

单词 惡性

External sources (not reviewed)

為避免 出 現 灰色地帶或 令 人 產生誤解,以為條例草案會涵蓋良性及非癌症間 皮瘤,當局才建議在條例草案中使 用 "惡 性間皮瘤"一 詞 。
To avoid any grey area or misunderstanding that benign and
[...] non-cancerous mesothelioma will be covered, the term "malignant mesothelioma" [...]
is proposed to be used in the Bill.
請分項列出現時該區所有已進行及計劃進行的 惡性 工 程 項目名稱 和涉及的開支。
Please provide the respective project titles and
[...] expenditures of all obnoxious projects carried [...]
out or under planning at present in the district.
(c) 除此工程外,政府有否就該區的其他 惡性 工 程 項目(如廢物處理工程) 進行環境監測?
(c) Apart from this works, has the Government carried out any environmental monitoring for other offensive works (e.g. waste treatment works) in the region?
這些變化對自然及人類系統有 深遠影響,而且主要惡性的。
These changes have profound impacts on natural and human systems and
[...] are often adverse in nature.
其他醫院須跟隨這種做 法,以挽留職員,最終造成私家醫院收費不斷上升 惡性循 環
Other hospitals had to follow suit in order to retain their staff,
[...] resulting in a vicious cycle of rising [...]
charges among the private hospitals.
委員認 為,條例草案中有關"惡 性間皮瘤"的提述應由 "間皮瘤"取代。
Members are of the view that reference to "malignant mesothelioma" in the Bill should be replaced by "mesothelioma".
根據工程監理服務總協議,各項工程監理服務交易之條件(包括但不限於本集團應付之 服務費金額及付款條件)應以公平的原則訂立並為一般商業條款,且不遜於瀋陽三全
[...] 提供予其他獨立第三方客戶之條件(該等條件須遵守中國訂明之有關價格浮動範圍的 規定而非價惡性競爭,且服務及技術管理水平也不可低於瀋陽三全向其他獨立第三方 [...]
Pursuant to the Master Project Management Agreement, the terms of each Project Management Transaction (including but not limited to the amount of service fees payable by the Group and the payment terms) shall be on a fair basis, on normal commercial terms, and on terms which are no less favourable than those offered by Shenyang Sanquan to other independent third party customers (such terms to comply with the relevant price fluctuation regulations prescribed by the
PRC and not of
[...] cut-throat competition nature, and the level [...]
of service and technology management standards should not be lower than that
provided by Shenyang Sanquan to other independent third party customers).
而下半年的經濟狀況,則取決於美國能否成功緩解信貸緊縮 及擺脫負資產惡性循環
The economic path in the second half will largely depend
on whether the US can break free from the credit
[...] squeeze and negative equity problems [...]
that are now gripping its economy.
(c) 除此工程外,現時該區還有否其他 惡性 的 工 程項目(如廢物處理工程)?
(c) Are there any other offensive works (e.g. waste treatment works) other than such works in the region?
在條例 草案中使 用 "惡 性間皮瘤"一 詞 ,可能會在執行方面產 生混淆,尤 其需要注 意 的 是,在 醫學診斷上鮮 有將"間皮瘤"個案區分為 "惡 性 "或 "良 性 "。
The use of the term "malignant mesothelioma" in the Bill may cause confusion in implementation, especially with respect to medical diagnosis that rarely makes distinction as to whether a mesothelioma case is a "malignant" or a "benign" case.
政府當局解釋,條例草案的目 的是把 《肺塵病條例 》的保障 範圍擴大至包惡性間皮瘤,並惡 性間皮瘤患者提供與肺塵病患者 相 同的補償和福利 。
The Administration has explained that the purpose of the Bill is to extend the scope of PCO to cover malignant mesothelioma and to provide the same compensation and benefits to malignant mesothelioma patients as those for pneumoconiotics.
當終端用戶瀏覽這個特定 的網站,並且透過 RSS 頻道下載網頁時惡性程式 碼便會被執行。
When an end-user visits this particular website and loads the page with the RSS feed, the malicious script will be executed.
