单词 | 暴躁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 暴躁 noun —irritability nSee also:躁—impatient • hot-tempered
来文提交人拒绝接受有关 文件的附本,并变得非常暴躁,企 图离开医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author refused to accept copies of relevant [...] documents and became irritable, trying to leave [...]the hospital. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一点非常重要,因为一旦晚上休息不好,白天就会精神不济,性情变得 急 躁 , 且 难以集中精力学习。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | This is important because without a [...] quality rest every night you will lose [...] energy, become more irritable and find it difficult [...]to concentrate on your studies. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
有一次,我直接請 Mary 說話時不 要那麼急躁,她 的聲音取代了陳婉嫻,既高且尖,令我們也十分 急 躁。 legco.gov.hk | I had once asked Mary directly not to be [...] so agitated when she spoke, and her shrill voice had outdone that of CHAN Yuen-han, and it made us become very agitated too. legco.gov.hk |
至於付運人、分銷商、批發商及零售商,在運送和貯 存發酵食品時,應盡量避免食品暴露 在高溫和強光下;以先入先出的原則處理存貨;以 及向可靠的供應商採購發酵食材。 cfs.gov.hk | For shippers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, they should minimise heat and light exposure during transportation and storage of fermented food products, keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle and obtain fermented food ingredients from reliable suppliers. cfs.gov.hk |
膳食暴露評估顯示,一般市民( 每日大約飲用 半瓶 600 [...] 毫升運動飲品) 和消費量高的市民( 每日大約飲用一瓶 600 毫升運動飲品) 從上述樣本攝入 DEHP 的分量超出安全參考 值,即世界衞生組織( 世衞) 在飲用水水質準則下訂定的每日可容 [...] 忍攝入量每公斤體重 0.025 毫克( 對於消費量高的市民亦超出歐洲 食物安全局訂定的每日可容忍攝入量每公斤體重 0.05 毫克),可 能 對人體健康構成風險。 legco.gov.hk | Dietary exposure estimation [...] revealed that the exposure of DEHP from the consumption of the above samples by average consumers [...](daily consumption of about half bottle of 600ml sports drink) and high consumers (daily consumption of about one bottle of 600ml sports drink) would exceed the safety reference value, i.e. the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.025 mg/kg of body weight under the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for drinking-water quality (also exceed the TDI of 0.05mg/kg of body weight established by the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) regarding high consumers), which may pose a risk to human health. legco.gov.hk |
此外,他們亦應在產 品出廠、運送以至貯存和零售期間採取措施,包括使用合適的容器和不透光的箱,避免 產品暴露在 強光下;保持正確的低溫環境(盡量維持温度於攝氏20度或以下,切勿超過 攝氏38度),使用適當的隔熱貨櫃,並配合付運時間和適當的貯存設施,避免產 品 暴露 在 高溫下;以及按先入先出的原則處理存貨。 cfs.gov.hk | From production throughout shipment to storage and retail, they should also take measures to prevent products from light exposure by means of proper containers and covering boxes; and to minimise heat exposure by maintaining the correct cold [...] chain, preferably at or below 20°C and critically [...]not above 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle. cfs.gov.hk |
本公司及子公司持有之各種金融商品最 大 暴 險 金 額與其帳面價值相同。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The Group’s maximum credit risk exposure for each financial instrument is the same as its carrying value. english.taiwanmobile.com |
主席,我不會詳細將擺放在大家桌上的撮要朗讀一遍,我只想指 出,我承認我與王女士在工作合作上確實出現了一些問題,而我亦想指 出,我是不應該因此而脾氣暴躁,立即解僱她,這一點我是承認的。 legco.gov.hk | President, I will not read out in detail the summary tabled, but I merely wish to point out that I would only admit there were actually some problems in co-operating with Ms WONG in my work, and regarding these problems, I also wish to point out that I should not act with a bad temper and dismiss her immediately. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 惡劣天氣情况,例如 8 號颱風訊號及黑色暴雨警告 hkelectric.com | (ii) severe weather conditions, including Typhoon No.8 and Black Rain Storm hkelectric.com |
