

单词 年期

External sources (not reviewed)

除非 政府與港燈另有協定,否則該發展計劃應涵蓋 當年度之後最少連續五年或本協議餘下年 期,以較短者爲準。
Unless otherwise agreed between the Government and HEC, the Development Plan shall
cover, after the then
[...] current Year, a period of at least five successive Years or for the remaining term of this Agreement, [...]
whichever is shorter.
因此,我們 沒有有關承辦商外判員工服年期的 資 料,有關員工是承辦商的僱員,並由 [...]
Therefore, we do not have
[...] information on the years of service of [...]
outsourced workers who are employees of the contractors
and are at the disposal of the latter.
(c) 協 定 專營權延長年期未 必容易,因 為 這 涉 及不同的行車量 [...]
及 財 政 預 測,以 及 需要協 調 專營商、隧道使用者及政府的不 同 利益。
(c) It may not be easy to
[...] agree on the duration of the franchise [...]
extension, as this involves different traffic and financial
projections, and also the need to reconcile the different interests of the franchisees, the tunnel users and the Government.
鑑於上述原 因,以及中介公司僱員是由中介公司聘用和調配,我們並無中介公司僱員的聘 年期資 料
Therefore, we do not have information on the years of service of agency workers who are employees of the EAs and are at the disposal of the latter.
這些規管機 制的檢年期由三至五年不等。
Regulatory review periods of such regimes [...]
range from three to five years.
6.7 被判給人必須指出設備之可使年期 , 並保證所有相關設備在維修保養期 間均仍在其使年期內。
6.7 The contractor must clearly state all of its
equipment life cycle,
[...] ensuring that all of its equipment is still within their life cycle during the entire warranty period.
這些契約被視為對未成 年人有約束力,直至未成年人在未 年期 間 或 成年後一段合理期間內 捨棄契約為止。
These contracts are recognised as binding on a minor until repudiated by him either during minority or within a reasonable time of attaining majority.
[...] 在文件中表示,當局極有可能在新學制的預備階段以至推行的 年期 間,仍然需要擬設職位,以確保所有必需的預備工作均能如期完成, [...]
The Administration stated in its submission that it was highly likely that the
proposed posts would be required in the
[...] run-up to and during the first year of the implementation [...]
of the new academic structure
to ensure that all necessary preparation work was completed in time and that problems identified during the early stage of the implementation were resolved properly and without delay.
(d) 12 年期限屆 滿時,本公司以於報章上刊登廣告之方式發出通知,或根據上市 規則由本公司如本文所規定透過電子方式送達通知之方式發送電子通訊,表 [...]
示其有意出售該等股份,且自刊登廣告日期起計三個月期限已屆滿,並已知 會交易所本公司欲出售該等股份。
(d) upon expiry of the 12-year period, the Company has [...]
caused an advertisement to be published in the newspapers, or, subject
to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided, giving notice of its intention to sell such shares, and a period of three months has elapsed since such advertisement and the Exchange has been notified of such intention.
(1) 為投資或轉售目的而購置,以及買賣屬任 年期 之 土地及樓宇及其他物業及其 任何權益,以及興建、出售及買賣土地或樓宇或其他物業或其任何權益及以土 [...]
地或樓宇或其他物業或其任何權益為抵押而作出墊款,以及以出售、租賃、交 換或其他方式進行任何土地及樓宇物業(無論屬土地或非土地財產)之一般性 買賣及交易。
(1) To purchase for investment or resale,
and to traffic in land and house and other
[...] property of any tenure and any interest [...]
therein, and to create, sell, and deal
in, and to make advances upon the security of land or house, or other property, or any interest therein, and generally to deal in, traffic by way of sale, lease, exchange, or otherwise with land and house property whether real or personal.
