单词 | 零售店 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 零售店 noun, plural —retail stores plSee also:零售 n —retail n
食物樣本是從不同的食肆、超級市場、麫包店及其 他零售店鋪收集得來。 cfs.gov.hk | Food samples were collected from various restaurants, [...] supermarkets, bakeries and other retail outlets. cfs.gov.hk |
在 2009 年第二季,大部分低薪的服務工作人員受僱於低薪 行業,主要從事零售店舖及飲食業。 legco.gov.hk | In the second quarter of 2009, the majority of low-paid service workers were employed in [...] LPS, especially in retail shops and restaurants. legco.gov.hk |
這項安排適用於在本港零售店鋪 內 或進口本港前在外國分切和重新包裝的產品。 cfs.gov.hk | This arrangement was applicable [...] to products with cutting and repacking [...] done either at local retail outlets or in overseas [...]countries before importation. cfs.gov.hk |
如投 訴不涉及旅議會監管事項,例如旅客直接向航空公司購買 機票或在一般零售店購物 等,則由消委會直接聯絡有關商 戶處理跟進。 legco.gov.hk | For complaints involving issues outside the TIC's purview, such as direct [...] purchase of air tickets from airlines or [...] shopping at general retail shops, the CC will directly [...]contact the merchants concerned for follow-up actions. legco.gov.hk |
設有活家禽零售店舖持 續監察計劃,監察家禽飼養場、售賣寵物 雀鳥的商販、入口禽鳥、休憩公園,以及野生禽鳥。 legco.gov.hk | Ongoing surveillance programme at [...] live poultry retail outlets and monitoring of [...]poultry farms, pet bird traders, imported [...]birds, recreational parks and wild birds. legco.gov.hk |
研 究結果所提供的科學資料,有助當局評估食用冰對公眾健康帶來的風 險、為零售店鋪制訂處理食用冰的衞生指引,以及決定日後管制食用冰 [...] 的製造和處理的路向。 cfs.gov.hk | The results will provide scientific information to assess the risk of edible ice to public health and to [...] assist in developing hygienic handling [...] guidelines on ice for retail businesses and in making [...]management decision on the way forward [...]for the control of production and handling of edible ice. cfs.gov.hk |
有關產品一向標示體積單位,但 零售店 卻 拒 收採 用這種標示方式的產品,指《技術指引》規定須標示重量單位。 cfs.gov.hk | The declaration in measurement unit of volume had been adopted for such products [...] but products with such declaration [...] were rejected by retail outlets quoting that the [...]Technical Guidance Notes required declaration [...]to be made in measurement unit of weight. cfs.gov.hk |
有關計劃包括在流動宣傳媒體播放宣傳短片、派出 職安健大使到零售店鋪及 食肆進行宣傳探訪、派發有關的教育小 冊子及宣傳紀念品,以及邀請足病診療師協會及香港體適能總會 [...] 特別設計一套適合該兩個行業的從業員在工作間進行的一套運 動,並透過講座及運動研習坊作出推廣。 legco.gov.hk | The publicity activities included showing promotional videos on [...] mobile advertising media, paying [...] promotional visits to retail stores and restaurants by [...]occupational safety and health ambassadors, [...]distributing educational pamphlets and promotional souvenirs, and inviting the Hong Kong Podiatrists Association and Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong to design a set of workplace exercises specifically for workers of the two industries, which was promoted through seminars and exercise workshops. legco.gov.hk |
e) 售賣以密封膠袋盛載的預先包裝湯類 — 譚志偉先生說,在零售店鋪向 消費者 出售的以密封膠袋盛載的預先包裝湯類屬於預先包裝食物,須加上營養標籤; 如湯類包裝在出售前須於零售店鋪內 打開和加熱,則不屬於預先包裝食物。 cfs.gov.hk | These factors would be [...] considered in law enforcement. e) Sale of prepackaged soup in sealed plastic bag – Mr. C. W. TAM advised that prepackaged soup in sealed plastic bag sold to consumers at retail outlets was prepackaged food and nutrition label would be required; when the package for the soup had to be opened and heated at the retail outlet before selling, it was not [...]prepackaged food. cfs.gov.hk |
