

单词 禮貌

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External sources (not reviewed)

Normal courtesy and civic-minded behaviour must be exercised in all circumstances.
食環署已安排 定期發 出 《接待市民應有禮貌》指引, 供 所有墳場職員傳閱,並定期為他們開 辦客戶服務 培訓班。
FEHD has arranged for circulation of the guidelines on “Courtesy in Dealing with Members of the Public” to and customer service training for all cemetery staff at regular intervals.
莫氏之生態神學肯定了我們對環境之責任, 但卻對極端的生態婦權主義 (eco-feminism) 保持一禮貌式之距離。
His ecological theology affirms our environmental responsibility but keeps a respectable distance from radical eco-feminism.
她表示由於舉行簡 介 會的會議廳 就在其青衣辦公 室
[...] 旁邊, 加 上 她本人認識 部 分區議員,她基禮貌與議員寒暄一 番 並出席 為參觀 者 安排的 午膳。
She said as the briefing for the District Councillors was held in a conference room right next to her office in Tsing Yi, and as she knew some of the
District Councillors, she felt that
[...] it would be discourteous and impolite of her not to [...]
drop by to exchange pleasantries and
to join the meal arranged for the visitors.
同時,港鐵公司定期透過乘客教育及宣傳活動,例如舉禮貌及安 全運動,透過傳媒、車廂廣播、乘客刊物及宣傳 單張等,提醒乘客為他人設想,避免對其他乘客帶來不便。
Meanwhile, the MTRCL reminds passengers to be considerate and not to cause any inconvenience to other passengers through regular passenger education and promotional activities such as conducting courtesy and safety campaigns, as well as through the media, in-train public announcements, passenger publications and promotional leaflets.
如果經濟許可,顯微鏡與化學器材可說是絕佳 禮 物 , 如 果能完善使用,則可以擴展孩子的科學知識並更多地接觸科學。
If money allows, such items as microscopes and chemistry sets can be wonderful gifts and, if used seriously and responsibly, can expand a child’s knowledge and exposure to science.
商務及經濟發展局局長表 示,鑒 於 "美酒佳餚禮"取得成功,政府當局將擴大巡禮的規模 及延長展期,並將會與香港旅遊發展局(下稱"旅發局")跟進可以 在哪些場地舉辦巡禮。
SCED said that in view of the success of the "Wine and Dine Festival", the Administration would expand the scale and extend the duration of the event as well as follow up with the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) on possible venues for holding the event.
唯有正確禮儀和 謙讓 的道德,才能淨化社會的情操,潤澤人生。
Only through this untiring effort can we fulfill our Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity.
他們在上午及下午分別禮頓山社區會堂及摩 士公園體育館舉行了傳媒簡報會,提供選舉統計數字及解答傳媒 的提問。
Two media briefings were held, one in the morning at the Leighton Hill Community Hall and one in the afternoon at the Morse Park Sports Centre, to provide election statistics and answer questions from the media.
此外,我要指出的是,不能用㆒種文化強 行取代另㆒種文化的做法,以求改變 貌 , 而 應以互相理解、溝通、滲透的方式去去蕪存 菁。
Instead, this should be achieved through the promotion of mutual understanding and communication, and subtle influence in order to eliminate the bad customs while retaining the good ones.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和
[...] 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种 貌 相 和 警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 [...]
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and
functioning of the justice system;
[...] existence of racial profiling and police violence; [...]
underrepresentation in political and
institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
在上述这段时期,总干事发起的改革大大改变了社会科学及人文科学部门的 貌 - - -从 以往大量活动膨胀和雄心勃勃的特点到着重围绕精心选定的少数领域:科学技术伦理学与生 物伦理学(该部门的主要优先事项),促进人权和反对歧视方面的其它优先事项;预测、哲 学、人文科学和人类安全;及社会变革管理。
During the period under review, the implementation of reforms initiated by the DirectorGeneral considerably changed the landscape of SHS – from one characterized by an expansive and ambitious array of activities, to one focused around a limited number of judiciously selected areas: ethics of science and technology (principal priority of the Sector), the other priorities on promotion of human rights and the struggle against discrimination; foresight, philosophy, human sciences and human security; and management of social transformations.
我們瞭解上帝透過祂的兒子在十字架所成就的美 禮 物, 你是否相信你所有的過犯已不被定罪,在神面前可以稱義, 而願意接受這永生禮物呢
We realize the wonderful gift of God through the work of His Son upon the cross.
它认为, 这是蓄意侵犯在戈兰的叙利亚居民的人权,构成对安全理事会地 465(1980)号决 议第 8 段的违反,该段呼吁确保被占领领土的重要自然资源,包括水资源得到保 护,还违反了上述决议的第 5 段,该段确定以色列为改变巴勒斯坦和 1967 年以 来占领的包括巴勒斯坦在内的其他阿拉伯领土或其任何部分的实际 貌 、 人 口组 成、体制结构或地位而采取的一切措施都无法律效力,而以色列将其部分人口和 新来移民移居到被占领领土的政策和措施悍然违反《关于战时保护平民的第四项 日内瓦公约》,并对达成中东全面、公正持久和平构成一项严重障碍。
