单词 | 聯邦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 聯邦 adjective —federal adjSee also:邦 n—a state n 邦—country or nation 迦—(phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)
社會安全號碼必須注明「準許工作」(意味著可以在美國合法工作)或者是用於領取州或 地方福利(而不是聯邦福利)。 sfdhs.org | The Social Security Numbers must be either “employment authorized” (meaning that they permit them to work legally in [...] the United States) or must have been issued in order to receive a state or local [...] benefit (rather than a federal benefit). sfdhs.org |
聯邦院議 員則主要採用單一可轉移票制由各邦立法 會選出,而不是由公民選出。 cmab.gov.hk | As for the [...] members of the Rajya Sabha, they [...]are mainly elected by the legislative assembly of each state using the single [...]transferable vote system, rather than by the citizens at large. cmab.gov.hk |
4.78 此外,任何人,包括前公務員,均須受《美 國 聯邦 法典》有關披露機密資料方面的約束。 legco.gov.hk | 4.78 In addition, any person, including a former civil servant, is subject to control under the United States Code concerning disclosure of classified information. legco.gov.hk |
澳洲的《1988 年聯邦私隱法令》第 13C 條規定,凡合伙業務有改變,(舊 伙伴)披露或(新伙伴)收集新合伙業務所需的個人資料都不是侵犯私隱 [...] 的作為或行為,但條件是舊合伙業務中最少有一名人士仍然留任新合伙 業務的合伙人,而新合伙業務經營的生意與舊合伙業務所經營的相同或 類似。 legco.gov.hk | In Australia, [...] under section 13C of the Federal Privacy Act 1988, where [...]there is a change of partnership business, neither [...]the disclosure (by the old partnership) nor the collection (by the new partnership) of personal information that was necessary for the new partnership is act or practice that interferes with privacy provided that at least one person in the old partnership would remain as partner in the new partnership and the new partnership carries on a business that is the same or similar to the business carried on by the old partnership. legco.gov.hk |
法援會不受新南威爾斯政府參與制訂的任何框架 文件或政府發出的指引所約束,但法援會可與聯邦政府達成協 議或安排,在新南威爾斯就與聯邦有 關 的事宜提供法律援助。 legco.gov.hk | LAC is not bound by any framework document involving the NSW government or guidance from the government, except that LAC may enter [...] into an agreement or arrangement [...] with the federal government for the provision of legal aid in Commonwealth matters in NSW. legco.gov.hk |
5.12 我們建議,如果根據本報告書所建議的有關通則,身 處 聯邦 國家 或複合國家並有意圖無限期地以該國家為家的人,不被認定為以該國家 [...] 內的任何法律區為其居籍,則他應具有當時與他有最密切聯繫的法律區 的居籍。 legco.gov.hk | 5.12 We recommend that a person [...] who is present in a federal or composite state [...]and intends to make his home there indefinitely [...]should, if not held to be domiciled in any law district within that state under the general rules recommended in this Report, have his domicile in the law district with which he is for the time being most closely connected. legco.gov.hk |
在此情況下,先支付任何聯邦醫療 保險 承保的服務,然後再由加州醫療保險支付其餘 服務。 familyvoicesofca.org | In such cases, payments for any services covered by Medicare are made before any payments are made by the Medicaid program. familyvoicesofca.org |
為迎接規管方面的挑戰,發達經濟體 [...] 系已有成立統一規管電訊和廣播的機構(例如美國 的 聯邦通 訊 委員會和加拿大的電台電視台及電訊委員會),或將分別 [...] 規管電訊和廣播的規管機構合併成為單一規管機構(例如英 國於二零零二年成立的通訊辦公廳和澳洲於二零零五年成 [...]立的通訊及媒體管理局)。 legco.gov.hk | To meet the regulatory challenges, advanced economies either have set up a converged [...] regulator for telecommunications and [...] broadcasting (e.g. the US Federal Communications Commission [...]and the Canadian Radio-television [...]and Telecommunications Commission) or merged their separate telecommunications and broadcasting regulators into unified regulatory bodies (e.g., the Office of Communications in the UK established in 2002 and the Australian Communications and Media Authority in Australia established in 2005). legco.gov.hk |
有 關聯邦勞資關係事宜 的案件, 訴訟各方可向 聯邦 法院提出上訴,而某些案件可進一步 上訴至高 等 法院。 legco.gov.hk | In federal industrial relations matters, the parties can appeal to the Federal Court and [...] in some cases, further appeal to the High Court. legco.gov.hk |