(d) 據本港兩間主要連鎖超級市場表示,有機食品佔 其零 售店所售食品總數不足 1%。 legco.gov.hk | (d) According to two major local [...] supermarket chains, organic food products accounted for less than 1% of the total food [...] products available at their retail outlets. legco.gov.hk |
為瞭解標籤制度對消費者在食物選擇方面的影響,事務 [...] 委員會獲告知,食物安全中心已委託獨立顧問公司於標籤制度 實施前後,調查各零售店出售的不同種類的預先包裝食物(包括 民族食品、有機食品和高檔食品)的數量,並評估市場情況的變 化。 legco.gov.hk | In order to understand the impact of the Scheme on food choice of consumers, the Panel was advised that CFS had commissioned an independent consultant to find out the quantity of different types of prepackaged food products (including ethnic food, organic [...] food and niche food products) [...] available in various retail outlets before and after the [...]commencement of the Scheme, and to [...]assess the change in market situation legco.gov.hk |
趙卓寧先生說,巨型乳酪、香腸和火腿等須 在 零售店 鋪 內 分切和重新包裝但又難以 切成多份重量完全相同的產品,將會視作相同版本申請小量豁免。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. C. L. CHIU said that products, like cheese, [...] sausage and ham in bulk, requiring cutting [...] and repacking at retail outlets but encountering [...]problems of cutting them into multiple [...]pieces of exactly the same weight would be treated as the same version for applying SVE. cfs.gov.hk |
中心的主 [...] 要設施包括表演廳、展覽平台、多用途禮堂、餐廳 、 零售店 舖 、 活動室、資源中心、 辦公室及旅舍房間。 legco.gov.hk | The key facilities of the HKCYD include [...] auditorium, exhibition platform, multi-purpose [...] hall, cafeteria, retail shops, function rooms, [...]resource centre, offices and hostel rooms. legco.gov.hk |
當衞福局常任秘書長啟動銷毀香港活家禽的行動(司晨行動)命令 時,漁護署將會聯同食環署銷毀農場、批發市場 及 零售店 舖 的 活 家禽,而衞生署、醫管局及環境保護署(環保署)亦會協助執行司 晨行動。 legco.gov.hk | 。 Upon activation of the operational order for the culling of live poultry in Hong Kong (Operation Season) by PSHWF, AFCD will implement the culling of live poultry in farms, wholesale markets and FEHD at retail outlets. legco.gov.hk |
食環署亦會對零售店鋪家 禽的監測工作提高警覺,並檢討個 人防護裝備的存量。 legco.gov.hk | 。 FEHD will stay vigilant in surveillance of [...] poultry population in retail outlets and review stock of PPE. legco.gov.hk |
食環署 進 行 [...] 定期巡查時,會檢查 有 關 批 發商/酒樓/零售店的文件紀錄,確保所使用的海水均 來 自認可海水供應商。 legco.gov.hk | FEHD will check the documentation of these [...] wholesalers/restaurants/retail shops during their [...]regular inspections to ensure that the [...]seawater is acquired from accredited seawater suppliers. legco.gov.hk |
建議方案以分 [...] 階段的方式,在零售層面開徵每個購物膠袋5角的環保費, 並在第一階段先涵蓋連鎖式或大型的超級市場、便利店和個 人健康及美容產品零售店。 legco.gov.hk | The proposal involves a phased introduction of an environmental levy of 50 cents on each plastic shopping bag distributed at [...] retailers, with the first phase covering chain or large supermarkets, [...] convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我們建議以分階段的方式, 首先在連鎖式或大型的超級市場、便利店和個人健康及美容 產品零售店實施環保費。 legco.gov.hk | We have, therefore, proposed a phased approach by first [...] introducing the environmental levy at chain or large supermarkets, [...] convenience stores and personal health and beauty stores. legco.gov.hk |
