单词 | 離解 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 離解 noun —dissociation n
當中有 兩個主要的方法–極性相互作用和離 子 相 互作用,正 好 解 釋 微 波如何在 食物中產生熱能。 cfs.gov.hk | The two major mechanisms, namely [...] dipolar and ionic interactions, explain how heat generated inside food. cfs.gov.hk |
當食物的離子( 如已溶解的鹽 分 ) 含量增加,加熱的速度亦因為微波與離子的相互作用而增加。 cfs.gov.hk | dissolved salts increase, the rate of heating [...] also increases because of the ionic interaction with microwaves. cfs.gov.hk |
如有人士反對遞解離境的 決定而提交呈請,當局也會暫緩執行 遞解離境令,直至呈請獲得裁決。 legco.gov.hk | Where there is a petition against the decision of deportation, execution of the deportation order will also be withheld until the determination on the petition. legco.gov.hk |
而根據法例,可被遣送或遞解離港的 人士在等候遣送或 遞 解離 境安 排期間亦可被羈留。 legco.gov.hk | Persons who are subject to removal or deportation from Hong Kong may also be detained pending their removal or deportation arrangements under the laws. legco.gov.hk |
所有發出的遞解離境 令,都是因為有關人士觸犯了可處以不少於兩年監禁的罪行而被定 罪,當中並無基於公眾利益理由而發出的 遞 解離 境 令。 legco.gov.hk | In all of these cases, deportation was made after the immigrants concerned had been found guilty of offences punishable with imprisonment for not less than two years. legco.gov.hk |
如當局認為反對遞解離境的 理由並不充分,並發 出遞解離境令 ,有關人士可循以下途徑提出上訴 legco.gov.hk | If the grounds against deportation are considered insufficient and a deportation order is made, the following avenues of appeal are available legco.gov.hk |
此外,學生應能根據影響離 子優先放電次序的因素來預測電解的 生 成物。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | In addition, students [...] should be able to predict products in electrolysis according to the different factors [...]affecting the preferential discharge of ions. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
常州中科來方主要從事鋰離子電池、聚合物鋰離子電池材料、隔膜、 電 解 液 、 鋰 離 子電 池芯、電池組、超級電容器、複合材料及功能性高分子材料的研究、開發及銷售,以及 [...] 聚合物鋰電池、超級電容器、隔膜、電池芯及電池組的製造。 aactechnologies.com | Changzhou ZKLF is principally engaged in the research and development and sales of lithium ion [...] batteries, polymer lithium ion battery [...] material, electrolyte separators, electrolytes, lithium [...]ion battery cells, battery packs, [...]super capacitors, composite materials and functional polymer materials and as well as the manufacturing of polymer lithium ion batteries, super capacitors, electrolyte separators, battery cells and battery packs. aactechnologies.com |
為了確保處理遞解離境個案的程序符合公約第六及第七條的規定,香港 特區應確保這方面的程序能提供有效的保障,使遭 遞 解離 境 的 人士不會 面對被判處死刑或遭受酷刑或其他不人道、殘忍或有辱人格的待遇的危 險。 legco.gov.hk | In order to secure compliance with articles 6 and 7 in deportation cases, the HKSAR should ensure that their deportation procedures provide effective protection against the risk of imposition of the death penalty or of torture or inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment. legco.gov.hk |
13.1 有關根據《入境條例》(第 115 章)的法律規定(包括遞 解離境及 遣送離境的權力),一如第一次報告第 [...] II 部第 246 至 248 段所述。 legco.gov.hk | 13.1 The legal position, including the powers of deportation and removal [...] under the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. [...] 115), remains as explained in paragraphs 246 [...]to 248 of Part II of the initial report. legco.gov.hk |
鑑於公約在香港特區實施,受到一條保留條款所限制,而該保留條款對 在遞解離境個 案的決定程序中應用公約第十三條方面,會有嚴重影響,所以委員 會仍關注到,從香港特區遞解離境後可能會被判死刑或受到酷刑,或其他不人 道、殘忍或有辱人格的待遇的人士,可能無法得到有效的保護。 legco.gov.hk | In the light of the fact that the Covenant is applied in HKSAR subject to a reservation that seriously affects the application of article 13 in relation to decisionmaking procedures in deportation cases, the Committee remains concerned that persons facing a risk of imposition of the death penalty or of torture, or inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment as a consequence of their deportation from HKSAR may not enjoy effective protection. legco.gov.hk |
我們會向委員會提供有關遞解離境及遣送離境的最新統 計。 legco.gov.hk | We will update the Committee on the statistics on deportation and removal. legco.gov.hk |
我們會特別就審議結論第 10 段有關給予被遞解離境人士的 保障作出回應。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, we will respond to paragraph 10 of the Concluding Observations, which concerns protection of individuals against deportation. legco.gov.hk |
至於遣送及遞解離境的 安排,我們在報告第 67 及 68 段所說明的情 況仍適用。 legco.gov.hk | With regard to removal and deportation, [...] our position as explained in paragraphs 67 [...]and 68 of the report remains unchanged. legco.gov.hk |
注意:若以上建議採取的動作皆無法 解 決 問 題,請 與 離 您 最近且取得授權的 A&D 代表聯絡。 aandd.jp | Note: If the [...] recommendations above do not solve the problem, contact your [...]nearest authorized A&D representative. aandd.jp |
