单词 | 林地 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 林地 noun —woodland n
根據工程的環境影響評估報告(“環評報 告 ”),就工程整體而言,受影響的林地 為 低及中度生態價值 的林地。 legco.gov.hk | According to the EIA Report of the project, for the project as a whole, the woodlands affected are of low to medium ecological value. legco.gov.hk |
這些項目已採取一系列的生態緩解措施,例如修改項目圖則、採用有利生態的設 計或將目標物種移離工地,以及補償 林地 或 濕 地等重要生境的損失。 legco.gov.hk | A wide range of ecological mitigation measures have been adopted in these projects, e.g., adjusting the project layout, adopting ecologically friendly designs or [...] translocation of targeted species away from work sites, compensation of loss of important [...] habitats such as woodland or wetland. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 在擴展部分闢設約18公頃混合林地, 包括用以彌補因 堆填區擴展計劃而損失的6公頃灌木地;及 legco.gov.hk | (c) mixed woodland planting of some 18 ha of [...] the extension site, including a compensation [...]for the loss of 6 ha of shrubland [...]due to the landfill extension; and legco.gov.hk |
特别是,按照文件ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5的第12条的规定,主题1“SLM技术, 包括适应"是指对防止、缓解和复原农田、牧场 和 林地 的 荒 漠化和土地退化做出直接 贡献的SLM技术,目标是改善受影响人口的生活状况和保护生态系统服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, as specified in document ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5, paragraph 12, theme 1 ‘SLM technologies, including adaptation’ refers to SLM technologies that directly contribute to the prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation of desertification and land degradation on cropland, grazing land and woodland, with the aim of improving the livelihoods of affected populations and conserving ecosystem services. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,在擴展計劃 B 範圍內,有一幅面積雖小,但卻可能 具自然保育價值的灌木地混雜區和半成熟原 始 林地。 legco.gov.hk | However, there is a small area of mixed shrub-land and immature native woodland within the WENT B extension site that may be worth conserving. legco.gov.hk |
上述的發展規模較現有大部分新市鎮為低,因此容 許較大彈性,收納不同的城市設計特色,達至較高 質素的發展,例如採用建築物高度分級概念、設置 觀景廊、加入通風廊,以及保留四周 的 林地 , 為新 發展區提供天然的綠化環境。 legco.gov.hk | While such a scale of development is relatively lower than most of the existing new towns, it will allow greater flexibility for incorporation of various urban design features to achieve a better quality development, including a stepped building height, view corridors, wind corridors, and retention of the surrounding woodlands to provide a natural green setting. legco.gov.hk |
再者,該片林地與現 行的擴展計劃 B 用地相當接近,故此,能夠吸引易受人類活動所影響的禽鳥 或其他野生動物在此棲息繁衍的機會甚微。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the proximity of the woodland to human activities at the existing WENT Landfill makes it most unlikely to attract sensitive birds or other wildlife. legco.gov.hk |
(1) 從劉先生提供的圖 AP-2 可見,上訴地點位於八仙嶺山麓上 的一個林木區,毗鄰八仙嶺郊野公園(近至 25 米 ),周圍是 山丘、林地及雜草叢生的休耕農地。 devb.gov.hk | (1) The Site is situated in a woodland area on the upper foothills of Pat Sin Leng and in close proximity (as close as 25 metres) to Pat Sin Leng Country Park, and surrounded by hills, woodland and fallow agricultural land covered with grass as shown in Plan AP-2 produced by Mr. Lau. devb.gov.hk |
這意味著大部分 林地、灌 木地、草地、農地及鄉郊住宅等,基本上不受策略性 [...] 發展建議影響(這不包括釋出禁區土地的建議,該等建議將於 另一項研究中進一歩探討),有助為下一代著想而繼續保護珍 貴的天然棲息地和生態資源。 legco.gov.hk | This will still leave a large [...] proportion of woodland, shrubland, [...]grassland, agricultural land and rural settlements primarily [...]remaining untouched by strategic development proposals (other than proposals for the released land at the Closed Area which will be further examined under a legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 在吐露港公路擴闊工程的詳細設計階段,我們按《環境影響 評估條例》(第 499章 )的要求,就工程進行詳細的環境影響評 估,當中已涵蓋就工程對附近的生態環境(包括對吐露港公路 沿大埔運頭塘邨、景雅苑、德雅苑和新峰花園一帶 的 林地) 可能造成的影響。 legco.gov.hk | The EIA already covered the potential impact of the project on the surrounding ecological environment (including the woodlands along Tolo Highway in the vicinity of Wan Tau Tong Estate, King Nga Court, Tak Nga Court and Classical Gardens in Tai Po). legco.gov.hk |