1.4 本公司現有核數公司前合夥人于: (a)不再為該核數公司合夥人之日;或(b) 不
[...] 再於該核數公司享有任何財務利益之日(以日期較後者為准)起計 年期 間 內不 得出任審核委員會成員。
1.4 A former partner of the Company’s existing auditing firm should be prohibited from acting as a member of the
Company’s Audit Committee for a period of
[...] one year from the date of his ceasing (a) [...]
to be a partner of the firm; or (b) to
have any financial interest in the firm, whichever is later.
(A) 董事可在出任董事期間同時出任本公司之任何其他職位或受薪職務 (核數師除外),任年期及條 款由董事會釐定,並可獲支付董事會就此釐定之 [...]
額外酬金(不論以薪金、佣金、攤分溢利或其他方式支付),而該等額外酬金應 附加於任何其他細則所規定之任何酬金。
(A) A Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of
Auditor) in conjunction with his office of
[...] Director for such period and upon such terms [...]
as the Board may determine, and may
be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
(c) 政 府 自 2007年推行學券計劃後,經濟有需要的幼稚園學童家長,可在學券計劃「資格證 明書」的有年期內, 享用學券資助,並可在此有效期內(亦只限於有 期 內 ) 每 年 申請 幼稚園學費減免,以申領學券以外的資助。
(c) Since the introduction of PEVS in
2007, needy parents with children attending
[...] kindergartens can enjoy fee subsidy from PEVS during the validity period of the Certificate of Eligibility for PEVS.
手頭未完成合約的平年期反映 根據手頭未完成合約的所有餘下價值以加權平均數計算的預期收益入賬時間 表。
Average life of the outstanding order book reflects the budgeted timing of revenue booking based on weighted average of all remaining outstanding contract values in the outstanding order book.
(i) 在以下第(ii)分段所述之廣告刊登日(或,倘若廣告於不同日期 刊登,則以較早者為準)之前之十二年內,本公司以預付郵資 形式將支票、匯票或股息單郵寄到成員或有權承繼股份者於登
記冊上登記之地址,或其就此提供其他最近已知之地址,而該 支票、滙票或股息單並未予提現,本公司並沒有從該等成員或
[...] 人士收到有關該等股份之通訊,惟本公司於該十 年期 間 內 已 最少支付過三次股息(不論中期或末期股息),且有權就該等 [...]
(i) during the period of 12 years prior to the date of the publication of the advertisements referred to in sub-paragraph (ii) below (or, if published on different dates, the earlier thereof) no cheque, order or warrant in respect of such share sent by the Company through the post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member or to the person entitled by transmission to the share, at his address on the register or other last known address given by the member or person to which cheques, orders or warrants in respect of such share are to be sent has been cashed and the Company has received no communications in respect of such share
from such member or person, provided
[...] that during such period of 12 years the Company [...]
has paid at least three dividends (whether
interim or final) and no dividend in respect of such share has been claimed by the person entitled to it
在前文中,「有關期間」指本條細則(c)段所述的廣告刊登日期之前十年 期起計, 直至同段所指的到期日為止的期間。
For the purpose of the foregoing, the "relevant period"
means the period
[...] commencing twelve years before the date of publication of the advertisement referred to in paragraph (c) of this Article and ending at the expiry of the period referred [...]
to in that paragraph.
第一季度出現持續復甦,標普500指數上升5%,利 率保持相對穩定,而AA公司債券息差及波動性較二零零九年底水平有所下跌,第二季度有所逆轉,本年度上 半年末標普500指數下跌7.6%,年期國 庫 債券息率跌至3%以下,掉期利率跌至接近歷史低位,AA公司債券 息差小幅增加,而波動性增加至與二零零九年上半年末更一致的水平。
The continued recovery witnessed in the first quarter - the S&P 500 index increased five per cent, interest rates remained relatively steady and AA corporate spreads and volatility declined somewhat from year-end 2009 levels – was reversed in the second quarter – the S&P 500 index ended the first half of the year down 7.6 per cent, 10-year Treasury rates dropped below three per cent, swap rates declined to approximate historic lows, AA corporate spreads increased slightly and volatility increased to levels more consistent with the end of the first half of 2009.
