

单词 輪候册

See also:


climate n
season n

(old) period of five days
inquire after

classifier for volumes of books

External sources (not reviewed)

輪候冊入 息和資產限額現行方法的運作,載於 附件 A 。
Annex A sets out the operation of the current methodology for setting the WL income and asset limits.
此外,通过一个经集中审查的流程集中编制合 候 选 人 名 册 ,将有更多的外地工作人员能够利用人力资源改革中包含的流动奖励。
Moreover, by developing
[...] rosters of qualified candidates centrally through [...]
a process subject to central review, more staff
in the field will be able to take advantage of the mobility incentives as contained within the human resources reforms.
2) 所謂競選、拉票或助選係指以任何方式之宣傳、攻擊、支持或反 候 選 人 之直接或間接的行為,包括但不限於 請求選票或要求在未來選舉中支持、分發文件或文宣資料,或其他任何具有促進當選 輪 選 舉職位之效果的活 動。
2) Campaigning, canvassing or electioneering is any action seeking to promote, attack, support, or oppose a candidate, either directly or indirectly, in any medium, including, but not limited to, any action seeking [...]
votes, requesting support in
a forthcoming election, distribution of literature or promotional materials or other overt actions intended to promote one’s candidacy for an elected Rotary office.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估候选人 ,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的册 , 编 制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理册中存 在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities
for reviewing
[...] applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in [...]
gender and geographic
representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
(b) 小巴站內的小巴 我們原先建議豁免小巴站內首兩輛小巴(以及小巴站
[...] 內正在讓乘客上車或下車的小巴,和小巴站內正在向 前駛動的車列輪候接載乘客的小巴)。
We proposed to exempt the first two minibuses at a minibus stand from the ban (as well as those which are in
the process of passenger boarding or alighting and those in
[...] a moving queue waiting for their turns [...]
to pick up passengers).
最重要的是,应缩短考试过程和征聘列入 册的 候选人的过程,以便这些候选人不因为漫长的等待而 被迫寻找其他的工作机会。
Most importantly, both the examination process and the
process of recruiting
[...] successful candidates from the roster should be shortened, so that such candidates were not [...]
forced to seek other job
opportunities owing to the long waiting period.
在決定資助券的價值時亦需要考慮多項 的因素,如私營安老宿位的每月收費 輪候 不 同津助宿位的時間、長 者(及/或其家人)願意付出的金額(即額外補助)及長者的財政狀況等。
In determining the monetary value of the voucher, a number of factors such as
the monthly rates of services in the
[...] private market, the waiting time for various [...]
types of subsidised places, the amount
that the elders (and/or their family members) will be willing to pay (i.e. top-up amount), and the financial conditions of elders, etc., should also be considered.
在这方面,该司将继续建立可立即供外地特 派团挑选候选人名册,填 补在向外地部署人员方面的能力空白,向外地特派团 [...]
和外地工作人员提供人力资源服务,加强继任管理并增进外地人力资源从业者的 能力。
In this connection, the Division will
[...] continue to build rosters of candidates available for immediate [...]
selection by field missions,
address gaps in capacity for the deployment of personnel to the field, deliver human resources services to field missions and field staff, strengthen succession management and augment the capacity of human resources practitioners in the field.
應以書面將國際輪的選舉政策和程 序告知所有應選職位候選人
All candidates for elective office should be advised in writing of the RI election policies and procedures by the person responsible for administering the election.
[...] 外,亦會被調派行走固定路線,以照顧 輪候 名 單 上的殘疾 人士的服務需求,當中包括居住在新市鎮和偏遠地區的殘疾 [...]
Apart from strengthening the Dial-a-ride service, the new buses will be deployed for providing
scheduled route service to meet the needs
[...] of PWDs on the waiting list, including [...]
those residing in new towns and remote areas.
[...] 應,並最終會削弱房委會維持一般申請者(即扣除配額及計分制下 的非長者一人申請者)的平輪候時 間 在大約三年的能力。
Selling PRH flats to tenants will inevitably affect the turnover and supply of PRH flats, and this will
eventually affect the HA’s ability to
[...] maintain the average waiting time for general [...]
applicants (excluding non-elderly one-person
applicants under the QPS) at around three years.
為加強支援這些最需要幫助的弱勢社群,香港 特區政府已在獎券基金14 中預留 1.63
[...] 億港元,推行為期三 年的先導計劃,為居於社區並正 輪候 資 助住宿照顧服務 的嚴重殘疾人士提供家居為本的照顧服務。
