单词 | 輪流 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 輪流 verb —take turns v
這項建議可增加可供 調配的人手,輪流參與 調委會及研委會的工作。 legco.gov.hk | This proposal will expand the pool of manpower available to take part, by rotation, in the work of the PICs and the ICs formed. legco.gov.hk |
另 外一 個例子 是 讓單、 雙 數 車 牌號碼的車輛在一星 期內輪 流使用海底隧道。 forum.gov.hk | Another example is to allow vehicles with odd and even licence number plates to use CHT on alternate days of a week. forum.gov.hk |
該上訴委員會由一位已退休的法官擔任主席,其他成員從一 個由 15 名由行政長官委任的獨立人士組成的小組 中 輪流 選 出 三人擔 任。 legco.gov.hk | The Appeal Board is chaired by a retired judge and consists of three other members selected in rotation from a panel of 15 independent members appointed by the Chief Executive. legco.gov.hk |
同時,議員亦輪流於當值一周內"值勤",接見個別申訴人士及向處理個 案的職員作出指示。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, they take turns to be on "ward duty" during their duty week to meet individual complainants and to give guidance to staff in processing cases. legco.gov.hk |
不允許以支持輪流制度為理由排除候選人或影響選舉。 rotary2000.org | Actions to exclude a candidate or influence an election on the basis that the rotation system should be upheld is not permissible. rotary2000.org |
每周有6位議員輪流當值 ,監察申訴制度的運作,並接受及處理申訴團體提出的意 見及申訴。 legco.gov.hk | In groups of six, Members take turns to be on duty each week to oversee the system and to receive and handle representations and complaints made by deputations. legco.gov.hk |
另外,指定人員會依照值勤表在辦公時間以 外 輪流 執 行 緊急 職務。 devb.gov.hk | Designated officers are put on a duty roster to perform emergency duties outside office hours on a rotational basis. devb.gov.hk |
這些清盤人都有合適的資格、經驗和資源去處理這類案件。在非循簡易 [...] 程序辦理的案件中,假如債權人和分擔人都沒有提名清盤人,破產管理署署 長便會根據 A 組名單輪流建議 清盤人,供債權人、分擔人和法院考慮。 legco.gov.hk | In non-summary cases where there is no nomination of [...] liquidator by the creditors and [...] contributories, the OR will then recommend a liquidator [...]on the Panel A List on a roster basis [...]for the creditors and contributories and the court to consider. legco.gov.hk |
本會議於台灣、大陸及香港三地輪流 舉 辦,有效地促進 了兩岸三地學術界和工程界的交流與合作。 ncree.org | Not only did we accomplish what we set out to do, but we also successfully introduced NCREE to IBST, and established a solid foundation for the future collaboration between the two parties. ncree.org |
甘乃威議員: 主席,據報,數個政府部門將以半年時 間 輪流 試 用由 一間日本車廠引入的電動私家車,以配合推動使用電動車輛的工作。 legco.gov.hk | MR KAM NAI-WAI (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that several government departments will take turn to use, on a trial basis for a period of six months, an electric private car imported by a Japanese vehicle manufacturer, so as to complement the work to promote the use of electric vehicles (EVs). legco.gov.hk |
獲授權人士批准後( 請參閱第 16 段 ) ,需向五名供 應商取得書面報價,其中應包括上次採購的中標 者 ( 而貨品或服務符合要求),如有供應商名單,則 應輪流向名 單上的供應商索取報價,並接納出價 最低而又符合規格的報價。 legco.gov.hk | After obtaining approval from the authorized person (please refer to Paragraph 16 below), written quotations should be sought from five (5) suppliers, including the successful tenderer in the last procurement exercise (whose goods or services meeting the requirements). legco.gov.hk |
另外,他建議「西九」應有 一些展覽空間(Exhibition Space),可以輪流交替 及分別展示不同形式的展品。 legco.gov.hk | He proposed provision of exhibition space in WKCD for alternate and separate display of different art forms. legco.gov.hk |
議員會輪流與各 區議會舉行定期會議,就彼此感興趣的事宜或問題交換意見。 legco.gov.hk | Members hold regular meetings on a roster basis with the District Councils to exchange views on matters or issues of mutual interest. legco.gov.hk |