(iii) 在十年期間屆滿後,本公司已於報章刊載廣告,通知其出售有關股份 的意向,並自刊登廣告日期起已經過三個月時間,且本公司已知會指定 [...]
(iii) upon expiry of the 12 year period, the Company has [...]
caused an advertisement to be published in the newspapers giving
notice of its intention to sell such shares and a period of 3 months has elapsed since the date of such advertisement and the Company has notified the Designated Stock Exchange of such intention.
其他條款有所規定,或本細則的任何其他條文有所 規定,於每屆股東週年大會上,當時三分之一的董
[...] 事(或倘人數並非三或三的倍數,則最接近但不少 於三分之一的數目)須輪值告退,惟每名董事(包 括委任為特年期的董 事)須至少每三年於股東週 年大會上輪值告退一次。
Notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on which any Director may be appointed or engaged, or any other provisions in these Articles, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors for the time being, or, if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest to, but not less than, one-third, shall retire from office by rotation such that each Director
(including those appointed
[...] for a specific term) will be subject to retirement by rotation at least [...]
once every three years at the annual general meetings.
倘於完成日其可變現價 值與賬面值有所不同,資產淨值付款可於完成 期 兩 年期 內 按 若干資產及負債的價 值作出調整。
The Net Asset Value Payment is subject to adjustment on the value of certain assets and liabilities,
if their realisable values are different from the carrying
[...] amounts at the date of completion, within a two years period.
(iii) 年期自2013年7月1日 至2013年12月31日,江蘇遠宇將江蘇遠宇(瑞聲新能源)物 [...]
業(包括建築面積為20,000平方米及地盤面積為2,230平方米)出租予瑞聲新能 源,租金總額為人民幣1,813,380元(相當於約2,176,056港元(即月租金為人民幣
(iii) for the period from 1 July 2013 to [...]
31 December 2013, Jiangsu Yuanyu will lease to AAC New Power the Jiangsu Yuanyu
(AAC New Power) Premises, comprising 20,000 sq.m. of construction area and 2,230 sq.m. of site area at an aggregate rent RMB1,813,380 (equivalent to approximately HK$2,176,056) (i.e. monthly rent of RMB302,230 (equivalent to approximately HK$362,676)).
1.3.4 各維修及保養的責任應在確定接收後隨即開始,所有交付品的維修及保年期應至確定接收後三年。
Warranty and maintenance obligations for all deliverables shall last until
[...] three (3) years after the acceptance date.
瑞 聲新能源租賃協議規定(其中包括 年期 自 2 0 1 2 年 7 月 1日至2013年6月30日,江蘇遠宇將 江蘇遠宇(瑞聲新能源)物業出租予瑞聲新能源,包括建築面積為15,894平方米及場地面 積為2,230平方米之物業,以年期自20 1 3 年 7 月 1日 至2013年12月31日,江蘇遠宇將江蘇 遠宇(瑞聲新能源)物業出租予瑞聲新能源,包括建築面積為20,000平方米及場地面積為 2,230平方米之物業。
It was provided under the AAC New Power Lease
[...] Agreement that, amongst others, for the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013, Jiangsu Yuanyu would lease to AAC New Power an area comprising 15,894 sq.m. of construction area and 2,230 sq.m. of site area and for the period from 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2013, [...]
an area comprising
20,000 sq.m. of construction area and 2,230 sq.m. of site area of the Jiangsu Yuanyu (AAC New Power) Premises.
在首相酌情批准同意年期不超 過二十一年的租賃或出租協議授出百慕達土地的 情況下,透過期限不超過二十一年的租賃或出租協議,於百慕達取得土地,作為因 [...]
