

单词 年金

External sources (not reviewed)

這將為您節省不必要的額外費用,並讓您更容易掌握您的 超年金。
This will save you unnecessary extra fees as well as making your super much easier to keep track of.
如前述般受僱或任職的任何董事均無權參 與及將任何有關捐款年金、退 休金、津貼或酬金收歸個人所有。
Any Director holding any such employment or office shall be entitled to participate in and retain for his own benefit any such donation, gratuity, pension, allowance or emolument.
因此,內地因 素對本港年金融業 的發展將繼續起刺激的作用。
Demand from Mainland investors should therefore continue to support the further development of the financial industry in Hong Kong in the future.
究竟哪一種是增加您的超年金的最佳方法取決於您的 收入和所繳納的稅額。
The best way to add to your super will depend on your income and the tax you pay.
積金局在檢討中會考慮強積金制度過 去 10年的運作經驗及所收集的意見,並參考海外不同地區的提取方式
[...] 和經驗,研究不同的提取方式,包括現行的一筆過提取、定時或分期 提取、年金方式提取,或結合上述方案的安排等。
In the review, the MPFA will consider the operational experience of the MPF System in the past 10 years and the views gathered; make reference to the withdrawal options and experiences of overseas jurisdictions; and study various withdrawal options, including the present lump-sum
payments arrangement, programmed or phased
[...] withdrawals, annuities as well as combination [...]
of any of these options, and so on.
除專項及專題審 查外,作為上文提及的風險為本的監察方法的一部分,金管局
[...] 亦進行風險為本的審查──這類審查是金管局日常進行的審 查,不過由於年金管局 擴充了專題審查,因此風險為本的審 [...]
Other than specialised and thematic examinations, the HKMA also conducts risk-based examinations as part of the RSA process described above – these are regarded as the HKMA’s
regular type of examination, although the numbers have
[...] declined in recent years as thematic examinations [...]
have expanded.
4.5 進行(無論作為主事人、代理或其他)提供及供應貨品、設備、材料 及服務(無論屬何種性質)之業務,以及金融家、公司發起人、房地
[...] 產經紀人、金融中介機構、土地擁有人及公司、房屋、土地、樓宇、 貨品、材料、服務、股額、租約 年金 及 何 種類型或種類之證券之交 易商或管理人之服務。
4.5 To carry on whether as principals, agents or otherwise the business of providing and supplying goods, equipment, materials and services of whatsoever nature, and of financiers, company promoters, realtors, financial agents, land owners and dealers in or managers of companies,
estates, lands, buildings, goods, materials, services,
[...] stocks, leases, annuities and securities [...]
of whatsoever type or kind.
購買或以其他方式購入、出售、交換、交回、租賃、作出按揭、押記、交換、藉以取 得溢利、作出處置及處理各類房產及個人財產及權利,特別是任何類別的按揭、債權
[...] 證、產品、特許權、期權、合約、專利權 年金 、 許可、股額、股份、債券、保單、 賬面債項、業務考慮、承諾、申索、優先權及據法產權。
(vi) To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge, convert, turn to account, dispose of and deal with real and personal property and rights of all kinds and, in particular, mortgages,
debentures, produce, concessions, options,
[...] contracts, patents, annuities, licences, stocks, [...]
shares, bonds, policies, book debts,
business concerns, undertakings, claims, privileges and choses in action of all kinds.
而歷史最低紀錄(23.8)是於 1997-98 年金融風暴高峰期間錄 得,反映消費者對 1998 年下半年的展望。
The lowest score was registered during the height of the 1997-98 financial crisis, reflecting outlook towards the second half of 1998 (23.8).
美 國變年金獨立 賬戶業務的經營溢利包括經調整的有效年初價值貼現解除以反映期末的預測回報率,而實際回 [...]
For US variable annuity separate account [...]
business, operating profit includes the unwind of discount on the opening value
of in force adjusted to reflect period-end projected rates of return with the excess or deficit of the actual return recognised within non-operating profit, together with the related hedging activity.