倘這類申請都 獲批准,累積影響所及,會導致發展進一步 侵入郊野公園四周的林地,令 該區整體環境 和景觀的質素下降。 devb.gov.hk | The cumulative impacts of approving such applications would result in further encroachment onto the woodland surrounding the country park area and a general degradation of the environment and landscape quality of the area. devb.gov.hk |
環 評報告建議在清水灣郊野公 園闢設六公頃混合林地。此 外,在擴展部分會提供草 (e) 政府應制訂具體的廢物管理 政策,並致力實踐政策文件 所述的減廢承諾。 legco.gov.hk | Under this (e) The Government should formulate concrete waste management policy, and work towards the waste reduction pledged in the policy document. legco.gov.hk |
(4) 規劃署錯誤地把大綱圖上被山坡和 林地 覆 蓋 的地方劃為 「鄉村式發展」地帶,而要在這些地方發展,必須進行大 規模的地盤平整工程,故根本不宜興建豁免屋宇。 devb.gov.hk | (4) The Planning Department erroneously zoned as “V” zone in the OZP areas that are covered by hill slopes and wooded areas where large-scale site formation works are required and NTEH developments are undesirable. devb.gov.hk |
美投國際林業集團的主要業務是從事 林 業 、 山 林 耕 地 、 山 林 土 地 所 有 權、 山 林 土 地 管 理、 林業產 品、木材製造、夾板製造、纖維板製造、紙及與紙相關產品的製造、木製漿及其他 與林業相關的業務。 notice.singtaonewscorp.com | The principal business activity of AIFG is to engage in forestry, forestry land cultivation, forestry land ownership, forestry land management, forestry products, timber manufacturing, plywood manufacturing, fibreboard manufacturing, paper and paper-related products manufacturing, wood pulping and other forestry-related businesses. notice.singtaonewscorp.com |
(d) 本港新旅遊景點的落成,包括位於環球貿易廣場的「天際 100」觀 景台,加上主題公園擴建及新增設施,如海洋公園的「夢幻水都」 及「熱帶雨林天地」, 以及香港迪士尼樂園的「反斗奇兵大本營」 等,均有助提升香港的旅遊吸引力。 legco.gov.hk | (d) New attractions, including the sky100 observation deck atop International Commerce Centre, and the newly added facilities in the expanded theme parks, such as Aqua City and Rainforest in Ocean Park and Toy Story Land in Hong Kong Disneyland, will serve to enhance Hong Kong’s tourism appeal. legco.gov.hk |
工程進度受到林村河的地質情 況欠佳所影響。 devb.gov.hk | The progress was affected by the difficult ground condition encountered at Lam Tsuen River. devb.gov.hk |
西九也應設立一個園林綠化公園,讓 15 公頃的公 共休憩用地主要 用來建設公園及附屬設施,供廣大市民享用。 procommons.org.hk | A larger green park can also be provided through exclusively allocating the 15-hectare [...] of public open space to the Park [...]and its supplementary facilities for public enjoyment. procommons.org.hk |
特區政府必須正視社會的新形勢及市區更 新 林林 總 總 的問 題,從根本地改善 市民生活居住質素的角度出發,把舊區發展問題結合全港整 體長遠發展一併考慮,俾能把香港建成一個世界級的最宜居城市。 procommons.org.hk | In view of this, the Government should pay serious a ttention to the new social situation and the multitude of problems in urban regenerati on . It wo uld also be important to put greater efforts to improve the living quality of Hong Kong people as a whole through incorporating the redevelopment of old ar eas into a key component of the long‐term development of Hong Kong. procommons.org.hk |
當蒂塔妮亞在森林醒來 看到他的時候,她立即瘋 狂 地愛 上了驢頭人身的波頓。 hkyaf.com | So when Titania wakes up, she sees him in the forest and: “She straightway loved an ass! hkyaf.com |
建議項目是否成熟 y 由於倡議者只擁有梅子林 70% 的私人土 地,並無在茅坪的擁有土地,設立建議 的自然保護區和有效推行擬議保育及管 理計劃的整個概念成疑。 legco.gov.hk | As the proponent owns only 70% of the private land in Mui Tsz Lam and none in Mau Ping, the whole idea of setting up the proposed Nature Reserve and effective implementation of the proposed Conservation Management Plan is uncertain. legco.gov.hk |
徐先生現於恆生銀行任職投資事務經理,之前曾服務加拿大的匯豐銀 行、滿地可銀行、美林證 及美國運通銀行。 legco.gov.hk | He has worked at HSBC in Canada, Bank of Montreal, Merrill Lynch and the American Express Bank. legco.gov.hk |
(11) 二零零七年二月: 本集團與和記黃埔集團各佔 50%權益之合營公司聯同兩家 財團夥伴(各佔三分一權益)行使於二零零五年七月聯合投地時獲授予之購 買權,購入位於新加坡濱海林蔭大道/中 央 林 蔭 大道 662 地塊之 餘段(「濱海 灣土地第二期」),其最大可建樓面面積為 194,000 平方米。 ckh.com.hk | (11) February 2007: A 50/50 joint venture company of the Group and the Hutchison Whampoa Group, together with two other consortium partners, and each having a one-third interest, exercised an option, granted in their favour under a joint tender in July 2005, to purchase the remainder of Land Parcel 662 at Marina Boulevard/Central Boulevard, Singapore (“Phase 2 of Marina Bay Land”) with a maximum permissible gross floor area of 194,000 sq. m. Phase 2 of Marina Bay Land is planned to be a residential and office development. ckh.com.hk |
