

单词 行政法

See also:


political law
politics and law

External sources (not reviewed)

獲資助機構 可能需退還全部/部分基金撥款,以及所 行政 、 法 律 及 其他 費用和利息(不論獲資助機構是否已支用基金撥款)。
The applicant may have to return all/part of the SDF grant
[...] together with all administrative, legal and other costs [...]
and interest (regardless of whether
the applicant has already spent the SDF grant or not).
政府當局確認,上述程序屬行政性質, 政府當局會諮詢律政司,使所制訂的程序符 行政法 的 相 關原 則,達致程序公平。
The Administration has confirmed that the procedures described above are administrative in nature and that it
would consult the Department of Justice to work out a procedure that would comply
[...] with the relevant administrative law principles on [...]
procedural fairness.
6.6.2 彌償人如在簽立彌償契據後,因任何原因無法履行彌償契據所規定的責任;或彌償 人身故;或你知悉彌償人本身提出破產呈請或有人提出與彌償人有關的破產呈請; 或彌償人被法院頒布破產令;或彌償人申請「個人自願安排」;或你知悉已有人就
[...] 人員;或彌償人牽涉於任何在香港或其他地方進行的訴訟、仲裁 行政法 律 程序之 中;或有人針對彌償人或其任何資產在香港或其他地方提出任何申索,你必須立即 [...]
6.6.2 After the Indemnifier signs the Deed of Indemnity, you should notify the Agency in writing immediately if for any reason your Indemnifier becomes incapable of fulfilling the obligations required under the Deed; or deceased; or if you are aware that a bankruptcy petition is filed by him/her or presented against him/her or a bankruptcy order is made against him/her; or your Indemnifier applies for an IVA; or if you are aware that a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer has been appointed over any or all of your Indemnifier’s assets; or your
Indemnifier is a party to any
[...] litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings (whether [...]
inside or outside Hong Kong) or if
there is any claim (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) against him/her or any of his/her assets after he/she signs the Deed.
數名回應者參考“全 然 不 合 情 理 "
[...] (“ Wednesbury" unreasonableness)的 行 政 法 原 則 ,建議如果有一合理的董事會在考慮當時的事實及環境 [...]
後,得出有關資料並非內幕消息的結論,則即使另一合理的 董事會可能得出不同的結論,前者也無須負上責任。
By making reference to the administrative law principle of “Wednesbury” [...]
unreasonableness, a few of these respondents suggested
that there should be no liability if a reasonable Board of Directors, after taking into account the facts and circumstances existed at the relevant time, concluded that the information in question was not inside information, even if another reasonable Board of Directors might have come to a different conclusion.
為 此,香港特區政府會向中央人民政府提交報告,詳盡反映香港 特區為實施《公約》所採取行政、 法 律 及 其他措施,以及所 取得的進展,以便納入中國的首份報告內。
In this connection, the HKSAR Government will submit to
the CPG a report which will set
[...] out in detail the administrative, legal and other measures [...]
taken by the HKSAR to implement
the Convention and the resulting progress achieved for incorporation into China’s initial report.
為進一步簡化港澳居民往返兩地的出入境手續,港澳兩地特區政府就互相給予 對方居民出入境相關便利方面達成共識,於今天由澳門特 行 政 區 行政法 務 司 司長 陳麗敏及香港特別行政區財政司司長曾俊華在香港簽署了《中華人民共和國澳門特 別行政區政府與中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府關於持永久性居民身份證入出 境及互免填報入出境申報表協議》,這標誌著港澳兩地在出入境事務方面的合作進 入新的階段。
Today, the Secretary for Administration and Justice of the Macao SAR, Ms. Florinda da Rosa Silva Chan, and the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, signed the “Agreement between the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China on Entry and Exit with Permanent Resident Identity Card and Mutual Exemption from Filling in the Arrival/Departure Card”.
核電站在內地的建造和運行受國家有關民用核設施 行政法規 所 管制,並須符合國家有關的規定才可獲發給建造和運行安全許可 證。
The construction and operation of nuclear power stations in the Mainland are regulated by relevant national safety regulations for civilian nuclear facilities, and have to comply with national regulatory requirements before the plants could obtain the construction and safety operation approval.
[...] 服務,提供法律資訊錄音,內容涵蓋各個與市民息息相關 的法律範疇,包括婚姻、業主與租客、刑事、財務、僱傭行政法等。
The Tel-Law Scheme is a 24-hour free telephone enquiry service, which provides taped legal information on various topics
of interest, including matrimonial, landlord and tenant, criminal,
[...] financial, employment and administrative law matters.
雖 然  生署署長可根據《條例草案》第12(1)條及《 生 緊急規 例》命令支付公平 和公正 的
[...] 補償,但他作出該命令的 決 定 仍 會行政法原 則 受 司 法 監督。
Although the Director of Health may order the payment of compensation as is just and equitable under clause 12(1) of the Bill and the PHE Regulation, his
