

单词 年假

See also:


fake adj
false adj
artificial adj

External sources (not reviewed)

不過,議案並無提及未年假及未放 法定假日的日數限制。
There was no mention in the motion about the restrictions on the number of days for untaken
[...] annual leave and statutory holidays.
同樣地,條例草案亦就建議的未年假 薪酬 及未放法定假日薪酬按照規定訂立合適的期限條文。
Similarly, appropriate provisions on time limit are made as required for the proposed pay for untaken annual leave and pay for untaken statutory holidays under the Bill.
[...] 10,500元的款額上限,便應取消所有未 年假 薪 酬及未放法定假日 薪酬的期限。
Some other members consider that as a payment ceiling of $10,500 has already been laid down in the Bill,
all limits on the period in respect of pay for untaken annual leave and for
[...] untaken statutory holidays should be removed.
(i) 除 現
[...] 金薪酬外,副局長和局長助理亦可享 有 每 年 22 天年假 (最 多 可 累 積 22 天 )、 與公務員 相 同的醫療及 [...]
牙科福利 ,以及政府的強積金 供 款 。
(i) In addition to cash remuneration, the Deputy Directors of Bureau and Assistants to Directors of
Bureau should also be eligible
[...] for annual leave of 22 days per annum (subject to a maximum [...]
accumulation limit of 22 days),
medical and dental benefits on the same basis as those provided to civil servants, and MPF contribution by the Government.
[...] 16(2)(g)(iv)條及第16(2)(h)(iii)條僱員就未 年假 薪 酬 遞交要求付 款的申請的限期作出澄清。
Members have sought clarification on the time limit for an employee to submit an
application for payment in respect of pay
[...] for untaken statutory holidays and untaken annual [...]
leave in the proposed section 16(2)(g)(iv)
and 16(2)(h)(iii) of PWIO respectively.
基於上述的理解,政府當局將會提出委 員會審議階段修正案(下稱"修正案"),把僱員根據《僱傭條例》終 止僱傭合約時可享有的未放年假薪酬的特惠款項的支付金額,由不 超逾在最後一假期年有權享有的全 年假 薪 酬,擴大至包括不超 逾在最後兩假期年累積 的未放年假薪酬。
On the basis of the above understanding, the Administration will introduce Committee Stage amendments ("CSAs") to extend the ex gratia payment for pay for untaken annual leave payable to an employee upon termination of employment contract
under EO from not exceeding the
[...] employee's full statutory entitlement for the last leave year to the untaken annual leave earned in the last two leave years.
陳偉業議員: 主席,近日有不少中小學學生家長向本人反映,指他們的 子女由於要準備應付定於緊接聖誕及 年假 期 之 後舉行的中期考試,以致不 能歡度假期,亦不能在假期內隨家人出外旅遊。
MR ALBERT CHAN (in Cantonese): President, recently, quite a number of parents of primary and secondary school students have reflected to me that their children
could not enjoy the
[...] Christmas and New Year holidays, nor could they join their families in travelling abroad during the holidays, because [...]
they have to prepare
for the mid-term examinations scheduled to be held immediately after the holidays.
(d) 僱員年資多於一年而在最後一假期 年 服 務滿3個 月至不足12個月不等,並在僱傭合約終止前,未放 取任何在上一個完假期年累積的有 年假。
(d) the employee has more than a year's service, with at least three but less than 12 months' service in the last leave year, and has not taken any paid annual leave accumulated in the previous complete leave year before termination of his contract.
(二) 會不會勸諭學校避免把中期考試定於緊接聖誕及 年假 期 後舉 行;如果會,詳情是甚麼;如果不會,原因是甚麼?
(b) it will advise schools to avoid scheduling the mid-term
examinations to be held immediately after the
[...] Christmas and New Year holidays; if so, of the [...]
details; if not, the reasons for that?
除上文各段所討論的修正案外,政府當局亦提出修正案, 就訂定未放法定假日薪酬的4 個月期限的擬議第16(2)(g)(i)條、
[...] 以及就訂定未放法定假日薪酬和未 年假 薪 酬 提出申請的6個月期 限的擬議第16(2)(g)(iv)條和第16(2)(h)(iii)條作技術性修訂,使其條 [...]
文與《破產欠薪保障條例》現時就已涵蓋款項訂定期限的相關條文 更為一致。
Apart from the CSAs discussed in the above paragraphs, the Administration has proposed CSAs to make technical refinements to the proposed section 16(2)(g)(i)
which stipulates the four-month limit on
[...] untaken statutory holidays as well as the [...]
proposed section 16(2)(g)(iv) and 16(2)(h)(iii)
which stipulate a six-month limit on making applications in respect of pay for untaken statutory holidays and untaken annual leave for better alignment with the existing relevant provisions on payment items covered under PWIO.