客户服务热线之服务时间为星期一至星期五(公众假期,台风,黑 色 暴 雨 , 香港联交所交 易时段为半天除外) 早上八时三十分至下午十二时十分及下午十二时五十分至五时正。 hsbc.com.hk | Our hotline service hours are from 8:30am to 12:10pm and from 12:50pm to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays, typhoons, black rainstorms, and SEHK half-day sessions). hsbc.com.hk |
本公司持有之衍生性金融商品係用以規避因營運、財務及投資活動 所 暴 露 之 匯率 與利率風險。 cpdc.com.tw | The Company uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risks arising from operational, financing and investment activities. cpdc.com.tw |
生活中有些担心和紧张是正常的,但是焦虑症带来的极端紧张, 烦 躁 , 忧虑,沮丧,混乱和绝望,甚至失眠,睡眠不安,磨牙齿,下颌疼痛,无法坐立,都是很痛苦的。 cn.iherb.com | Insomnia, restless sleep, grinding of teeth, jaw pain, an inability to sit still and difficulty coping are common. iherb.com |
(e) 應已出現任何事件或連串事件(包括但不限於任何地方、全國或國 際災難、暴亂、 公眾騷亂、騷亂、火災、水災、爆炸,傳染病爆 發、災害、危機、罷工、停工、敵對行動、叛亂、武裝衝突、恐怖 活動、天災或疫症的發生或升級);或 comnet-telecom.hk | (e) there shall have occurred any event or series of events (including without limitation the occurrence of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of disaster, riot, public disorder, civil commotion, fire, flood, explosion, outbreak of an infectious disease, calamity, crisis, strike, lock-out, hostility, insurrection, armed conflict, act of terrorism, act of God or epidemic); or comnet-telecom.hk |
在這個不穩定、經濟動蕩 和充滿暴力的時代﹐我們看著 這群青年男女﹐就像看著我們 的未來﹐祝願他們能帶著對一 切有情增長的智慧、慈悲和寬 容離開我們的寺廟。 azbt.us | In this time of uncertainty, economic unrest and violence, we look at these young men and women as our future and hope when they left our Temple they took with them a little more wisdom, compassion and tolerance for all sentient beings. azbt.us |
(v) 如果牽頭經辦人認為已出現其認為可能會重大地有損債券發行及分銷可換股債券的成功進行,或 可換股債券在二級市場的買賣的任何轉變或可能導致該等轉變的一項或連串事件(包括本地、本 國或國際層面爆發災害、戰鬥、暴動 、 武裝衝突、恐怖活動、天災或時疫,或前述各項的逐步擴 大或蔓延)。 ifn.com.hk | (v) if, in the opinion of the Lead Manager, there shall have occurred any event or series of events (including the occurrence of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of disaster, hostility, insurrection, armed conflict, act of terrorism, act of God or epidemic) as would in its view be likely to prejudice materially the success of the Bond Issue and distribution of the Convertible Bonds or dealings in the Convertible Bonds in the secondary market. ifn.com.hk |
香港營業日」是聯交所開放進行正常買賣的 任何日子,但聯交所預定在其平日正常收市時間前收 市的日子除外,亦不包括在聯交所正式開市後及在聯 交所在當日正式收市前任何時間,在香港 8 號或以上 熱帶氣旋警告訊號或「黑色」暴雨警 告訊號(或受讓 人認為具有同等影響的任何警告或訊號)生效的任何 日子(或經理人及受託人不時釐定的其他日子)。 abf-paif.com | A "Hong Kong Business Day" is any day on which the Stock Exchange is open for normal trading other than a day on which trading on the Stock Exchange is scheduled to close prior to its regular weekday closing time and excluding any day on which a tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above or a "black" rainstorm warning signal (or any warning or signal considered by the Trustee to be similar in effect) is in force in Hong Kong at any time after the Stock Exchange officially opens for trading and before the Stock Exchange officially closes for trading on that day (or such other day or days as may from time to time be determined by the Manager and the Trustee). abf-paif.com |
合併公司控制暴露於 每一 金融機構之信用風險,而且認為合併公司之現金及所持有之權益證券不會有重 大之信用風險顯著集中之虞。 acbel.com.tw | Management believes that the cash flow risk of foreign currency option contracts is not significant because these contracts are settled in net amount on the exercise date. acbel.com.tw |
西貢公路上一棵名列《古樹名木冊》的印 度橡樹(登記編號 LCSD SK/2),其部分主樹幹曾在 2005 年 5 月的暴雨中 受到損壞,樹身已由纜索撐杆穩固,樹底亦已圍植花圃,以增生樹根。 devb.gov.hk | There was one OVT Registration No. LCSD SK/2, a Ficus elastica, at Hiram's Highway with part of its main trunk damaged during heavy rainstorm in May 2005. devb.gov.hk |