To strengthen the support for this most vulnerable group, the HKSAR Government has earmarked HK$163 million under the Lotteries Fund14 to implement a three-year pilot scheme for providing persons with severe
disabilities who are living in the community
[...] and are on the waiting lists for subvented [...]
residential care services with home care services.
建議 12 :審裁處應 經常檢討預約制度輪候時間 的目標,在 考慮過所有相關 因 [...]
素 後,再 決定是 否 需 要 作出修 改。
Recommendation 12 : The Tribunal should keep under constant
[...] review the target waiting time for the appointment [...]
system to see if any revision should
be made having regard to all relevant factors.
人力厅将从较短 期的工作需要出发调整员工队伍规划,制定已通过中央审查机构审查并可以立即 选派参加外地行动的合候选人名册。
The Office will refocus its workforce planning approach by adopting an operational, shorter-term perspective and by developing rosters of qualified candidates who have been pre-vetted by a central review body and are available for immediate selection for field operations.
把長者住戶的入息限額由低輪候冊的 50% 放寬至低於 60%, 而租金與入息比例的下限由超過 [...]
25% 降低至超過 20%,藉此放 寬租金援助計劃的資格準則。
Relaxing the eligibility criteria by reducing the income limits
for elderly households from below 50% of
[...] the respective Waiting List Income Limits [...]
to below 60%, and lowering the rent-to-income
ratio threshold from 25% to 20%.
[...] 况,一旦这些建议得到充分落实,预计将大幅度缩短从确定考试的必要性到征聘 列入册的候选人的时间。
An interdepartmental working group composed of representatives of the Department and the Office of Human Resources Management is monitoring the implementation of the recommendations, which, when fully implemented, are expected to reduce considerably the
time between the identification of a need for an examination and the
[...] recruitment of successful candidates from the roster.
为落实这项新修订政策而发布的行政通函,列出了顾问遴选工作的详细指导原则,说 明了加强登册所列候选人 的地域和性别平衡的可行措施,从而为建立更广泛的候选人才库 [...]
The Administrative Circular issued to implement the revised policy contains some detailed guidance on the procedures for selecting consultants, and indicates practical steps that might be taken
to broaden the geographical and
[...] gender balance of candidates in the roster, thereby ensuring [...]
a wider pool of potential candidates from whom to select.
各項康復服務的最新整體服務名 額輪候人數和輪候時間載列於附件A 。
The latest position on the overall
[...] provisions, waiting lists and average waiting times for [...]
various rehabilitation services is set out at Annex A.
從附件 C 的列表可見,在 1999/2000 至
2003/04 年度 這五年內,當入息限額隨著相關的物價和租金指數調低時,每年平
[...] 均約有 35 000 個住戶成功輪候冊上登記,較諸在 1994/95 [...]
至 1998/99 年度期間,入息限額處於歷來最高水平時的 25 000 戶高出 很多。
As can be seen from the table at Annex C, during the five-year period between 1999/2000 and 2003/04 when the income limits were adjusted downwards in line with the relevant price and rental indicators, on average
some 35,000 households were successfully
[...] registered on the WL per annum, far [...]
exceeded the number, i.e. 25,000, between 1994/95
and 1998/99 when the income limits were at record high.
(a) 新郵輪碼頭會由以下部分組成:約3萬平方米的郵輪碼 頭設施(包括行李處理區、乘客候或 輪候 區 、 海關、 出入境和衞生檢疫區和其他政府部門的辦公地方);在 [...]
客運大樓內提供總樓面面積不超過5 萬平方米的地 方,以作零售、辦公室、商店及食肆等商業用途;以
及提供總樓面面積不少於2萬 2 千平方米的園景平台, 供公眾使用
(a) The new cruise terminal would comprise about 30 000 square metres (m2 ) cruise terminal
facilities (including baggage handling
[...] area, passenger waiting/queuing area, customs, [...]
immigration, health quarantine area and
accommodation for other Government departments), not more than 50 000 m2 Gross Floor Area (GFA) in the cruise terminal building for commercial purpose (including retail, offices, shops and eating places), and not less than 22 000 m2 GFA for a landscaped deck for public use
[...] 宿位,預料新的供應亦未必能夠趕上因人口老化而上升的需求,這意 味著長者需要繼輪候資助院舍宿位。
The problem with this option is, even if the Government can continue to increase the supply of subsidised places at the current pace, it is anticipated that the new supply may not be able to catch up with the increasing
demand arising from the ageing population, meaning that there will
[...] continue to be a waiting list for subsidised places.
他們提出多個可行方案,其中包括減低這些單位的租 金以反映其適當的租值,改善輪候 冊 申 請人而設的特快公屋編配 計劃,以及將這些單位改作其他用途,例如中轉房屋和由非公營機 [...]