It believes that this is a deliberate violation of the human rights of the Syrian residents of the Golan and constitutes a violation of paragraph 8 of Security Council resolution 465 (1980), which called for ensuring the protection of important natural resources of the territories under occupation, including water, as well as paragraph 5 of said resolution which determined that all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and also constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
(A) 視覺提示
[...] 如海報等視覺提示,應該豎立在門診診所的入口,以提醒病人 及其陪同人士要注意咳禮儀, 如有呼吸道感染徵狀,應通知 診所員工。
Visual alerts such as posters should be stood at the entrance of outpatient clinics
to remind patients and their companions to
[...] practice cough etiquette as well as to [...]
inform staff of respiratory symptoms.
新西兰使用一个预计栖息地模型,以得出在南太平洋区域渔业管理 组织区域的新西兰底层捕鱼足迹范围内已知 貌 特 征 上潜在的桔连鳍鲑生物量 初步估计数,在此基础上就可能的可持续桔连鳍鲑渔获量提出建议。
New Zealand used a predictive habitat model to develop first estimates of potential orange roughy biomass on known features within the New Zealand bottom fishing footprint in the SPRFMO Area as a basis for making recommendations on likely sustainable orange roughy catches in these areas.
(a) 舉辦重點宣傳活動 - 我們在 5 月 30 日於香港國際機場舉 行是次兩年推廣計劃的啟禮,當 中香港體適能總會代表 示範伸展運動,衞生署代表講解健康生活要點,並向職業 司機派發生果、職安健單張及紀念品等。
(a) Focused publicity activities - We held a kick-off ceremony for this two-year promotion campaign at the Hong Kong International Airport on 30 May 2012, in which a representative from the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong demonstrated stretching exercise, and a representative from DH talked about main issues in healthy living.
而其他宣傳活動,如送贈醫護人禮 物 和 發現不適當標籤製品的情況 則與以往相同。
The situation in other areas like gifts to healthcare workers and inappropriate labeling of products remained the same.
所提供的手語翻譯服 務包括為聽覺受損人士在求職面試、法庭聆訊、結婚禮 和求診就醫等場合,提供翻譯服務。
The sign language interpretation services provided include interpretation service for persons with hearing impairment in relation to job interviews, court hearings, wedding ceremonies and medical consultations.
計劃內容包括全港 性的職業安全及健康狀況比賽、安全問答比賽、電台節目及頒獎禮,藉 此向業界相關人士傳揚得獎地盤的成功經驗和良好作業 方式。
The Scheme features a territory-wide competition on safety and health performance, safety quizzes, radio programmes and award presentation ceremony, to disseminate successful experience and good practices of award winning construction sites to all industry stakeholders.
獲資助機構 應促使其項目小組、董事、僱員、代理人、顧問、承辦商及其 他以任何方式參與該項目的人員,不得提供或索取或接受任何 人所提供與項目相關的任何金錢禮 品 或 利益(一如《防止賄 賂條例》所界定者)。
The applicant shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (“PBO”) and shall procure that its project team, directors, employees, agents, consultants, contractors and other personnel who are in any way involved in the project shall not offer to or solicit or accept from any person any money, gifts or advantages (as defined in the PBO) in relation to the project.
你可有觀察到,在那些不看配偶為神所預備 禮 物 的 夫婦的關 係會怎樣?
What have you observed in the relationships of married couples who do not accept each other as God’s provision for their needs?
缺席頒禮的得 獎者 可於獎勵計劃總辦事處領取證書及獎章。
The uncollected certificates and badges would be obtainable in the Award Office.
參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園不得,亦須確保其僱員、代 理人及顧問不得向參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生家長 或其他任何人士,饋贈或提供任何特定 禮 物 、 折扣、回佣 或任何其他優惠或任何形式的財政誘因,從而令該等家長或 人士要求或誘使參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生入讀有 關幼稚園。
The PEVS-PI-KG shall not, and shall ensure that its employees, agents and consultants shall not, make or give any specific gifts, discount, rebates or any other concession or financial inducements of whatsoever form to parents of PEVS-PI-KG-student or any other persons in return for such parents or persons requiring or inducing the PEVS-PI-KG-students enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG.
簡介 體能測試的所有項目可於戶外或戶內進行(如體育館禮堂內 ),所需要的設備有:籃球或足球一個、一張 椅子或類似傢俱、地蓆一塊、粉筆數支、軟尺及計時 器各一。
All the events may be undertaken either outdoors or indoors (e.g. gymnasium or club hall). The only equipment needed is a basketball or football, a chair or similar item, gym mat, markers, tape measure and a watch.
2.為配合「電信商品(服務禮券定 型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」相關規定,本 公司之孫公司台灣固網公司與第一商業銀行簽訂契約,並由該行依契約規範提供足 額履約保證。
(2) In accordance with NCC’s policy, TFN, the Corporation’s subsidiary, entered into a contract with First Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. which provided performance guarantee for advance receipts from IDD calling card customers.




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