大部分移除的樹木,都是在惡劣天氣( 例如熱帶氣 旋、暴雨或雷暴)下倒 塌或受到嚴重破壞的樹木,又或是已死去或結構不穩而對市 [...] 民構成高度潛在危險的樹木。 devb.gov.hk | Those trees that were removed were mostly fallen or severely [...] damaged trees due to inclement weather (e.g. [...] tropical cyclone, heavy rainstorm or thunderstorm), [...]or dead or structurally unstable [...]trees which posed high potential danger to the general public. devb.gov.hk |
而歷史最低紀錄(23.8)是於 1997-98 年金融風暴高峰期間錄 得,反映消費者對 1998 年下半年的展望。 mastercard.com | The lowest score was registered during the height of the 1997-98 financial crisis, reflecting outlook towards the second half of 1998 (23.8). mastercard.com |
4.4 如在開考後懸掛紅色/黑色暴雨警 告信號,考試會繼續進行,直至結束為止。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | 4.4 If a red / black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted at the time when an examination is in progress, the examination session should continue and be completed. cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
當免疫活性 B 淋巴細胞因暴露於 過敏原而受到刺激後,會產 生過敏原特異性 IgE 抗體,後者會與肥大細胞和嗜鹼性粒細胞上的受體結 合。 hcdiagnostics.com | When immunocompetent B lymphocyte cells are stimulated by exposure to an antigen (allergen), they may produce allergen-specific IgE antibodies which bind to receptors on mast cells and basophilic leukocytes. hcdiagnostics.com |
為 免存疑,因為懸掛 8 號或以上颱風信號、黑色暴雨警 告 或其他類似事件之原因,聯交所在香港停止營業、處理 證券業務之日在本細則中亦計入營業日。 cifi.com.hk | For the avoidance of doubt, where the Exchange is closed for business of dealing in securities in Hong Kong on a day by reason of a Number 8 or higher typhoon signal, black rainstorm warning or other similar event, such day shall for the purpose of these Articles be counted as a business day. cifi.com.hk |
B.合併公司持有之權益證券係分類為公平價值變動列入損益之金融資產及備供出 售之金融資產,因此類資產係以公平價值衡量,因此合併公司 將 暴 露 於 權益證 券市場價格變動之風險。 weikeng.com.tw | The dividends to stockholders cannot be lower than 50% the accumulated unappropriated retained earnings in the current year, and cash dividends cannot be lower than 20% of the total stockholders’ dividends. weikeng.com.tw |
營業日” 指香港持牌銀行開放經營一般銀行業務之日子(不包括星期六或 星期日及於香港介乎上午九時正至下午五時正之任何時間懸掛或 持續懸掛 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或“黑色 " 暴 雨 警 告訊號 之任何日子 wingtaiproperties.com | Business Day” means a day (excluding a Saturday or Sunday and any day on which a tropical cyclone warning signal no. 8 or above or a “black” rainstorm warning signal is hoisted or remains hoisted in Hong Kong at any time between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) on which licensed banks in Hong Kong are open for general banking business wingtaiproperties.com |
合併公司持有之基金及上市(櫃)股票係分類為公平價值變動列入損益之金融 資產及備供出售金融資產,因此類資產係以公平價值衡量,因此合併公司 將 暴露 於權益證券市場價格變動之風險。 chs.pegatroncorp.com | Please refer to Note 6 for details of the intangible assets pledged as collateral. jp.pegatroncorp.com |
如果在特別的情況 (即懸掛 8 號或更高風球和黑色暴雨警 告)下,導致不能發布通告,則公司 須盡可能執行該等要求。 cifi.com.hk | If, however, there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. during a Number 8 or higher typhoon signal and black rainstorm warning) that render the giving of such publication of advertisement impossible, the Company shall comply with these requirements as soon as practicable. cifi.com.hk |
倘股票市場下跌 20%以上,本集 團認為將不會是瞬間暴跌,而是預期下跌將持續一段時間,屆時本集團將能夠作出緩和管理層行動。 prudential.co.uk | If equity markets were to fall by more than 20 per cent, the Group believes that this would not be an instantaneous fall but rather this would be expected to occur over a period of time during which the Group would be able to put in place mitigating management actions. prudential.co.uk |