7.21 監聽人員 A 及監聽人員 B 輪流聆聽訂明授權下截獲 的通話。 legco.gov.hk | Next, when the Supervisor said that he had given instructions to an officer to remove the access right of all the listeners concerned (including the female listener’s access right), she changed her story to say that she granted herself the access right on the morning of Day 2 because she was tasked by the Supervisor to compile the REP-11 report – she was impliedly given the right to access the intercept product for the compilation. legco.gov.hk |
25.26 為了加強政府高層人員與區議會之間的定期溝通,自 2007 年 1 月起,22 個為公眾提供直接服務的政府部門首 長 輪流 出席 區議會會議。 legco.gov.hk | 25.26 To foster regular dialogue between senior Government officials and the District Councils, 22 heads of Government departments who have direct interface with the public started attending DC meetings one at a time since January 2007. legco.gov.hk |
各地區應透過程序尋求並提 名最適合之地區總監提名人,不得按照傳統的提名方式,由不同扶輪社或地理區域組成的小 組 輪流 提 名。 rotary2000.org | Districts should seek out and nominate for the office of district governor the best qualified person through procedures not influenced by a system whereby the nomination is by tradition rotated among various groups of clubs or geographic areas. rotary2000.org |
應以書面將國際扶輪的選舉政策和程 序告知所有應選職位的候選人。 rotary2000.org | All candidates for elective office should be advised in writing of the RI election policies and procedures by the person responsible for administering the election. rotary2000.org |
但屬發動 37 [...] 機之故障或受損,而其損害僅限於發動機、發動機護罩或其配件;或損害僅及螺 旋槳、翼尖、天線、輪胎、剎車、整 流 罩 或 航空器表面小凹陷、穿孔者,不在此 限。 asc.gov.tw | Engine failure or damage limited to an engine if only one engine fails or is damaged, bent fairings or cowling, dented skin, small puncture holes in the skin or fabric, ground damage [...] to rotor or propeller blades, and [...] damage to landing gear, wheels, tires, flaps, engine [...]accessories, brakes, or wingtips are [...]not considered “substantial damage” for the purpose of this part. asc.gov.tw |
中心會與香港認可處合作,一同為私營實驗室提供更多資訊 [...] 和指導,包括在二零零九年七月二十九日為實驗室從業員而設的工作坊,以及在二零零 九年九月進行的另一輪私營 實驗室間比對測試。 cfs.gov.hk | The CFS would work with Hong Kong Accreditation Service to provide more information and guidance to private laboratories, including a workshop for [...] laboratories on 29 July 2009 and another round of inter-laboratory [...] comparison exercise for private laboratories [...]in September 2009. cfs.gov.hk |
2) 所謂競選、拉票或助選係指以任何方式之宣傳、攻擊、支持或反對候選人之直接或間接的行為,包括但不限於 請求選票或要求在未來選舉中支持、分發文件或文宣資料,或其他任何具有促進當選 扶 輪 選 舉職位之效果的活 動。 rotary2000.org | 2) Campaigning, canvassing or electioneering is any action seeking to promote, attack, support, or oppose a candidate, either directly or indirectly, in any medium, including, but not limited to, any action seeking votes, requesting support in a forthcoming election, distribution of literature or promotional materials or other overt actions intended to promote one’s candidacy for an elected Rotary office. rotary2000.org |
一位成員引用管制駕駛時使用流動電 話的經驗,表示對停車熄 匙的成效並不樂觀,特別是在偏遠的地區。 forum.gov.hk | Quoting the experience of the ban on using mobile phones while driving, a member was pessimistic about the effectiveness of the ban on idling vehicles, especially in remote areas. forum.gov.hk |
我們估計香港大學的研究成果其實包括一些應對數碼隔膜的方法,特區政 府理應盡快考慮落實部份建議,這較等待成立專責小組,然後再等新 一輪 研究 成果才採取行動的做法,明智得多。 procommons.org.hk | The Government should at least implement part of its recommended measures at once rather than waiting for the establishment of the task force and further waiting for the result of another round of research and study. procommons.org.hk |