政府當局提供有 關計年假薪酬 (根據條例草案及修訂建議獲基金全額支付)的實例 [...]
Examples provided by the Administration to illustrate the
[...] computation of annual leave pay in cases [...]
with full payment from PWIF both under the
Bill and the revised proposal are in Appendix III.
3.1 2012 年 3 月 26
[...] 日的會議上,我們向本事務委員會 提出,到了 2018 年,假設廢 物產生量維持不變以及都市固 體廢物回收率已經達到 [...]
55%;屆時即使推行生產者責任計 劃,加上現代化廢物處理設施又落成啟用,我們每日仍然有 約
8,500 公噸固體廢物(包括都巿固體廢物、建築廢物和其 他廢物)須要以堆填方式處理。
3.1 At the meeting of 26 March 2012, we advised this
[...] Panel that by 2018, assuming zero growth in waste [...]
generation and an MSW recovery rate
at 55%, there would still be about 8,500 tonnes of solid waste (comprising municipal solid waste (MSW), construction waste and other wastes) to be landfilled on a daily basis even after the implementation of producer responsibility schemes and the commissioning of the modern waste treatment facilities.
(a) 與年假定水 平比較,當年獨立賬戶表現錄得負 4%(扣除所有費用);及
(a) the separate account performance in the year of negative 4 per cent, net of all fees as it compared with the assumed level for the year; and
政 府當局贊同基金委員會的意見,認為不宜撤銷未 年假 薪 酬 及未放 法定假日薪酬的日數上限或期限。
The Administration agrees with the PWIF Board's view that the limits on the number of days or period in respect of pay for untaken annual leave and pay for untaken statutory holidays should not be abolished.
您有資格領取但尚未使用年假,包括任何適用的假期 補貼。
Annual leave you were eligible for but hadn’t taken, including any leave loading that applies.
僱主如無合理辯解而不讓僱員年假 , 或 不支 年假 薪 酬 給僱員,可被檢控, 一經定罪,最高可被罰款港幣五萬元。
An employer who without reasonable excuse fails to grant annual leave to an employee, or who fails to pay annual leave pay to an employee, is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a fine of HK$ 50,000.
政府當局解釋,關於建議的未年假 薪 酬 ,基金可墊支的 特惠款項須為《僱傭條例》第41D條所訂明的款項,而該款項根據 [...]
Regarding the
[...] proposed pay for untaken annual leave, the Administration [...]
has explained that the sum in respect of which an
ex gratia payment can be made from PWIF must be one prescribed by section 41D of EO, which stipulates that it is due upon termination of the employment contract.
職員就截至結算日前所提供的服務而享有但尚未過期的有 年假 , 會按個別職員的薪 酬福利條件記入帳目內。
Staff's unexpired entitlements to paid annual leave as a result of services rendered up to the balance sheet date are accrued in the accounts according to each individual staff member's remuneration package.
由於非工作時數的時間不會用於計算最低工 資,因此,就非工作時數而支付予僱員的款項(如:假日薪 酬年假薪酬 、疾病津貼、產假薪酬、休息日薪酬等),同樣 不算作原本須就工資期支付予僱員工資的一部分。
Since the calculation of minimum wage excludes the time that is not hours worked, payment made to the employee for any time that is not hours worked (e.g. holiday pay, annual leave pay, sickness allowance, maternity leave pay, rest day pay, etc) must not be counted as part of the wages payable to the employee.
政府當局解釋,根據最初建議在《破產欠薪保障條例》加 入的第16(2)(h)條,未年假薪酬涵蓋僱員根據《僱傭條例》第41D 條在僱傭合約終止時可獲取的未 年假 薪 酬 ,包括僱員受僱滿整年 而仍未放取年假薪酬 ;及僱員在其僱傭合約終止時,在 假 期年 內受僱滿3個月而不足12個月,可獲取的按比例計算 年假 薪 酬 (僱 員在僱傭合約終止時,即有權獲取的按比例計 年假 薪 酬 )。
The Administration has explained that according to the initially proposed section 16(2)(h) to be added to PWIO, pay for untaken annual leave covers the payment under
section 41D of EO for
[...] untaken annual leave to which an employee is entitled upon termination of his employment contract, including pay for any annual leave which has not yet been taken by an employee who has been employed for a full year; and pro rata annual leave pay for a leave year in which the employee has at least three but less than 12 months' service (an employee is entitled to that pro rata annual leave pay on termination of his employment [...]
不計權益對沖業績及相關遞延保單獲得成本攤銷業績的業績導致 Jackson
[...] 業務的相關財務表現及實際獨立賬戶回 報差額與年假設的 遞延保單獲得成本估計有別。
