

单词 年中

External sources (not reviewed)

學校在推行高中數學校本課程時,不一定要將課時在 年中 平 均 分配,而 可因應各班的需要作靈活安排。
They may arrange the lesson time flexibly according to the needs of different classes.
(a) 介乎上水與馬鞍山之間單車徑網絡路段的建造工程預計在 2010 年年中展開,並 在 2012 年年中至 2013 年年初分階段完工。
(a) The construction works for the section of the cycle track network between Sheung Shui and Ma On Shan are expected to start in mid 2010 for completion in phases from mid 2012 to early 2013.
三. 網絡須具有高度的可用性;客戶的可用性最低必須達到 99.9% (每年 中斷時間少於 8.76 小時) 。
End user access to the service should be capable of achieving an availability rate of 99.9% (less
[...] than 8.76 hours of outage per year).
王博士續說:「利率週期可望於 2006年年中見頂 ,我們可望於年終見到零售業的銷售額增強。
He pointed out further that “the interest rate cycle will likely peak by mid-2006 and we should see a stronger showing in retail sales by the end of this year.
在二零零年中,中電提 交二 零零五年財政計劃,當中詳述由二零零五年一月至二零零八 年九月,年中電的 電力需求預測、發展計劃、預計支出以 及建議電費。
CLP submitted its 2005 Financial Plan covering the period from January 2005 to September 2008 in
mid-2004, which
[...] details, inter alia, CLP’s electricity demand forecasts, development plans, estimated expenditure and proposed tariff rates for each year up to September 2008.
雖然在二零零年中,有 一條由三峽到廣 東的輸電線路投產,但由於來自三峽的電力,須要與其他 同受電力供應短缺影響的省份及地區分享,所以只能有限 度為廣東供應電力。
While a new transmission line was commissioned in mid 2004 for importing power from the Three Gorges to Guangdong, limited support is available since power export from the Three Gorges is shared by other provinces/regions that have also suffered power shortage.
2010年中國迎 來了川氣東送、西氣東輸二線的進口天然氣,令城市燃氣事業有較充裕的氣源發展下 [...]
游用氣市場,亦為集團發展新項目提供了更廣闊的平台,中國城市燃氣行業的經營環境從2010年起 會出現影響深遠的良性發展。
In 2010, China will embrace the [...]
Sichuan-to-East gas transmission and imports of natural gas from the Second West-to-East
Gas Pipeline, which provides the city gas industry with sufficient natural gas sources to develop the downstream gas consumption markets, and create a more extensive platform for the Group in developing new markets.
2007 年,中電、 三菱商事株式會社與當地夥伴成立了 一家項目公司,在越南中部發展 Vung Ang 2 期燃煤發電項目(擁有兩台 各 660 兆瓦的機組)。
CLP, Mitsubishi Corporation and local partners established a project company in 2007 to develop the 2 x 660MW coal-fired Vung Ang 2 project located in Central Vietnam.
美國反洗錢、《銀行保密法》及外國資產控制辦 公室調查 此等業績包含了一項關乎美國反洗錢、《銀行保 密法》及外國資產控制辦公室調查的額外準備 8 億美元,相關的背景和風險因素已載於《 20 12 年中期業績報告》財務報表附註 25,以及該報告 由第 104 頁起的「首要及新浮現風險」一節。
Anti-money laundering, Bank Secrecy Act and Office of Foreign Assets Control investigations These results include an additional provision of US$800m in relation to US anti-money laundering, Bank Secrecy Act and Office of Foreign Asset Control investigations, the background and risk factors relating to which are set out in Note 25 on the Financial Statements and in the ‘Top and emerging risks’ section starting on page 104 of the Interim Report 2012.
此共同控制實體為本集團二零一 年中 期 溢 利貢獻 500,000 港 元。
This jointly controlled entity contributed HK$0.5 million to the Group’s 2011 interim profit.
二零一年中期股息為每股普通股 6.61 便士,將於二零一零年九月二十三日以英鎊支付予於二零一零年八月 [...]