生產效率停滯,供給與需求乃面 惡性 循 環
Anyway, parties of vested interests resist even “newer”
technologies, forming a “technological stalemate”. Production efficiency slips,
[...] resulting in a vicious supply-demand circle.
雖然社會企業經營 各式各樣 的商業活 動,但 委員認為,因 應一些可持續 發展的 社會企業的營運經驗
[...] ,社會企業在新的市場空 間、惡性 行 業及私 營 機構現時 未 有提供的無 [...]
利 可 圖服務(例如舊 型 住宅大 廈 的 清潔服務)方面,有龐 大 的發展潛 力。
Although social enterprises - 17 operate a wide range of business activities, members consider that, in the light of the operational experience of some sustainable social enterprises, the development
potential of social enterprise is huge in new
[...] market niches, obnoxious trades and unprofitable [...]
services not being provided by
private organizations (e.g. cleansing services in old domestic buildings).
[...] 會以較籠統的方式表達意圖的目標,例如爭取獲得市場上的閒置生產能 力,以避免惡性價格競爭"(即保持價格高企),又或確保“市場秩 [...]
More usually they will have expressed the end they have in mind more generally, such as acquiring
any spare manufacturing capacity in the
[...] market to avoid “ruinous price competition” [...]
(i.e. keeping prices high) or to ensure
“an orderly market” (i.e. keeping out additional competitors).
(b) 通過重整公共交通服務和加強各項公共交通服務之 間的協調,維持具效率的公共交通網絡,以切合乘 客需求的轉變,並減惡性競爭
(b) the maintenance of an efficient public transport network by rationalising and improving the co-ordination of public transport services to better match changing demand and minimise wasteful competition
為 回應委員的關注 ,政府當局會提出 委員會審 議 階段修 正 案 ( 下稱"修 正 案 "),以修訂間皮瘤的定義,並把 條 例 草案所提述 的 " 惡 性 間皮瘤"中的"惡 性 "一 詞刪除。
To address members' concerns, the Administration will introduce Committee Stage amendments (CSAs) to amend the definition of mesothelioma and delete the word "malignant" wherever the term "malignant mesothelioma" appears in the Bill.
政府當局表 明,在 條 例 草案中,"間皮瘤" 的定義仍 為 "
[...] 由於石棉塵埃或含有石棉的塵埃而導致的間皮組織的原性惡 性腫瘤",因此,上述 修訂並沒 有 更改條 [...]
例 草案的目 的,即向因 暴露於石棉而患上癌症間皮瘤的患者提供補償。
The Administration has stated that the amendments do not alter the purpose of the Bill on providing compensation to
persons suffering from mesothelioma which is
[...] of a cancerous nature and which is caused [...]
by exposure to asbestos, as the definition
of mesothelioma will retain the reference to "primary malignant neoplasm of the mesothelial tissue due to dust of asbestos or dust containing asbestos".
(c) 在 繁忙時 間 以外時段 的 擠塞問題有可惡化, 因 而 加 長 了在 繁忙時 間 以外慣常使用海底隧道的駕駛者的行車時間 。
(c) The traffic situation outside the peak hours may worsen, thus lengthening the journey time for those motorists who habitually use CHT outside the peak hours.
此外,提供這類支援時要盡可能謹慎從事,以 免有關提供最後貸款人援助的消息令問 惡 化。
Such support should also be provided as discreetly as possible so that news of the LOLR assistance does not make the problem worse.
考慮到上述意見,港鐵公司建議修訂 與“粗言穢語”有關的條文,以禁止使用“任何相當可能令任何人感到煩 擾或惡的威脅性、粗 穢、淫褻或使人反感的言語”(見附件 2 中 《2010 年香港鐵路(修訂)附例》第 32 條及附件 3 中《2010 年香港 鐵路(西北鐵路)(修訂)附例》第 26 條)。
Taking the above into consideration, the Corporation proposes to amend the provisions relating to “abusive language” to prohibit “any threatening, abusive, obscene or offensive language likely to cause annoyance or offence to any person” (see clause 32 of the Mass Transit Railway (Amendment) Bylaw 2010 at Annex 2 and clause 26 of the Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) (Amendment) Bylaw 2010 at Annex 3).