鑑價者必 須年金領取者和年金給付義務人之外的第三獨立人。
The appraiser must be independent of the annuitant and the obligor.
董事會可為當前或於任何時間受僱或服務於本公司或其當時或過往的任何附屬公 司、與本公司或任何有關附屬公司有聯繫或關聯的公司的任何人士,或當前或於任 何時間為本公司或上述任何有關其他公司的董事或高級職員的任何人士,以及目前 或曾經擔任本公司或該等其他公司的任何受薪職位的任何人士,以及為此等人士的 配偶、遺孀、家人及受供養者的利益而設立及維持或爭取設立或維持任何需供款或 不需供款的退休或長俸基金或死亡或傷殘福利,以及向上述人士支付或爭取支付捐 款年金、退休金、津貼或報酬。
The Directors may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or superannuation funds or death or disability benefits for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to, any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company or who are or were at any time Directors or officers of the Company or any such other company as aforesaid and holding or who have held any salaried employment or office in the Company or such other company and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons.
年金 合約 而言,是指死亡發生時為終止義務的償付要件及設算利息,在課稅時被視為一般所得。
For purposes of an annuity contract, the [...]
imputed interest and the element of the payment that represents compensation for
the termination of the obligation at death are taxed as ordinary income.
核心問題在於:「太多金錢追逐太少實質利潤」,而以往數 年 , 金 錢 的創 造看來「比太多還太多」。
The crux of the problem is, as said, “too much money chasing too few profitable opportunities”.
(23) 委任代理人,專業人士及授權人代本公司作出以上全部或任何事務,或為本 (24) 發放退金,年金予任 何本公司的僱員或高級職員(包括董事)或前任僱員 或前任高級職員(包括前人董事),或其親屬,有關係者或受養人,及繳付或分 擔有該目的的保險計劃,及成立或支持任何對該人等有利或可推進本公司或其股 東的利益的協會,機構,會所,資金及基金,及成立或支持任何為受託人為本公 司僱員購買本公司已繳付股份的計劃,包括任何於本公司授薪董事,及借錢予公 司僱員使他們可以購買本公司的已繳付股份,擬定及使生效任何與僱員分享本公 司利潤的計劃。
(24) To grant pensions or gratuities to any employees or officers (including Directors) or ex-employees or ex-officers (including ex-Directors) of the Company or the relations, connections or dependants of any such persons, and to pay or contribute to insurance schemes having such objects, and to establish or support associations, institutions, clubs, funds and trusts which may be considered likely to benefit any such persons or otherwise advance the interests of the Company or of its members, and to establish or contribute to any scheme for the purchase by trustees of fully paid shares in the Company to be held for the benefit of employees of the Company, including any Director holding a salaried employment or office in the Company, and to lend money to the Company’s employees to enable them to purchase fully paid shares in the Company, and to formulate and carry into effect any scheme for sharing the profits of the Company with its employees or any of them.
儘管細則第 96、97、98 及 99 條有任何規定,根據本細則第 90 條委任之執行董事可須收取 董事會可能不時釐定之酬金(無論以薪金、傭金、溢利分佔或其他方式或同時以上述全部 或任何形式作出)及有關其他利益(包括退 金 及 / 或 年金 及 / 或其他退休福利)及補貼, 而不論上述各項是否額外於或用作代替其董事酬金。
Notwithstanding Bye-laws 96, 97, 98 and 99, an executive Director appointed to an office under Bye-law 90 hereof shall receive such remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise or by all or any of those modes) and such other benefits (including pension and/or gratuity and/or other benefits on retirement) and allowances as the Board may from time to time determine, and either in addition to or in lieu of his remuneration as a Director.
儘管有章程細則第 100、101 及 102 條的規定,獲委任擔任本公司任何其他管理職 務的董事總經理、聯席董事總經理、副董事總經理或執行董事或董事的酬金可由 董事會不時釐定,並可按董事會不時決定以薪金、佣金、分紅或其他方式或以上 所有方式或其中任何方式及連同其他利益(包括退 金 及 ╱ 或 年金 及 ╱ 或其他退 休福利)和津貼一併支付。
Notwithstanding Articles 100, 101 and 102, the remuneration of a Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director or an Executive Director or a Director appointed to any other office in the management of the Company may from time to time be fixed by the Board and may be by way of salary, commission, or participation in profits or otherwise or by all or any of those modes and with such other benefits (including pension and/or gratuity and/or other benefits on retirement) and allowances as the Board may from time to time decide.
