单词 | 列車 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 列車 noun —train n
有關的宣傳活動包括在電視、 電台、巴士及鐵路列車增加 播放有關政府宣傳短片及聲帶的次數,以及出版 報章特刊。 devb.gov.hk | The publicity activities included increased broadcasting frequency of announcements in the public interest (APIs) on TV, radio, buses and trains, as well as publication of newspaper supplements. devb.gov.hk |
(b) 現有訊號系統的限制; (c) 現有列車的限制;及 (d) 月台結構的限制。 mtr-westislandline.hk | (a) safety risk associated with wide platform gaps; (b) limitations of existing signalling system mtr-westislandline.hk |
港鐵系統所採用的設計是利用 月台底下的通風槽將新鮮空氣帶到 列車 底 部 ,然後透 過 列車頂 部的通風槽排出地面。 mtr-westislandline.hk | The design in MTR system is to supply fresh ambient air via ducts located below the platform, directed towards the underside of the train. mtr-westislandline.hk |
(e) 在月台空隙較闊的月台下裝有照明燈光,以及在東鐵綫空隙較 闊的車站月台邊裝設閃燈,提示乘客注意月台空隙;及 (f) 港鐵公司於2010年推出新措施,在個別車站月台安排車站助理 在列車車門即 將關上時,舉起「停」字牌及按動電哨子,勸喻 乘客切勿試圖在列車車門正 在關上時走 進 列車 , 以 確保乘客安 全。 mtr-westislandline.hk | (e) installation of illumination under the platforms and flashing lights at the edge of East Rail Line platforms at locations where the gap between the platform and the train is relatively wide so that passengers would pay attention to the gap; and (f) introduction of a new measure in 2010 whereby Station Assistants are deployed on platforms of selected stations to help ensure passenger safety by raising a “Stop” sign and activating an electronic whistle to urge passengers not to rush onto train while the train doors are closing. mtr-westislandline.hk |
儘管增加了列車服務班次,集團的乘客車程準時程度 及 列車 按 照 編定班次行走的可靠程度均維持於99.9% 的世界級水平。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Even as more train services were added, passenger journeys on-time and train service delivery [...] were maintained at a world-class standard of 99.9%. stock.pingan.com.hk |
萬一發生緊急事故,例如列車故障 、火警或其他嚴重 事故以致須在隧道內疏散乘客,輔助抽風設備亦能有效控制隧 道內的空氣流動,保障乘客安全。 mtr-westislandline.hk | These supplementary fans are also required in air movement control within the tunnels in the event of an emergency such as a train breakdown, a fire, or other extreme situations requiring evacuation within the tunnels. mtr-westislandline.hk |
新 乘 客資訊顯示系統會有更大的屏幕位置展示資訊,發放資訊時更 富彈性,例如可顯示時間、天氣、下一 班 列車 到 達 時間 、 列車 服務受阻資訊及播放車務宣傳短片等。 mtr-westislandline.hk | The new passenger information displays will provide a larger screen for information display and allow greater flexibility in the provision of useful passenger information, such as time, weather, time till next train, service disruption information and operational promotion videos, etc. mtr-westislandline.hk |
有見及此, 隧道兩端的通風口仍會配備輔助抽風設備,以應付當 有 列車在 月 台或隧道停留一段時間時,把新鮮空氣抽入隧道,確保隧道 內的空氣質素維持良好。 mtr-westislandline.hk | Air temperatures in the tunnels will rise. It is therefore necessary to make supplementary fans available at the ventilation openings at each end of a tunnel section, so that fresh air can be drawn in to maintain the air quality within the tunnel in the event of a prolonged delay of trains at platforms or in tunnels. mtr-westislandline.hk |
根據這項斥資約500 億元人民幣、為期30 年的「公私合營」項目協議的要求,北京京港地鐵有限公司將負責提供約為150 億元人民幣的機電設備系統及列車, 而 北京市政府則負責項目的投資餘額。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Under the 30-year Public-Private-Partnership agreement, BJMTR will be mainly responsible for the E&M and rolling stock assets estimated to cost RMB15 billion, funded by a combination of equity and debt, whilst the Beijing Municipal Government will fund the balance. stock.pingan.com.hk |
除檢討企業策略外,集團於2012 年3 月在香港推出「用心聽‧用心做」計劃,著意提升乘客關心的服務範疇,如縮短乘客候車時間、紓緩月台 及 列車 擠 迫 情況等。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Alongside the group’s strategy review, the group launched the Listening•Responding programme in Hong Kong in March 2012 to raise service levels in areas that the group’s passengers focus on, including those to reduce waiting time for passengers and ease crowding on platforms and in trains. stock.pingan.com.hk |
在中國內地,營運北京地鐵四號綫和大興綫的北京京港地鐵有限公司維持極高水平的準點率 及 列車 按 照編定班次行走的可靠程度,並獲中國交通運輸協會及城市軌道交通專業委員會評為中國內地三大地鐵營運商之一。 stock.pingan.com.hk | In the Mainland of China, BJMTR, the operator of Beijing Metro Line 4 (“BJL4”) and the Daxing Line, maintained very high levels of punctuality and delivery, and was ranked amongst the top three metro operators in the Mainland of China by the China Communications and Transportation Association and the Urban Rail Transport Professional Committee. stock.pingan.com.hk |