其 後,新南威爾斯律師會於1970年設立法律援助計劃,逐步承接公 [...] 共律師事務處有關民事事宜的法律援助司法管轄權。104 [...] 4.1.2 在 1977年,澳洲制定《1977年聯邦法律 援助委員會法》 (Commonwealth [...]Legal Aid Commission Act 1977),聯邦與各州及領地政 府遂訂立合作安排。 legco.gov.hk | Subsequently, the legal aid scheme set up in 1970 by the NSW Law Society gradually took up the jurisdiction of the Public Solicitor's Office over legal aid in civil matters.104 4.1.2 In 1977, with the [...] enactment of the Commonwealth Legal Aid [...] Commission Act 1977, the federal government and the [...]state and territory governments made [...]a cooperative arrangement, under which legal aid services would be provided by independent legal aid commissions to be established in individual states and territories under state and territory legislation. legco.gov.hk |
(1) 現時,基本利率訂定在現行的美國 聯邦 基 金 目標利率加 150 個基點 或香港銀行同業隔夜拆息及一個月期的同業拆息的五日移動平均利 [...] 率的平均數,兩者之中以較高者為準。 legco.gov.hk | (1) At present, the Base Rate is set at either 150 basis points above [...] the prevailing US Fed Funds Target Rate [...]or the average of the five-day moving averages [...]of the overnight and one- month HIBORs, whichever is higher. legco.gov.hk |
美 國聯邦利率 持續處於歷史罕見的低水平,使本港利率亦出現 同樣情況。 legco.gov.hk | Interest rates in the United States have also been kept at an historic low level and this has had a knock on effect on interest rates here. legco.gov.hk |
在聯邦層面 以下,加拿大所有省份及地區均各自制定其 最低工資法例,以切合當地情況,而在新伯倫瑞克省(New [...] Brunswick)和西北地區(Northwest Territories),家庭傭工被豁免於法 定最低工資的涵蓋範圍。 legco.gov.hk | Down from the federal level, all the provinces [...] and territories in Canada have enacted their own minimum wage laws to suit [...]their local circumstances and in New Brunswick and the Northwest Territories, domestic workers are exempted. legco.gov.hk |
例如,澳洲的《聯邦私隱法令》第 42 條容許私隱專員 作出查詢,以決定他是否有權調查涉及投訴的事宜,或是否需運用酌情 [...] 權決定不調查有關事宜。 legco.gov.hk | For instance, [...] section 42 of the Federal Privacy Act of Australia [...]enables the privacy commissioner to make inquiries for [...]the purpose of determining whether he has power to investigate the matter for which the complaint relates or whether he may in his discretion decide not to investigate the matter. legco.gov.hk |
美國公共衛生協會 (APHA)聲明﹕APHA 決議敦促聯邦、州及地方政府與公共 健康機構,強制暫停設立新的集約畜牧農場(CAFO),除非相關公共健康風險的 [...] 科學資料已被收集,且其不確定性獲得解決。 wspa.org.cn | Resolves that APHA urge federal, state and local [...] governments and public health agencies to impose a moratorium on new Concentrated [...]Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs) until additional scientific data on the attendant risks to public health have been collected and uncertainties resolved. wspa.se |
當服務的資金分別來自中央(或聯邦) 和 地 方政府時,「逃避財務責任」 的問題也可能出現,因為不同層面的政府會盡量避免提供較昂貴的服 [...] 務,以減輕財政負擔。 legco.gov.hk | Such a problem of ‘budgetary flight’ may also happen in such countries [...] or systems where there is a division [...] between central (or federal) and local sources [...]of financing, since governments at different [...]levels would try to avoid taking up the fiscal burden of providing the more costly services. legco.gov.hk |
國際間,有相當多的政府透過現金或資助券 (在聯邦,省 或市 政府的層面)給予服務使用者及/或其家人各式各樣的資助,讓他們 [...] 可以選擇所需的長期護理服務,亦鼓勵長者居家安老或讓家人在長者 的住所提供照顧。 legco.gov.hk | In the international scene, there are quite a wide variety of subsidies, in [...] the form of cash or voucher, provided [...] by governments (at federal, provincial or municipal [...]levels) to the service users and/or [...]their family members to enable them to exercise choice in using LTC services, and to encourage elderly to age in place or their family caregivers to take care of elderly in their own homes. legco.gov.hk |
4.93 《美國聯邦法典 》訂明,未經批准而披露機密資 料,一經定罪,可判處罰款或/ 及監禁不超過十 年。 legco.gov.hk | 4.93 Under the United States Code, unauthorised disclosure of classified information is liable to a fine, or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both. legco.gov.hk |