decision of making such an order is still subject to judicial scrutiny according to
[...] the principles of administrative law.
一、《中華人民共和國香港特行政 區 基本法》第二十二條 第四款關於“中國其他地區的人進入香港特別行政區須辦理批 准手續"的規定,是指各省、自治區、直轄市的人,包括香港永 久性居民在內地所生的中國籍子女,不論以何種事由要求進入香 港特別行政區,均須依照國家有法 律 、 行政法 規 的 規定,向其 所在地區的有關機關申請辦理批准手續,並須持有有關機關製發 的有效證件方能進入香港特別行政區。
The provisions of Article 22(4)
of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China regarding “For entry into the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, people from other parts of China 64 must apply for approval” mean as follows : People from all provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central
[...] Government, including those persons of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong of Hong Kong permanent residents, who wish to enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for whatever reason, must apply to the relevant authorities of their residential districts for approval in accordance with the relevant national laws and administrative regulations, and must hold valid documents [...]
issued by the relevant authorities before they can enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
各省、自治區、直轄市的 人,包括香港永久性居民在內地所生的中國籍子女,進入香港特 別行政區,如未按國家有法律、 行政法 規 的規定辦理相應的批 准手續,是不合法的。
It is unlawful for people from all provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, including persons of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong of Hong Kong permanent
residents, to enter the
[...] Hong Kong Special Administrative Region without complying with the appropriate approval procedure prescribed by the relevant national laws and administrative [...]
(ii) 根據《基法》,行政機關 與立法機關之 間的關係是互相制衡。
(ii) according
[...] to the Basic Law, the relationship between the executive authorities and the legislature is one [...]
of mutual regulation.
(b) 根據《基法》,行政機關 與立法機關之間的關 係是互相制衡;由立法會提名政長 官 ,並不 符合《基本法》立法原意,超越了立法會的職 權範圍
(b) according to the Basic Law, the relationship between the executive authorities and the legislature was one of mutual regulation and coordination.
13.1 被判給人必須嚴格遵守合同內之條款以及屬合同組成部份之文件內容,同 時還須遵守澳門特行政區現行法律 及 法規。
13.1 The contractor must adhere to all the terms and conditions listed out in the contract and its
supplementary documents package, as well as
[...] any Macao Special Administrative Region laws and regulations that may apply.
世界上很多國家都沒有教師專業議會,其政府可 透過法、行政等不同方式有效地處理違法失德教師。
Many countries do not have such councils but they can still deal with
teachers who have committed an offence or act of misconduct
[...] effectively through legislative, administrative and other means.
今後,中國將會 更加努力的建設廉潔、勤政、務實、高效政府,進一步提高政府的辦事效率,爭強服務意識; 中國將全面推行法行政,從嚴治政,進一步規範政府行爲,減少行政審批,逐步對外商投 資企業實行國民待遇;中國將繼續整頓和規範市場經濟秩序,進一步打破地方保護和待遇; 打擊假冒僞劣,保護知識産權,維護各類經濟主體的合法權益,促進中國經濟持續健康發展。
China will continue to improve market economic order, break down local protectionism and sectoral monopoly, fight against production of fake, counterfeited and shoddy products, protect intellectual property rights, safeguard the legitimate interests of all economic entities and promote the sustained and sound development of its economy.
在政府的支持下,香港認可處將研究為更多國際認可的計劃引入認 可服務,政府化驗所會舉辦技術研討會,分享測試 法 及 技 術,並 行 能 力 驗證測試 /化驗所之間比對測試研究。
On Government’s support, the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) could explore the introduction of accreditation service for more
international recognized
[...] schemes while the Government Laboratory could conduct technical seminars to share testing methodologies and skills, [...]
and to organize proficiency
tests / inter-laboratory comparison studies.
按照既定法,行政長官 會同行政會議決定薪酬調整方案 的生效日期追溯至二零一二年四月一日。
In line with
[...] the established practice, the CE-in-Council [...]
decided that the pay adjustment should take effect retrospectively from 1 April 2012.
(c) 廢除環境保護署署長( 署長) 可根據該條例把上訴委 員會決定轉行政長官會同行政會議覆核的條文, 以及禁止公職人員出任上訴委員會成員, 法 官或 前法官則 屬例外,他們可獲委任為上訴委員會主 席。
(c) repeal the provision for the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) to refer an Appeal Board's decision made
under the Ordinance for
[...] review by the Chief Executive (CE) in Council and bar public officers from serving on the Appeal Board, except for a judge or former judge who may be appointed [...]
as the Chairman of the Appeal Board.