該計劃入圍了西澳礦產和石油部二零一 年 「 金 壁 虎 卓越環保獎 (Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence)」的決賽。
The “Leave No Trace” programme, whose goal is to educate and promote awareness among the Group’s mine workforce on responsible and safe recreational behaviour, was a finalist for the Department of Mines and Petroleum 2012 Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence.
展望將來,隨着公共工程開支由 2007-08 年度的 205 億元,上升至未來數年每年 超過 700 億元的水平,以及建造業失業率由 2009 年年初金融海 嘯後 12.8%的高 位,下降至上季的 4.7%,我們察覺到人手緊絀的情況,因此我們建議透過運用本 年度財政預算案建議的 [...]
2.2 億元撥款,加強培訓措施,以增加工人和監工/技術 員的培訓名額(分別由 3
000 個增至 6 000 個及由 600 個增至 1 000 個 ),並增加培 訓津貼及延長培訓期,從而進一步增加政府對建造業人力的投資。
Looking ahead, with the public works expenditure rising from $20.5 billion in 2007-08 to over $70
billion per year in the
[...] next few years and unemployment rate of the construction sector decreasing from the post-tsunami peak of 12.8% in early 2009 to 4.7% in the [...]
last quarter, we
recognize the tight manpower situation. Hence, we propose to further enhance Government’s investment in construction manpower through $220 million earmarked in this Budget by enhancing training package to increase the training quota for workers and supervisors/ technicians from 3 000 to 6 000 and 600 to 1 000 respectively as well as increasing the training allowance and duration.
本公司董事黃小峰先生、張輝先生、吳建國先生、趙春曉女士及李偉強 先生,亦為香港粤海的董事,彼等已就批准( 其中包括) 簽訂香港粤海 2012 租賃協議及就該等租賃協議項下 2012 年至 2015 年四個年度之年租金上限金額之 相關董事會決議案放棄投票。
Mr. Huang Xiaofeng, Mr. Zhang Hui, Mr. Wu Jianguo, Ms. Zhao Chunxiao and Mr. Li Wai Keung, Directors of the Company and also directors of GDH, have abstained from voting on the Directors’ resolutions approving, inter alia, the entering into the GDH
2012 Tenancy and the
[...] annual caps of the aggregate annual rental amounts of the Tenancy Agreements for the four years from 2012 [...]
to 2015.
本公司董事(包括獨立非執行董事)認為該等租賃協議乃在 Global Head
[...] 日常及一般業務過程中訂立,屬正常商業條款,及該等租賃協議之條款 (包括按該等租賃協議中之有關協議所約定,由 2012 年至 2015 年分別 採納之個別最高年租金上限金額)於其時之市況屬公平及合理,並符 合本公司及其股東之整體利益。
The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) are of the view that the Tenancy Agreements were entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of Global Head, on normal commercial terms and that the terms of the Tenancy Agreements (including the respective maximum aggregate
annual rental
[...] amounts for the years from 2012 to 2015 as agreed under the relevant contracts of the Tenancy Agreements) are fair and [...]
reasonable under the
then prevailing market conditions and are in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
保證發放年終酬金╱花紅 「保證發放年終酬金╱花 紅」指不論機構的整體盈虧,保證在年終發放給僱員的 款額。
Guaranteed year-end payment/bonus refers to guaranteed payment to an employee at the end of a year, regardless of the gain or loss of the enterprise.
問15 : 在判斷工資是否已符合最低工資的要求時 年終 酬金是否屬於工資?
Q 15 : In determining whether wages meet the minimum wage requirement, is end of year payment regarded as wages?