在接獲聯合國難民署知會某非法入境者或逾期逗留 人士已向其辦事處提出給予難民身份的要求後,入境事務處處長可按照個別 情況,酌情將等候聯合國難民署審核結果的尋求庇護人士,及已獲確立難民 身份而正等候安排移居外地的人士,暫緩遣送或 遞 解離 境。 legco.gov.hk | On the UNHCR’s advice that an illegal immigrant or overstayer has lodged a refugee claim with its Office, the Director of Immigration may exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis to temporarily withhold the removal or deportation action against the asylum seeker pending determination of his refugee status, and if his claim is accepted, pending resettlement to a third country. legco.gov.hk |
委員會在上一次報告的審議結論第 10 段,關注被遞解離 境人 士是否獲得保障,免被遣送到他們會遭嚴重侵犯人權(例如違 反《公約》第六及七條規定的行為)的地方。 legco.gov.hk | In paragraph 10 of its Concluding Observations on the previous report, the Committee expressed concern about the protection of individuals against deportation to locations where they might be subjected to grave human rights violations, such as those contrary to Articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant. legco.gov.hk |
於江蘇遠宇技術權轉讓協議完成後,瑞聲新能源將擁有生產聚合物鋰離子電池生產技術 的專有技術及機密資料的獨家使用權,其中包括( i) 鋰 離 子 電 池正極材料及電池製造方 法;(ii)納米孔聚合物電解質膜 製備方法;(iii)複合氧化物電極材料和混合型超級電容器 製備方法;及(iv)聚合物鋰離子電 池製造方法等。 aactechnologies.com | Upon completion of the Jiangsu Yuanyu Technology Rights Transfer Agreement, AAC New Power will have the exclusive right to use technological know-how and confidential information on, among [...] others, (i) [...] lithium ion battery anode material and their production; (ii) manufacturing techniques for nanoporous polymer electrolyte separator diaphragms; (iii) the composite oxide electrode material and hybrid super capacitor fabrication [...]process; and (iv) [...]polymer lithium ion battery production technology, etc. aactechnologies.com |
政府理解離島居 民非常關注離島渡輪服務的票價。 legco.gov.hk | The Government understands residents' concern [...] on the fares of the outlying island ferry services. legco.gov.hk |
對非法入境者、逾期逗留者及其他等候遣送/ 遞 解離境 的人,執法人員可行使法律賦予的羈留權力;香港特區政府已制訂 羈留政策,就如何作出羈留或擔保外釋的決定提供指引。 legco.gov.hk | For officers exercising detention powers conferred by the law in respect of illegal immigrants, overstayers and other persons pending removal/deportation, the HKSAR Government has in place a detention policy to guide decisions to detain or grant release on recognizance. legco.gov.hk |
如有任何人未經許可把嬰兒帶離產科 部,系統會即時向醫護 人員發出警報。 hksh.com | If anyone removes an infant without authorization, the system will alert hospital staff. hksh.com |
最後,利用氣相層析質譜儀,以選擇 性 離 子 監 測的 模式,檢測甲基汞衍生物。 cfs.gov.hk | Finally, the MeHg derivative was detected by Gas Chromatograph-Mass Selective Detector, operating in the Selective Ion Monitoring mode. cfs.gov.hk |
政府當局承 諾檢討離島渡輪服務的長遠發展,務求長遠而言提 升 離 島 渡 輪 服務的財務可行性以及維持票價的穩定性。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration undertook to review the long-term development of outlying island ferry services with a view to enhancing their financial viability and maintaining their fare stability in the long run. legco.gov.hk |
7.10 有關當局在發出遞解離境令前,會邀請當事人提出申述 並予以充分考慮。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, the persons concerned still have ample opportunities to make representations against 7.10 Before a deportation order is made, the person concerned will be invited to make representations, which will be duly considered by the authority. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 如該人不再是通常在香港居住,或不再在現有的選民登 [...] 記冊內其姓名旁邊所示的住址居住,而選舉登記主任並 不知道該人在香港的新主要住址;或 (b) 如該人曾是在囚的選民,並且是以其在香港的最後居住 地方或入境事務處根據《人事登記規例》最後記錄他的 [...] 居住地址作選民登記,而該人已刑期屆滿 及 離 開 監 獄, 但沒有向選舉登記主任報告新住址。 legco.gov.hk | (b) he was an imprisoned person who used his last dwelling-place in Hong Kong at which he resided or the address last recorded under the Registration of Persons of Regulations as the address for registration of an [...] elector and who had served his sentence of [...] imprisonment and left the prison without [...]reporting his new residential address to ERO. legco.gov.hk |
意見中主要的關注事宜是有關區內的車輛及行人交通、對天星小輪的業務可能帶 [...] 來負面影響、憂慮從尖沙咀天星碼頭到新的巴士總站 距 離 遠 而 帶來不便。 forum.gov.hk | The key concerns raised are about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area, possible adverse impact on Star Ferry’s [...] business, and worries about the inconvenience of the [...] long distance of the new bus terminal [...]from the TST Star Ferry Pier. forum.gov.hk |
終審法院並 在判詞中表明,酷刑聲請的審核必須符合高度公平的準則;可能被遞 解離境者 應有充分合理的機會証明自己的聲請。 legco.gov.hk | The CFA also stated in the judgment that high standards of fairness must be observed in determining torture claims, and the potential deportee should be given every reasonable opportunity to establish his claim. legco.gov.hk |
在授權訊息簽署人已離開公 司/機構或是不再獲公司/機構授權之前,已遞交的電子資料,該 公司/機構仍須負上責任。 rocars.gov.hk | The company / organization shall still be liable for the electronic data submitted by the authorized message signatory(ies) after he / she has left the company / organization or before the company / organization has ceased to authorize him / her. rocars.gov.hk |