滙豐經營業務所在市場的整體經濟環境產生 變化,例如經濟衰退持續惡化及就業市場波 動超出一致預測者;匯率及利率變動;股市波 動;批發融資市場流性不足 ;國家的房地產 市場流性不足及出現價格下調壓力;各國央 行為金融市場提供流動資金支持的政策出現 不利變動;市場對過度借貸的國家 / 地區的主 權信譽憂慮加劇;私人或公營機構的界定福利 退休金的資金狀況出現不利變動;及消費者如 何理解持續可用信貸以及滙豐提供服務所在 市場的價格競爭情況。
changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates; volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks’ policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve
我們認為有關壓力測試的結果連同本集團穩健的基本收益能力、我們已製訂的對沖方案及我們財務露 性 的其 他領域,顯示我們已做好準備,能夠經受市場狀況大 惡 化。
We believe that the results of these stress tests, together with our Group’s strong underlying earnings capacity, our established hedging programmes and
our additional
[...] areas of financial flexibility, demonstrate that we are in a position to withstand significant deterioration [...]
in market conditions.
適合應用惡意篡改 之威脅很低的網路環 境,或無法提供較高保 證等級時,可識別憑證 主體名稱及保證被簽 署文件的完性;不適 合應用於需要認證的 線上交易。
equipment or application software email provide comparatively higher assurance class for identification of the subject of certification entity and assure the completeness of the signed document; not applicable to online trading that requires certification.
然而,由於未有證據證明該等收集得來的個人資料 為該稅務主任帶來任何財務利益,因此,該等行為縱使本質上屬於嚴重,
[...] 但不屬於當局現時建議的只限制於「從中取利」及 惡 意 用途」的行為內。
There was no evidence to prove that the collection of the personal data had brought the Taxation Officer any financial gain. Such act, though
serious in nature will not be caught under the existing proposal which is restricted
[...] to “profits” and “malicious purpose”.
同時,局方亦 開發全新的病人資訊網站,配合多元化的疾病
[...] 教育活動,讓病人、家屬和公眾掌握疾病預防 及自我照顧的知識和技巧,減低疾 惡 化 的情 況。
On top of a wide range of disease prevention activities, a new patient information website has also been developed to empower patients and their carers as
well as members of public with knowledge and skills for disease prevention and self-care
[...] for better disease management.
這些威脅有小部分是不經意或由於人爲錯 誤産生,其餘很多是含惡意動機,包括不正當的獲利、作弄 和破壞、以及嘗試盜竊身份和其他欺騙行爲。
Some of these threats may be unintentional or caused by human errors, many others have malicious intents including undue financial gains, causing mischief and disruption as well as attempting identity theft and other frauds.
部分委員建議政府當局探討其他 可行方案,以現有的刑事條文處理特定類別的纏擾行為,例如加重 罰則,以對付撥打或傳送令人惡的 電 話的罪行。
Some members suggested that the Administration should explore other alternatives to address specific types of stalking behaviours under the existing criminal provisions, such as by imposing a higher penalty for the offence of offensive phone calls.
另有一些回應者(包括支持及反對者)則對「 惡意 用 途」的定義,尤其是當中的「對感情的傷害」, 表達關注,並認為「惡意用 途」是一個闊和主 觀的概念。
Some others, including both
[...] supporting and opposing respondents, express concerns and consider “for malicious purposes”, particularly the phrase “injury to feelings” [...]
in the proposed definition,
a wide and subjective concept.
其車頂上的第一及第二支集電弓由有電力供應的 641 段進入無 電力供應的 642 段,因而將更多高電流經架空電纜引進 T48 列車,直至 641 段的直流電斷路器探測到不尋常的電流而跳掣,令情 惡 化。
When the first and second pantographs crossed from the energised Section 641 into the de-energised Section 642, it sent more high current down the overhead line and into T48 until the DCCB of Section 641 also detected an abnormal current flow and tripped open.




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