

单词 年报

External sources (not reviewed)

RAC的初始列表来源于联合国国家干旱政策委员会3 ,于 2000 年 5 月发表报 告《准备应对 21 世纪的干旱》。
The initial list of
[...] RACs originated from the report of the United States [...]
National Drought Policy Commission3 , “Preparing
for Drought in the 21st Century”, published in May 2000.
第1/COP.9号决定和第13/COP.9号决定(分别为第8款和第5款)要求秘书处会同 GM与UNEP/GEF能力建设举措展开协作,以促进缔约方和报告实体 报 告 过 程,并为 2010年第四个报告周期准备报告工具。
Decisions 1/COP.9 and 13/COP.9, paragraphs 8 and 5, respectively, requested the secretariat, together with the GM and in collaboration with the UNEP/GEF capacity building initiative, to facilitate the
reporting process of Parties and reporting entities
[...] and to prepare reporting tools for the fourth reporting cycle in 2010.
主席稱自上屆股東年大會 以來,公司並無根 據一般性授權發行任何額外股份。
He advised that the Company had not issued any additional shares under the general mandate since the last Annual General Meeting.
就資歷組別 9 而言,
[...] 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的薪俸結構不同(即私 營機構的學位職位一般在年後會 有較大幅度的加薪),基於這 [...]
個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍的骨幹,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。
For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the
private sector generally enjoy a larger jump
[...] after a few years) and the importance [...]
to maintain the competitiveness of jobs
in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc.
塔 吉克斯坦报告说 ,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, [...]
该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing [...]
to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in
mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
[...] (物理、化學、生物/生命科學、地球科學)或是整合的科學課程,這些課程會在一年內包含四個科學學科的課程標準。
High schools may offer specific courses (physics, chemistry, biology/life science,
earth science) or integrated science courses that include standards from the four science
[...] disciplines within a given year.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第
[...] 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 [...]
总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出
319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly
resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has
[...] included in his report a projection of [...]
the total budget for special political missions
for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c) 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測
到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則不容許輸入和售賣含有這 類除害劑的食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請; f)
[...] 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides
for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed
[...] Regulation after a two-year grace period.
品質控制監工的資格和經驗的最低要求,應 與《2009 年地盤 監督作業守則》所訂明的註冊結構工程師工 作班子下 T3 職級適任技術人員的資格和經驗的最低要求相 同。
The minimum qualifications and experience of the quality control supervisor are to be the same as grade T3 technically competent person (TCP) under the RSE’s stream, as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a)
[...] 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断 报 告 和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 [...]
标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level
capacity to ensure national ability to
[...] monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest [...]
and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard
setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
冈比亚报告称 ,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 [...]
Gambia also reported that it continues [...]
in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas
and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
[...] 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和 报 标 准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term
Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as
[...] monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
如果建議新的第二份技術備忘錄可在二零 一年底前生效,則自二零一年一 月一日起的每一排 年 度 的 排放限額可於二零一年一月 一日起生效,以符合條例第 26G(4)條的規定,即:除首份技術備忘錄外,根 據技術備忘錄就某排年度所 分配的排放限額,在該技術備忘錄生效後不少於 4 年後 具有效力。
If the proposed new Second TM commences to have effect before the end of 2010, the new emission
allowances in relation to the emission years from 1 January 2015 would
[...] take effect starting from 1 January 2015, having regard to the statutory requirement in section 26G(4) of the APCO that an allocation of emission allowances made by the TM in relation to an emission year (other than an allocation made under the First TM) could only take effect at least four years after the commencement of the TM making the allocation.
不管本協議在那日開始生效,如果在本協議簽訂之日之後條例被廢除或 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日發出的立法會環境事務小 組編號 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建議”)中建議修改條例以設置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新 或更改(對初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建議而作的更改除外),從而 對此機制或港燈的排放表現或遵守所有污染物的總許可排放量的情况造 成重大影響,則此機制不適用於 該適年度及之後各適年度,直至港 燈與政府達成協議,對本附表作必要的修改以令機制繼續生效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1)
418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007
[...] (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the amount of the Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent Applicable Years until HEC and the Government have reached agreement as to the amendments to this Schedule that are required to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
