


External sources (not reviewed)

提供充分而适当的实验室与现场工 验,可满足课程的研习与实验要求。
Both laboratory and field experiences are appropriate to meet the investigation and experimentation requirements of the courses.
M&G的整体策略是首要专注於投资表现,途径是招募、发展及挽 留 的投资人才,以及创造人才发挥全部潜能所须的环境及基建。
M&G’s overall strategy is to focus first and foremost on investment
performance, by recruiting, developing and
[...] retaining marketleading investment [...]
talent, and by creating the environment and
infrastructure this talent needs to perform to its full potential.
更进一步,学生必须学习认知控 制变數实验的必要性,以及科学知識的累积本质,整合一 上的科学知識,研究 科 问题,并了解到科学是人類努力的成果,偶而也会因错误甚至欺诈而出现瑕 疵。
Further, they must learn to recognize the need for controlled experiments and the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge, integrate knowledge from more than one area of science, investigate science-based issues, and recognize that science is a human endeavor occasionally flawed by mistakes and even fraud.
你应该主动 时间,但让其他组员來设计、 更改及分发这个「代祷咭」。
You should lead the prayer time, but allow another couple in the group the opportunity to create, update, and distribute prayer lists.
(b) 经营所有或任何作为船东、船舶代理、船舶经纪、证券经纪、船舶管理人 及船运财产、货运承包商、水陸营运商、驳船所有者、驳船夫、码头工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供应商、打捞及拖船承包商、其 工程师、货运代理、制冷商、仓库管理人及码头、仓库管理人的业务 及进行公路运输及驳运所有類别业务。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers of ships and shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns and to conduct road haulage and lighterage business of all kinds.
由於(a)郑维志是永泰之董事,并於本公告日期透过其太太郑陈秀清在27,000股南聯股份中拥有权 益;及(b) 郑维强及郑维荣是郑维志的兄弟,南聯香港收购南地财务的股份、偿还南地财务欠付 有限公司的未清偿的股东贷款以及Chericourt及南地财务在南聯关連交易项下宣派及支付 股息将构成收购守则第25条项下关於要约的特殊交易。
As (a) Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher is a director of Wing Tai and, as at the date of this announcement, is interested in 27,000 shares in Winsor through his wife Cheng Chan Sau Ching, Ivy and (b) Cheng Wai Keung and Cheng Wai Wing, Edmund are brothers of Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher, the acquisition of shares in WPFSL by Winsor HK, the repayment of outstanding shareholders’ loans that are owed to Parex International Limited by WPFSL and the declaration and payment of dividends by Chericourt and WPFSL in connection with the Winsor Connected Transaction will constitute special deals in relation to the Offers under Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code.
事实上,大部分本 只会在航道外行驶,与海岸线 较为接近,以避开航道上的主流交通。
Many of them in fact follow routes outside the fairways and closer to the shoreline to avoid the mainstream traffic in the fairways.
出席者包括长江生命科技总裁及行政总监甘庆林先 生、长江生命科技副总裁及营运总监余英才先生、加拿大驻港 Gerry Campbell 先生、香港加拿大商会主席 Bernard Pouliot 先生、加拿大驻港 魁北克省政府移民部香港办事处总监郭慧蘭女士、屈臣氏大药房药剂师总监劉宝 珠女士及香港加拿大商会会员等。
It was attended by Mr H L Kam, President and Chief Executive Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Alan Yu, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CK Life Sciences; Mr Gerry Campbell, Canadian Consul-General for Hong Kong; Mr Bernard Pouliot, Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong; Ms Brigitte Van Coillie-Tremblay, Vice-Consul and Director of the Bureau d’Immigration du Quebec in Hong Kong; Ms Margaret Lau, Chief Pharmacist of Watson’s the Chemist; and members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
假若你父母已退休,请注明你父母在退休时一次 整笔退休金,及现时每 退休 金的數目。
If your parents have retired, enter your parents’ once-and-for-all the amounts of lump sum gratuity received upon retirement and the pensions that they now receive each month.
根据上述不具法律约束力的条款清单,买卖南地财务的 4.76%股权的代价将为现金形 式,约相等於完成南地财务的股份从 有限公司转让予南聯香港之日当日或左右 南地财务综合净资产 4.76%(并且就此目的而言,南地财务及 Chericourt 所拥有的该物 业的部分的价值将与南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之经审计综合账目 中所采用的价值(以对於二零一一年十二月三十一日南聯集团在麗晶中心之权益(包括 构成该物业的单位及車位以及将构成经分派业务一部分的麗晶中心的其他单位(即麗晶 中心 B 座 505 至 510 号单位)的独立估值为基准)相同)。
Pursuant to the above non-binding term sheet, the consideration for the sale and purchase of the 4.76% shareholding interest in WPFSL will be in cash and equal to approximately 4.76% of the consolidated net asset value of WPFSL on or around the date of completing the transfer of the shares in WPFSL from Parex International Limited to Winsor HK (and for which purposes the parts of the Property owned by WPFSL and Chericourt will be valued at the same value as in the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of Winsor Group's interest in Regent Centre as at 31 December 2011, which includes units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses).
