tunnels. legco.gov.hk |
為盡量確保同類事故不會再次發生及減低對乘客可能 帶來的不便,港鐵公司已針對事故的起因安排收緊外來承辦商⁄ [...] 專家在港鐵系統工作的程序,包括加強監控專家審核的工作及 盡量減少審核工作於繁忙時段或行車 時 段 進行的需要。 legco.gov.hk | With a view to avoiding similar incidents in future as far as possible and to minimising the inconvenience that may be caused to passengers, MTRCL has, in light of the cause of the incident, planned to tighten the procedures for all outside contractors/experts when they carry out work in the system, including stepping up the monitoring of audits [...] conducted by experts and, as far as possible, reducing the need to carry out [...] audits during peak hours or operating hours. legco.gov.hk |
單從經濟及交通管理的角度 來 看 , 要 改善三條過海行車隧道 的流量分布並減輕海底隧道的擠塞程 度,最 直接而有效的方法就是全 面提高海底隧道收 費。 forum.gov.hk | From a pure economics and traffic management point of view, raising the overall toll levels at CHT should be the most direct and effective way to improve the traffic distribution among the three tunnels and reduce congestion at CHT. forum.gov.hk |