委任代表在股東大會上投票之代表委任文書應﹕(i)被視為賦予委任代表權 力,可就進行決議之大會所提呈之任何決議案(或其修訂)要求或加入要求以按 股數投票方式表決及由其酌情表決,惟任何向股東發出以供其用以委任代表出席 處理事務之股東特別大會或股東年 大 會 及於會上投票之表格,必須致使股東可 按照其意願指示代表就處理任何事務之各項決議案投贊成或反對票(或倘無作出 該等指示,則由代表行使酌情權投票);及(ii)除非委任文書另有相反規定,否則 委任文書在有關會議之任何續會上應具效力。
The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall: (i) be deemed to confer authority upon the proxy to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any resolution (or amendment thereto) put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit Provided that any form issued to a member for use by him for appointing a proxy to attend and vote at an extraordinary general meeting or at an annual general meeting at which any business is to be transacted shall be such as to enable the member, according to his intention, to instruct the proxy to vote in favour of or against (or, in default of instructions, to exercise his discretion in respect of) each resolution dealing with any business; and (ii) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates.
4.15 為了讓私營和政府化驗所有足夠時間研發測試方法,以測試新附
[...] 屬法例載列的除害劑,以及讓業界有充分時間為遵守新的法例規定作準 備,我們建議給予業界年寬限 期,才實施這項新的附屬法例。
4.15 To allow sufficient time for laboratories (both private and government) to develop testing methods for pesticides as listed in the new subsidiary legislation and the trade in complying with the
new regulatory requirement, it is proposed
[...] to grant a two-year grace period [...]
for this new piece of subsidiary legislation.
由於各項非豁免持續關連交易之所有上限金額均超過 1,000,000 港元,而按上市規則第 14.07 條就各項非豁免持續關連交易之年 上 限 金額計算之相關適用百分比率高於 0.1% 但低於 5%,故根據上市規則第 14A 章,各項非豁免持續關連交易僅須遵守申報 年度 審核及公告規定,而獲豁免遵守獨立股東批准之規定。
Since all of the Cap Amounts for each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions exceed HK$1,000,000 but the relevant applicable percentage ratios calculated under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the Annual Cap Amounts under each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions are greater than 0.1% but less than 5%, each of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions is only subject to the reporting, annual review and announcement requirements but is exempted from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
儘管 該等交易乃根據上市規則第 14A.25 及 14A.26 條予以合併計算適用百分比率(定義見上市 規則第 14.07 條),董事會預期,常州中科來方購買協議、成都茵地樂購買協議及現有購 買協議項下擬進行之交易年度上限的適用百分比率(定義見上市規則第 14.07 條)合共 將超過 0.1%但低於 5%,以及常州中科來方購買協議及成都茵地樂購買協議須遵守上市 規則第 14A.45 至 14A.47 條的申報及公佈規定,以及上市規則第 14A.37 至 14A.40 條年度審 閱規定,惟可豁免遵守上市規則第 14A 章的獨立股東批准規定。
When such transactions are aggregated for the purpose of deriving at the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules pursuant to Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, the Board anticipates that the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual caps for the transactions contemplated under the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement, Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement and Existing Purchase Agreements, in aggregate, will exceed 0.1% but will be less than 5% and the Changzhou ZKLF Purchase Agreement and Chengdu Yindile Purchase Agreement are subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47, annual review requirements set out in Rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 but exempt from the Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
(5) 在先前批准的發展計劃屆滿之前,倘新的發展 計劃未獲批准,又倘港燈認為有需要時,則在 與政府商議後,可於先前批准的發展計劃屆滿 後把基本電費率作臨時性調整,但不能高於先 前批准的發展計劃內最後年度批 准基本電費 率調高 5%後的數額。
If a new Development Plan is not approved before the expiry of the period covered by the previous approved Development Plan, then after consultation with the Government, the Basic Tariff Rate to be charged following the expiry of the previous approved Development Plan may be adjusted if considered necessary by HEC on an interim basis provided that it shall not exceed the projected Basic Tariff Rate approved for the last Year of the previous approved Development Plan plus an increase of 5 percent.
(3) 根據香港特別行政區荃灣葵青地政處於 2007 年 3 月 21 日簽發的不反對通知書(註冊摘要號碼﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01 號單位可於現有大廈存在期間用於非住宅用途(酒店、加油站及安老院除外)。
(3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground Floor of Tower A may be used for non-residential purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station and residential care home) for the lifetime of the existing building.
(c) 在本公司於聯交所網站登載的方式,或遵照
[...] 上市規則按本細則所規定以電子方式本公司 送達通知的電子通訊方式或於報章刊登廣告 方式發出至少 14 日通告後,可於董事會不時 釐定的時間及期間内暫停辦理股份過戶登記 手續,並可暫停辦理全部或任何類別股份的 過戶登記手續,惟暫停辦理股份過戶登記手 續的期間於任年度均不可超過 30 日(或由 普通決議案議決的較長期間,惟於任 年度 內有關期間不可延長至超過 60 日)。
(c) The register may, on the Company giving at least 14 days’ notice published on the Exchange’s website, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided or by advertisement published in the newspapers, be closed at such times and for such periods as the Board may from time to time determine, either generally or in respect of any class of shares, provided that the register shall not be
closed for more than 30
[...] days in any year (or such longer period as the members may by ordinary resolution determine provided that such period shall not be extended beyond 60 days in any year).




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