二十日(星期五)(記錄日期)英國夏令時間下午六時正名列主冊及愛爾蘭海外分冊的股東,於二零一零年九 月二十四日以港元支付予於記錄日期香港時間下午四時三十分名列香港分冊的股東(「香港股東」),並於二
零一零年九月三十日或前後以新加坡元支付予於記錄日期新加坡時間下午五時正於 Central Depository (Pte.) Limited(「CDP」)持有其證券賬戶內股份的股東(「新加坡股東」)。
The 2010 interim dividend of 6.61 [...]
pence per ordinary share will be paid on 23 September 2010 in sterling to shareholders
on the principal and Irish branch registers at 6.00 p.m. BST on Friday, 20 August 2010 (the “Record Date”), on 24 September 2010 in Hong Kong dollars to shareholders on the Hong Kong branch register at 4.30 p.m. Hong Kong time on the Record Date (“HK Shareholders”), and on or about 30 September 2010 in Singapore dollars to shareholders with shares standing to the credit of their securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte.) Limited (“CDP”) at 5.00 p.m. Singapore time on the Record Date (“SG Shareholders”).
二零零年,中心公布 《營養標籤及營養聲稱檢測方法技術指引》,就挑選分析化驗所和測驗方法提供指引和 標準,並擬備常見問答。
In 2008, Method Guidance Notes on NL and Nutrition Claims was published to provide guidance on the selection of analytical laboratory, analytical methodology and related FAQs.
據初步估算,從 2001 年至 2005 年,中國將進口約 1.4 萬億美元的 設備、技術和産品。
[...] estimations indicate that China will need to import US$1.4 [...]
trillion of equipment, technology and products from 2001 to 2005.
二零零年,中心與 香港認可處合辦一系列研討會和技術性工 作坊,詳細介紹營養素測試的分析程序,並在食物環境衞生署食物研究化驗所進行即場 示範。
In 2009, a series of seminars and technical workshops were organised jointly with the Hong Kong Accreditation Service where detailed analytical procedures on nutrient testing were introduced, with on-site demonstrations provided at the Food Research Laboratory of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
Minimum wage in China has increased by [...]
a double digit rate since the middle of the year, while the Renminbi has recently
begun to strengthen against the US dollar.
在該五項工程中,工務計劃項目編號 4109CD“大 埔船灣雨水排放系統改善工程"及 4156CD“新界麒麟村、馬草壟、營 盤、石仔嶺和沙嶺雨水排放系統改善計劃"已獲財務委員會批准,按付 款當日價格計算,總核准項目預算為 4.744 億元,並且分別預定在 2012 年年中及 2010 年年底完工。
Among the five projects, PWP Items 4109CD “Drainage improvement works in Shuen Wan, Tai Po” and 4156CD “Drainage improvement in Ki Lun Tsuen, Ma Tso Lung, Ying Pun, Shek Tsai Leng and Sha Ling in New Territories” have been approved by the Finance Committee, with the total approved project estimate of $474.4 million in money-of-the-day prices, and are scheduled for completion by mid 2012 and late 2010 respectively.
本中期業績公佈載於香港交易及結算所有限公司(「港交所」)網站(www.hkex.com.hk) 及本公司網站(www.minmetalsresources.com)。本公司的二零零 年中 期 報 告將於適當時間寄 發予股東,並將於港交所及本公司的網站登載。
This interim results announcement is published on the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”) at www.hkex.com.hk and on the website of the Company at www.minmetalsresources.com. The Interim Report 2007 of the Company will be despatched to the shareholders and will be available on the websites of HKEx and the Company in due course.
相信以上措施在 2009年中將見成效,可望阻止金融市場及經濟持續惡化。
These initiatives should start to bear fruit by mid-2009, and prevent further deterioration in the financial markets and the broader economy.
對於並非真實冗 員或提早退休計畫補貼的ETPs,對不滿55周歲的人士適用 30%† 的低稅率,對年滿55周歲的人士適用15%† 的低稅率, 最高可適用於ETP上限或全部收入上限減去您在 年中 收到 的其他應繳稅付款(含工資),取較少者。
For ETPs that are not genuine redundancy or early retirement scheme payments the low tax rate of 30%† for those under 55 or 15%† for those over 55 applies up to the lesser of the ETP cap and the whole of income cap reduced by other taxable payments you receive during the year including salary and wages.