由於各項非豁免持續關連交易之所有上限金額均超過 1,000,000 港元,而按上市規則第 14.07 條就各項非豁免持續關連交易之年 上 限 金 額 計 算之相關適用百分比率高於 0.1% 但低於 5%,故根據上市規則第 14A 章,各項非豁免持續關連交易僅須遵守申報、年度 審核及公告規定,而獲豁免遵守獨立股東批准之規定。
Since all of the Cap Amounts for each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions exceed HK$1,000,000 but the relevant applicable percentage ratios calculated under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the Annual Cap Amounts under each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions are greater than 0.1% but less than 5%, each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions is only subject to the reporting, annual review and announcement requirements but is exempted from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
年度之佣金、用 戶維繫費用、客戶服務成本及帳務處理成 本係依據預估之用戶數變動比例調整,其餘成本及費用項目係依據 九十四年度實際之成本及費用項目佔營業收入比率估計。
The estimates of remaining costs and expenses were based on the proportion of the actual costs and expenses to operating revenues in the 2005 financial statements.
2.股利政策 為考量本公司之資金需求及未來長期財務規劃,並滿足股東對 金 流 入 之需 求年度決算如有盈餘,年發放之 現 金 股 利 不得低於 年 度 發 放之 金 股 利及 股票股利合計數之百分之十。
In consideration of the Company’s
long-term financial
[...] planning, demand for capital and intention to satisfy the stockholders’ cash flow, when after-tax earnings occurs, the distribution for annual cash dividends shall be greater than 10% of the current year’s total cash and stock dividends [...]
本第七份補篇構成 2009 年 7 月 29 日的金說明章程(經 2009 年 11 月 2 日的補篇、2010 年 5 月 20 日的第二份補篇、2010 年 6 月 3 日的第三份補篇、2010 年 10 月 20 日的第四份 補篇、2010 年 11 月 12 日的第五份補篇及 2011 年 5 月 27 日的第六份補篇修訂)(「說明章 程」)的一部份,並應連同該說明章程一併參閱。
This Seventh Addendum should be read in conjunction with and forms part of the Explanatory Memorandum dated 29 July 2009, as amended by an addendum dated 2 November 2009, a second addendum dated 20 May 2010, a third addendum dated 3 June 2010, a fourth addendum dated 20 October 2010, a fifth addendum dated 12 November 2010 and sixth addendum dated 27 May 2011 (the “Explanatory Memorandum”).
在未來五年的期間,港燈將設立一貸款 金 , 每 年 提 供港幣一千二百五 十萬元(於任何時間總計爲不超過港幣六千二百五十萬元),爲港燈的 非政府客戶提供貸款,以落實在能源審核計劃下的能源審核中所界定的 節約能源行動。
A loan fund of HK$12.5M per annum over a five-year period (amounting to no more than HK$62.5M total at any time) shall be established by HEC to provide loans to non-Government customers of HEC to implement energy-saving initiatives identified in the energy audits under the Energy Audit Programme.
(b) 掉期外幣的借入資本利息扣除,而有關利息是 按掉期匯率和掉期利率計算,但關於每項掉期 外幣貸款所扣除的數額,不得超過相等於該項 未償清掉期外幣貸款金以年利率 8%計算的數 額
(b) deduction of interest on Borrowed Capital swapped into another currency calculated at the swap exchange rate and swap interest rate, provided that the amount so deducted in respect of each swapped loan shall not exceed an amount corresponding to interest calculated at 8% per annum on the swapped loan principal outstanding from time to time
恒生指數每季檢討一次;而恒生中國企業指數、恒生神州 50 指數、恒生 AH
[...] 指數系列、恒生中國 H 股金融行業指數、恒生綜合指數系列、恒生流通指數系列及恒生房地產 金 指 數 則每 年 檢 討一 次。
The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, Hang Seng China 50 Index and Indexes in the Hang Seng China AH Index Series, Hang Seng China H-Financials Index, Hang
Seng Composite Index Series, Hang Seng Freefloat Index Series and Hang
[...] Seng REIT Index are reviewed on a semi-annual basis.




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