

单词 流畅

See also:


free adj

External sources (not reviewed)

一位成員引用管制駕駛時使流動電 話的經驗,表示對停車熄 匙的成效並不樂觀,特別是在偏遠的地區。
Quoting the experience of the ban on using mobile phones while driving, a member was pessimistic about the effectiveness of the ban on idling vehicles, especially in remote areas.
这些差异可能会成为妨碍在各次区域之间进行 畅 和 有 效的交通运 输的有形和无形障碍。
These differences can act as physical and non-physical barriers to smooth and efficient transport between subregions.
待稀釋後,消化物利 用附有汞濃縮系統流動注 射汞分析儀進行分析。
After dilution, the digestate was analysed by the Flow Injection Mercury Analyzer equipped with amalgam preconcentration system.
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进程的力量交换看法畅所欲言的机会。
Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes.
1.8.6 除牙醫及牙齒衛生員的姓名外,不可有其他姓名出現於執業處 所外或用於與該執業有關的專業信息 流 上。
1.8.6 No names other than those of dental practitioners and dental hygienists may appear outside the premises of the practice or be used in any professional communications relating to the practice.
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、 畅 、 安 静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快、栩栩如生。
Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions is fast and life-like.
另一名成員建議政府在 擬定版權政策時,考慮創作共用特許及其他開放使用權特 許,以推動知識和原創作品流通和 共享。
To facilitate sharing of information and creative works, another member suggested the Government consider the Creative Commons License and other open-access licenses in formulating its copyright policy.
(r) 開立、訂立、承兌、背書、貼現、簽立及發出承付票、匯票、提單、認股權 證、債權證及其他流轉或 可轉讓票據。
(r) To draw make accept indorse discount execute and issue promissory notes bills of exchange bills of lading warrants debentures and other negotiable or transferable instruments.
最后,教科文组织有 关自由、独立及多元化媒体的发展,促进言论自由以及信息和交流 畅 通 无 阻所进行的项目 和活动为联发援框架成果 1 做出了贡献,其目的是建立一个有利于良好的国家治理、民主及 权利的环境。
Lastly, UNESCO’s programmes and activities on the development of free, independent and pluralist media, the promotion of freedom of expression, access to information, and communication for development contribute to UNDAF Effect No. 1 on creating an environment conductive to good governance, democracy and the rule of law.
我們希望利用 NGOSS 的 設計架構理念,改善現有供流程系 統的不足,並設計出既彈性且符合未來多樣 化服務之供裝系統。
We wish this system could overcome the lack of traditional provisioning system by implementing the NGOSS design concept, and also be flexible for the various business services in the future.
z 舉例來說,博物館的「虛擬導遊」可以提高教與學的效果;旅遊景區的 「虛擬導遊」可以向遊客推介香港;政府部門(例如:中小企支援與諮 詢中心)所舉辦的講座的流版本,可以讓不能出席活動人士重溫內 容,盡用資源。
z For example, “virtual tours” of the museums can enhance the efficiency in teaching and learning; “virtual tour” of scenic spots can promote Hong Kong to visitors; and streaming video of seminars organized by government department (e.g. Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs can benefit the public who could not attend the valuable seminars and save government expense in organizing repeated seminars.
由於非公務員合約僱員數目會因應 服務需要改變和員流失而 變動,因此未能預測 2010-11 年度的情況。
As the number of NCSC staff fluctuates with changing service needs and staff turnover, a projection for 2010-11 cannot be made.
短期高流動投資是指可隨時轉換為已知金額的現金,而所涉及的價值 改變風險不大,並於購入時於三個月內到期的投資。
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, demand deposits and other short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, having been within three months of maturity when acquired.
本公司及子公司之營運資金足以支應,故未有因無法籌措資金以履行合約義 務流動性風險。
The Group’s operating funds are deemed sufficient to meet the cash flow demand; therefore, liquidity risk is not considered to be significant.
(vi) 任何或連串不可抗力事件(包括但不限於任何天災、敵對事件或恐怖主義活動 爆發或升級、宣佈國家或國際緊急狀態或戰爭、災難、危機 流 行 病、爆發疾 病、經濟制裁、罷工、停工、爆炸、水災、地震、火災、群眾騷亂、火山爆發、 擾亂公共秩序);或
(vi) any event, or series of events, in the nature of force majeure (including, without limitation, any acts of God, outbreak or escalation of hostilities or act of terrorism, declaration of a national or international emergency or war, calamity, crisis, epidemic, outbreak of disease, economic sanctions, strikes, lock-outs, explosion, flooding, earthquake, fire, civil commotion, volcanic eruptions, public disorder); or