社会安全号码必须注明「准许工作」(意味着可以在美国合法工作)或者是用或 地方福利(而不是聯邦福利)。
The Social Security Numbers must be either “employment authorized” (meaning that they permit them to work legally in the United States) or must have been issued in order to receive a state or local benefit (rather than a federal benefit).
校长须明白中央课 程架构,并充分了解本校情况,如学生的需要、化学科和科学教育学 他科组的长处,以及学校的组织文化。
They need to understand the central curriculum framework and be well aware of contextual factors such as the needs of the students, the strengths of the Chemistry Panel and other panels in the Science Education KLA as well as the organisational culture of the school.
经审慎考虑後,专责小组认为现阶 段毋需修改法例,而应着力落实各项建议的行政措施,在新设立的树木管理办事 ,改善各树木管理部门之间的协调、加强树木风险评估、提升树木管理 的专业知識水平,以及推广公众教育和社区參与。
After careful consideration, the Task Force considered that there was no need to introduce any legislative change at this stage and efforts should instead be channelled to various recommended administrative measures to improve co-ordination among tree management departments under the leadership of the new Tree Management Office, enhance tree risk assessment, upgrade professional expertise in tree management and promote public education and community involvement.
此外,在课程设计时加入了一个独立於以 学习单位,称为「进阶学习单位」,旨在增强学生探究、沟通、推理及 建构數学概念的能力。
In addition, the Further Learning Unit, independent from any of the above three areas in each module, is designed to enhance students’ ability to inquire, communicate, reason and conceptualise mathematical concepts.
幼稚园如目前并稚园及幼儿中心资助计划的政府资助,及/或获政府发还租金/差饷/地租,请 連同申请表格夹附根据《税务条例》(第 112 章)第 88 条获豁免缴税的批准书经核证副本一份。
For KG NOT currently in receipt of government subsidy under Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme and/or rent/rates/government rent reimbursement, a certified true copy of the approval letter granting the KG exemption from taxes under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (CAP.112) should be attached to this application form.
(c) 关於拟费用的课程,申请人必须完全符合第 2.3 段所载列的条件,而且申请人在 费用时, 必须从未就同一项课程、学习单元或学分获其他公帑 或公帑资助计划提供资助,例如︰报讀获大学教育资 助委员会资助的课程、根据专上学生资助计划获学生 资助办事处提供助学金或贷款等。
(c) In respect of any courses, modules or units of study credits for which the fees are to be reimbursed, the conditions set out in section 2.3 are fully met and, upon seeking reimbursement of the fees, the applicant must not have obtained any other public funds or publicly-funded financial assistance for the same course, such as pursuing courses funded by the University Grants Committee, grants or loans from the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students administered by the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) etc.
我们很高兴能 与亚洲卫星合作,他们全面支援我们进取的发展策略,扩阔我们數码广播服务 并提升越 南付费电视用户的视听体验。
We are grateful to partner AsiaSat who can support our aggressive plan to further diversify our range of digital TV services to enhance the viewing experience of the Vietnamese consumers.
(a) 使侵害在整体上加遽之实质行为,系於法院所在国实施者,或 (b) 侵害行为於法院所在国所生之损害,就侵害之整体而言,具有实质重要 性者。
(b) the harm caused by the infringement in the State where the court is situated is substantial in relation to the infringement in its entirety.
从 2009 年 12 月 21 日起,海通(香港)金融控股有限公司(「海通(香港)」) 收购新 创建集团有限公司辖下大福并成为大福的控股股东。海通(香港)为一家在香港注册成 立的公司,且为国内极 位的证券公司 - 海通证券股份有限公司(上交所编 号:600837.SH)全资附属公司 。
With effective from 21 December 2009, Hai Tong (HK) Financial Holdings Limited (“Hai Tong (HK)”), a company incorporated in Hong Kong and wholly owned by the leading mainland securities firm - Haitong Securities Company Limited (“Haitong”; SSE Stock Code: 600837.SH), has acquired Taifook from NWS Holdings Limited and become Taifook’s major shareholder.
此外,课程亦提供机会使 学生可以对某些课题作深入的研习,为日後在科学与科技相关续 学习而作好预备。
On the one hand, a broad coverage of topics is provided, while on the other hand there will be in-depth study on a certain number of topics to prepare students for further study in a particular field of science and technology.