(iii) 將股份或任何股份分拆為面額低於本 公司組織章程大綱所釐定者(惟仍須 符合公法條文的規定),而拆細股 份的決議案可決定在分拆所產生的股 份的持有人之間,其中一股或多股股 份可較其他股份擁有本公司有權附加 於未行或新股份的任何有關優先權 或其他特別權利,或擁有有關遞延權 利或須受任何其他限制。
(iii) sub-divide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum of Association of the Company, subject
nevertheless to the
[...] provisions of the Law, and so that the resolution whereby any share is sub-divided may determine that, as between the holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred or other special rights, over, or may [...]
have such deferred
rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares.
States Parties to the Convention undertake to adopt all
[...] appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures [...]
for the implementation of the
rights of persons with disabilities recognised in the Convention.
在香港特行政區,《公眾衞生及市政條例》( 下稱“ 該條例”)(第 132 章 ) 訂明有關規管食物的微生物含量安全水平 法 定 權 力和 法。
In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the legal powers and instruments for the enforcement of microbiological safety of food are provided for in the Public Health and Municipal [...]
Services Ordinance (PHMSO), Chapter 132.
倘任何董事應本公司董事會要求為本公司前往彼一般居留地以外的 法 權 區 公幹 或居留或擔任任行政職位 或任何委員會成員或提供任何董事會認為超逾董事一 般職責的其他服務,則董事會可決定以薪金、佣金、分享利潤或其他方式向該董事 支付額外酬金。
Any Director who, by request of the Directors or the
Company, goes or resides
[...] outside the jurisdiction in which he normally resides for any purpose of the Company or holds any executive office or who [...]
serves on any committee
or who otherwise performs services which in the opinion of the Directors are outside the scope of the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise as the Directors may determine.
(m) 由獲款機構提供的服務所涉及的 款項-會計服務、人事服務、採 購服務、圖書館服務、保安服 務、清潔服務法律服務,以及 中央及個別部門行政服務
(m) charges for services provided by the project applicant - accounting services, personnel services, procurement services,
library services, security services,
[...] cleansing services, legal services, and central and departmental administrative services.
經審慎考慮後,專責小組認為現階 段毋需修法例, 而應著力落實各項建議 行政 措 施,在新設立的樹木管理辦事 處領導下,改善各樹木管理部門之間的協調、加強樹木風險評估、提升樹木管理 的專業知識水平,以及推廣公眾教育和社區參與。
After careful consideration, the Task Force considered
that there was no need
[...] to introduce any legislative change at this stage and efforts should instead be channelled to various recommended administrative measures to improve [...]
co-ordination among
tree management departments under the leadership of the new Tree Management Office, enhance tree risk assessment, upgrade professional expertise in tree management and promote public education and community involvement.
所得基本稅額條例」自九十五年一月一日開始施行,其計算基 礎係依所得稅法規定計算之課稅所得額,再加計所得 法 及 其 他 法律 所享有之租稅減免,行政院訂定之稅率(百分之十)計算基本稅額, 該基本稅額與按所得稅法規定計算之稅額相較,擇其高者,繳納當年 度之所得稅。
Between the basic tax under the Income Basic Tax Act and the regular income tax calculated based on the Income Tax Act, the Corporation should pay whichever is the higher amount for the current income tax.
(d) 確保剝奪自 由 是最後才 判 處的懲 罰 ,並盡 可能以其他 措施取而代之,例如進 行調 全面實施少年司 法的準 則以及為負責少年法行政事 宜 的人員提供培訓
(d) ensure that deprivation of liberty is always used as a last resort, and strengthen and expand possibilities for alternative sentencing, such as such as mediation, probation, community service or suspended sentences.
總監若對國際扶輪的選舉政策和程序有疑問,且在其地區規則程序委員會的協助下仍 法 解 決時,應與扶輪社和 地行政管理 代表,以及鄰近區域熟悉國際扶輪程序和準則的扶輪社員,或該地區內的國際扶輪理事聯繫,以尋 求協助。
Governors with questions concerning RI election
policies and procedures
[...] that they cannot resolve within their districts with the assistance of their Rules and Procedures committee should contact their Club and District Administration representative, [...]
Rotarians in neighboring
districts familiar with RI election procedures and guidelines, or the RI director from their area for assistance.
7.4 你必須在聲明書(a)項作出聲明是否已破產、是否已申請「個人自願安排」及是否知悉針 對你的破產法律程序正在進行 [或等待舉行或可能提出]或任何人就你的任何或全部資 產被委任為接管人、管理人行政接 管 人、受託人或其他同類人員。
7.4 You are required to declare in part (a) of the declaration whether or not you are bankrupt, has
applied for IVA and
[...] is aware that legal proceeding(s) has / have been started (or are pending or being threatened) against you for your bankruptcy or for the appointment of a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee [...]
or similar officer over any or all of your assets.




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