事實上,大部分本地領牌船隻會在航道外行駛,與海岸線 較為接近,以避開航道上的流交通
Many of them in fact follow routes outside the fairways and closer to the shoreline to avoid the mainstream traffic in the fairways.
(2) 港燈將秉承一貫致力增加透明度的做法,向政 府披露涵蓋核數檢討同一期間,關於其發電、 輸電及配電系統每年成本的個別數據,包括資 本及經營開支,以及固定資產淨流 向 等資 料,惟此等資料僅供政府參考之用。
(2) HEC, as part of its continuing effort to increase transparency, will disclose to the Government for its information only the segregated annual cost data, which include capital and operating expenditures, and Net Fixed Assets movement pertaining to its generation, and transmission and distribution systems covering the same period as the Auditing Review.
任 何就項目或項目協議所作的任何修正、修訂或增補,包括但不 限於改變項目推行時間、項目範圍、財政預算或現 流 預 算 或 更換項目統籌人/副統籌人等,均須事先獲得工貿署署長的書 面批准。
Any modification, amendment or addition to the project or the project agreement, including but not limited to change of project duration, project scope, budget or cashflow projection, or replacement of the project coordinator or deputy project coordinator, shall require prior written approval by DGTI.
受訪企業表示 加薪的主要原因是員流失加上招聘困難,以及因實施法定最低工資而導致行內人手短 缺。
Responding enterprises indicated that the main reasons for wage increases were staff turnover together with recruitment difficulty and labour shortage in the sector owing to the implementation of SMW.
儘管難以準確預測上述事件的結果,但保誠認為該類訴訟及監管事宜的最 終結果不會對本集團的財務狀況、經營業績或現 流 量 構成重大不利影響。
Whilst the outcome of such matters cannot be predicted with certainty, Prudential believes that the ultimate outcome of such litigation and regulatory issues will not have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.
若以上項目均解決,但仍無法順利播放,請確認您的個人電腦、公司或網 路服務提供者是否設有防火牆或是防毒軟體阻擋 流 影 音 傳送。
If none of the above methods can solve the problem, please confirm whether your PC, the company or the Internet Service Provider has setup the firewall or Anti-Virus software to prevent streaming signal transmitting.
日語能力考試的正式舉辦機關“國際 流 基 金與日本國際教育支援協會",將相當於 N4 級的日語能力定義為“學習了 300 小時左右的日語並完成了初級日語課程的等級"。
According to the Japan Foundation and Japanese Educational Exchanges and Service (JEES), the official government body of JLPT, the definition of N4 level Japanese language proficiency is a person who has completed a primary level Japanese course, amounting to 300 hours of Japanese language learning.
受訪零售業企業表 示僱員人數增加的主要原因是業務需要和生意額增大;而另一方面,企業表示僱員人數 減少的主要原因是員流失加上招聘困難,以及因實施法定最低工資而導致行內人手短 缺。
On the other hand, the main reasons for employing fewer employees were staff turnover together with recruitment difficulty and labour shortage in the sector owing to the implementation of SMW.
未來現流量現 值使用貼現率折現,該貼現率反映有關現 流 量 的金錢時間價值及該 現流量相 關(未另作撥備)的不可分散風險。
The present value of the future cash flows is then calculated using a discount rate which reflects both the time value of money and the non-diversifiable risks associated with the cash flows that are not otherwise allowed for.
基金監察其資本並定期檢討資本的水平,以確保在 顧及預算現流量的 需要及將來財務的承擔之餘,亦有足夠資金提供資助及支 出。
The Fund manages capital by monitoring its level to ensure that it is sufficient to fund future expenditure, taking into account projected cash flow requirements, future financial obligations and commitments.
滙豐經營業務所在市場的整體經濟環境產生 變化,例如經濟衰退持續或惡化及就業市場波 動超出一致預測者;匯率及利率變動;股市波 動;批發融資市流通性 不足;國家的房地產 市流通性 不足及出現價格下調壓力;各國央 行為金融市場提流動資 金支持的政策出現 不利變動;市場對過度借貸的國家 / 地區的主 權信譽憂慮加劇;私人或公營機構的界定福利 退休金的資金狀況出現不利變動;及消費者如 [...]
changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and
interest rates;
[...] volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes [...]
in central banks’
policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve
但庫存現金及中央銀行結餘以及同業 貸款則下降,原因是我們流動資 金再投放於 高評級的債務證券,以償付已發行債務和支持 客戶貸款增長,抵銷了上述因素的部分影響。
This was partly offset by a decline in cash and balances at central banks and loans and advances to banks as liquidity was redeployed into highly rated debt securities, to repay debt in issue and to support customer lending growth.




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