但有某些例外,例如如果納稅人觸犯 聯邦 法 律、或者恐 怖活動調查、或者當國稅局認為某人觸犯稅法。 sfhsa.org | There are some exceptions, for example if the [...] taxpayer is involved in federal criminal or terrorism [...]investigations or when the IRS thinks [...]someone is breaking a tax law. sfhsa.org |
國際商事仲裁受 1993 年的《國際商事仲裁法》規範( 此 法律的條文非常接 近 [...] 《示範法》) ,本地仲裁則受 2002 年 7 月 24 日 頒 布 的關於俄羅斯聯 邦 的仲裁庭的聯邦 法律規範。 legco.gov.hk | International commercial arbitration is governed by the Law on International Commercial Arbitration of 1993 which is closely based on the [...] Model Law, while domestic [...] arbitration is governed by the Federal Law of 24 July 2002 concerning [...]arbitral tribunals in the Russian Federation. legco.gov.hk |
由聯邦及州 資金資助,每個州資助額各有不同。 familyvoicesofca.org | Is financed with federal and state funds, [...] amount varying by state. familyvoicesofca.org |
d) 員工協 會要求 ,在《殖民地規例》失 效後,當局應為公務人員提 供 另 一個上訴途徑,以替 代《殖民地規例》中訂明 公務人員可向 英 國 外交及聯邦事務大臣和女皇提出申 訴。 legco.gov.hk | (d) staff association have requested that public servants should be provided with an alternative appeal channel, upon the lapsing of the CRs which provided for representations to be made to the Secretary of State and the Queen in the United Kingdom legco.gov.hk |
至於 Jackson,有效業務價值變動則按美 國聯邦稅率 35%上調。 prudential.co.uk | For Jackson, the US federal tax rate of 35 per cent is applied to gross up movements on the value of in-force business. prudential.co.uk |
通常聯邦 醫療 保險和管理性護理機構同意通過一條公 式,分擔因超過付款額任何損失之費用。 familyvoicesofca.org | Usually Medicaid and an MCO, agree through a formula to share any losses that result when medical costs exceed payments. familyvoicesofca.org |
聯邦貧窮 線是按照家庭人口和收入確定的家庭超過貧困水平的百分比,是醫療保健 [...] 計劃的標準資格衡量因素。 sfhsa.org | The federal poverty level is the [...] percentage above the poverty level a household is according to the family size and income [...]and is a standard eligibility factor for healthcare programs. sfhsa.org |
關於香港總督有權在外交及聯邦事務 大臣的 批准下,就紀律事 宜 制定規例的提述( 《殖民地規例》第 56( 1) 、 57( 1) 及 65 條 ) ,已改 為關於行政長官有權在參照 行政會議的意見後,制定相 應規例的提述。 legco.gov.hk | References to the Governor's power to make regulations for disciplinary matters with the approval of the Secretary of State (in CR 56(1), 57(1) and CR 65) are replaced by references to the Chief Executive's power to make corresponding regulations with the advice of the Executive Council. legco.gov.hk |
法案委員會的法律顧問表示,就一宗工人賠償個案中關於"當 [...] 值 "的詮釋,根據澳大利亞聯邦法院 就Comcare Australia (Defence) [...]v O'Dea (1997) 150 ALR 318 案件而發出的判決書,有關"當值"的涵 [...] 義,必須考慮的是事實而非法律的問題。 legco.gov.hk | The Legal Adviser to the Bills [...] Committee has advised that according to [...] the judgment of the Federal Court of Australia [...]in Comcare Australia (Defence) v O'Dea [...](1997) 150 ALR 318 regarding the interpretation of "in attendance" in relation to a workers' compensation case, the meaning of "in attendance" involves a question of fact, not a question of law. legco.gov.hk |
代表團聽取了聯邦通訊委員會研究總監 Irene WU 博士、聯邦通訊委員會媒體局法律顧問 Thomas S Nessinger 先生,以及公共 廣播局副總法律顧問 Robert M Winteringham 先生的詳細介紹。 legco.gov.hk | The delegation received detailed briefings on the structure of US public broadcasting from Dr Irene WU, Director of Research, and Mr Thomas S Nessinger, Attorney-Advisor of Media Bureau of FCC as well as Mr Robert M Winteringham, Deputy General Counsel of CPB. legco.gov.hk |
回顧經合組織二零 [...] 零五年的報告,在所有十九個經合組織國家當中,只有奧地利 在 聯邦 和省的層面上提供普及現金資助讓國民入住院舍,而其他國家只會直 [...]接提供住宿照顧服務。 legco.gov.hk | In all the 19 OECD countries reviewed in the 2005 OECD [...] report, only Austria provides universal [...] cash payment at the federal and provincial levels [...]to people for institutional services [...]while the others only have in-kind provision in the form of RCS place arrangements. legco.gov.hk |