(i) The result excluding the equity hedge result after amortisation of deferred acquisition costs which varies both with the underlying financial performance of the Jackson business and with
the difference between the actual separate account return in the
[...] period and that assumed in the prior year [...]
DAC valuation.
(b) 假如你在 2013/14 學年(包括2013 年暑假期間 )將接受與課程畢業資格有關 的實習訓練,你應在獲悉實習訓練的詳情後才遞交申請,其中包括實習訓練時 間及從訓練所獲得的收入(如有的話),以便將這些資料在申請書上填報。
(b) If you will be undergoing graduation-tied training /
[...] placement / internship in the 2013/14 academic year (including the summer months of year 2013) [...]
which counts towards
the graduation of your course (thereafter known as “graduation-tied placement”), you should submit the application when there is confirmation of the details of the graduation-tied placement(s), including the period and the income receivable (if any) during the training period which will facilitate completion of the relevant part of the application form.
3.2.6 在 2013/14 學年(包括在 2013 年暑假期間),假若你 修讀深造(研究式)課程或其他課 程而又獲得研究生助學金,或因院校聘任/參與與課程畢業資格有關的實習訓練而 獲得收入,該筆款項將會計算為家庭收入一部份。
3.2.6 If you receive a studentship or income derived from appointment by institution or income received from graduation-tied placement(s) in 2013/14 academic year (including the summer months of 2013) which counts towards the graduation of the applicant’s course, the amount will be considered as part of your family’s income.
d 變年金費用假設轉 變的影響為保單持有人顧問費用預測水平轉變的資本化價值,因應變額年金基金的規模及組合而異。
d The effect
[...] of the change of assumption for VA fees represents [...]
the capitalised value of the change in the projected level
of policyholder advisory fees, which vary according to the size and mix of VA funds.
所 使用的非經假設乃基於2010年11月3 0日 假 設 而更新,以反映最近期的實際經驗。
Noneconomic assumptions used are based on those at 30 November 2010 [...]
updated to reflect the latest experience observed.
16.3.2 年滿 18 歲者,假定為 有能力對接受醫療作出有效的同意 (第 5.5.4 段)。
16.3.2 The presumption of ability to give valid consent to medical treatment should arise at 18 years of age.
4.5 假如你在 2013/14 學年(包括2013 年的暑假期間)或年應繳 學費所包括的學習期間, 將獲發研究生助學金(Studentship)或從院校聘任/與課程畢業資格有關的實習訓練獲得收 入或有關數額有改變,你需要立即以書面方式通知本處。
4.5 You are also required to notify the Agency in writing immediately once you are offered or there is any change to the studentship / income from graduation-tied placement(s) / appointment by institution for the 2013/14 academic year (including the summer months of year 2013) / during the study period covered by the tuition fees paid / payable.
1.5 鑒此,FAO 採取措施,於(i)2009 年 11 月 30 日至 12 月 3 日假義大利羅馬舉行專 家諮商會議,及(ii)2010 年 12 月 6 日至 12 日假義大利羅馬召開技術性諮商會議, 研擬並通過本「指導方針」。
1.5 Accordingly, FAO took steps to develop the Guidelines by coordinating (i) an Expert Consultation held in Rome, Italy, from 30 November to 3 December 2009 to prepare a draft of the Guidelines and (ii) a Technical Consultation held in Rome, Italy, from 6 to 10 December 2010 to finalize the International Guidelines on Bycatch Management and Reduction of Discards (these Guidelines).
(b) 先假設未來五年的回報利率由 15%削減至約 0%至 15%範圍的中間水平,以便與歷史回報相結合後,按均 值回歸法計算的年平均水平假設 水平 8.4%。
(b) the reduction
[...] in the previously assumed future rates of return for the upcoming five years from 15 per cent, to a level nearer the middle of the corridor (of 0 per cent and 15 per cent), so that in combination with the historical returns, the 8-year average in the mean reversion calculation was the 8.4 per cent assumption.
假如你在 2013/14 學年參與 海外交換生計 劃,而你所屬的院校不會收取你在參與海外交換生計劃期間的任何學費,本處在計算你在 「本計劃」所獲得的資助額時,會相應扣減與學費有關的資助。
The Agency will deduct the part of tuition fee in the financial assistance you are entitled under the TSFS if your institution will not charge you for any tuition fee during the period of your overseas exchange programme in 2013/14.




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