They flagged up a number of possible options, including reducing the rent of these flats to reflect their proper rental
value, enhancing the Expressed Flat
[...] Allocation Scheme for Waiting List applicants, [...]
and converting these flats to other usage
such as interim housing and hostels to be operated by non-government organizations.
秘书处应继续提高对国家竞争考试结果的使用 率,动态管理名册,进一步缩短 册候 选 人 待录时间。
The Secretariat should continue to increase such recruitment, and actively manage the roster and with a view to shortening the time needed for recruitment.
這亦涉 及由過堂聆訊至審結 案件輪候時間是 否 合 理 ,以及審裁程序中所需的聆訊次數 [...]
是 否 可 以減少 。
This in turn calls into consideration the
[...] reasonableness of the waiting time from the [...]
call-over hearing to the conclusion of the
trial and whether the number of hearings in the adjudication process can be reduced.
現時,中輪候冊的 申請者需要等候頗長時間才可獲分配 資助或合約院舍宿位(在二零零九年八月,資助護理安老宿位平輪 候 32 個月,療養院平均為 40 個月),而等候改善買位計劃宿位(護理 安老程度)的時間相對較短(在二零零九年八月,平均時間為八個月)。
Currently, applicants on the CWL for subsidised residential care places in subvented or contract RCHEs would have to wait for a long time to be allocated a place (on average 32 and 40 months for C&A and NH places respectively, as at August 2009), while the waiting time for EBPS places (at C&A level) is relatively short (on average eight months, as at August 2009).
P-3 职等人力资源干事担任外地中央审查委员会和小组的秘书,该机构就推荐 FS-6 和 FS-7 职等以及 P-4 及以下专业职等和 FS-5 及以下外勤人员职等册候选人 的问题提出咨询意见。
The Human Resources Officer at the P-3 level acts as Secretary of the Field Central Review Committee and Panel, which provides advice on the recommendations of candidates for the rosters at the FS-6 and FS-7 grades as well as in the Professional category up to the P-4 level and the Field Service category up to the FS-5 level.
為了縮短長輪候成為 會員的 時間,健康中心已精簡進行健康評估時所採用的問卷,以 及簡化為現有會員進行健康評估的項目及程序,務求撥出 更多人手及資源,滿輪候長者 的需要。
To shorten the waiting time for EHC membership, EHCs have simplified the questionnaire used for health assessment and streamlined the items and procedures of health assessment for existing members, with a view to allocating additional manpower and resources to meet the needs of elders on the waiting list.
4.4 即使本細則有任何規定,公司須盡快和定期在股東總册記錄任何股東分册的 一切股份轉讓幷在任何候在股東總 册 備 存當時的股東在任何時候各自持有 的股份和公司法規定的一切方面事項。
4.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Article, the Company shall as soon as practicable and on a regular basis record in the principal register all transfers of
shares effected on any
[...] branch register and shall at all times maintain the principal register in such manner [...]
as to show at all times
the members for the time being and the shares respectively held by them, in all respects in accordance with the Companies Law.
尽管开始实行网候选人登记册(c. f. 第 4 项),但没有证据表明本文件所报告的合同 人都是在登记册上登记过的,并在筛选过程中与符合资格的候选人进行过全面的比较。
Although an online roster for candidates has been introduced [...]
(cf. para. 4), there is no evidence that the contractants reported
in the document are all registered in the roster and thorough comparison of eligible candidates had been carried out during their selection.
秘书处应进一步努力,通过以下行动加紧为成功通过 竞争性考试的候选人安排职位,减少目前在 册 上的 候选人数,并优化利用这一名册:(a) 加强人力资源 规划、考试和人员配置之间的联系,作为统筹过程而 非单独任务加以实施;(b) 向大会提出进一步控制册候选人数的建议,例如规定名册的有效时限,或者 自动停止对于册候选人数超出预定人数的职业类别 的考试;(c) 尤其在共同职业领域,与其他组织分享 名册。
Further efforts should be undertaken by the Secretariat to accelerate the placement of successful national
competitive recruitment
[...] examination candidates, reduce the number of candidates presently on the roster and optimize the use of this roster, through: (a) strengthening linkages between human resources planning, examinations and staffing, which should not be conducted as separate operations but as an integrated process; (b) submitting proposals to the General Assembly to further contain the number of candidates on the roster, such as time limitations on its validity or the automatic suspension of the examination in occupational groups for which the roster exceeds a predetermined number of candidates; (c) sharing the [...]
roster with other organizations,
especially for common occupational fields.




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