何國偉先生提到在『食物安全「誠」諾』2009的探訪工作中,發現 有 零售店 鋪 奉 行 「食物安全五要點」的良好習慣,例如超級市場把生和熟的食物分開擺放,以不同顏色 標籤供生和熟的食物專用的用具,防止交叉污染。 cfs.gov.hk | For example, supermarkets were found separating raw and cooked food and labelling utensils for raw and cooked food with different colours to prevent cross contamination. cfs.gov.hk |
二零一二/二零一三年財政年度的 零售店 舖 翻 修計劃包括1 間icon 店、25 間retreat [...] 店以及15 間常規改裝店。 stock.pingan.com.hk | The retail store improvement plan for [...] FY12/13 includes 1 icon store, 25 retreat stores and 15 normal rebuilding stores. stock.pingan.com.hk |
自 2008 年 6 月從零售店鋪檢 出 H5 陽性樣本以來,在雞場常規監察制度下合共收集雞隻拭抹 樣本 8 080 份,截至 2008 年 12 月 8 日,所有家禽 H5 病毒測試 結果均呈陰性反應。 legco.gov.hk | A total of 8 080 chicken swab samples were collected under routine chicken farm surveillance system since the H5 positive samples were found in retail outlets in June 2008. legco.gov.hk |
还可以设计混合载荷,提高运输效率,以及用 于 零售店 陈 列。 optiledge.com | We can also create mixed loads for more efficient [...] shipments and for retail store display. optiledge.com |
因應本集團著重於消費 業務及擴充在中國內地的零售業務,本集團預期為旗下新開 的 零售店 舖 和超市,與及現時 經營的零售店舖和超市不時翻新的設計、裝修及佈置服務需求將增加。 cre.com.hk | In view of the Group’s emphasis on consumer [...] businesses and the [...] expansion of its retail businesses in the Chinese Mainland, it is anticipated that the Group will need more design, decoration and furnishing services for its new retail outlets and supermarkets [...]as well as periodic [...]renovation of its existing retail outlets and supermarkets. cre.com.hk |
聘用優高雅集團為旗下的零售店舖、 超市及辦公室提供設計、裝修及佈置服務乃本集團的 日常業務操作。 cre.com.hk | The granting of contracts to Uconia [...] Group for the design, decoration and [...] furnishing of the retail outlets, supermarkets and [...]offices are in the ordinary and usual [...]course of business of the Group. cre.com.hk |
集團新的潮流分部的首批七月份產品系列已派送到指定的歐 洲 零售店 舖 , 而首個「China for China」系列已在集團位於亞洲的店舖推出。 stock.pingan.com.hk | The first collections for July 2012 from the [...] Group’s new Trend Division were [...] delivered to selected retail stores in Europe while the [...]Group’s first “China for China” [...]range was launched throughout the Group’s stores in Asia. stock.pingan.com.hk |
集團在北美洲的所有直接管理Esprit 零售店舖已順利關閉。 stock.pingan.com.hk | All directly [...] managed Esprit retail stores in North America [...]were successfully closed. stock.pingan.com.hk |
y 基於多個原因,使用自動櫃員機、網上銀行服務,或往連鎖 式 零售店舖 提取現金,替代傳統銀行分行服務並不普及,主因之一是不知道有關設 [...] 施的使用程序,及服務涉及使用成本等問題。 legco.gov.hk | y The use of ATMs, on-line banking services, or the withdrawal of [...] cash from chain store retailers, have not been [...]widely used as alternatives due to a variety of reasons. legco.gov.hk |
每季所呈交的申報必須包括以下資料:(i)在該 季內交付予該登記零售店的塑 膠購物袋數目;(ii)在 該季內由該登記零售店向顧 客提供的塑膠購物袋數 目;以及(iii)就有關的購物袋所應繳付的徵費總額。 legco.gov.hk | The information to be stated in the return for each quarter includes: (i) the number of plastic shopping bags delivered to the outlet during the quarter; (ii) the number of plastic shopping bags provided to the customers from the outlet during the quarter; and (iii) the total amount of levies payable for the relevant bags. legco.gov.hk |
在零售業的細分行業中,超級巿場及便利店和其 他 零售店 受 連鎖反應影響的配 對目標僱員的平均加薪幅度分別為 [...] 10.7%及 13.3%,當中連鎖反應的影響估計分別佔 3.4 個百分點和 2.9 個百分點。 labour.gov.hk | Of the sub-sectors in the retail sector, the average [...] wage increase of matched target employees affected by the knock-on [...]effect in supermarkets and convenience stores, and other 16 labour.gov.hk |