(a) 在短期而言,P2路會為中環填海區現有的發展項目提供 一條替代路線,紓緩干諾道中和康樂廣場路口的擠塞情 況;及 (b) 在中、長期而言,當中環至灣仔繞道建成後,P2路將負 起分配往返由中環至灣仔繞道和林士 街天橋組成的策略 性東西向交通走廊至鄰近地區(包 括中環、中環填海區、 金鐘、中半山、灣仔和灣仔北)的交通的責任。 legco.gov.hk | (b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will serve to distribute traffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to the neighbouring areas including Central, Central Reclamation, Admiralty, Mid-levels, Wan Chai and Wan Chai North, and vice versa from these areas to the corridor. legco.gov.hk |
隨同政務司司長出席會議的主要官員包括政制及 內 地 事 務 局局 長 林瑞 麟 、發展局局長林鄭月娥、環境局局長邱騰華、運輸及房屋局局長鄭汝樺 和商務及經濟發展局局長劉吳惠蘭。 legco.gov.hk | Principal Officials accompanying the Chief Secretary for Administration at the meeting included the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam; the Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam; the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau; the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Ms Eva Cheng; and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mrs Rita Lau. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 為現有綠化區進行加強綠化工程及推行社區參與計劃(8,600萬元) — 加強 綠化工程包括美孚新邨巴士總站路旁美化市 容 地 帶 的 種植工程、大欖郊野公 園的保土造林種植工程,以及在馬鞍山郊野公園種植 本 地 品 種 ,以提高生物 多樣性。 devb.gov.hk | (c) Greening enhancement works for existing greened areas and community involvement projects ($86 million) - planting works in the roadside amenity area at Mei Foo Sun Chuen bus terminus, erosion control planting in Tai Lam Country Park and planting of native species to enhance biodiversity in Ma On Shan Country Park. devb.gov.hk |
本地科學 比賽的主辦者,如香港中學化學 奧 林 匹 克 和香港學生科學比賽, 所製作的刊物可為科學探究和發明提供寶貴的意念。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Publications from the organisers of some local science competitions such as “The Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools” and “The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition” provide valuable ideas on scientific investigations and inventions. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
(19) 二零零八年一月: 本集團與和記黃埔集團各佔 50%權益之合營公司成功投得 位於內地上海市嘉定區瑞林路以東及環北路以南之 土 地 , 面 積約 211,621 平方 米,可建樓宇面積約 328,229 平方米,以發展為住宅及商業物業。 ckh.com.hk | (19) January 2008: An indirect 50/50 joint venture company of the Group and the Hutchison Whampoa Group successfully bid for a piece of land with an area of approximately 211,621 sq. m. and a developable gross floor area of about 328,229 sq. m. at the east of Ruilin Road and south of Huanbei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, the Mainland for development into residential and commercial properties. ckh.com.hk |
現有土地暨自 然博物館、大賽車博物館、天主教藝術博物館與墓室、仁慈堂博物館、典當業展示 館、消防博物館、海事博物館、通訊博物館、路氹歷史館、葡萄酒博物館、聖物寶庫、澳門回歸 賀禮陳列館、澳門林則徐 紀念館、澳門保安部隊博物館、澳門茶文化館、澳門國父紀念館、澳門 博物館、澳門藝術博物館、龍環葡韻住宅式博物館以及正在籌建中的澳門科學館等(以下統稱「澳 門的博物館」),稱得上是世界上博物館密度最大 的 地 區 之 一。 museums.gov.mo | Communications Museum of Macao, Dr. Sun Iat Sen’s Memorial House in Macau, Fire Services Museum, Grand Prix Museum, Handover Gifts [...] [...] Museum of Macao, Heritage Exhibition of a Traditional Pawnshop Business, Lin Zexu Memorial Museum of Macao, Macao Museum, Macao Museum of Art, Macao Tea Culture House, Maritime Museum, Museum of the Holy House of Mercy, Museum of the Macao Security Forces, Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt, Museum of Taipa and Coloane History, The Natural and Agrarian Museum, The Taipa Houses-Museum, Treasure of Sacred Art, Wine Museum along with the Macao Science Center still being furnished (altogether generally called Museums in Macao below) all contribute to Macao’s high museum-density among other cities. museums.gov.mo |
3.25 在很多意見中都提及的其他事宜,包括可持續的建築物設 計、綠化、提供保護生態環境的設施、關注道路及行人通 道的暢達性、沿 P2 路設計一條園景林蔭大 道、提供更多元 化的設施、研究的公眾參與過程、填海事宜、設立單車徑 或其他環保交通系統,以及海濱發展的管理。 legco.gov.hk | 3.25 Other issues that were raised in many of the comments received included sustainable building design, greening, provision of eco-friendly facilities, concerns on roads and pedestrian access, a tree-lined boulevard along Road P2, provision of more multi-purpose facilities, the public engagement process for the Study, harbour reclamation, proposals for cycling tracks or other environmentally friendly transport modes, and management of the harbourfront development. legco.gov.hk |