各間巴 士公司亦在其轄下大部份巴士上裝設其他設施,方便殘疾 乘客,如附設靠背及安全帶的輪椅停放處、降低車身功能, 並設有闊門、車廂內設有顏色分明及有紋理的扶手、特低 地台並鋪有防滑地板、伸手可及的按鈴、殘疾乘客優先座 位、車頭設有大字體終點站及路線編號的電子顯示、車身 側面及後面設有大字體路線編號的電子顯示、巴士出口設 有車門關閉蜂鳴器及提示燈及車廂內設有顯示車牌號碼及 顧客服務專線的點字板。 legco.gov.hk | Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局承 諾檢討離島渡輪服務 的長遠發展,務求長遠而言提升離島 渡輪 服務 的財務可行性以及維持票價的穩定性。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration undertook to review the long-term development of outlying island ferry services with a view to enhancing their financial viability and maintaining their fare stability in the long run. legco.gov.hk |
意見中主要的關注事宜是有關區內的車輛及行人交通、對天星 小 輪 的 業 務可能帶 來負面影響、憂慮從尖沙咀天星碼頭到新的巴士總站距離遠而帶來不便。 forum.gov.hk | The key concerns raised are about the vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area, possible adverse impact on Star Ferry’s business, and worries about the inconvenience of the long distance of the new bus terminal from the TST Star Ferry Pier. forum.gov.hk |
(2) 本公司之董事毋須於每次股東週年大會上膺選,惟須(任何執行主席 或任何董事總經理除外)按照本公司章程細則所規定之方式及頻 率輪 值退任。 sisinternational.com.hk | (2) The directors of the Company shall not be required to be elected at each annual general meeting, but shall (save for any executive chairman and any managing director) be subject to retirement by rotation in such manner and at such frequency as the bye-laws of the Company may provide. sisinternational.com.hk |
憑着我們穩健的財務狀況和充裕的資金,我們將繼續努力尋 找並充分把握各種發展和策略性合作的機遇,為新 一 輪 的 業務發展打下更加堅 實的基礎。 gdguangnan.com | By leveraging on our sound financial position and abundant capital resources, we will continue to explore and capture various opportunities for development and strategic cooperation so as to lay a more solid foundation for a new round of business development in the future. gdguangnan.com |
投資者一旦失去 信心,市場在財政上可能受到損害:投資者可能不再長期投資有關公司,這 樣就可能使公司更難在集資市場取得投資者的支持,以致上市公司的資金成 本攀升;如投資者未能相信其獲得公平對待,並決定避開若干上市公司的證 券,則有關股份的流通量 及估值均會大受影響。 legco.gov.hk | The absence of investor confidence can have financially damaging effects; investors may be discouraged from taking a long term interest in the company which may, in turn, erode investor support for fund raising in the primary market and may lead to a higher cost of capital for the listed company; liquidity and valuations may be adversely affected if investors cannot be confident that they will be treated equitably and decide to avoid the securities of certain listed companies. legco.gov.hk |
關於建議為關乎外匯基金或中央銀行提供 流動資 金支援的資料設立安全港一事,陳茂波議員 要求政府當局提供資料,述明金管局在決定應否和 何時向公眾披露此類事件時會考慮哪些因素;以及 若金管局決定把此類事件保密,有何安排規定該局 須為此類事件中運用外匯基金及進行其他規管活 動作問責交代。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Paul CHAN requested that, in relation to the proposed safe harbour for information concerning provision of liquidity support by the Exchange Fund or a central bank, the Administration should provide information on the considerations of the HKMA in deciding whether and when such incidents should be disclosed to the public, and in the case of deciding to keep such incidents confidential, the accountability arrangements that HKMA would be subject to for the operation of the Exchange Fund and its other regulatory activities conducted in such incidents. legco.gov.hk |
另一名成員建議政府在 擬定版權政策時,考慮創作共用特許及其他開放使用權特 許,以推動知識和原創作品的流通和 共享。 forum.gov.hk | To facilitate sharing of information and creative works, another member suggested the Government consider the Creative Commons License and other open-access licenses in formulating its copyright policy. forum.gov.hk |