至於「强化建造业监工/技术员训練计划」,我们 建议增加新的建造业监工/技术员的培训名额,由 600 个增至 1 000 个;课程由约 9 个月延长至约 15 个月;以及於首 9 个月的课堂培训 期,学津贴由每天 150 元增至 180 元,而随後 6 个月培训 期的津贴则约为每月 6,000 元。
For ECSTS, we propose to increase the quota to train up new construction supervisors/ technicians from 600 to 1 000, the course duration from about 9 months to about 15 months, and the training allowance from the $150 daily rate to $180 over the initial 9-month classroom training period and about $6,000 per month over the subsequent 6-month training period.
[...] 芙妮对未來非常樂观,相信公司能把握机会扩充市场份额,并最终实现成为全 鞋零售商 的目标。
With a strategic expansion plan in place, a comprehensive product portfolio, a highly committed workforce, an enhanced management structure and ample capital resources, Daphne is optimistic about its ability to seize opportunities ahead
for capturing larger market share and ultimately realise its goal of
[...] becoming a world-leading ladies footwear [...]
本人确认本人已获得本申请表第五部分所示的人士及/或第六部分所示人士的父母/监护人/亲属/代 理人及/或第七部分所示的人士及其他有关人士的同意,他们的个人资料及/或在本申请表上填报的资料 已/在有需要时须递交予关爱基金秘书处# ,以处理本人就本项目递交的申请(包括确定本人及/或本申 请表第五及/或第六部分所示的人士是否符合本项目的受惠资格)和作其他直接有关的用途,并进行任何 与本人就本项目递交的申请 关的审核及/或调查,以及在审核及/或调查工作必须披露有关资料 的情况下,关爱基金秘书处# 可向任何其他各方披露该等资料。
I confirm that I have secured the consent of the person(s) specified in Part 5 and/or the parents/guardians/relatives/agents of the person(s) specified in Part 6 of this Form and/or the person(s) specified in Part 7 of this Form and other relevant person(s) that their personal data have been or will be (as necessary) submitted to the CCF Secretariat# for processing the application submitted by me (including ascertaining the eligibility of me and/or the person(s) specified in Part 5 and/or Part 6 of this Form under the Programme) and any directly related purposes, for any checking and/or investigation relating to the application submitted by me and receipt of subsidy under the Programme, and that the CCF Secretariat# may disclose the data to any other parties if the disclosure is necessary for such checking and/or investigation.
(i) 在以下第(ii)分段所述之广告刊登日(或,倘若广告於不同日期 刊登,则以较早者为准)之前之十二年内,本公司以预付邮资 形式将支票、汇票或股息单邮寄到成员或有权承继股份者於登 记册上登记之地址,或其就此提供其他最近已知之地址,而该 支票、滙票或股息单并未予提现,本公司并没有从该等成员或 人士收到有关该等股份之通讯,惟本公司於该十二年期间内已 最少支付过三次股息(不論中期或末期股息),且有权就该等 股份收取股息之人士并无股息
(i) during the period of 12 years prior to the date of the publication of the advertisements referred to in sub-paragraph (ii) below (or, if published on different dates, the earlier thereof) no cheque, order or warrant in respect of such share sent by the Company through the post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member or to the person entitled by transmission to the share, at his address on the register or other last known address given by the member or person to which cheques, orders or warrants in respect of such share are to be sent has been cashed and the Company has received no communications in respect of such share from such member or person, provided that during such period of 12 years the Company has paid at least three dividends (whether interim or final) and no dividend in respect of such share has been claimed by the person entitled to it
b) 「出口」系指捕捞或经加工型态(包括养殖)之黑鲔自渔船悬挂旗帜或 设立定置网、养殖场之 CPC 其他 CPC 或非缔约或自渔 场至非渔船船旗 CPC 之 CPC 或非缔约任何移动。
Any movement of bluefin tuna in its harvested or processed form (including farmed) from the territory of the CPC where the fishing vessel is flagged or where the trap or farm is established to the territory of another CPC or
non-Contracting Party, or
[...] from the fishing grounds to the territory of a CPC which is not the flag CPC of the fishing vessel or to the territory of a non- Contracting Party.
使政府更了解香港在发展资讯科技上的优点和弱点,及相比其他地方的发展 速度,以便采取相应的政策和措施,令香港在资讯科技发展上处 置。
To enable Government to be better informed of Hong Kong’s strengths and weaknesses in IT development and its development pace in relation to other places so that policies and measures can be made accordingly to keep Hong Kong in the forefront of IT development.




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