1999 年中國組 建了四家金融資産管理公司,專門收購和處置從國有銀行剝離出 來的 1.3 萬億不良資産。
Four asset management companies were established in 1999 to dispose of the RMB 1.3 trillion yuan of non-performing assets acquired from the wholly state-owned commercial banks.
董事會已議決就截至二○一一年六月三十日止六個月宣布不派發任何中期股息 (二○一年中 期股息:無)。
The Board has resolved not to declare any interim dividend for the six months ended June 30, 2011 (2010 interim dividend: Nil).
於中期結束後,董事已決議中期股息每股20.0港仙( 2 0 1 1 年中 期 股 息:20.0港仙)將會支 付予本公司股東。
Subsequent to the end of the interim period, the Directors have determined that an interim dividend of HK20.0 cents per share (2011 interim dividend: HK20.0 cents) will be paid to the shareholders of the Company.
如果你年齡未滿65歲,你在年中可 以做出$450,000供款, 但出於稅務目的,若未繳稅,你在另外 年中 不 可 以再做出 供款。
If you’re under age 65 you can contribute
[...] $450,000 in one year, but for tax purposes you won’t be able to make further contributions for another two years without paying tax.
(二零一零年八月二十六日,香港) 深圳控股有限公司(「深圳控股」或「本集 團」,股份代號:00604.HK)欣然宣佈集團截至二零一 年中 期 業 績。
(26 August 2010, Hong Kong) Shenzhen Investment Limited (“Shenzhen Investment” or the “Group”, stock code: 00604HK) is pleased to announce the interim results for the first half of 2010.
受到外圍經濟環境動盪和放緩的影響,預計 年中 國 出 口貿易不會有太大改善,加上要控制通脹,中央政府會繼續採取積極的財政政策和穩健的貨幣政策。
Also, the Chinese central government will continue to adopt a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy in order to curb inflation.
Under these agreements, CITIC Pacific Special Steel will be given priority when these companies require special steel products.
意美集團在擴展Subaru汽車區域的分銷所做的努力已開始奏效,其銷售額在過去 年中 已創下均以每年超過56%的速度增長。
Motorimage Group’s effort to expand Subaru
vehicle distribution regionally is starting to make an impact with sales increasing over
[...] 56% in each of the past two years.
煤炭以外, 易高在年來與中國石油化工股份有限公司合作開採一個位於吉林省之一個小油氣田 項目所積累之技術及經驗基礎上, 年年中 成 功收購了位於泰國之 L33 及 L44 兩個陸 上油田區塊項目 60%之開發權。
Besides coal investments, ECO has sought to leverage the technology and experience accumulated from a small oilfield project in Jilin province, jointly developed by ECO and China Petroleum & Chemical [...]
Corporation, by successfully acquiring, in mid-2012, a 60% effective stake in the development of onshore oilfield blocks L33 and L44 in Thailand.
本公司之二零一年中期報 告將於二零一二年九月三十日或之前寄發予本公司股 東及於上述網站刊載。
This results announcement is published on the Company’s website at www.sisinternational.com.hk and the website of the Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hk. The 2012 interim report of the Company will be dispatched to shareholders of the Company and published on the above-mentioned websites on or before 30 September 2012.
(i) 已申請/已獲得學費減免的學童,如在 年中 轉 校 或退學,並在終止學費減免後再在原校/ 新校入讀,而家長又希望繼續獲得學費減免,則須向新入讀的幼稚園/幼兒中心索取表格 C 「學生年中轉校/復課再次申請表」。
(i) In case any student-applicant who has applied for/is receiving fee remission drops out and later transfers to another school or resumes class in the same school with a break in fee remission provision during the school year, the parent should complete a Form C (Application Renewal Form for student-applicant who has changed school/resumed class within the same school year) obtainable from the new kindergarten/child care centre so as to continue to receive fee remission.




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