公司業務「真正」所需的土地,以為高級職員及僱員提供住宿或康樂設施;於不再 需要為上述目的而取得土地時,終止或轉讓有關租賃或出租協議
12. to take land in Bermuda by way of lease or letting
[...] agreement for a term not exceeding twenty-one years, being land [...]
“bonafide” required for the
purposes of the business of the company and with the consent of the Minister granted in his discretion to take land in Bermuda by way of lease or letting agreement for a similar period in order to provide accommodation or recreational facilities for its officers and employees and when no longer necessary for any of the above purposes to terminate or transfer the lease or letting agreement
倘若申請成功,在學券計劃的有效期內,以及其後的 年期 內 或 本幼稚園停辦後(以最早者 為準),本人須備存與本申請有關的一切資料及本承諾的副本,並與教統局人員或其他獲政 府正式授權的人士充分合作,隨時應該等人士的要求,盡快提供一切所需資料及文件,供查 閱、核實、影印或其他用途,用以管理及監察學券計劃的運作。
If this application is successful, I shall maintain all Information relating to this application and copy of this Undertaking, fully cooperate with the officers of EMB and other persons duly authorized by the Government and promptly provide all such information and documents which any one of them may from time to time request for inspection, verification, photocopying or otherwise for the purpose of administration and monitoring the operation of the PEVS (a) during the PEVS-Validity Period (as defined in the relevant terms and conditions referred to in paragraph 3(b) above) and (b) for a period of two (2) years thereafter or upon the closure of the Kindergarten (whichever is earlier).
連 同香港中華煤氣於二零一一年三月底首次在本港發行 期 五 年 之 人 民幣十億元票據, 香港中華煤氣至今已根據此計劃發行合共相當於港幣九十四億五千萬元之 期 票 據, 年期由五年至四十年。
Inclusive of its first renminbi-denominated notes in Hong Kong issued in late March 2011 with a
total amount of RMB1,000
[...] million for a term of five years, Hong Kong and China Gas has issued medium term notes with, up to now, an aggregate amount equivalent to HK$9,450 million under the Programme with tenors ranging from 5 to 40 years.
(A) 董事會可不時及隨時以經蓋印章之授權書委任任何公司、商號或人士 或任何身分不定的機構或人士(不論是否由董事會直接或間接提名)作為本公司 之代理人,代理人之委任目的、權力、授權及酌情權(以不超過董事會根據此等 細則所獲授或可行使之權力為限)、委 年期 及 委 任條件以董事會認為合適者為 準。
(A) The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
[...] 納就規劃批准、法定通告、地役權 年期 、 尤 其是佔用情況、工地平面圖及樓面平面圖、工地面積 [...]
We have accepted advice given to us on such
matters as planning approvals, statutory
[...] notices, easements, tenure, particular of [...]
occupancy, site plans and floor plans, site
areas and floor areas and all other relevant matters.
(b) 不論住戶在公屋居住年期長短 ,及不論所繳租金水平,住戶必須每兩年申報家庭入息及資產 [...]
(b) the household should,
[...] irrespective of the length of residence [...]
in public housing or the rent level, declare the income
and asset every 2 years to facilitate determination of the rent payable and assessment of its eligibility for continued occupancy of the PRH flat.
自中期票據計劃設立後,集團於新加坡國內債務資本市場發行四年、五年及 年期合 共 六億新加坡元之中期票據,票面息率為 3.65%至 4.00%,另亦發行年期合共 七億 美元之無評級公眾債券,票面息率為 4.75%,售予層面廣泛並以香港及亞洲其他地方 為主之定息債券投資者。
Since the establishment of the MTN Programme, the Group issued medium
term notes of four
[...] years, five years and seven years in the Singapore domestic debt capital market for a total amount of S$600 million at coupon rates ranging from 3.65% to 4.00% and also issued five-year unrated public [...]
bonds for a total
amount of US$700 million at a coupon rate of 4.75% which were sold to a wide spectrum of fixed-income investors that are mainly located in Hong Kong as well as in other parts of Asia.




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